CoAP/coapthon/ 418143f9df Fix message.payload_type
2018-01-29 14:56:12 +01:00

414 lines
15 KiB

import logging
import struct
import ctypes
from coapthon.messages.request import Request
from coapthon.messages.response import Response
from coapthon.messages.option import Option
from coapthon import defines
from coapthon.messages.message import Message
__author__ = 'Giacomo Tanganelli'
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Serializer(object):
Serializer class to serialize and deserialize CoAP message to/from udp streams.
def deserialize(datagram, source):
De-serialize a stream of byte to a message.
:param datagram: the incoming udp message
:param source: the source address and port (ip, port)
:return: the message
:rtype: Message
fmt = "!BBH"
pos = struct.calcsize(fmt)
s = struct.Struct(fmt)
values = s.unpack_from(datagram)
first = values[0]
code = values[1]
mid = values[2]
version = (first & 0xC0) >> 6
message_type = (first & 0x30) >> 4
token_length = (first & 0x0F)
if Serializer.is_response(code):
message = Response()
message.code = code
elif Serializer.is_request(code):
message = Request()
message.code = code
message = Message()
message.source = source
message.destination = None
message.version = version
message.type = message_type
message.mid = mid
if token_length > 0:
fmt = "%ss" % token_length
s = struct.Struct(fmt)
token_value = s.unpack_from(datagram[pos:])[0]
message.token = token_value.decode("utf-8")
message.token = None
pos += token_length
current_option = 0
values = datagram[pos:]
length_packet = len(values)
pos = 0
while pos < length_packet:
next_byte = struct.unpack("B", values[pos].to_bytes(1, "big"))[0]
pos += 1
if next_byte != int(defines.PAYLOAD_MARKER):
# the first 4 bits of the byte represent the option delta
# delta =
num, option_length, pos = Serializer.read_option_value_len_from_byte(next_byte, pos, values)
current_option += num
# read option
option_item = defines.OptionRegistry.LIST[current_option]
except KeyError:
(opt_critical, _, _) = defines.OptionRegistry.get_option_flags(current_option)
if opt_critical:
raise AttributeError("Critical option %s unknown" % current_option)
# If the non-critical option is unknown
# (vendor-specific, proprietary) - just skip it
#log.err("unrecognized option %d" % current_option)
if option_length == 0:
value = None
elif option_item.value_type == defines.INTEGER:
tmp = values[pos: pos + option_length]
value = 0
for b in tmp:
value = (value << 8) | struct.unpack("B", b.to_bytes(1, "big"))[0]
elif option_item.value_type == defines.OPAQUE:
tmp = values[pos: pos + option_length]
value = tmp
value = values[pos: pos + option_length]
option = Option()
option.number = current_option
option.value = Serializer.convert_to_raw(current_option, value, option_length)
if option.number == defines.OptionRegistry.CONTENT_TYPE.number:
message.payload_type = option.value
pos += option_length
if length_packet <= pos:
# log.err("Payload Marker with no payload")
raise AttributeError("Packet length %s, pos %s" % (length_packet, pos))
message.payload = ""
payload = values[pos:]
if message.payload_type == defines.Content_types["application/octet-stream"]:
message.payload = payload
message.payload = payload.decode("utf-8")
except AttributeError:
message.payload = payload.decode("utf-8")
pos += len(payload)
return message
except AttributeError:
return defines.Codes.BAD_REQUEST.number
except struct.error:
return defines.Codes.BAD_REQUEST.number
def serialize(message):
Serialize a message to a udp packet
:type message: Message
:param message: the message to be serialized
:rtype: stream of byte
:return: the message serialized
fmt = "!BBH"
if message.token is None or message.token == "":
tkl = 0
tkl = len(message.token)
tmp = (defines.VERSION << 2)
tmp |= message.type
tmp <<= 4
tmp |= tkl
values = [tmp, message.code, message.mid]
if message.token is not None and tkl > 0:
for b in str(message.token):
fmt += "c"
values.append(bytes(b, "utf-8"))
options = Serializer.as_sorted_list(message.options) # already sorted
lastoptionnumber = 0
for option in options:
# write 4-bit option delta
optiondelta = option.number - lastoptionnumber
optiondeltanibble = Serializer.get_option_nibble(optiondelta)
tmp = (optiondeltanibble << defines.OPTION_DELTA_BITS)
# write 4-bit option length
optionlength = option.length
optionlengthnibble = Serializer.get_option_nibble(optionlength)
tmp |= optionlengthnibble
fmt += "B"
# write extended option delta field (0 - 2 bytes)
if optiondeltanibble == 13:
fmt += "B"
values.append(optiondelta - 13)
elif optiondeltanibble == 14:
fmt += "H"
values.append(optiondelta - 269)
# write extended option length field (0 - 2 bytes)
if optionlengthnibble == 13:
fmt += "B"
values.append(optionlength - 13)
elif optionlengthnibble == 14:
fmt += "H"
values.append(optionlength - 269)
# write option value
if optionlength > 0:
opt_type = defines.OptionRegistry.LIST[option.number].value_type
if opt_type == defines.INTEGER:
words = Serializer.int_to_words(option.value, optionlength, 8)
for num in range(0, optionlength):
fmt += "B"
elif opt_type == defines.STRING:
fmt += str(len(bytes(option.value, "utf-8"))) + "s"
values.append(bytes(option.value, "utf-8"))
else: # OPAQUE
for b in option.value:
fmt += "B"
# update last option number
lastoptionnumber = option.number
payload = message.payload
if payload is not None and len(payload) > 0:
# if payload is present and of non-zero length, it is prefixed by
# an one-byte Payload Marker (0xFF) which indicates the end of
# options and the start of the payload
fmt += "B"
fmt += str(len(bytes(payload, "utf-8"))) + "s"
values.append(bytes(payload, "utf-8"))
# for b in str(payload):
# fmt += "c"
# values.append(bytes(b, "utf-8"))
datagram = None
if values[1] is None:
values[1] = 0
if values[2] is None:
values[2] = 0
s = struct.Struct(fmt)
datagram = ctypes.create_string_buffer(s.size)
s.pack_into(datagram, 0, *values)
except struct.error:
# The .exception method will report on the exception encountered
# and provide a traceback.
logging.exception('Failed to pack structure')
return datagram
def is_request(code):
Checks if is request.
:return: True, if is request
def is_response(code):
Checks if is response.
:return: True, if is response
def read_option_value_from_nibble(nibble, pos, values):
Calculates the value used in the extended option fields.
:param nibble: the 4-bit option header value.
:return: the value calculated from the nibble and the extended option value.
if nibble <= 12:
return nibble, pos
elif nibble == 13:
tmp = struct.unpack("!B", values[pos].to_bytes(1, "big"))[0] + 13
pos += 1
return tmp, pos
elif nibble == 14:
s = struct.Struct("!H")
tmp = s.unpack_from(values[pos:].to_bytes(2, "big"))[0] + 269
pos += 2
return tmp, pos
raise AttributeError("Unsupported option nibble " + str(nibble))
def read_option_value_len_from_byte(byte, pos, values):
Calculates the value and length used in the extended option fields.
:param byte: 1-byte option header value.
:return: the value and length, calculated from the header including the extended fields.
h_nibble = (byte & 0xF0) >> 4
l_nibble = byte & 0x0F
value = 0
length = 0
if h_nibble <= 12:
value = h_nibble
elif h_nibble == 13:
value = struct.unpack("!B", values[pos].to_bytes(1, "big"))[0] + 13
pos += 1
elif h_nibble == 14:
s = struct.Struct("!H")
value = s.unpack_from(values[pos:].to_bytes(2, "big"))[0] + 269
pos += 2
raise AttributeError("Unsupported option number nibble " + str(h_nibble))
if l_nibble <= 12:
length = l_nibble
elif l_nibble == 13:
length = struct.unpack("!B", values[pos].to_bytes(1, "big"))[0] + 13
pos += 1
elif l_nibble == 14:
length = s.unpack_from(values[pos:].to_bytes(2, "big"))[0] + 269
pos += 2
raise AttributeError("Unsupported option length nibble " + str(l_nibble))
return value, length, pos
def convert_to_raw(number, value, length):
Get the value of an option as a ByteArray.
:param number: the option number
:param value: the option value
:param length: the option length
:return: the value of an option as a BitArray
opt_type = defines.OptionRegistry.LIST[number].value_type
if length == 0 and opt_type != defines.INTEGER:
return bytes()
elif length == 0 and opt_type == defines.INTEGER:
return 0
elif opt_type == defines.STRING:
if isinstance(value, bytes):
return value.decode("utf-8")
elif opt_type == defines.OPAQUE:
if isinstance(value, bytes):
return value
return bytes(value, "utf-8")
if isinstance(value, tuple):
value = value[0]
if isinstance(value, str):
value = str(value)
if isinstance(value, str):
return bytearray(value, "utf-8")
elif isinstance(value, int):
return value
return bytearray(value)
def as_sorted_list(options):
Returns all options in a list sorted according to their option numbers.
:return: the sorted list
if len(options) > 0:
options = sorted(options, key=lambda o: o.number)
return options
def get_option_nibble(optionvalue):
Returns the 4-bit option header value.
:param optionvalue: the option value (delta or length) to be encoded.
:return: the 4-bit option header value.
if optionvalue <= 12:
return optionvalue
elif optionvalue <= 255 + 13:
return 13
elif optionvalue <= 65535 + 269:
return 14
raise AttributeError("Unsupported option delta " + optionvalue)
def int_to_words(int_val, num_words=4, word_size=32):
Convert a int value to bytes.
:param int_val: an arbitrary length Python integer to be split up.
Network byte order is assumed. Raises an IndexError if width of
integer (in bits) exceeds word_size * num_words.
:param num_words: number of words expected in return value tuple.
:param word_size: size/width of individual words (in bits).
:return: a list of fixed width words based on provided parameters.
max_int = 2 ** (word_size*num_words) - 1
max_word_size = 2 ** word_size - 1
if not 0 <= int_val <= max_int:
raise AttributeError('integer %r is out of bounds!' % hex(int_val))
words = []
for _ in range(num_words):
word = int_val & max_word_size
int_val >>= word_size
return words