from coapthon.messages.response import Response from coapthon import defines __author__ = 'Giacomo Tanganelli' class RequestLayer(object): """ Class to handle the Request/Response layer """ def __init__(self, server): self._server = server def receive_request(self, transaction): """ Handle request and execute the requested method :type transaction: Transaction :param transaction: the transaction that owns the request :rtype : Transaction :return: the edited transaction with the response to the request """ method = transaction.request.code if method == defines.Codes.GET.number: transaction = self._handle_get(transaction) elif method == defines.Codes.POST.number: transaction = self._handle_post(transaction) elif method == defines.Codes.PUT.number: transaction = self._handle_put(transaction) elif method == defines.Codes.DELETE.number: transaction = self._handle_delete(transaction) else: transaction.response = None return transaction def send_request(self, request): """ Dummy function. Used to do not broke the layered architecture. :type request: Request :param request: the request :return: the request unmodified """ return request def _handle_get(self, transaction): """ Handle GET requests :type transaction: Transaction :param transaction: the transaction that owns the request :rtype : Transaction :return: the edited transaction with the response to the request """ wkc_resource_is_defined = defines.DISCOVERY_URL in self._server.root path = str("/" + transaction.request.uri_path) transaction.response = Response() transaction.response.destination = transaction.request.source transaction.response.token = transaction.request.token if path == defines.DISCOVERY_URL and not wkc_resource_is_defined: transaction = else: try: resource = self._server.root[path] except KeyError: resource = None if resource is None or path == '/': # Not Found transaction.response.code = defines.Codes.NOT_FOUND.number else: transaction.resource = resource transaction = self._server.resourceLayer.get_resource(transaction) return transaction def _handle_put(self, transaction): """ Handle PUT requests :type transaction: Transaction :param transaction: the transaction that owns the request :rtype : Transaction :return: the edited transaction with the response to the request """ path = str("/" + transaction.request.uri_path) transaction.response = Response() transaction.response.destination = transaction.request.source transaction.response.token = transaction.request.token try: resource = self._server.root[path] except KeyError: resource = None if resource is None: transaction.response.code = defines.Codes.NOT_FOUND.number else: transaction.resource = resource # Update request transaction = self._server.resourceLayer.update_resource(transaction) return transaction def _handle_post(self, transaction): """ Handle POST requests :type transaction: Transaction :param transaction: the transaction that owns the request :rtype : Transaction :return: the edited transaction with the response to the request """ path = str("/" + transaction.request.uri_path) transaction.response = Response() transaction.response.destination = transaction.request.source transaction.response.token = transaction.request.token # Create request transaction = self._server.resourceLayer.create_resource(path, transaction) return transaction def _handle_delete(self, transaction): """ Handle DELETE requests :type transaction: Transaction :param transaction: the transaction that owns the request :rtype : Transaction :return: the edited transaction with the response to the request """ path = str("/" + transaction.request.uri_path) transaction.response = Response() transaction.response.destination = transaction.request.source transaction.response.token = transaction.request.token try: resource = self._server.root[path] except KeyError: resource = None if resource is None: transaction.response.code = defines.Codes.NOT_FOUND.number else: # Delete transaction.resource = resource transaction = self._server.resourceLayer.delete_resource(transaction, path) return transaction