/** ****************************************************************************** * @file ft5336.c * @author MCD Application Team * @version V1.0.0 * @date 25-June-2015 * @brief This file provides a set of functions needed to manage the FT5336 * touch screen devices. ****************************************************************************** * @attention * * <h2><center>© COPYRIGHT(c) 2015 STMicroelectronics</center></h2> * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * ****************************************************************************** */ /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "ft5336.h" /** @addtogroup BSP * @{ */ /** @addtogroup Component * @{ */ /** @defgroup FT5336 * @{ */ /* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @defgroup FT5336_Private_Types_Definitions * @{ */ /* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @defgroup FT5336_Private_Defines * @{ */ /* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @defgroup FT5336_Private_Macros * @{ */ /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @defgroup FT5336_Private_Variables * @{ */ /* Touch screen driver structure initialization */ TS_DrvTypeDef ft5336_ts_drv = { ft5336_Init, ft5336_ReadID, ft5336_Reset, ft5336_TS_Start, ft5336_TS_DetectTouch, ft5336_TS_GetXY, ft5336_TS_EnableIT, ft5336_TS_ClearIT, ft5336_TS_ITStatus, ft5336_TS_DisableIT }; /* Global ft5336 handle */ static ft5336_handle_TypeDef ft5336_handle = { FT5336_I2C_NOT_INITIALIZED, 0, 0}; /** * @} */ /** @defgroup ft5336_Private_Function_Prototypes * @{ */ /* Private functions prototypes-----------------------------------------------*/ /** * @brief Return the status of I2C was initialized or not. * @param None. * @retval : I2C initialization status. */ static uint8_t ft5336_Get_I2C_InitializedStatus(void); /** * @brief I2C initialize if needed. * @param None. * @retval : None. */ static void ft5336_I2C_InitializeIfRequired(void); /** * @brief Basic static configuration of TouchScreen * @param DeviceAddr: FT5336 Device address for communication on I2C Bus. * @retval Status FT5336_STATUS_OK or FT5336_STATUS_NOT_OK. */ static uint32_t ft5336_TS_Configure(uint16_t DeviceAddr); /** @defgroup ft5336_Private_Functions * @{ */ /** @defgroup ft5336_Public_Function_Body * @{ */ /* Public functions bodies-----------------------------------------------*/ /** * @brief Initialize the ft5336 communication bus * from MCU to FT5336 : ie I2C channel initialization (if required). * @param DeviceAddr: Device address on communication Bus (I2C slave address of FT5336). * @retval None */ void ft5336_Init(uint16_t DeviceAddr) { /* Wait at least 200ms after power up before accessing registers * Trsi timing (Time of starting to report point after resetting) from FT5336GQQ datasheet */ TS_IO_Delay(200); /* Initialize I2C link if needed */ ft5336_I2C_InitializeIfRequired(); } /** * @brief Software Reset the ft5336. * @note : Not applicable to FT5336. * @param DeviceAddr: Device address on communication Bus (I2C slave address of FT5336). * @retval None */ void ft5336_Reset(uint16_t DeviceAddr) { /* Do nothing */ /* No software reset sequence available in FT5336 IC */ } /** * @brief Read the ft5336 device ID, pre initialize I2C in case of need to be * able to read the FT5336 device ID, and verify this is a FT5336. * @param DeviceAddr: I2C FT5336 Slave address. * @retval The Device ID (two bytes). */ uint16_t ft5336_ReadID(uint16_t DeviceAddr) { volatile uint8_t ucReadId = 0; uint8_t nbReadAttempts = 0; uint8_t bFoundDevice = 0; /* Device not found by default */ /* Initialize I2C link if needed */ ft5336_I2C_InitializeIfRequired(); /* At maximum 4 attempts to read ID : exit at first finding of the searched device ID */ for(nbReadAttempts = 0; ((nbReadAttempts < 3) && !(bFoundDevice)); nbReadAttempts++) { /* Read register FT5336_CHIP_ID_REG as DeviceID detection */ ucReadId = TS_IO_Read(DeviceAddr, FT5336_CHIP_ID_REG); /* Found the searched device ID ? */ if(ucReadId == FT5336_ID_VALUE) { /* Set device as found */ bFoundDevice = 1; } } /* Return the device ID value */ return (ucReadId); } /** * @brief Configures the touch Screen IC device to start detecting touches * @param DeviceAddr: Device address on communication Bus (I2C slave address). * @retval None. */ void ft5336_TS_Start(uint16_t DeviceAddr) { /* Minimum static configuration of FT5336 */ FT5336_ASSERT(ft5336_TS_Configure(DeviceAddr)); /* By default set FT5336 IC in Polling mode : no INT generation on FT5336 for new touch available */ /* Note TS_INT is active low */ ft5336_TS_DisableIT(DeviceAddr); } /** * @brief Return if there is touches detected or not. * Try to detect new touches and forget the old ones (reset internal global * variables). * @param DeviceAddr: Device address on communication Bus. * @retval : Number of active touches detected (can be 0, 1 or 2). */ uint8_t ft5336_TS_DetectTouch(uint16_t DeviceAddr) { volatile uint8_t nbTouch = 0; /* Read register FT5336_TD_STAT_REG to check number of touches detection */ nbTouch = TS_IO_Read(DeviceAddr, FT5336_TD_STAT_REG); nbTouch &= FT5336_TD_STAT_MASK; if(nbTouch > FT5336_MAX_DETECTABLE_TOUCH) { /* If invalid number of touch detected, set it to zero */ nbTouch = 0; } /* Update ft5336 driver internal global : current number of active touches */ ft5336_handle.currActiveTouchNb = nbTouch; /* Reset current active touch index on which to work on */ ft5336_handle.currActiveTouchIdx = 0; return(nbTouch); } /** * @brief Get the touch screen X and Y positions values * Manage multi touch thanks to touch Index global * variable 'ft5336_handle.currActiveTouchIdx'. * @param DeviceAddr: Device address on communication Bus. * @param X: Pointer to X position value * @param Y: Pointer to Y position value * @retval None. */ void ft5336_TS_GetXY(uint16_t DeviceAddr, uint16_t *X, uint16_t *Y) { volatile uint8_t ucReadData = 0; static uint16_t coord; uint8_t regAddressXLow = 0; uint8_t regAddressXHigh = 0; uint8_t regAddressYLow = 0; uint8_t regAddressYHigh = 0; if(ft5336_handle.currActiveTouchIdx < ft5336_handle.currActiveTouchNb) { switch(ft5336_handle.currActiveTouchIdx) { case 0 : regAddressXLow = FT5336_P1_XL_REG; regAddressXHigh = FT5336_P1_XH_REG; regAddressYLow = FT5336_P1_YL_REG; regAddressYHigh = FT5336_P1_YH_REG; break; case 1 : regAddressXLow = FT5336_P2_XL_REG; regAddressXHigh = FT5336_P2_XH_REG; regAddressYLow = FT5336_P2_YL_REG; regAddressYHigh = FT5336_P2_YH_REG; break; case 2 : regAddressXLow = FT5336_P3_XL_REG; regAddressXHigh = FT5336_P3_XH_REG; regAddressYLow = FT5336_P3_YL_REG; regAddressYHigh = FT5336_P3_YH_REG; break; case 3 : regAddressXLow = FT5336_P4_XL_REG; regAddressXHigh = FT5336_P4_XH_REG; regAddressYLow = FT5336_P4_YL_REG; regAddressYHigh = FT5336_P4_YH_REG; break; case 4 : regAddressXLow = FT5336_P5_XL_REG; regAddressXHigh = FT5336_P5_XH_REG; regAddressYLow = FT5336_P5_YL_REG; regAddressYHigh = FT5336_P5_YH_REG; break; case 5 : regAddressXLow = FT5336_P6_XL_REG; regAddressXHigh = FT5336_P6_XH_REG; regAddressYLow = FT5336_P6_YL_REG; regAddressYHigh = FT5336_P6_YH_REG; break; case 6 : regAddressXLow = FT5336_P7_XL_REG; regAddressXHigh = FT5336_P7_XH_REG; regAddressYLow = FT5336_P7_YL_REG; regAddressYHigh = FT5336_P7_YH_REG; break; case 7 : regAddressXLow = FT5336_P8_XL_REG; regAddressXHigh = FT5336_P8_XH_REG; regAddressYLow = FT5336_P8_YL_REG; regAddressYHigh = FT5336_P8_YH_REG; break; case 8 : regAddressXLow = FT5336_P9_XL_REG; regAddressXHigh = FT5336_P9_XH_REG; regAddressYLow = FT5336_P9_YL_REG; regAddressYHigh = FT5336_P9_YH_REG; break; case 9 : regAddressXLow = FT5336_P10_XL_REG; regAddressXHigh = FT5336_P10_XH_REG; regAddressYLow = FT5336_P10_YL_REG; regAddressYHigh = FT5336_P10_YH_REG; break; default : break; } /* end switch(ft5336_handle.currActiveTouchIdx) */ /* Read low part of X position */ ucReadData = TS_IO_Read(DeviceAddr, regAddressXLow); coord = (ucReadData & FT5336_TOUCH_POS_LSB_MASK) >> FT5336_TOUCH_POS_LSB_SHIFT; /* Read high part of X position */ ucReadData = TS_IO_Read(DeviceAddr, regAddressXHigh); coord |= ((ucReadData & FT5336_TOUCH_POS_MSB_MASK) >> FT5336_TOUCH_POS_MSB_SHIFT) << 8; /* Send back ready X position to caller */ *X = coord; /* Read low part of Y position */ ucReadData = TS_IO_Read(DeviceAddr, regAddressYLow); coord = (ucReadData & FT5336_TOUCH_POS_LSB_MASK) >> FT5336_TOUCH_POS_LSB_SHIFT; /* Read high part of Y position */ ucReadData = TS_IO_Read(DeviceAddr, regAddressYHigh); coord |= ((ucReadData & FT5336_TOUCH_POS_MSB_MASK) >> FT5336_TOUCH_POS_MSB_SHIFT) << 8; /* Send back ready Y position to caller */ *Y = coord; ft5336_handle.currActiveTouchIdx++; /* next call will work on next touch */ } /* of if(ft5336_handle.currActiveTouchIdx < ft5336_handle.currActiveTouchNb) */ } /** * @brief Configure the FT5336 device to generate IT on given INT pin * connected to MCU as EXTI. * @param DeviceAddr: Device address on communication Bus (Slave I2C address of FT5336). * @retval None */ void ft5336_TS_EnableIT(uint16_t DeviceAddr) { uint8_t regValue = 0; regValue = (FT5336_G_MODE_INTERRUPT_TRIGGER & (FT5336_G_MODE_INTERRUPT_MASK >> FT5336_G_MODE_INTERRUPT_SHIFT)) << FT5336_G_MODE_INTERRUPT_SHIFT; /* Set interrupt trigger mode in FT5336_GMODE_REG */ TS_IO_Write(DeviceAddr, FT5336_GMODE_REG, regValue); } /** * @brief Configure the FT5336 device to stop generating IT on the given INT pin * connected to MCU as EXTI. * @param DeviceAddr: Device address on communication Bus (Slave I2C address of FT5336). * @retval None */ void ft5336_TS_DisableIT(uint16_t DeviceAddr) { uint8_t regValue = 0; regValue = (FT5336_G_MODE_INTERRUPT_POLLING & (FT5336_G_MODE_INTERRUPT_MASK >> FT5336_G_MODE_INTERRUPT_SHIFT)) << FT5336_G_MODE_INTERRUPT_SHIFT; /* Set interrupt polling mode in FT5336_GMODE_REG */ TS_IO_Write(DeviceAddr, FT5336_GMODE_REG, regValue); } /** * @brief Get IT status from FT5336 interrupt status registers * Should be called Following an EXTI coming to the MCU to know the detailed * reason of the interrupt. * @note : This feature is not applicable to FT5336. * @param DeviceAddr: Device address on communication Bus (I2C slave address of FT5336). * @retval TS interrupts status : always return 0 here */ uint8_t ft5336_TS_ITStatus(uint16_t DeviceAddr) { /* Always return 0 as feature not applicable to FT5336 */ return 0; } /** * @brief Clear IT status in FT5336 interrupt status clear registers * Should be called Following an EXTI coming to the MCU. * @note : This feature is not applicable to FT5336. * @param DeviceAddr: Device address on communication Bus (I2C slave address of FT5336). * @retval None */ void ft5336_TS_ClearIT(uint16_t DeviceAddr) { /* Nothing to be done here for FT5336 */ } /**** NEW FEATURES enabled when Multi-touch support is enabled ****/ #if (TS_MULTI_TOUCH_SUPPORTED == 1) /** * @brief Get the last touch gesture identification (zoom, move up/down...). * @param DeviceAddr: Device address on communication Bus (I2C slave address of FT5336). * @param pGestureId : Pointer to get last touch gesture Identification. * @retval None. */ void ft5336_TS_GetGestureID(uint16_t DeviceAddr, uint32_t * pGestureId) { volatile uint8_t ucReadData = 0; ucReadData = TS_IO_Read(DeviceAddr, FT5336_GEST_ID_REG); * pGestureId = ucReadData; } /** * @brief Get the touch detailed informations on touch number 'touchIdx' (0..1) * This touch detailed information contains : * - weight that was applied to this touch * - sub-area of the touch in the touch panel * - event of linked to the touch (press down, lift up, ...) * @param DeviceAddr: Device address on communication Bus (I2C slave address of FT5336). * @param touchIdx : Passed index of the touch (0..1) on which we want to get the * detailed information. * @param pWeight : Pointer to to get the weight information of 'touchIdx'. * @param pArea : Pointer to to get the sub-area information of 'touchIdx'. * @param pEvent : Pointer to to get the event information of 'touchIdx'. * @retval None. */ void ft5336_TS_GetTouchInfo(uint16_t DeviceAddr, uint32_t touchIdx, uint32_t * pWeight, uint32_t * pArea, uint32_t * pEvent) { volatile uint8_t ucReadData = 0; uint8_t regAddressXHigh = 0; uint8_t regAddressPWeight = 0; uint8_t regAddressPMisc = 0; if(touchIdx < ft5336_handle.currActiveTouchNb) { switch(touchIdx) { case 0 : regAddressXHigh = FT5336_P1_XH_REG; regAddressPWeight = FT5336_P1_WEIGHT_REG; regAddressPMisc = FT5336_P1_MISC_REG; break; case 1 : regAddressXHigh = FT5336_P2_XH_REG; regAddressPWeight = FT5336_P2_WEIGHT_REG; regAddressPMisc = FT5336_P2_MISC_REG; break; case 2 : regAddressXHigh = FT5336_P3_XH_REG; regAddressPWeight = FT5336_P3_WEIGHT_REG; regAddressPMisc = FT5336_P3_MISC_REG; break; case 3 : regAddressXHigh = FT5336_P4_XH_REG; regAddressPWeight = FT5336_P4_WEIGHT_REG; regAddressPMisc = FT5336_P4_MISC_REG; break; case 4 : regAddressXHigh = FT5336_P5_XH_REG; regAddressPWeight = FT5336_P5_WEIGHT_REG; regAddressPMisc = FT5336_P5_MISC_REG; break; case 5 : regAddressXHigh = FT5336_P6_XH_REG; regAddressPWeight = FT5336_P6_WEIGHT_REG; regAddressPMisc = FT5336_P6_MISC_REG; break; case 6 : regAddressXHigh = FT5336_P7_XH_REG; regAddressPWeight = FT5336_P7_WEIGHT_REG; regAddressPMisc = FT5336_P7_MISC_REG; break; case 7 : regAddressXHigh = FT5336_P8_XH_REG; regAddressPWeight = FT5336_P8_WEIGHT_REG; regAddressPMisc = FT5336_P8_MISC_REG; break; case 8 : regAddressXHigh = FT5336_P9_XH_REG; regAddressPWeight = FT5336_P9_WEIGHT_REG; regAddressPMisc = FT5336_P9_MISC_REG; break; case 9 : regAddressXHigh = FT5336_P10_XH_REG; regAddressPWeight = FT5336_P10_WEIGHT_REG; regAddressPMisc = FT5336_P10_MISC_REG; break; default : break; } /* end switch(touchIdx) */ /* Read Event Id of touch index */ ucReadData = TS_IO_Read(DeviceAddr, regAddressXHigh); * pEvent = (ucReadData & FT5336_TOUCH_EVT_FLAG_MASK) >> FT5336_TOUCH_EVT_FLAG_SHIFT; /* Read weight of touch index */ ucReadData = TS_IO_Read(DeviceAddr, regAddressPWeight); * pWeight = (ucReadData & FT5336_TOUCH_WEIGHT_MASK) >> FT5336_TOUCH_WEIGHT_SHIFT; /* Read area of touch index */ ucReadData = TS_IO_Read(DeviceAddr, regAddressPMisc); * pArea = (ucReadData & FT5336_TOUCH_AREA_MASK) >> FT5336_TOUCH_AREA_SHIFT; } /* of if(touchIdx < ft5336_handle.currActiveTouchNb) */ } #endif /* TS_MULTI_TOUCH_SUPPORTED == 1 */ /** @defgroup ft5336_Static_Function_Body * @{ */ /* Static functions bodies-----------------------------------------------*/ /** * @brief Return the status of I2C was initialized or not. * @param None. * @retval : I2C initialization status. */ static uint8_t ft5336_Get_I2C_InitializedStatus(void) { return(ft5336_handle.i2cInitialized); } /** * @brief I2C initialize if needed. * @param None. * @retval : None. */ static void ft5336_I2C_InitializeIfRequired(void) { if(ft5336_Get_I2C_InitializedStatus() == FT5336_I2C_NOT_INITIALIZED) { /* Initialize TS IO BUS layer (I2C) */ TS_IO_Init(); /* Set state to initialized */ ft5336_handle.i2cInitialized = FT5336_I2C_INITIALIZED; } } /** * @brief Basic static configuration of TouchScreen * @param DeviceAddr: FT5336 Device address for communication on I2C Bus. * @retval Status FT5336_STATUS_OK or FT5336_STATUS_NOT_OK. */ static uint32_t ft5336_TS_Configure(uint16_t DeviceAddr) { uint32_t status = FT5336_STATUS_OK; /* Nothing special to be done for FT5336 */ return(status); } /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/