import torch from torchsearchsorted import searchsorted, numpy_searchsorted import time if __name__ == '__main__': # defining the number of tests ntests = 2 # defining the problem dimensions nrows_a = 50000 nrows_v = 50000 nsorted_values = 300 nvalues = 1000 # defines the variables. The first run will comprise allocation, the # further ones will not test_GPU = None test_CPU = None for ntest in range(ntests): print("\nLooking for %dx%d values in %dx%d entries" % (nrows_v, nvalues, nrows_a, nsorted_values)) side = 'right' # generate a matrix with sorted rows a = torch.randn(nrows_a, nsorted_values, device='cpu') a = torch.sort(a, dim=1)[0] # generate a matrix of values to searchsort v = torch.randn(nrows_v, nvalues, device='cpu') # a = torch.tensor([[0., 1.]]) # v = torch.tensor([[1.]]) t0 = time.time() test_NP = torch.tensor(numpy_searchsorted(a, v, side)) print('NUMPY: searchsorted in %0.3fms' % (1000*(time.time()-t0))) t0 = time.time() test_CPU = searchsorted(a, v, test_CPU, side) print('CPU: searchsorted in %0.3fms' % (1000*(time.time()-t0))) # compute the difference between both error_CPU = torch.norm(test_NP.double() - test_CPU.double()).numpy() if error_CPU: import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() print(' difference between CPU and NUMPY: %0.3f' % error_CPU) if not torch.cuda.is_available(): print('CUDA is not available on this machine, cannot go further.') continue else: # now do the CPU a ='cuda') v ='cuda') torch.cuda.synchronize() # launch searchsorted on those t0 = time.time() test_GPU = searchsorted(a, v, test_GPU, side) torch.cuda.synchronize() print('GPU: searchsorted in %0.3fms' % (1000*(time.time()-t0))) # compute the difference between both error_CUDA = torch.norm('cuda').double() - test_GPU.double()).cpu().numpy() print(' difference between GPU and NUMPY: %0.3f' % error_CUDA)