Marcel Holtmann a2753c285f dbus: Use simple strings for debug level
Instead of using some magic integer values that really only mean
something to WPA internal code, just use simple strings. Possible
values are "msgdump", "debug", "info", "warning" and "error" which
map directly to WPA debugging support.
2010-01-04 16:22:26 +02:00

702 lines
21 KiB

\page dbus %wpa_supplicant D-Bus API
This section documents the %wpa_supplicant D-Bus API. Every D-Bus
interface implemented by %wpa_supplicant is described here including
their methods, signals, and properties with arguments, returned
values, and possible errors.
- \ref dbus_main
- \ref dbus_interface
- \ref dbus_wps
- \ref dbus_bss
- \ref dbus_network
\section dbus_main fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1
Interface implemented by the main %wpa_supplicant D-Bus object
registered in the bus with fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1 name.
\subsection dbus_main_methods Methods
<h3>CreateInterface ( a{sv} : args ) --> o : interface</h3>
<p>Registers a wireless interface in %wpa_supplicant.</p>
<dt>a{sv} : args</dt>
A dictionary with arguments used to add the interface to %wpa_supplicant. The dictionary may contain the following entries:
<tr><th>Key</th><th>Value type</th><th>Description</th><th>Required</th>
<tr><td>Ifname</td><td>s</td><td>Name of the network interface to control, e.g., wlan0</td><td>Yes</td>
<tr><td>Bridge_ifname</td><td>s</td><td>Name of the bridge interface to control, e.g., br0</td><td>No</td>
<tr><td>Driver</td><td>s</td><td>Driver name which the interface uses, e.g., nl80211</td><td>No</td>
<dt>o : interface</dt>
<dd>A D-Bus path to object representing created interface</dd>
<h4>Possible errors</h4>
<dd>%wpa_supplicant already controls this interface.</dd>
<dd>Creating interface failed for an unknown reason.</dd>
<dd>Invalid entries were found in the passed argument.</dd>
<h3>RemoveInterface ( o : interface ) --> nothing</h3>
<p>Deregisters a wireless interface from %wpa_supplicant.</p>
<dt>o : interface</dt>
<dd>A D-Bus path to an object representing an interface to remove returned by CreateInterface</dd>
<h4>Possible errors</h4>
<dd>Object pointed by the path doesn't exist or doesn't represent an interface.</dd>
<dd>Removing interface failed for an unknown reason.</dd>
<h3>GetInterface ( s : ifname ) --> o : interface</h3>
<p>Returns a D-Bus path to an object related to an interface which %wpa_supplicant already controls.</p>
<dt>s : ifname</dt>
<dd>Name of the network interface, e.g., wlan0</dd>
<dt>o : interface</dt>
<dd>A D-Bus path to an object representing an interface</dd>
<h4>Possible errors</h4>
<dd>An interface with the passed name in not controlled by %wpa_supplicant.</dd>
<dd>Getting an interface object path failed for an unknown reason.</dd>
\subsection dbus_main_properties Properties
<h3>DebugLevel - s - (read/write)</h3>
<p>Global %wpa_supplicant debugging level. Possible values are
"msgdump" (verbose debugging), "debug" (debugging),
"info" (informative), "warning" (warnings), and "error" (errors).</p>
<h3>DebugTimestamp - b - (read/write)</h3>
<p>Global %wpa_supplicant debugging parameter. Determines if timestamps are shown in debug logs.</p>
<h3>DebugShowKeys - b - (read/write)</h3>
<p>Global %wpa_supplicant debugging parameter. Determines if secrets are shown in debug logs.</p>
<h3>Interfaces - ao - (read)</h3>
<p>An array with paths to D-Bus objects representing controlled interfaces each.</p>
<h3>EapMethods - as - (read)</h3>
<p>An array with supported EAP methods names.</p>
\subsection dbus_main_signals Signals
<h3>InterfaceAdded ( o : interface, a{sv} : properties )</h3>
<p>A new interface was added to %wpa_supplicant.</p>
<dt>o : interface</dt>
<dd>A D-Bus path to an object representing the added interface</dd>
<dt>a{sv} : properties</dt>
<dd>A dictionary containing properties of added interface.</dd>
<h3>InterfaceRemoved ( o : interface )</h3>
<p>An interface was removed from %wpa_supplicant.</p>
<dt>o : interface</dt>
<dd>A D-Bus path to an object representing the removed interface</dd>
<h3>PropertiesChanged ( a{sv} : properties )</h3>
<p>Some properties have changed.</p>
<dt>a{sv} : properties</dt>
<dd>A dictionary with pairs of properties names which have changed and theirs new values. Possible dictionary keys are: "DebugParams"</dd>
\section dbus_interface fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1.Interface
Interface implemented by objects related to network interface added to
%wpa_supplicant, i.e., returned by
\subsection dbus_interface_methods Methods
<h3>Scan ( a{sv} : args ) --> nothing</h3>
<p>Triggers a scan.</p>
<dt>a{sv} : args</dt>
A dictionary with arguments describing scan type:
<tr><th>Key</th><th>Value type</th><th>Description</th><th>Required</th>
<tr><td>Type</td><td>s</td><td>Type of the scan. Possible values: "active", "passive"</td><td>Yes</td>
<tr><td>SSIDs</td><td>aay</td><td>Array of SSIDs to scan for (applies only if scan type is active)</td><td>No</td>
<tr><td>IEs</td><td>aay</td><td>Information elements to used in active scan (applies only if scan type is active)</td><td>No</td>
<tr><td>Channels</td><td>a(uu)</td><td>Array of frequencies to scan in form of (center, width) in MHz.</td><td>No</td>
<h4>Possible errors</h4>
<dd>Invalid entries were found in the passed argument.</dd>
<h3>Disconnect ( ) --> nothing</h3>
<p>Disassociates the interface from current network.</p>
<h4>Possible errors</h4>
<dd>Interface is not connected to any network.</dd>
<h3>AddNetwork ( a{sv} : args ) --> o : network</h3>
<p>Adds a new network to the interface.</p>
<dt>a{sv} : args</dt>
<dd>A dictionary with network configuration. Dictionary entries are equivalent to entries in the "network" block in %wpa_supplicant configuration file. Entry values should be appropriate type to the entry, e.g., an entry with key "frequency" should have value type int.</dd>
<dt>o : network</dt>
<dd>A D-Bus path to an object representing a configured network</dd>
<h4>Possible errors</h4>
<dd>Invalid entries were found in the passed argument.</dd>
<dd>Adding network failed for an unknown reason.</dd>
<h3>RemoveNetwork ( o : network ) --> nothing</h3>
<p>Removes a configured network from the interface.</p>
<dt>o : network</dt>
<dd>A D-Bus path to an object representing a configured network returned by fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1.Interface.AddNetwork</dd>
<h4>Possible errors</h4>
<dd>A passed path doesn't point to any network object.</dd>
<dd>A passed path doesn't point to any network object.</dd>
<dd>Removing network failed for an unknown reason.</dd>
<h3>SelectNetwork ( o : network ) --> nothing</h3>
<p>Attempt association with a configured network.</p>
<dt>o : network</dt>
<dd>A D-Bus path to an object representing a configured network returned by fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1.Interface.AddNetwork</dd>
<h4>Possible errors</h4>
<dd>A passed path doesn't point to any network object.</dd>
<dd>A passed path doesn't point to any network object.</dd>
<h3>AddBlob ( s : name, ay : data ) --> nothing</h3>
<p>Adds a blob to the interface.</p>
<dt>s : name</dt>
<dd>A name of a blob</dd>
<dt>ay : data</dt>
<dd>A blob data</dd>
<h4>Possible errors</h4>
<dd>A blob with the specified name already exists.</dd>
<h3>RemoveBlob ( s : name ) --> nothing</h3>
<p>Removes the blob from the interface.</p>
<dt>s : name</dt>
<dd>A name of the blob to remove</dd>
<h4>Possible errors</h4>
<dd>A blob with the specified name doesn't exist.</dd>
<h3>GetBlob ( s : name ) --> ay : data</h3>
<p>Returns the blob data of a previously added blob.</p>
<dt>s : name</dt>
<dd>A name of the blob</dd>
<dt>ay : data</dt>
<dd>A blob data</dd>
<h4>Possible errors</h4>
<dd>A blob with the specified name doesn't exist.</dd>
\subsection dbus_interface_properties Properties
<h3>Capabilities - a{sv} - (read)</h3>
<p>Capabilities of the interface. Dictionary contains following entries:</p>
<tr><th>Key</th><th>Value type</th><th>Description</th>
<tr><td>Pairwise</td><td>as</td><td>Possible array elements: "ccmp", "tkip", "none"</td>
<tr><td>Group</td><td>as</td><td>Possible array elements: "ccmp", "tkip", "wep104", "wep40"</td>
<tr><td>KeyMgmt</td><td>as</td><td>Possible array elements: "wpa-psk", "wpa-eap", "ieee8021x", "wpa-none", "wps", "none"</td>
<tr><td>Protocol</td><td>as</td><td>Possible array elements: "rsn", "wpa"</td>
<tr><td>AuthAlg</td><td>as</td><td>Possible array elements: "open", "shared", "leap"</td>
<tr><td>Scan</td><td>as</td><td>Possible array elements: "active", "passive", "ssid"</td>
<tr><td>Modes</td><td>as</td><td>Possible array elements: "infrastructure", "ad-hoc", "ap"</td>
<h3>State - s - (read)</h3>
<p>A state of the interface. Possible values are: return "disconnected", "inactive", "scanning", "authenticating", "associating", "associated", "4way_handshake", "group_handshake", "completed","unknown".</p>
<h3>Scanning - b - (read)</h3>
<p>Determines if the interface is already scanning or not</p>
<h3>ApScan - u - (read/write)</h3>
<p>Identical to ap_scan entry in %wpa_supplicant configuration file. Possible values are 0, 1 or 2.</p>
<h3>Ifname - s - (read)</h3>
<p>Name of network interface controlled by the interface, e.g., wlan0.</p>
<h3>BridgeIfname - s - (read)</h3>
<p>Name of bridge network interface controlled by the interface, e.g., br0.</p>
<h3>Driver - s - (read)</h3>
<p>Name of driver used by the interface, e.g., nl80211.</p>
<h3>CurrentBSS - o - (read)</h3>
<p>Path to D-Bus object representing BSS which %wpa_supplicant is associated with, or "/" if is not associated at all.</p>
<h3>CurrentNetwork - o - (read)</h3>
<p>Path to D-Bus object representing configured network which %wpa_supplicant uses at the moment, or "/" if doesn't use any.</p>
<h3>Blobs - as - (read)</h3>
<p>List of blobs names added to the Interface.</p>
<h3>BSSs - ao - (read)</h3>
<p>List of D-Bus objects paths representing BSSs known to the interface, i.e., scan results.</p>
<h3>Networks - ao - (read)</h3>
<p>List of D-Bus objects paths representing configured networks.</p>
\subsection dbus_interface_signals Signals
<h3>ScanDone ( b : success )</h3>
<p>Scanning finished. </p>
<dt>s : success</dt>
<dd>Determines if scanning was successful. If so, results are available.</dd>
<h3>StateChanged ( s : newState, s : oldState )</h3>
<p>Interface state has changed.</p>
<dt>s : newState</dt>
<dd>A state which the interface goes to</dd>
<dt>s : oldState</dt>
<dd>A state which the interface goes from</dd>
<h3>BSSAdded ( o : BSS, a{sv} : properties )</h3>
<p>Interface became aware of a new BSS.</p>
<dt>o : BSS</dt>
<dd>A D-Bus path to an object representing the new BSS.</dd>
<dt>a{sv} : properties</dt>
<dd>A dictionary containing properties of added BSS.</dd>
<h3>BSSRemoved ( o : BSS )</h3>
<p>BSS disappeared.</p>
<dt>o : BSS</dt>
<dd>A D-Bus path to an object representing the BSS.</dd>
<h3>BlobAdded ( s : blobName )</h3>
<p>A new blob has been added to the interface.</p>
<dt>s : blobName</dt>
<dd>A name of the added blob.</dd>
<h3>BlobRemoved ( s : blobName )</h3>
<p>A blob has been removed from the interface.</p>
<dt>s : blobName</dt>
<dd>A name of the removed blob.</dd>
<h3>NetworkAdded ( o : network, a{sv} : properties )</h3>
<p>A new network has been added to the interface.</p>
<dt>o : network</dt>
<dd>A D-Bus path to an object representing the added network.</dd>
<dt>a{sv} : properties</dt>
<dd>A dictionary containing properties of added network.</dd>
<h3>NetworkRemoved ( o : network )</h3>
<p>The network has been removed from the interface.</p>
<dt>o : network</dt>
<dd>A D-Bus path to an object representing the removed network.</dd>
<h3>NetworkSelected ( o : network )</h3>
<p>The network has been selected.</p>
<dt>o : network</dt>
<dd>A D-Bus path to an object representing the selected network.</dd>
<h3>PropertiesChanged ( a{sv} : properties )</h3>
<p>Some properties have changed.</p>
<dt>a{sv} : properties</dt>
<dd>A dictionary with pairs of properties names which have changed and theirs new values. Possible dictionary keys are: "ApScan", "Scanning", "CurrentBSS", "CurrentNetwork"</dd>
\section dbus_wps fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1.Interface.WPS
Interface implemented by objects related to network interface added to
%wpa_supplicant, i.e., returned by fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1.CreateInterface.
\subsection dbus_wps_methods Methods
<h3>Start ( a{sv} : args ) --> a{sv} : output</h3>
<p>Starts WPS configuration.</p>
<dt>a{sv} : args</dt>
A dictionary with arguments used to start WPS configuration. The dictionary may contain the following entries:
<tr><th>Key</th><th>Value type</th><th>Description</th><th>Required</th>
<tr><td>Role</td><td>s</td><td>The device's role. Possible values are "enrollee" and "registrar".</td><td>Yes</td>
<tr><td>Type</td><td>s</td><td>WPS authentication type. Applies only for enrollee role. Possible values are "pin" and "pbc".</td><td>Yes, for enrollee role; otherwise no</td>
<tr><td>Pin</td><td>s</td><td>WPS Pin.</td><td>Yes, for registrar role; otherwise optional</td>
<dt>a{sv} : output</dt>
<tr><th>Key</th><th>Value type</th><th>Description</th><th>Required</th>
<tr><td>Pin</td><td>s</td><td>Newly generated PIN, if not specified for enrollee role and pin authentication type.</td><td>No</td>
<h4>Possible errors</h4>
<dd>Starting WPS configuration failed for an unknown reason.</dd>
<dd>Invalid entries were found in the passed argument.</dd>
\subsection dbus_wps_properties Properties
<h3>ProcessCredentials - b - (read/write)</h3>
<p>Determines if the interface will process the credentials (credentials_processed configuration file parameter).</p>
\subsection dbus_wps_signals Signals
<h3>Event ( s : name, a{sv} : args )</h3>
<p>WPS event occurred.</p>
<dt>s : event</dt>
<dd>Event type. Possible values are: "success, "fail" and "m2d"</dd>
<dt>a{sv} : args</dt>
Event arguments. Empty for success event, one entry ( "msg" : i ) for fail event and following entries for m2d event:
<tr><th>config_methods</th><th>Value type</th>
<h3>Credentials ( a{sv} : credentials )</h3>
<p>WPS credentials. Dictionary contains:</p>
<tr><th>Key</th><th>Value type</th><th>Description</th>
<tr><td>AuthType</td><td>as</td><td>Possible array elements: "open", "shared", "wpa-psk", "wpa-eap", "wpa2-eap", "wpa2-psk"</td>
<tr><td>EncrType</td><td>as</td><td>Possible array elements: "none", "wep", "tkip", "aes"</td>
<tr><td>Key</td><td>ay</td><td>Key data</td>
<tr><td>KeyIndex</td><td>u</td><td>Key index</td>
<h3>PropertiesChanged ( a{sv} : properties )</h3>
<p>Some properties have changed.</p>
<dt>a{sv} : properties</dt>
<dd>A dictionary with pairs of properties names which have changed and theirs new values. Possible dictionary keys are: "ProcessCredentials"</dd>
\section dbus_bss fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1.Interface.BSS
Interface implemented by objects representing a scanned BSSs, i.e.,
scan results.
\subsection dbus_bss_properties Properties
<h3>BSSID - ay - (read)</h3>
<p>BSSID of the BSS.</p>
<h3>SSID - ay - (read)</h3>
<p>SSID of the BSS.</p>
<h3>WPAIE - ay - (read)</h3>
<p>WPA information element of the BSS. The second byte contain number of bytes following it.</p>
<h3>RSNIE - ay - (read)</h3>
<p>RSN information element of the BSS. The second byte contain number of bytes following it.</p>
<h3>WPSIE - ay - (read)</h3>
<p>WPS information element of the BSS. The second byte contain number of bytes following it.</p>
<h3>Privacy - b - (read)</h3>
<p>Indicates if BSS supports privacy.</p>
<h3>Mode - s - (read)</h3>
<p>Describes mode of the BSS. Possible values are: "ad-hoc" and "infrastructure".</p>
<h3>Frequency - q - (read)</h3>
<p>Frequency of the BSS in MHz.</p>
<h3>MaxRate - q - (read)</h3>
<p>Maximal data rate of the BSS in bits per second.</p>
<h3>Signal - n - (read)</h3>
<p>Signal strength of the BSS.</p>
\section dbus_network fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1.Interface.Network
Interface implemented by objects representing configured networks,
i.e., returned by fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1.Interface.AddNetwork.
\subsection dbus_network_properties Properties
<h3>Enabled - b - (read/write)</h3>
<p>Determines if the configured network is enabled or not.</p>
<h3>Properties - a{sv} - (read)</h3>
<p>Properties of the configured network. Dictionary contains entries from "network" block of %wpa_supplicant configuration file. All values are string type, e.g., frequency is "2437", not 2437.
\subsection dbus_network_signals Signals
<h3>PropertiesChanged ( a{sv} : properties )</h3>
<p>Some properties have changed.</p>
<dt>a{sv} : properties</dt>
<dd>A dictionary with pairs of properties names which have changed and theirs new values. Possible dictionary keys are: "Enabled"</dd>