You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

289 lines
12 KiB

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%----- Informations générales
\ProvidesPackage{centrale}[2019/04/23 v1.0 centrale: standard scientific documents layout for Centrale Lyon - Copyright (C) Bastien Laville, 2019]
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%% Draft %%
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% ------------- Des maths et de l'info -------------
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% ------------- Une biliographie -------------
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% ------------- Les options du paquet -------------
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%------------------------------------------RACCOURCIS MATHEMATIQUES------------------------------------------%
%------- Dérivation et opérateurs
\newcommand{\grs}[1] {\mathrm{#1}}
\newcommand{\ud}{\ensuremath{\, \mathrm{d}}}
\newcommand{\subt}[1] {\ensuremath{_{\text{#1}}}}
\newcommand{\supt}[1] {\ensuremath{^{\text{#1}}}}
\newcommand{\citea}[1] {$^{\text{\cite{#1}}}$}
\newcommand{\grad}[1] {\vec{\ch{grad}}\left( #1 \right)}
\newcommand{\rot}[1] {\vec{\ch{rot}}\left( \vec{#1} \right)}
\newcommand{\rota}[1] {\vec{\ch{rot}}\left( #1 \right)}
\renewcommand{\div}[1] {\ch{div}\left( \vec{#1} \right)}
\newcommand{\diva}[1] {\ch{div}\left( #1 \right)}
\newcommand{\oper}[3] {\langle #1 \arrowvert #2 \arrowvert #3 \rangle}
\newcommand{\derp}[2] {\dfrac{\partial\, #1}{\partial\, #2}}
\newcommand{\derd}[2] {\dfrac{\ch{d}\, #1}{\ch{d}\, #2}}
\newcommand{\derD}[2] {\dfrac{\ch{D}\, #1}{\ch{D}\, #2}}
\newcommand{\derda}[2] {\dfrac{\ch{d}^2\, #1}{\ch{d} #2^2}}
\newcommand{\derdb}[2] {\dfrac{\ch{d}^2\, #1}{\ch{d} #2 ^2}}
\newcommand{\derpb}[2] {\dfrac{\partial^2\, #1}{\partial #2 ^2}}
\newcommand{\bra}[1] {\langle #1 |}
\newcommand{\ket}[1] {| #1 \rangle}
\newcommand{\bracket}[1] {\langle #1 \rangle}
\newcommand{\bracketb}[2] {\langle #1 \arrowvert #2 \rangle}
\newcommand{\bracketc}[1] {\langle #1 \arrowvert #1 \rangle}
%------- Lettres grecques disponibles dans le texte
\newcommand{\ttt} {\ensuremath{\forall}}
\newcommand{\alphat} {\ensuremath{\alpha}}
\newcommand{\betat} {\ensuremath{\beta}}
\newcommand{\taut} {\ensuremath{\tau}}
\newcommand{\nut} {\ensuremath{\nu}}
\newcommand{\varepsilont} {\ensuremath{\varepsilon}}
\newcommand{\epsilont} {\ensuremath{\varepsilon}}
\newcommand{\omegat} {\ensuremath{\omega}}
\newcommand{\phit} {\ensuremath{\varphi}}
\newcommand{\deltat} {\ensuremath{\delta}}
\newcommand{\Deltat} {\ensuremath{\Delta}}
\newcommand{\thetat} {\ensuremath{\theta}}
\newcommand{\sigmat} {\ensuremath{\sigma}}
\newcommand{\pit} {\ensuremath{\pi} }
\newcommand{\chit} {\ensuremath{\chi}}
\newcommand{\mut} {\ensuremath{\mu}}
\newcommand{\lambdat} {\ensuremath{\lambda}}
\newcommand{\rhot} {\ensuremath{\rho}}
\newcommand{\kappat} {\ensuremath{\kappa}}
\newcommand{\gammat} {\ensuremath{\gamma}}
\newcommand{\etat} {\ensuremath{\eta}}
%------- Raccourcis du turfu
%------- Notation des ensembles
\newcommand{\Lesp}[1] {\ensuremath{\mathrm{L}^{#1}}} % Pour composer les espace L^p
\newcommand{\A} {\ensuremath{\mathcal{A}}}
\newcommand{\R} {\ensuremath{\mathbb{R}}}
\newcommand{\CC} {\ensuremath{\mathbb{C}}}
\newcommand{\N} {\ensuremath{\mathbb{N}}}
\newcommand{\K} {\ensuremath{\mathbb{K}}}
\newcommand{\Lens} {\mathcal{L}} % Lens pour "l'ENSemble L"
\newcommand{\Pens} {\mathcal{P}} % Pareil pour P
\newcommand{\M} {\ensuremath{\mathcal{M}}}
\newcommand{\B} {\ensuremath{\mathcal{B}}}
\newcommand{\dom} {\ensuremath{\mathcal{D}}}
\newcommand{\surf} {\ensuremath{\mathcal{S}}}
\newcommand{\cont} {\ensuremath{\mathcal{C}}}
%------- Abréviations, langages et programme utiles
\newcommand{\ecl}{l'École centrale de Lyon}
%------- Fonctions de traitement du signal
\DeclareMathOperator{\sinc} {sinc}
\DeclareMathOperator{\sgn} {\text{sgn}}
\DeclareMathOperator*{\argmax} {argmax}
\DeclareMathOperator*{\argmin} {argmin}
\newcommand{\vect} {\text{Vect}}
\newcommand{\esp} {\ensuremath{\mathbb{E}}}
\newcommand{\hilbert} {\ensuremath{\mathcal{H}}}
\newcommand{\fourier} {\ensuremath{\mathcal{F}}}
% Ces 4 lignes définissent la lettre sha pour le peigne de Dirac (et pas le vieux "Pgn" comme "pougne")
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%------- Autres
%------------------------------------------METTRE DU CODE INFORMATIQUE------------------------------------------%
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% Comments small green courier
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%%% language here
%%% Put MATLAB function parameters here
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%----- Fin du paquet