CoAP/coapthon/messages/ 4db21cd7e7 Porting to Python3
2018-01-23 11:31:46 +01:00

260 lines
6.9 KiB

from coapthon import defines
from coapthon.messages.message import Message
from coapthon.messages.option import Option
__author__ = 'Giacomo Tanganelli'
class Request(Message):
Class to handle the Requests.
def __init__(self):
Initialize a Request message.
super(Request, self).__init__()
def uri_path(self):
Return the Uri-Path of a request
:rtype : String
:return: the Uri-Path
value = []
for option in self.options:
if option.number == defines.OptionRegistry.URI_PATH.number:
value.append(str(option.value) + '/')
value = "".join(value)
value = value[:-1]
return value
def uri_path(self, path):
Set the Uri-Path of a request.
:param path: the Uri-Path
path = path.strip("/")
tmp = path.split("?")
path = tmp[0]
paths = path.split("/")
for p in paths:
option = Option()
option.number = defines.OptionRegistry.URI_PATH.number
option.value = p
if len(tmp) > 1:
query = tmp[1]
self.uri_query = query
def uri_path(self):
Delete the Uri-Path of a request.
def uri_query(self):
Get the Uri-Query of a request.
:return: the Uri-Query
:rtype : String
:return: the Uri-Query string
value = []
for option in self.options:
if option.number == defines.OptionRegistry.URI_QUERY.number:
return "&".join(value)
def uri_query(self, value):
Adds a query.
:param value: the query
del self.uri_query
queries = value.split("&")
for q in queries:
option = Option()
option.number = defines.OptionRegistry.URI_QUERY.number
option.value = str(q)
def uri_query(self):
Delete a query.
def accept(self):
Get the Accept option of a request.
:return: the Accept value or None if not specified by the request
:rtype : String
for option in self.options:
if option.number == defines.OptionRegistry.ACCEPT.number:
return option.value
return None
def accept(self, value):
Add an Accept option to a request.
:param value: the Accept value
if value in defines.Content_types.values():
option = Option()
option.number = defines.OptionRegistry.ACCEPT.number
option.value = value
def accept(self):
Delete the Accept options of a request.
def if_match(self):
Get the If-Match option of a request.
:return: the If-Match values or [] if not specified by the request
:rtype : list
value = []
for option in self.options:
if option.number == defines.OptionRegistry.IF_MATCH.number:
return value
def if_match(self, values):
Set the If-Match option of a request.
:param values: the If-Match values
:type values : list
assert isinstance(values, list)
for v in values:
option = Option()
option.number = defines.OptionRegistry.IF_MATCH.number
option.value = v
def if_match(self):
Delete the If-Match options of a request.
def if_none_match(self):
Get the if-none-match option of a request.
:return: True, if if-none-match is present
:rtype : bool
for option in self.options:
if option.number == defines.OptionRegistry.IF_NONE_MATCH.number:
return True
return False
def add_if_none_match(self):
Add the if-none-match option to the request.
option = Option()
option.number = defines.OptionRegistry.IF_NONE_MATCH.number
option.value = None
def if_none_match(self):
Delete the if-none-match option in the request.
def proxy_uri(self):
Get the Proxy-Uri option of a request.
:return: the Proxy-Uri values or None if not specified by the request
:rtype : String
for option in self.options:
if option.number == defines.OptionRegistry.PROXY_URI.number:
return option.value
return None
def proxy_uri(self, value):
Set the Proxy-Uri option of a request.
:param value: the Proxy-Uri value
option = Option()
option.number = defines.OptionRegistry.PROXY_URI.number
option.value = str(value)
def proxy_uri(self):
Delete the Proxy-Uri option of a request.
def proxy_schema(self):
Get the Proxy-Schema option of a request.
:return: the Proxy-Schema values or None if not specified by the request
:rtype : String
for option in self.options:
if option.number == defines.OptionRegistry.PROXY_SCHEME.number:
return option.value
return None
def proxy_schema(self, value):
Set the Proxy-Schema option of a request.
:param value: the Proxy-Schema value
option = Option()
option.number = defines.OptionRegistry.PROXY_SCHEME.number
option.value = str(value)
def proxy_schema(self):
Delete the Proxy-Schema option of a request.