# Configuration file for the STM32 for VSCode extension # Arrays can be inputted in two ways. One is: [entry_1, entry_2, ..., entry_final] # or by adding an indented list below the variable name e.g.: # VARIABLE: # - entry_1 # - entry_2 # The project name target: # Can be C or C++ language: C optimization: Og # MCU settings targetMCU: cpu: fpu: floatAbi: ldscript: # linker script # Compiler definitions. The -D prefix for the compiler will be automatically added. cDefinitions: [] cxxDefinitions: [] asDefinitions: [] # Compiler definition files. you can add a single files or an array of files for different definitions. # The file is expected to have a definition each new line. # This allows to include for example a .definition file which can be ignored in git and can contain # This can be convenient for passing along secrets at compile time, or generating a file for per device setup. cDefinitionsFile: cxxDefinitionsFile: asDefinitionsFile: # Compiler flags cFlags: [] cxxFlags: [] assemblyFlags: - -specs=nosys.specs # libraries to be included. The -l prefix to the library will be automatically added. # Mind that non standard libraries should have a path to their respective directory. libraries: [] libraryDirectories: [] # Files or folders that will be excluded from compilation. # Glob patterns (https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Glob_(programming)) can be used. # Do mind that double stars are reserved in yaml # these should be escaped with a: \ or the name should be in double quotes e.g. "**.test.**" excludes: - "**/Examples/**" - "**/examples/**" - "**/Example/**" - "**/example/**" - "**_template.*" # Include directories (directories containing .h or .hpp files) # If a CubeMX makefile is present it will automatically include the include directories from that makefile. includeDirectories: - Inc/** - Core/Inc/** - Core/Lib/** # Files that should be included in the compilation. # If a CubeMX makefile is present it will automatically include the c and cpp/cxx files from that makefile. # Glob patterns (https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Glob_(programming)) can be used. # Do mind that double stars are reserved in yaml # these should be escaped with a: \ or the name should be in double quotes e.g. "HARDWARE_DRIVER*.c" sourceFiles: - Src/** - Core/Src/** - Core/Lib/** # When no makefile is present it will show a warning pop-up. # However when compilation without the CubeMX Makefile is desired, this can be turned of. suppressMakefileWarning: false