- removed obsolete imports - Location-Path and Location-Query only in answers with "Created" Status - Fixed / for root-resource as RemoteResource for reverse-proxy - Fixed parsing of long options in serializer.py - Commented out unit tests reactivated - Removed default logging
395 lines
14 KiB
395 lines
14 KiB
import logging
import struct
import ctypes
from coapthon.messages.request import Request
from coapthon.messages.response import Response
from coapthon.messages.option import Option
from coapthon import defines
from coapthon.messages.message import Message
__author__ = 'Giacomo Tanganelli'
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Serializer(object):
Serializer class to serialize and deserialize CoAP message to/from udp streams.
def deserialize(datagram, source):
De-serialize a stream of byte to a message.
:param datagram: the incoming udp message
:param source: the source address and port (ip, port)
:return: the message
:rtype: Message
fmt = "!BBH"
pos = struct.calcsize(fmt)
s = struct.Struct(fmt)
values = s.unpack_from(datagram)
first = values[0]
code = values[1]
mid = values[2]
version = (first & 0xC0) >> 6
message_type = (first & 0x30) >> 4
token_length = (first & 0x0F)
if Serializer.is_response(code):
message = Response()
message.code = code
elif Serializer.is_request(code):
message = Request()
message.code = code
message = Message()
message.source = source
message.destination = None
message.version = version
message.type = message_type
message.mid = mid
if token_length > 0:
message.token = datagram[pos:pos+token_length]
message.token = None
pos += token_length
current_option = 0
values = datagram[pos:]
length_packet = len(values)
pos = 0
while pos < length_packet:
next_byte = struct.unpack("B", values[pos].to_bytes(1, "big"))[0]
pos += 1
if next_byte != int(defines.PAYLOAD_MARKER):
# the first 4 bits of the byte represent the option delta
# delta = self._reader.read(4).uint
num, option_length, pos = Serializer.read_option_value_len_from_byte(next_byte, pos, values)
logger.debug("option value (delta): %d len: %d", num, option_length)
current_option += num
# read option
option_item = defines.OptionRegistry.LIST[current_option]
except KeyError:
(opt_critical, _, _) = defines.OptionRegistry.get_option_flags(current_option)
if opt_critical:
raise AttributeError("Critical option %s unknown" % current_option)
# If the non-critical option is unknown
# (vendor-specific, proprietary) - just skip it
logger.warning("unrecognized option %d", current_option)
if option_length == 0:
value = None
elif option_item.value_type == defines.INTEGER:
tmp = values[pos: pos + option_length]
value = 0
for b in tmp:
value = (value << 8) | struct.unpack("B", b.to_bytes(1, "big"))[0]
elif option_item.value_type == defines.OPAQUE:
tmp = values[pos: pos + option_length]
value = tmp
value = values[pos: pos + option_length]
option = Option()
option.number = current_option
option.value = Serializer.convert_to_raw(current_option, value, option_length)
if option.number == defines.OptionRegistry.CONTENT_TYPE.number:
message.payload_type = option.value
pos += option_length
if length_packet <= pos:
# log.err("Payload Marker with no payload")
raise AttributeError("Packet length %s, pos %s" % (length_packet, pos))
message.payload = ""
payload = values[pos:]
if hasattr(message, 'payload_type') and message.payload_type in [
message.payload = payload
message.payload = payload.decode("utf-8")
except AttributeError:
message.payload = payload
pos += len(payload)
return message
except AttributeError:
return defines.Codes.BAD_REQUEST.number
except struct.error:
return defines.Codes.BAD_REQUEST.number
def serialize(message):
Serialize a message to a udp packet
:type message: Message
:param message: the message to be serialized
:rtype: stream of byte
:return: the message serialized
fmt = "!BBH"
if message.token is None:
tkl = 0
tkl = len(message.token)
tmp = (defines.VERSION << 2)
tmp |= message.type
tmp <<= 4
tmp |= tkl
values = [tmp, message.code, message.mid]
if message.token is not None and tkl > 0:
for b in message.token:
fmt += "B"
options = Serializer.as_sorted_list(message.options) # already sorted
lastoptionnumber = 0
for option in options:
# write 4-bit option delta
optiondelta = option.number - lastoptionnumber
optiondeltanibble = Serializer.get_option_nibble(optiondelta)
tmp = (optiondeltanibble << defines.OPTION_DELTA_BITS)
# write 4-bit option length
optionlength = option.length
optionlengthnibble = Serializer.get_option_nibble(optionlength)
tmp |= optionlengthnibble
fmt += "B"
# write extended option delta field (0 - 2 bytes)
if optiondeltanibble == 13:
fmt += "B"
values.append(optiondelta - 13)
elif optiondeltanibble == 14:
fmt += "H"
values.append(optiondelta - 269)
# write extended option length field (0 - 2 bytes)
if optionlengthnibble == 13:
fmt += "B"
values.append(optionlength - 13)
elif optionlengthnibble == 14:
fmt += "H"
values.append(optionlength - 269)
# write option value
if optionlength > 0:
opt_type = defines.OptionRegistry.LIST[option.number].value_type
if opt_type == defines.INTEGER:
words = Serializer.int_to_words(option.value, optionlength, 8)
for num in range(0, optionlength):
fmt += "B"
elif opt_type == defines.STRING:
fmt += str(len(bytes(option.value, "utf-8"))) + "s"
values.append(bytes(option.value, "utf-8"))
else: # OPAQUE
for b in option.value:
fmt += "B"
# update last option number
lastoptionnumber = option.number
payload = message.payload
if payload is not None and len(payload) > 0:
# if payload is present and of non-zero length, it is prefixed by
# an one-byte Payload Marker (0xFF) which indicates the end of
# options and the start of the payload
fmt += "B"
if isinstance(payload, bytes):
fmt += str(len(payload)) + "s"
fmt += str(len(bytes(payload, "utf-8"))) + "s"
values.append(bytes(payload, "utf-8"))
datagram = None
if values[1] is None:
values[1] = 0
if values[2] is None:
values[2] = 0
s = struct.Struct(fmt)
datagram = ctypes.create_string_buffer(s.size)
s.pack_into(datagram, 0, *values)
except struct.error:
# The .exception method will report on the exception encountered
# and provide a traceback.
logging.exception('Failed to pack structure')
return datagram
def is_request(code):
Checks if is request.
:return: True, if is request
def is_response(code):
Checks if is response.
:return: True, if is response
def read_option_value_len_from_byte(byte, pos, values):
Calculates the value and length used in the extended option fields.
:param byte: 1-byte option header value.
:return: the value and length, calculated from the header including the extended fields.
h_nibble = (byte & 0xF0) >> 4
l_nibble = byte & 0x0F
value = 0
length = 0
if h_nibble <= 12:
value = h_nibble
elif h_nibble == 13:
value = struct.unpack("!B", values[pos].to_bytes(1, "big"))[0] + 13
pos += 1
elif h_nibble == 14:
s = struct.Struct("!H")
value = s.unpack_from(values[pos:pos+2])[0] + 269
pos += 2
raise AttributeError("Unsupported option number nibble " + str(h_nibble))
if l_nibble <= 12:
length = l_nibble
elif l_nibble == 13:
length = struct.unpack("!B", values[pos].to_bytes(1, "big"))[0] + 13
pos += 1
elif l_nibble == 14:
s = struct.Struct("!H")
length = s.unpack_from(values[pos:pos+2])[0] + 269
pos += 2
raise AttributeError("Unsupported option length nibble " + str(l_nibble))
return value, length, pos
def convert_to_raw(number, value, length):
Get the value of an option as bytes.
:param number: the option number
:param value: the option value
:param length: the option length
:return: the value of an option as a BitArray
opt_type = defines.OptionRegistry.LIST[number].value_type
if length == 0 and opt_type != defines.INTEGER:
return bytes()
elif length == 0 and opt_type == defines.INTEGER:
return 0
elif opt_type == defines.STRING:
if isinstance(value, bytes):
return value.decode("utf-8")
elif opt_type == defines.OPAQUE:
if isinstance(value, bytes):
return value
return bytes(value, "utf-8")
if isinstance(value, tuple):
value = value[0]
if isinstance(value, str):
value = str(value)
if isinstance(value, str):
return bytes(value, "utf-8")
elif isinstance(value, int):
return value
return bytes(value)
def as_sorted_list(options):
Returns all options in a list sorted according to their option numbers.
:return: the sorted list
if len(options) > 0:
options = sorted(options, key=lambda o: o.number)
return options
def get_option_nibble(optionvalue):
Returns the 4-bit option header value.
:param optionvalue: the option value (delta or length) to be encoded.
:return: the 4-bit option header value.
if optionvalue <= 12:
return optionvalue
elif optionvalue <= 255 + 13:
return 13
elif optionvalue <= 65535 + 269:
return 14
raise AttributeError("Unsupported option delta " + optionvalue)
def int_to_words(int_val, num_words=4, word_size=32):
Convert a int value to bytes.
:param int_val: an arbitrary length Python integer to be split up.
Network byte order is assumed. Raises an IndexError if width of
integer (in bits) exceeds word_size * num_words.
:param num_words: number of words expected in return value tuple.
:param word_size: size/width of individual words (in bits).
:return: a list of fixed width words based on provided parameters.
max_int = 2 ** (word_size*num_words) - 1
max_word_size = 2 ** word_size - 1
if not 0 <= int_val <= max_int:
raise AttributeError('integer %r is out of bounds!' % hex(int_val))
words = []
for _ in range(num_words):
word = int_val & max_word_size
int_val >>= word_size
return words