# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import binascii from coapthon import defines from coapthon import utils from coapthon.messages.option import Option __author__ = 'Giacomo Tanganelli' class Message(object): """ Class to handle the Messages. """ def __init__(self): """ Data structure that represent a CoAP message """ self._type = None self._mid = None self._token = None self._options = [] self._payload = None self._destination = None self._source = None self._code = None self._acknowledged = None self._rejected = None self._timeouted = None self._cancelled = None self._duplicated = None self._timestamp = None self._version = 1 @property def version(self): """ Return the CoAP version :return: the version """ return self._version @version.setter def version(self, v): """ Sets the CoAP version :param v: the version :raise AttributeError: if value is not 1 """ if not isinstance(v, int) or v != 1: raise AttributeError self._version = v @property def type(self): """ Return the type of the message. :return: the type """ return self._type @type.setter def type(self, value): """ Sets the type of the message. :type value: Types :param value: the type :raise AttributeError: if value is not a valid type """ if value not in list(defines.Types.values()): raise AttributeError self._type = value @property def mid(self): """ Return the mid of the message. :return: the MID """ return self._mid @mid.setter def mid(self, value): """ Sets the MID of the message. :type value: Integer :param value: the MID :raise AttributeError: if value is not int or cannot be represented on 16 bits. """ if not isinstance(value, int) or value > 65536: raise AttributeError self._mid = value @mid.deleter def mid(self): """ Unset the MID of the message. """ self._mid = None @property def token(self): """ Get the Token of the message. :return: the Token """ return self._token @token.setter def token(self, value): """ Set the Token of the message. :type value: String :param value: the Token :raise AttributeError: if value is longer than 256 """ if value is None: self._token = value return if isinstance(value, int): value = bytes([value]) if not isinstance(value, bytes): value = bytes(value, "utf-8") if len(value) > 256: raise AttributeError self._token = value @token.deleter def token(self): """ Unset the Token of the message. """ self._token = None @property def options(self): """ Return the options of the CoAP message. :rtype: list :return: the options """ return self._options @options.setter def options(self, value): """ Set the options of the CoAP message. :type value: list :param value: list of options """ if value is None: value = [] assert isinstance(value, list) self._options = value @property def payload(self): """ Return the payload. :return: the payload """ return self._payload @payload.setter def payload(self, value): """ Sets the payload of the message and eventually the Content-Type :param value: the payload """ if isinstance(value, tuple): content_type, payload = value self.content_type = content_type self._payload = payload else: self._payload = value @property def destination(self): """ Return the destination of the message. :rtype: tuple :return: (ip, port) """ return self._destination @destination.setter def destination(self, value): """ Set the destination of the message. :type value: tuple :param value: (ip, port) :raise AttributeError: if value is not a ip and a port. """ if value is not None and (not isinstance(value, tuple) or len(value)) != 2: raise AttributeError self._destination = value @property def source(self): """ Return the source of the message. :rtype: tuple :return: (ip, port) """ return self._source @source.setter def source(self, value): """ Set the source of the message. :type value: tuple :param value: (ip, port) :raise AttributeError: if value is not a ip and a port. """ if not isinstance(value, tuple) or len(value) != 2: raise AttributeError self._source = value @property def code(self): """ Return the code of the message. :rtype: Codes :return: the code """ return self._code @code.setter def code(self, value): """ Set the code of the message. :type value: Codes :param value: the code :raise AttributeError: if value is not a valid code """ if value not in list(defines.Codes.LIST.keys()) and value is not None: raise AttributeError self._code = value @property def acknowledged(self): """ Checks if is this message has been acknowledged. :return: True, if is acknowledged """ return self._acknowledged @acknowledged.setter def acknowledged(self, value): """ Marks this message as acknowledged. :type value: Boolean :param value: if acknowledged """ assert (isinstance(value, bool)) self._acknowledged = value if value: self._timeouted = False self._rejected = False self._cancelled = False @property def rejected(self): """ Checks if this message has been rejected. :return: True, if is rejected """ return self._rejected @rejected.setter def rejected(self, value): """ Marks this message as rejected. :type value: Boolean :param value: if rejected """ assert (isinstance(value, bool)) self._rejected = value if value: self._timeouted = False self._acknowledged = False self._cancelled = True @property def timeouted(self): """ Checks if this message has timeouted. Confirmable messages in particular might timeout. :return: True, if has timeouted """ return self._timeouted @timeouted.setter def timeouted(self, value): """ Marks this message as timeouted. Confirmable messages in particular might timeout. :type value: Boolean :param value: """ assert (isinstance(value, bool)) self._timeouted = value if value: self._acknowledged = False self._rejected = False self._cancelled = True @property def duplicated(self): """ Checks if this message is a duplicate. :return: True, if is a duplicate """ return self._duplicated @duplicated.setter def duplicated(self, value): """ Marks this message as a duplicate. :type value: Boolean :param value: if a duplicate """ assert (isinstance(value, bool)) self._duplicated = value @property def timestamp(self): """ Return the timestamp of the message. """ return self._timestamp @timestamp.setter def timestamp(self, value): """ Set the timestamp of the message. :type value: timestamp :param value: the timestamp """ self._timestamp = value def _already_in(self, option): """ Check if an option is already in the message. :type option: Option :param option: the option to be checked :return: True if already present, False otherwise """ for opt in self._options: if option.number == opt.number: return True return False def add_option(self, option): """ Add an option to the message. :type option: Option :param option: the option :raise TypeError: if the option is not repeatable and such option is already present in the message """ assert isinstance(option, Option) repeatable = defines.OptionRegistry.LIST[option.number].repeatable if not repeatable: ret = self._already_in(option) if ret: raise TypeError("Option : %s is not repeatable", option.name) else: self._options.append(option) else: self._options.append(option) def del_option(self, option): """ Delete an option from the message :type option: Option :param option: the option """ assert isinstance(option, Option) while option in list(self._options): self._options.remove(option) def del_option_by_name(self, name): """ Delete an option from the message by name :type name: String :param name: option name """ for o in list(self._options): assert isinstance(o, Option) if o.name == name: self._options.remove(o) def del_option_by_number(self, number): """ Delete an option from the message by number :type number: Integer :param number: option naumber """ for o in list(self._options): assert isinstance(o, Option) if o.number == number: self._options.remove(o) @property def etag(self): """ Get the ETag option of the message. :rtype: list :return: the ETag values or [] if not specified by the request """ value = [] for option in self.options: if option.number == defines.OptionRegistry.ETAG.number: value.append(option.value) return value @etag.setter def etag(self, etag): """ Add an ETag option to the message. :param etag: the etag """ if not isinstance(etag, list): etag = [etag] for e in etag: option = Option() option.number = defines.OptionRegistry.ETAG.number if not isinstance(e, bytes): e = bytes(e, "utf-8") option.value = e self.add_option(option) @etag.deleter def etag(self): """ Delete an ETag from a message. """ self.del_option_by_number(defines.OptionRegistry.ETAG.number) @property def content_type(self): """ Get the Content-Type option of a response. :return: the Content-Type value or 0 if not specified by the response """ value = 0 for option in self.options: if option.number == defines.OptionRegistry.CONTENT_TYPE.number: value = int(option.value) return value @content_type.setter def content_type(self, content_type): """ Set the Content-Type option of a response. :type content_type: int :param content_type: the Content-Type """ option = Option() option.number = defines.OptionRegistry.CONTENT_TYPE.number option.value = int(content_type) self.add_option(option) @content_type.deleter def content_type(self): """ Delete the Content-Type option of a response. """ self.del_option_by_number(defines.OptionRegistry.CONTENT_TYPE.number) @property def observe(self): """ Check if the request is an observing request. :return: 0, if the request is an observing request """ for option in self.options: if option.number == defines.OptionRegistry.OBSERVE.number: # if option.value is None: # return 0 if option.value is None: return 0 return option.value return None @observe.setter def observe(self, ob): """ Add the Observe option. :param ob: observe count """ option = Option() option.number = defines.OptionRegistry.OBSERVE.number option.value = ob self.del_option_by_number(defines.OptionRegistry.OBSERVE.number) self.add_option(option) @observe.deleter def observe(self): """ Delete the Observe option. """ self.del_option_by_number(defines.OptionRegistry.OBSERVE.number) @property def block1(self): """ Get the Block1 option. :return: the Block1 value """ value = None for option in self.options: if option.number == defines.OptionRegistry.BLOCK1.number: value = utils.parse_blockwise(option.value) return value @block1.setter def block1(self, value): """ Set the Block1 option. :param value: the Block1 value """ option = Option() option.number = defines.OptionRegistry.BLOCK1.number num, m, size = value if size > 512: szx = 6 elif 256 < size <= 512: szx = 5 elif 128 < size <= 256: szx = 4 elif 64 < size <= 128: szx = 3 elif 32 < size <= 64: szx = 2 elif 16 < size <= 32: szx = 1 else: szx = 0 value = (num << 4) value |= (m << 3) value |= szx option.value = value self.add_option(option) @block1.deleter def block1(self): """ Delete the Block1 option. """ self.del_option_by_number(defines.OptionRegistry.BLOCK1.number) @property def block2(self): """ Get the Block2 option. :return: the Block2 value """ value = None for option in self.options: if option.number == defines.OptionRegistry.BLOCK2.number: value = utils.parse_blockwise(option.value) return value @block2.setter def block2(self, value): """ Set the Block2 option. :param value: the Block2 value """ option = Option() option.number = defines.OptionRegistry.BLOCK2.number num, m, size = value if size > 512: szx = 6 elif 256 < size <= 512: szx = 5 elif 128 < size <= 256: szx = 4 elif 64 < size <= 128: szx = 3 elif 32 < size <= 64: szx = 2 elif 16 < size <= 32: szx = 1 else: szx = 0 value = (num << 4) value |= (m << 3) value |= szx option.value = value self.add_option(option) @block2.deleter def block2(self): """ Delete the Block2 option. """ self.del_option_by_number(defines.OptionRegistry.BLOCK2.number) @property def size1(self): value = None for option in self.options: if option.number == defines.OptionRegistry.SIZE1.number: value = option.value if option.value is not None else 0 return value @size1.setter def size1(self, value): option = Option() option.number = defines.OptionRegistry.SIZE1.number option.value = value self.add_option(option) @size1.deleter def size1(self): self.del_option_by_number(defines.OptionRegistry.SIZE1.number) @property def size2(self): value = None for option in self.options: if option.number == defines.OptionRegistry.SIZE2.number: value = option.value if option.value is not None else 0 return value @size2.setter def size2(self, value): option = Option() option.number = defines.OptionRegistry.SIZE2.number option.value = value self.add_option(option) @size2.deleter def size2(self): self.del_option_by_number(defines.OptionRegistry.SIZE2.number) @property def line_print(self): """ Return the message as a one-line string. :return: the string representing the message """ inv_types = {v: k for k, v in defines.Types.items()} if self._code is None: self._code = defines.Codes.EMPTY.number token = binascii.hexlify(self._token).decode("utf-8") if self._token is not None else str(None) msg = "From {source}, To {destination}, {type}-{mid}, {code}-{token}, ["\ .format(source=self._source, destination=self._destination, type=inv_types[self._type], mid=self._mid, code=defines.Codes.LIST[self._code].name, token=token) for opt in self._options: if 'Block' in opt.name: msg += "{name}: {value}, ".format(name=opt.name, value=utils.parse_blockwise(opt.value)) else: msg += "{name}: {value}, ".format(name=opt.name, value=opt.value) msg += "]" if self.payload is not None: if isinstance(self.payload, dict): tmp = list(self.payload.values())[0][0:20] else: tmp = self.payload[0:20] msg += " {payload}...{length} bytes".format(payload=tmp, length=len(self.payload)) else: msg += " No payload" return msg def __str__(self): return self.line_print def pretty_print(self): """ Return the message as a formatted string. :return: the string representing the message """ msg = "Source: " + str(self._source) + "\n" msg += "Destination: " + str(self._destination) + "\n" inv_types = {v: k for k, v in defines.Types.items()} msg += "Type: " + str(inv_types[self._type]) + "\n" msg += "MID: " + str(self._mid) + "\n" if self._code is None: self._code = 0 token = binascii.hexlify(self._token).decode("utf-8") if self._token is not None else str(None) msg += "Code: " + str(defines.Codes.LIST[self._code].name) + "\n" msg += "Token: " + token + "\n" for opt in self._options: msg += str(opt) msg += "Payload: " + "\n" msg += str(self._payload) + "\n" return msg