2020-12-29 14:15:03 -05:00

863 lines
35 KiB

import os, sys
import numpy as np
import imageio
import json
import random
import time
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter
from tqdm import tqdm, trange
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from run_nerf_helpers import *
from load_llff import load_llff_data
from load_deepvoxels import load_dv_data
from load_blender import load_blender_data
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
DEBUG = False
def batchify(fn, chunk):
"""Constructs a version of 'fn' that applies to smaller batches.
if chunk is None:
return fn
def ret(inputs):
return[fn(inputs[i:i+chunk]) for i in range(0, inputs.shape[0], chunk)], 0)
return ret
def run_network(inputs, viewdirs, fn, embed_fn, embeddirs_fn, netchunk=1024*64):
"""Prepares inputs and applies network 'fn'.
inputs_flat = torch.reshape(inputs, [-1, inputs.shape[-1]])
embedded = embed_fn(inputs_flat)
if viewdirs is not None:
input_dirs = viewdirs[:,None].expand(inputs.shape)
input_dirs_flat = torch.reshape(input_dirs, [-1, input_dirs.shape[-1]])
embedded_dirs = embeddirs_fn(input_dirs_flat)
embedded =[embedded, embedded_dirs], -1)
outputs_flat = batchify(fn, netchunk)(embedded)
outputs = torch.reshape(outputs_flat, list(inputs.shape[:-1]) + [outputs_flat.shape[-1]])
return outputs
def batchify_rays(rays_flat, chunk=1024*32, **kwargs):
"""Render rays in smaller minibatches to avoid OOM.
all_ret = {}
for i in range(0, rays_flat.shape[0], chunk):
ret = render_rays(rays_flat[i:i+chunk], **kwargs)
for k in ret:
if k not in all_ret:
all_ret[k] = []
all_ret = {k :[k], 0) for k in all_ret}
return all_ret
def render(H, W, focal, chunk=1024*32, rays=None, c2w=None, ndc=True,
near=0., far=1.,
use_viewdirs=False, c2w_staticcam=None,
"""Render rays
H: int. Height of image in pixels.
W: int. Width of image in pixels.
focal: float. Focal length of pinhole camera.
chunk: int. Maximum number of rays to process simultaneously. Used to
control maximum memory usage. Does not affect final results.
rays: array of shape [2, batch_size, 3]. Ray origin and direction for
each example in batch.
c2w: array of shape [3, 4]. Camera-to-world transformation matrix.
ndc: bool. If True, represent ray origin, direction in NDC coordinates.
near: float or array of shape [batch_size]. Nearest distance for a ray.
far: float or array of shape [batch_size]. Farthest distance for a ray.
use_viewdirs: bool. If True, use viewing direction of a point in space in model.
c2w_staticcam: array of shape [3, 4]. If not None, use this transformation matrix for
camera while using other c2w argument for viewing directions.
rgb_map: [batch_size, 3]. Predicted RGB values for rays.
disp_map: [batch_size]. Disparity map. Inverse of depth.
acc_map: [batch_size]. Accumulated opacity (alpha) along a ray.
extras: dict with everything returned by render_rays().
if c2w is not None:
# special case to render full image
rays_o, rays_d = get_rays(H, W, focal, c2w)
# use provided ray batch
rays_o, rays_d = rays
if use_viewdirs:
# provide ray directions as input
viewdirs = rays_d
if c2w_staticcam is not None:
# special case to visualize effect of viewdirs
rays_o, rays_d = get_rays(H, W, focal, c2w_staticcam)
viewdirs = viewdirs / torch.norm(viewdirs, dim=-1, keepdim=True)
viewdirs = torch.reshape(viewdirs, [-1,3]).float()
sh = rays_d.shape # [..., 3]
if ndc:
# for forward facing scenes
rays_o, rays_d = ndc_rays(H, W, focal, 1., rays_o, rays_d)
# Create ray batch
rays_o = torch.reshape(rays_o, [-1,3]).float()
rays_d = torch.reshape(rays_d, [-1,3]).float()
near, far = near * torch.ones_like(rays_d[...,:1]), far * torch.ones_like(rays_d[...,:1])
rays =[rays_o, rays_d, near, far], -1)
if use_viewdirs:
rays =[rays, viewdirs], -1)
# Render and reshape
all_ret = batchify_rays(rays, chunk, **kwargs)
for k in all_ret:
k_sh = list(sh[:-1]) + list(all_ret[k].shape[1:])
all_ret[k] = torch.reshape(all_ret[k], k_sh)
k_extract = ['rgb_map', 'disp_map', 'acc_map']
ret_list = [all_ret[k] for k in k_extract]
ret_dict = {k : all_ret[k] for k in all_ret if k not in k_extract}
return ret_list + [ret_dict]
def render_path(render_poses, hwf, chunk, render_kwargs, gt_imgs=None, savedir=None, render_factor=0):
H, W, focal = hwf
if render_factor!=0:
# Render downsampled for speed
H = H//render_factor
W = W//render_factor
focal = focal/render_factor
rgbs = []
disps = []
t = time.time()
for i, c2w in enumerate(tqdm(render_poses)):
print(i, time.time() - t)
t = time.time()
rgb, disp, acc, _ = render(H, W, focal, chunk=chunk, c2w=c2w[:3,:4], **render_kwargs)
if i==0:
print(rgb.shape, disp.shape)
if gt_imgs is not None and render_factor==0:
p = -10. * np.log10(np.mean(np.square(rgb.cpu().numpy() - gt_imgs[i])))
if savedir is not None:
rgb8 = to8b(rgbs[-1])
filename = os.path.join(savedir, '{:03d}.png'.format(i))
imageio.imwrite(filename, rgb8)
rgbs = np.stack(rgbs, 0)
disps = np.stack(disps, 0)
return rgbs, disps
def create_nerf(args):
"""Instantiate NeRF's MLP model.
embed_fn, input_ch = get_embedder(args.multires, args.i_embed)
input_ch_views = 0
embeddirs_fn = None
if args.use_viewdirs:
embeddirs_fn, input_ch_views = get_embedder(args.multires_views, args.i_embed)
output_ch = 5 if args.N_importance > 0 else 4
skips = [4]
model = NeRF(D=args.netdepth, W=args.netwidth,
input_ch=input_ch, output_ch=output_ch, skips=skips,
input_ch_views=input_ch_views, use_viewdirs=args.use_viewdirs)
model = nn.DataParallel(model).to(device)
grad_vars = list(model.parameters())
model_fine = None
if args.N_importance > 0:
model_fine = NeRF(D=args.netdepth_fine, W=args.netwidth_fine,
input_ch=input_ch, output_ch=output_ch, skips=skips,
input_ch_views=input_ch_views, use_viewdirs=args.use_viewdirs)
model_fine = nn.DataParallel(model_fine).to(device)
grad_vars += list(model_fine.parameters())
network_query_fn = lambda inputs, viewdirs, network_fn : run_network(inputs, viewdirs, network_fn,
# Create optimizer
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(params=grad_vars, lr=args.lrate, betas=(0.9, 0.999))
start = 0
basedir = args.basedir
expname = args.expname
# Load checkpoints
if args.ft_path is not None and args.ft_path!='None':
ckpts = [args.ft_path]
ckpts = [os.path.join(basedir, expname, f) for f in sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join(basedir, expname))) if 'tar' in f]
print('Found ckpts', ckpts)
if len(ckpts) > 0 and not args.no_reload:
ckpt_path = ckpts[-1]
print('Reloading from', ckpt_path)
ckpt = torch.load(ckpt_path)
start = ckpt['global_step']
# Load model
if model_fine is not None:
render_kwargs_train = {
'network_query_fn' : network_query_fn,
'perturb' : args.perturb,
'N_importance' : args.N_importance,
'network_fine' : model_fine,
'N_samples' : args.N_samples,
'network_fn' : model,
'use_viewdirs' : args.use_viewdirs,
'white_bkgd' : args.white_bkgd,
'raw_noise_std' : args.raw_noise_std,
# NDC only good for LLFF-style forward facing data
if args.dataset_type != 'llff' or args.no_ndc:
print('Not ndc!')
render_kwargs_train['ndc'] = False
render_kwargs_train['lindisp'] = args.lindisp
render_kwargs_test = {k : render_kwargs_train[k] for k in render_kwargs_train}
render_kwargs_test['perturb'] = False
render_kwargs_test['raw_noise_std'] = 0.
return render_kwargs_train, render_kwargs_test, start, grad_vars, optimizer
def raw2outputs(raw, z_vals, rays_d, raw_noise_std=0, white_bkgd=False, pytest=False):
"""Transforms model's predictions to semantically meaningful values.
raw: [num_rays, num_samples along ray, 4]. Prediction from model.
z_vals: [num_rays, num_samples along ray]. Integration time.
rays_d: [num_rays, 3]. Direction of each ray.
rgb_map: [num_rays, 3]. Estimated RGB color of a ray.
disp_map: [num_rays]. Disparity map. Inverse of depth map.
acc_map: [num_rays]. Sum of weights along each ray.
weights: [num_rays, num_samples]. Weights assigned to each sampled color.
depth_map: [num_rays]. Estimated distance to object.
raw2alpha = lambda raw, dists, act_fn=F.relu: 1.-torch.exp(-act_fn(raw)*dists)
dists = z_vals[...,1:] - z_vals[...,:-1]
dists =[dists, torch.Tensor([1e10]).expand(dists[...,:1].shape)], -1) # [N_rays, N_samples]
dists = dists * torch.norm(rays_d[...,None,:], dim=-1)
rgb = torch.sigmoid(raw[...,:3]) # [N_rays, N_samples, 3]
noise = 0.
if raw_noise_std > 0.:
noise = torch.randn(raw[...,3].shape) * raw_noise_std
# Overwrite randomly sampled data if pytest
if pytest:
noise = np.random.rand(*list(raw[...,3].shape)) * raw_noise_std
noise = torch.Tensor(noise)
alpha = raw2alpha(raw[...,3] + noise, dists) # [N_rays, N_samples]
# weights = alpha * tf.math.cumprod(1.-alpha + 1e-10, -1, exclusive=True)
weights = alpha * torch.cumprod([torch.ones((alpha.shape[0], 1)), 1.-alpha + 1e-10], -1), -1)[:, :-1]
rgb_map = torch.sum(weights[...,None] * rgb, -2) # [N_rays, 3]
depth_map = torch.sum(weights * z_vals, -1)
disp_map = 1./torch.max(1e-10 * torch.ones_like(depth_map), depth_map / torch.sum(weights, -1))
acc_map = torch.sum(weights, -1)
if white_bkgd:
rgb_map = rgb_map + (1.-acc_map[...,None])
return rgb_map, disp_map, acc_map, weights, depth_map
def render_rays(ray_batch,
"""Volumetric rendering.
ray_batch: array of shape [batch_size, ...]. All information necessary
for sampling along a ray, including: ray origin, ray direction, min
dist, max dist, and unit-magnitude viewing direction.
network_fn: function. Model for predicting RGB and density at each point
in space.
network_query_fn: function used for passing queries to network_fn.
N_samples: int. Number of different times to sample along each ray.
retraw: bool. If True, include model's raw, unprocessed predictions.
lindisp: bool. If True, sample linearly in inverse depth rather than in depth.
perturb: float, 0 or 1. If non-zero, each ray is sampled at stratified
random points in time.
N_importance: int. Number of additional times to sample along each ray.
These samples are only passed to network_fine.
network_fine: "fine" network with same spec as network_fn.
white_bkgd: bool. If True, assume a white background.
raw_noise_std: ...
verbose: bool. If True, print more debugging info.
rgb_map: [num_rays, 3]. Estimated RGB color of a ray. Comes from fine model.
disp_map: [num_rays]. Disparity map. 1 / depth.
acc_map: [num_rays]. Accumulated opacity along each ray. Comes from fine model.
raw: [num_rays, num_samples, 4]. Raw predictions from model.
rgb0: See rgb_map. Output for coarse model.
disp0: See disp_map. Output for coarse model.
acc0: See acc_map. Output for coarse model.
z_std: [num_rays]. Standard deviation of distances along ray for each
N_rays = ray_batch.shape[0]
rays_o, rays_d = ray_batch[:,0:3], ray_batch[:,3:6] # [N_rays, 3] each
viewdirs = ray_batch[:,-3:] if ray_batch.shape[-1] > 8 else None
bounds = torch.reshape(ray_batch[...,6:8], [-1,1,2])
near, far = bounds[...,0], bounds[...,1] # [-1,1]
t_vals = torch.linspace(0., 1., steps=N_samples)
if not lindisp:
z_vals = near * (1.-t_vals) + far * (t_vals)
z_vals = 1./(1./near * (1.-t_vals) + 1./far * (t_vals))
z_vals = z_vals.expand([N_rays, N_samples])
if perturb > 0.:
# get intervals between samples
mids = .5 * (z_vals[...,1:] + z_vals[...,:-1])
upper =[mids, z_vals[...,-1:]], -1)
lower =[z_vals[...,:1], mids], -1)
# stratified samples in those intervals
t_rand = torch.rand(z_vals.shape)
# Pytest, overwrite u with numpy's fixed random numbers
if pytest:
t_rand = np.random.rand(*list(z_vals.shape))
t_rand = torch.Tensor(t_rand)
z_vals = lower + (upper - lower) * t_rand
pts = rays_o[...,None,:] + rays_d[...,None,:] * z_vals[...,:,None] # [N_rays, N_samples, 3]
# raw = run_network(pts)
raw = network_query_fn(pts, viewdirs, network_fn)
rgb_map, disp_map, acc_map, weights, depth_map = raw2outputs(raw, z_vals, rays_d, raw_noise_std, white_bkgd, pytest=pytest)
if N_importance > 0:
rgb_map_0, disp_map_0, acc_map_0 = rgb_map, disp_map, acc_map
z_vals_mid = .5 * (z_vals[...,1:] + z_vals[...,:-1])
z_samples = sample_pdf(z_vals_mid, weights[...,1:-1], N_importance, det=(perturb==0.), pytest=pytest)
z_samples = z_samples.detach()
z_vals, _ = torch.sort([z_vals, z_samples], -1), -1)
pts = rays_o[...,None,:] + rays_d[...,None,:] * z_vals[...,:,None] # [N_rays, N_samples + N_importance, 3]
run_fn = network_fn if network_fine is None else network_fine
# raw = run_network(pts, fn=run_fn)
raw = network_query_fn(pts, viewdirs, run_fn)
rgb_map, disp_map, acc_map, weights, depth_map = raw2outputs(raw, z_vals, rays_d, raw_noise_std, white_bkgd, pytest=pytest)
ret = {'rgb_map' : rgb_map, 'disp_map' : disp_map, 'acc_map' : acc_map}
if retraw:
ret['raw'] = raw
if N_importance > 0:
ret['rgb0'] = rgb_map_0
ret['disp0'] = disp_map_0
ret['acc0'] = acc_map_0
ret['z_std'] = torch.std(z_samples, dim=-1, unbiased=False) # [N_rays]
for k in ret:
if (torch.isnan(ret[k]).any() or torch.isinf(ret[k]).any()) and DEBUG:
print(f"! [Numerical Error] {k} contains nan or inf.")
return ret
def config_parser():
import configargparse
parser = configargparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--config', is_config_file=True,
help='config file path')
parser.add_argument("--expname", type=str,
help='experiment name')
parser.add_argument("--basedir", type=str, default='./logs/',
help='where to store ckpts and logs')
parser.add_argument("--datadir", type=str, default='./data/llff/fern',
help='input data directory')
# training options
parser.add_argument("--netdepth", type=int, default=8,
help='layers in network')
parser.add_argument("--netwidth", type=int, default=256,
help='channels per layer')
parser.add_argument("--netdepth_fine", type=int, default=8,
help='layers in fine network')
parser.add_argument("--netwidth_fine", type=int, default=256,
help='channels per layer in fine network')
parser.add_argument("--N_rand", type=int, default=32*32*4,
help='batch size (number of random rays per gradient step)')
parser.add_argument("--lrate", type=float, default=5e-4,
help='learning rate')
parser.add_argument("--lrate_decay", type=int, default=250,
help='exponential learning rate decay (in 1000 steps)')
parser.add_argument("--chunk", type=int, default=1024*32,
help='number of rays processed in parallel, decrease if running out of memory')
parser.add_argument("--netchunk_per_gpu", type=int, default=1024*64*4,
help='number of pts sent through network in parallel, decrease if running out of memory')
parser.add_argument("--no_batching", action='store_true',
help='only take random rays from 1 image at a time')
parser.add_argument("--no_reload", action='store_true',
help='do not reload weights from saved ckpt')
parser.add_argument("--ft_path", type=str, default=None,
help='specific weights npy file to reload for coarse network')
# rendering options
parser.add_argument("--N_samples", type=int, default=64,
help='number of coarse samples per ray')
parser.add_argument("--N_importance", type=int, default=0,
help='number of additional fine samples per ray')
parser.add_argument("--perturb", type=float, default=1.,
help='set to 0. for no jitter, 1. for jitter')
parser.add_argument("--use_viewdirs", action='store_true',
help='use full 5D input instead of 3D')
parser.add_argument("--i_embed", type=int, default=0,
help='set 0 for default positional encoding, -1 for none')
parser.add_argument("--multires", type=int, default=10,
help='log2 of max freq for positional encoding (3D location)')
parser.add_argument("--multires_views", type=int, default=4,
help='log2 of max freq for positional encoding (2D direction)')
parser.add_argument("--raw_noise_std", type=float, default=0.,
help='std dev of noise added to regularize sigma_a output, 1e0 recommended')
parser.add_argument("--render_only", action='store_true',
help='do not optimize, reload weights and render out render_poses path')
parser.add_argument("--render_test", action='store_true',
help='render the test set instead of render_poses path')
parser.add_argument("--render_factor", type=int, default=0,
help='downsampling factor to speed up rendering, set 4 or 8 for fast preview')
# training options
parser.add_argument("--precrop_iters", type=int, default=0,
help='number of steps to train on central crops')
parser.add_argument("--precrop_frac", type=float,
default=.5, help='fraction of img taken for central crops')
# dataset options
parser.add_argument("--dataset_type", type=str, default='llff',
help='options: llff / blender / deepvoxels')
parser.add_argument("--testskip", type=int, default=8,
help='will load 1/N images from test/val sets, useful for large datasets like deepvoxels')
## deepvoxels flags
parser.add_argument("--shape", type=str, default='greek',
help='options : armchair / cube / greek / vase')
## blender flags
parser.add_argument("--white_bkgd", action='store_true',
help='set to render synthetic data on a white bkgd (always use for dvoxels)')
parser.add_argument("--half_res", action='store_true',
help='load blender synthetic data at 400x400 instead of 800x800')
## llff flags
parser.add_argument("--factor", type=int, default=8,
help='downsample factor for LLFF images')
parser.add_argument("--no_ndc", action='store_true',
help='do not use normalized device coordinates (set for non-forward facing scenes)')
parser.add_argument("--lindisp", action='store_true',
help='sampling linearly in disparity rather than depth')
parser.add_argument("--spherify", action='store_true',
help='set for spherical 360 scenes')
parser.add_argument("--llffhold", type=int, default=8,
help='will take every 1/N images as LLFF test set, paper uses 8')
# logging/saving options
parser.add_argument("--i_print", type=int, default=100,
help='frequency of console printout and metric loggin')
parser.add_argument("--i_img", type=int, default=500,
help='frequency of tensorboard image logging')
parser.add_argument("--i_weights", type=int, default=10000,
help='frequency of weight ckpt saving')
parser.add_argument("--i_testset", type=int, default=50000,
help='frequency of testset saving')
parser.add_argument("--i_video", type=int, default=50000,
help='frequency of render_poses video saving')
return parser
def train():
parser = config_parser()
args = parser.parse_args()
# Multi-GPU
args.n_gpus = torch.cuda.device_count()
print(f"Using {args.n_gpus} GPU(s).")
# Load data
if args.dataset_type == 'llff':
images, poses, bds, render_poses, i_test = load_llff_data(args.datadir, args.factor,
recenter=True, bd_factor=.75,
hwf = poses[0,:3,-1]
poses = poses[:,:3,:4]
print('Loaded llff', images.shape, render_poses.shape, hwf, args.datadir)
if not isinstance(i_test, list):
i_test = [i_test]
if args.llffhold > 0:
print('Auto LLFF holdout,', args.llffhold)
i_test = np.arange(images.shape[0])[::args.llffhold]
i_val = i_test
i_train = np.array([i for i in np.arange(int(images.shape[0])) if
(i not in i_test and i not in i_val)])
if args.no_ndc:
near = np.ndarray.min(bds) * .9
far = np.ndarray.max(bds) * 1.
near = 0.
far = 1.
print('NEAR FAR', near, far)
elif args.dataset_type == 'blender':
images, poses, render_poses, hwf, i_split = load_blender_data(args.datadir, args.half_res, args.testskip)
print('Loaded blender', images.shape, render_poses.shape, hwf, args.datadir)
i_train, i_val, i_test = i_split
near = 2.
far = 6.
if args.white_bkgd:
images = images[...,:3]*images[...,-1:] + (1.-images[...,-1:])
images = images[...,:3]
elif args.dataset_type == 'deepvoxels':
images, poses, render_poses, hwf, i_split = load_dv_data(scene=args.shape,
print('Loaded deepvoxels', images.shape, render_poses.shape, hwf, args.datadir)
i_train, i_val, i_test = i_split
hemi_R = np.mean(np.linalg.norm(poses[:,:3,-1], axis=-1))
near = hemi_R-1.
far = hemi_R+1.
print('Unknown dataset type', args.dataset_type, 'exiting')
# Cast intrinsics to right types
H, W, focal = hwf
H, W = int(H), int(W)
hwf = [H, W, focal]
if args.render_test:
render_poses = np.array(poses[i_test])
# Create log dir and copy the config file
basedir = args.basedir
expname = args.expname
os.makedirs(os.path.join(basedir, expname), exist_ok=True)
f = os.path.join(basedir, expname, 'args.txt')
with open(f, 'w') as file:
for arg in sorted(vars(args)):
attr = getattr(args, arg)
file.write('{} = {}\n'.format(arg, attr))
if args.config is not None:
f = os.path.join(basedir, expname, 'config.txt')
with open(f, 'w') as file:
file.write(open(args.config, 'r').read())
# Create nerf model
render_kwargs_train, render_kwargs_test, start, grad_vars, optimizer = create_nerf(args)
global_step = start
bds_dict = {
'near' : near,
'far' : far,
# Move testing data to GPU
render_poses = torch.Tensor(render_poses).to(device)
# Short circuit if only rendering out from trained model
if args.render_only:
print('RENDER ONLY')
with torch.no_grad():
if args.render_test:
# render_test switches to test poses
images = images[i_test]
# Default is smoother render_poses path
images = None
testsavedir = os.path.join(basedir, expname, 'renderonly_{}_{:06d}'.format('test' if args.render_test else 'path', start))
os.makedirs(testsavedir, exist_ok=True)
print('test poses shape', render_poses.shape)
rgbs, _ = render_path(render_poses, hwf, args.chunk, render_kwargs_test, gt_imgs=images, savedir=testsavedir, render_factor=args.render_factor)
print('Done rendering', testsavedir)
imageio.mimwrite(os.path.join(testsavedir, 'video.mp4'), to8b(rgbs), fps=30, quality=8)
# Prepare raybatch tensor if batching random rays
N_rand = args.N_rand
use_batching = not args.no_batching
if use_batching:
# For random ray batching
print('get rays')
rays = np.stack([get_rays_np(H, W, focal, p) for p in poses[:,:3,:4]], 0) # [N, ro+rd, H, W, 3]
print('done, concats')
rays_rgb = np.concatenate([rays, images[:,None]], 1) # [N, ro+rd+rgb, H, W, 3]
rays_rgb = np.transpose(rays_rgb, [0,2,3,1,4]) # [N, H, W, ro+rd+rgb, 3]
rays_rgb = np.stack([rays_rgb[i] for i in i_train], 0) # train images only
rays_rgb = np.reshape(rays_rgb, [-1,3,3]) # [(N-1)*H*W, ro+rd+rgb, 3]
rays_rgb = rays_rgb.astype(np.float32)
print('shuffle rays')
i_batch = 0
# Move training data to GPU
images = torch.Tensor(images).to(device)
poses = torch.Tensor(poses).to(device)
if use_batching:
rays_rgb = torch.Tensor(rays_rgb).to(device)
N_iters = 200000 + 1
print('TRAIN views are', i_train)
print('TEST views are', i_test)
print('VAL views are', i_val)
# Summary writers
# writer = SummaryWriter(os.path.join(basedir, 'summaries', expname))
start = start + 1
for i in trange(start, N_iters):
time0 = time.time()
# Sample random ray batch
if use_batching:
# Random over all images
batch = rays_rgb[i_batch:i_batch+N_rand] # [B, 2+1, 3*?]
batch = torch.transpose(batch, 0, 1)
batch_rays, target_s = batch[:2], batch[2]
i_batch += N_rand
if i_batch >= rays_rgb.shape[0]:
print("Shuffle data after an epoch!")
rand_idx = torch.randperm(rays_rgb.shape[0])
rays_rgb = rays_rgb[rand_idx]
i_batch = 0
# Random from one image
img_i = np.random.choice(i_train)
target = images[img_i]
pose = poses[img_i, :3,:4]
if N_rand is not None:
rays_o, rays_d = get_rays(H, W, focal, torch.Tensor(pose)) # (H, W, 3), (H, W, 3)
if i < args.precrop_iters:
dH = int(H//2 * args.precrop_frac)
dW = int(W//2 * args.precrop_frac)
coords = torch.stack(
torch.linspace(H//2 - dH, H//2 + dH - 1, 2*dH),
torch.linspace(W//2 - dW, W//2 + dW - 1, 2*dW)
), -1)
if i == start:
print(f"[Config] Center cropping of size {2*dH} x {2*dW} is enabled until iter {args.precrop_iters}")
coords = torch.stack(torch.meshgrid(torch.linspace(0, H-1, H), torch.linspace(0, W-1, W)), -1) # (H, W, 2)
coords = torch.reshape(coords, [-1,2]) # (H * W, 2)
select_inds = np.random.choice(coords.shape[0], size=[N_rand], replace=False) # (N_rand,)
select_coords = coords[select_inds].long() # (N_rand, 2)
rays_o = rays_o[select_coords[:, 0], select_coords[:, 1]] # (N_rand, 3)
rays_d = rays_d[select_coords[:, 0], select_coords[:, 1]] # (N_rand, 3)
batch_rays = torch.stack([rays_o, rays_d], 0) # (2, N_rand, 3)
target_s = target[select_coords[:, 0], select_coords[:, 1]] # (N_rand, 3)
##### Core optimization loop #####
rgb, disp, acc, extras = render(H, W, focal, chunk=args.chunk, rays=batch_rays,
verbose=i < 10, retraw=True,
img_loss = img2mse(rgb, target_s)
trans = extras['raw'][...,-1]
loss = img_loss
psnr = mse2psnr(img_loss)
if 'rgb0' in extras:
img_loss0 = img2mse(extras['rgb0'], target_s)
loss = loss + img_loss0
psnr0 = mse2psnr(img_loss0)
### update learning rate ###
decay_rate = 0.1
decay_steps = args.lrate_decay * 1000
new_lrate = args.lrate * (decay_rate ** (global_step / decay_steps))
for param_group in optimizer.param_groups:
param_group['lr'] = new_lrate
dt = time.time()-time0
# print(f"Step: {global_step}, Loss: {loss}, Time: {dt}")
##### end #####
# Rest is logging
if i%args.i_weights==0:
path = os.path.join(basedir, expname, '{:06d}.tar'.format(i)){
'global_step': global_step,
'network_fn_state_dict': render_kwargs_train['network_fn'].state_dict(),
'network_fine_state_dict': render_kwargs_train['network_fine'].state_dict(),
'optimizer_state_dict': optimizer.state_dict(),
}, path)
print('Saved checkpoints at', path)
if i%args.i_video==0 and i > 0:
# Turn on testing mode
with torch.no_grad():
rgbs, disps = render_path(render_poses, hwf, args.chunk, render_kwargs_test)
print('Done, saving', rgbs.shape, disps.shape)
moviebase = os.path.join(basedir, expname, '{}_spiral_{:06d}_'.format(expname, i))
imageio.mimwrite(moviebase + 'rgb.mp4', to8b(rgbs), fps=30, quality=8)
imageio.mimwrite(moviebase + 'disp.mp4', to8b(disps / np.max(disps)), fps=30, quality=8)
# if args.use_viewdirs:
# render_kwargs_test['c2w_staticcam'] = render_poses[0][:3,:4]
# with torch.no_grad():
# rgbs_still, _ = render_path(render_poses, hwf, args.chunk, render_kwargs_test)
# render_kwargs_test['c2w_staticcam'] = None
# imageio.mimwrite(moviebase + 'rgb_still.mp4', to8b(rgbs_still), fps=30, quality=8)
if i%args.i_testset==0 and i > 0:
testsavedir = os.path.join(basedir, expname, 'testset_{:06d}'.format(i))
os.makedirs(testsavedir, exist_ok=True)
print('test poses shape', poses[i_test].shape)
with torch.no_grad():
render_path(torch.Tensor(poses[i_test]).to(device), hwf, args.chunk, render_kwargs_test, gt_imgs=images[i_test], savedir=testsavedir)
print('Saved test set')
if i%args.i_print==0:
tqdm.write(f"[TRAIN] Iter: {i} Loss: {loss.item()} PSNR: {psnr.item()}")
print(expname, i, psnr.numpy(), loss.numpy(), global_step.numpy())
print('iter time {:.05f}'.format(dt))
with tf.contrib.summary.record_summaries_every_n_global_steps(args.i_print):
tf.contrib.summary.scalar('loss', loss)
tf.contrib.summary.scalar('psnr', psnr)
tf.contrib.summary.histogram('tran', trans)
if args.N_importance > 0:
tf.contrib.summary.scalar('psnr0', psnr0)
if i%args.i_img==0:
# Log a rendered validation view to Tensorboard
target = images[img_i]
pose = poses[img_i, :3,:4]
with torch.no_grad():
rgb, disp, acc, extras = render(H, W, focal, chunk=args.chunk, c2w=pose,
psnr = mse2psnr(img2mse(rgb, target))
with tf.contrib.summary.record_summaries_every_n_global_steps(args.i_img):
tf.contrib.summary.image('rgb', to8b(rgb)[tf.newaxis])
tf.contrib.summary.image('disp', disp[tf.newaxis,...,tf.newaxis])
tf.contrib.summary.image('acc', acc[tf.newaxis,...,tf.newaxis])
tf.contrib.summary.scalar('psnr_holdout', psnr)
tf.contrib.summary.image('rgb_holdout', target[tf.newaxis])
if args.N_importance > 0:
with tf.contrib.summary.record_summaries_every_n_global_steps(args.i_img):
tf.contrib.summary.image('rgb0', to8b(extras['rgb0'])[tf.newaxis])
tf.contrib.summary.image('disp0', extras['disp0'][tf.newaxis,...,tf.newaxis])
tf.contrib.summary.image('z_std', extras['z_std'][tf.newaxis,...,tf.newaxis])
global_step += 1
if __name__=='__main__':