import logging.config import random import socket import struct import threading import xml.etree.ElementTree as ElementTree import os import re from coapthon import defines from coapthon.client.helperclient import HelperClient from coapthon.layers.blocklayer import BlockLayer from coapthon.layers.cachelayer import CacheLayer from coapthon.layers.forwardLayer import ForwardLayer from coapthon.layers.messagelayer import MessageLayer from coapthon.layers.observelayer import ObserveLayer from coapthon.layers.resourcelayer import ResourceLayer from coapthon.messages.message import Message from coapthon.messages.request import Request from coapthon.resources.remoteResource import RemoteResource from coapthon.resources.resource import Resource from coapthon.serializer import Serializer from coapthon.utils import Tree __author__ = 'Giacomo Tanganelli' logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class CoAP(object): """ Implementation of the Reverse Proxy """ def __init__(self, server_address, xml_file, multicast=False, starting_mid=None, cache=False, sock=None): """ Initialize the Reverse Proxy. :param server_address: Server address for incoming connections :param xml_file: the xml file that describe remote servers :param multicast: if the ip is a multicast address :param starting_mid: used for testing purposes :param cache: if a cache must be used :param sock: if a socket has been created externally, it can be used directly """ self.stopped = threading.Event() self.stopped.clear() self.to_be_stopped = [] self.purge = threading.Thread(target=self.purge) self.purge.start() self._messageLayer = MessageLayer(starting_mid) self._blockLayer = BlockLayer() self._observeLayer = ObserveLayer() self._forwardLayer = ForwardLayer(self) self.resourceLayer = ResourceLayer(self) self.cache_enable = cache if self.cache_enable: self._cacheLayer = CacheLayer(defines.REVERSE_PROXY) else: self._cacheLayer = None # Resource directory root = Resource('root', self, visible=False, observable=False, allow_children=True) root.path = '/' self.root = Tree() self.root["/"] = root self._serializer = None self.server_address = server_address self.multicast = multicast self.file_xml = xml_file self._mapping = {} addrinfo = socket.getaddrinfo(self.server_address[0], None)[0] if sock is not None: # Use given socket, could be a DTLS socket self._socket = sock elif self.multicast: # pragma: no cover # Create a socket # self._socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_TTL, 255) # self._socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_LOOP, 1) # Join group if addrinfo[0] == socket.AF_INET: # IPv4 self._socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_UDP) # Allow multiple copies of this program on one machine # (not strictly needed) self._socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) self._socket.bind((defines.ALL_COAP_NODES, self.server_address[1])) mreq = struct.pack("4sl", socket.inet_aton(defines.ALL_COAP_NODES), socket.INADDR_ANY) self._socket.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, mreq) self._unicast_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self._unicast_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) self._unicast_socket.bind(self.server_address) else: self._socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_UDP) # Allow multiple copies of this program on one machine # (not strictly needed) self._socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) self._socket.bind((defines.ALL_COAP_NODES_IPV6, self.server_address[1])) addrinfo_multicast = socket.getaddrinfo(defines.ALL_COAP_NODES_IPV6, 5683)[0] group_bin = socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, addrinfo_multicast[4][0]) mreq = group_bin + struct.pack('@I', 0) self._socket.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_JOIN_GROUP, mreq) self._unicast_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self._unicast_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) self._unicast_socket.bind(self.server_address) else: if addrinfo[0] == socket.AF_INET: # IPv4 self._socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self._socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) else: self._socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self._socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) self._socket.bind(self.server_address) self.parse_config() def parse_config(self): """ Parse the xml file with remote servers and discover resources on each found server. """ tree = ElementTree.parse(self.file_xml) root = tree.getroot() for server in root.findall('server'): destination = server.text name = server.get("name") self.discover_remote(destination, name) def discover_remote(self, destination, name): """ Discover resources on remote servers. :param destination: the remote server (ip, port) :type destination: tuple :param name: the name of the remote server :type name: String """ assert (isinstance(destination, str)) if destination.startswith("["): split = destination.split("]", 1) host = split[0][1:] port = int(split[1][1:]) else: split = destination.split(":", 1) host = split[0] port = int(split[1]) server = (host, port) client = HelperClient(server) response = client.stop() self.discover_remote_results(response, name) def discover_remote_results(self, response, name): """ Create a new remote server resource for each valid discover response. :param response: the response to the discovery request :param name: the server name """ host, port = response.source if response.code == defines.Codes.CONTENT.number: resource = Resource('server', self, visible=True, observable=False, allow_children=True) self.add_resource(name, resource) self._mapping[name] = (host, port) self.parse_core_link_format(response.payload, name, (host, port)) else: logger.error("Server: " + response.source + " isn't valid.") def parse_core_link_format(self, link_format, base_path, remote_server): """ Parse discovery results. :param link_format: the payload of the response to the discovery request :param base_path: the base path used to create child resources discovered on the remote server :param remote_server: the (ip, port) of the remote server """ while len(link_format) > 0: pattern = "<([^>]*)>;" result = re.match(pattern, link_format) path = path = path.split("/") path = path[1:][0] link_format = link_format[result.end(1) + 2:] pattern = "([^<,])*" result = re.match(pattern, link_format) attributes = dict_att = {} if len(attributes) > 0: attributes = attributes.split(";") for att in attributes: a = att.split("=") if len(a) > 1: dict_att[a[0]] = a[1] else: dict_att[a[0]] = a[0] link_format = link_format[result.end(0) + 1:] # TODO handle observing resource = RemoteResource('server', remote_server, path, coap_server=self, visible=True, observable=False, allow_children=True) resource.attributes = dict_att self.add_resource(base_path + "/" + path, resource) def purge(self): """ Clean old transactions """ while not self.stopped.isSet(): self.stopped.wait(timeout=defines.EXCHANGE_LIFETIME) self._messageLayer.purge() def listen(self, timeout=10): """ Listen for incoming messages. Timeout is used to check if the server must be switched off. :param timeout: Socket Timeout in seconds """ self._socket.settimeout(float(timeout)) while not self.stopped.isSet(): try: data, client_address = self._socket.recvfrom(4096) except socket.timeout: continue try: self.receive_datagram((data, client_address)) except RuntimeError: logger.exception("Exception with Executor") self._socket.close() def close(self): """ Stop the server. """"Stop server") self.stopped.set() for event in self.to_be_stopped: event.set() self._socket.close() def receive_datagram(self, args): """ Handle messages coming from the udp socket. :param args: (data, client_address) """ data, client_address = args serializer = Serializer() message = serializer.deserialize(data, client_address) if isinstance(message, int): logger.error("receive_datagram - BAD REQUEST") rst = Message() rst.destination = client_address rst.type = defines.Types["RST"] rst.code = message self.send_datagram(rst) return logger.debug("receive_datagram - " + str(message)) if isinstance(message, Request): transaction = self._messageLayer.receive_request(message) if transaction.request.duplicated and transaction.completed: logger.debug("message duplicated,transaction completed") transaction = self._observeLayer.send_response(transaction) transaction = self._blockLayer.send_response(transaction) transaction = self._messageLayer.send_response(transaction) self.send_datagram(transaction.response) return elif transaction.request.duplicated and not transaction.completed: logger.debug("message duplicated,transaction NOT completed") self._send_ack(transaction) return transaction.separate_timer = self._start_separate_timer(transaction) transaction = self._blockLayer.receive_request(transaction) if transaction.block_transfer: self._stop_separate_timer(transaction.separate_timer) transaction = self._messageLayer.send_response(transaction) self.send_datagram(transaction.response) return transaction = self._observeLayer.receive_request(transaction) """ call to the cache layer to check if there's a cached response for the request if not, call the forward layer """ if self._cacheLayer is not None: transaction = self._cacheLayer.receive_request(transaction) if transaction.cacheHit is False: logger.debug(transaction.request) transaction = self._forwardLayer.receive_request_reverse(transaction) logger.debug(transaction.response) transaction = self._observeLayer.send_response(transaction) transaction = self._blockLayer.send_response(transaction) transaction = self._cacheLayer.send_response(transaction) else: transaction = self._forwardLayer.receive_request_reverse(transaction) transaction = self._observeLayer.send_response(transaction) transaction = self._blockLayer.send_response(transaction) self._stop_separate_timer(transaction.separate_timer) transaction = self._messageLayer.send_response(transaction) if transaction.response is not None: if transaction.response.type == defines.Types["CON"]: self._start_retrasmission(transaction, transaction.response) self.send_datagram(transaction.response) elif isinstance(message, Message): transaction = self._messageLayer.receive_empty(message) if transaction is not None: transaction = self._blockLayer.receive_empty(message, transaction) self._observeLayer.receive_empty(message, transaction) else: # pragma: no cover logger.error("Received response from %s", message.source) def send_datagram(self, message): """ Send a message through the udp socket. :type message: Message :param message: the message to send """ if not self.stopped.isSet(): host, port = message.destination logger.debug("send_datagram - " + str(message)) serializer = Serializer() message = serializer.serialize(message) self._socket.sendto(message, (host, port)) def add_resource(self, path, resource): """" Helper function to add resources to the resource directory during server initialization. :param path: the path for the new created resource :type resource: Resource :param resource: the resource to be added """ assert isinstance(resource, Resource) path = path.strip("/") paths = path.split("/") actual_path = "" i = 0 for p in paths: i += 1 actual_path += "/" + p try: res = self.root[actual_path] except KeyError: res = None if res is None: if len(paths) != i: return False resource.path = actual_path self.root[actual_path] = resource return True def _start_retrasmission(self, transaction, message): """ Start the retransmission task. :type transaction: Transaction :param transaction: the transaction that owns the message that needs retransmission :type message: Message :param message: the message that needs the retransmission task """ with transaction: if message.type == defines.Types['CON']: future_time = random.uniform(defines.ACK_TIMEOUT, (defines.ACK_TIMEOUT * defines.ACK_RANDOM_FACTOR)) transaction.retransmit_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._retransmit, args=(transaction, message, future_time, 0)) transaction.retransmit_stop = threading.Event() self.to_be_stopped.append(transaction.retransmit_stop) transaction.retransmit_thread.start() def _retransmit(self, transaction, message, future_time, retransmit_count): """ Thread function to retransmit the message in the future :param transaction: the transaction that owns the message that needs retransmission :param message: the message that needs the retransmission task :param future_time: the amount of time to wait before a new attempt :param retransmit_count: the number of retransmissions """ with transaction: while retransmit_count < defines.MAX_RETRANSMIT and (not message.acknowledged and not message.rejected) \ and not self.stopped.isSet(): transaction.retransmit_stop.wait(timeout=future_time) if not message.acknowledged and not message.rejected and not self.stopped.isSet(): retransmit_count += 1 future_time *= 2 self.send_datagram(message) if message.acknowledged or message.rejected: message.timeouted = False else: logger.warning("Give up on message {message}".format(message=message.line_print)) message.timeouted = True if message.observe is not None: self._observeLayer.remove_subscriber(message) try: self.to_be_stopped.remove(transaction.retransmit_stop) except ValueError: pass transaction.retransmit_stop = None transaction.retransmit_thread = None def _start_separate_timer(self, transaction): """ Start a thread to handle separate mode. :type transaction: Transaction :param transaction: the transaction that is in processing :rtype : the Timer object """ t = threading.Timer(defines.ACK_TIMEOUT, self._send_ack, (transaction,)) t.start() return t @staticmethod def _stop_separate_timer(timer): """ Stop the separate Thread if an answer has been already provided to the client. :param timer: The Timer object """ timer.cancel() def _send_ack(self, transaction): """ Sends an ACK message for the request. :param transaction: the transaction that owns the request """ ack = Message() ack.type = defines.Types['ACK'] if not transaction.request.acknowledged: ack = self._messageLayer.send_empty(transaction, transaction.request, ack) self.send_datagram(ack)