![Jouni Malinen](/assets/img/avatar_default.png)
This test case adds a new AP device (wlan0_ap) with iw and removes it in the end. However, the hostapd interface for this netdev was only added, but not removed at the end of the test case. This could result in consecutive test cases getting confused with the extra interface, e.g., if running WPS configuration steps that get applied to all enabled interfaces. Signed-off-by: Jouni Malinen <jouni@codeaurora.org>
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# Test cases for Multi-AP
# Copyright (c) 2018, The Linux Foundation
# This software may be distributed under the terms of the BSD license.
# See README for more details.
import hostapd
from wpasupplicant import WpaSupplicant
from utils import *
def test_multi_ap_association(dev, apdev):
"""Multi-AP association in backhaul BSS"""
run_multi_ap_association(dev, apdev, 1)
dev[1].connect("multi-ap", psk="12345678", scan_freq="2412",
ev = dev[1].wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED",
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Connection result not reported")
raise Exception("Association rejection not reported")
if "status_code=12" not in ev:
raise Exception("Unexpected association status code: " + ev)
def test_multi_ap_association_shared_bss(dev, apdev):
"""Multi-AP association in backhaul BSS (with fronthaul BSS enabled)"""
run_multi_ap_association(dev, apdev, 3)
dev[1].connect("multi-ap", psk="12345678", scan_freq="2412")
def run_multi_ap_association(dev, apdev, multi_ap, wait_connect=True):
params = hostapd.wpa2_params(ssid="multi-ap", passphrase="12345678")
if multi_ap:
params["multi_ap"] = str(multi_ap)
hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params)
dev[0].connect("multi-ap", psk="12345678", scan_freq="2412",
multi_ap_backhaul_sta="1", wait_connect=wait_connect)
def test_multi_ap_backhaul_roam_with_bridge(dev, apdev):
"""Multi-AP backhaul BSS reassociation to another BSS with bridge"""
br_ifname = 'sta-br0'
ifname = 'wlan5'
run_multi_ap_backhaul_roam_with_bridge(dev, apdev)
subprocess.call(['ip', 'link', 'set', 'dev', br_ifname, 'down'])
subprocess.call(['brctl', 'delif', br_ifname, ifname])
subprocess.call(['brctl', 'delbr', br_ifname])
subprocess.call(['iw', ifname, 'set', '4addr', 'off'])
def run_multi_ap_backhaul_roam_with_bridge(dev, apdev):
br_ifname = 'sta-br0'
ifname = 'wlan5'
wpas = WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5')
subprocess.call(['brctl', 'addbr', br_ifname])
subprocess.call(['brctl', 'setfd', br_ifname, '0'])
subprocess.call(['ip', 'link', 'set', 'dev', br_ifname, 'up'])
subprocess.call(['iw', ifname, 'set', '4addr', 'on'])
subprocess.check_call(['brctl', 'addif', br_ifname, ifname])
wpas.interface_add(ifname, br_ifname=br_ifname)
params = hostapd.wpa2_params(ssid="multi-ap", passphrase="12345678")
params["multi_ap"] = "1"
hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params)
wpas.connect("multi-ap", psk="12345678", scan_freq="2412",
hapd2 = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[1], params)
bssid2 = hapd2.own_addr()
wpas.scan_for_bss(bssid2, freq="2412", force_scan=True)
def test_multi_ap_disabled_on_ap(dev, apdev):
"""Multi-AP association attempt when disabled on AP"""
run_multi_ap_association(dev, apdev, 0, wait_connect=False)
ev = dev[0].wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED",
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Connection result not reported")
raise Exception("Unexpected connection result")
def test_multi_ap_fronthaul_on_ap(dev, apdev):
"""Multi-AP association attempt when only fronthaul BSS on AP"""
run_multi_ap_association(dev, apdev, 2, wait_connect=False)
ev = dev[0].wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED",
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Connection result not reported")
raise Exception("Unexpected connection result")
def remove_apdev(dev, ifname):
hglobal = hostapd.HostapdGlobal()
dev.cmd_execute(['iw', ifname, 'del'])
def run_multi_ap_wps(dev, apdev, params, params_backhaul=None, add_apdev=False,
run_csa=False, allow_csa_fail=False):
"""Helper for running Multi-AP WPS tests
dev[0] does multi_ap WPS, dev[1] does normal WPS. apdev[0] is the fronthaul
BSS. If there is a separate backhaul BSS, it must have been set up by the
caller. params are the normal SSID parameters, they will be extended with
the WPS parameters. multi_ap_bssid must be given if it is not equal to the
fronthaul BSSID."""
wpas_apdev = None
if params_backhaul:
hapd_backhaul = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[1], params_backhaul)
multi_ap_bssid = hapd_backhaul.own_addr()
multi_ap_bssid = apdev[0]['bssid']
params.update({"wps_state": "2", "eap_server": "1"})
# WPS with multi-ap station dev[0]
hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params)
conf = hapd.request("GET_CONFIG").splitlines()
if "ssid=" + params['ssid'] not in conf:
raise Exception("GET_CONFIG did not show correct ssid entry")
if "multi_ap" in params and \
"multi_ap=" + params["multi_ap"] not in conf:
raise Exception("GET_CONFIG did not show correct multi_ap entry")
if "multi_ap_backhaul_ssid" in params and \
"multi_ap_backhaul_ssid=" + params["multi_ap_backhaul_ssid"].strip('"') not in conf:
raise Exception("GET_CONFIG did not show correct multi_ap_backhaul_ssid entry")
if "wpa" in params and "multi_ap_backhaul_wpa_passphrase" in params and \
"multi_ap_backhaul_wpa_passphrase=" + params["multi_ap_backhaul_wpa_passphrase"] not in conf:
raise Exception("GET_CONFIG did not show correct multi_ap_backhaul_wpa_passphrase entry")
if "multi_ap_backhaul_wpa_psk" in params and \
"multi_ap_backhaul_wpa_psk=" + params["multi_ap_backhaul_wpa_psk"] not in conf:
raise Exception("GET_CONFIG did not show correct multi_ap_backhaul_wpa_psk entry")
if "PBC Status: Active" not in hapd.request("WPS_GET_STATUS"):
raise Exception("PBC status not shown correctly")
dev[0].request("WPS_PBC multi_ap=1")
status = dev[0].get_status()
if status['wpa_state'] != 'COMPLETED' or status['bssid'] != multi_ap_bssid:
raise Exception("Not fully connected")
if status['ssid'] != params['multi_ap_backhaul_ssid'].strip('"'):
raise Exception("Unexpected SSID %s != %s" % (status['ssid'], params["multi_ap_backhaul_ssid"]))
if status['pairwise_cipher'] != 'CCMP':
raise Exception("Unexpected encryption configuration %s" % status['pairwise_cipher'])
if status['key_mgmt'] != 'WPA2-PSK':
raise Exception("Unexpected key_mgmt")
status = hapd.request("WPS_GET_STATUS")
if "PBC Status: Disabled" not in status:
raise Exception("PBC status not shown correctly")
if "Last WPS result: Success" not in status:
raise Exception("Last WPS result not shown correctly")
if "Peer Address: " + dev[0].own_addr() not in status:
raise Exception("Peer address not shown correctly")
if len(dev[0].list_networks()) != 1:
raise Exception("Unexpected number of network blocks")
# WPS with non-Multi-AP station dev[1]
if "PBC Status: Active" not in hapd.request("WPS_GET_STATUS"):
raise Exception("PBC status not shown correctly")
status = dev[1].get_status()
if status['wpa_state'] != 'COMPLETED' or status['bssid'] != apdev[0]['bssid']:
raise Exception("Not fully connected")
if status['ssid'] != params["ssid"]:
raise Exception("Unexpected SSID")
# Fronthaul may be something else than WPA2-PSK so don't test it.
status = hapd.request("WPS_GET_STATUS")
if "PBC Status: Disabled" not in status:
raise Exception("PBC status not shown correctly")
if "Last WPS result: Success" not in status:
raise Exception("Last WPS result not shown correctly")
if "Peer Address: " + dev[1].own_addr() not in status:
raise Exception("Peer address not shown correctly")
if len(dev[1].list_networks()) != 1:
raise Exception("Unexpected number of network blocks")
# Add apdev to the same phy that dev[0]
if add_apdev:
wpas_apdev = {}
wpas_apdev['ifname'] = dev[0].ifname + "_ap"
status, buf = dev[0].cmd_execute(['iw', dev[0].ifname,
'interface', 'add',
'type', 'managed'])
if status != 0:
raise Exception("iw interface add failed")
wpas_hapd = hostapd.add_ap(wpas_apdev, params)
if run_csa:
if 'OK' not in hapd.request("CHAN_SWITCH 5 2462 ht"):
raise Exception("chan switch request failed")
ev = hapd.wait_event(["AP-CSA-FINISHED"], timeout=5)
if not ev:
raise Exception("chan switch failed")
# now check station
ev = dev[0].wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-CHANNEL-SWITCH",
if not ev:
raise Exception("sta - no chanswitch event")
if "CTRL-EVENT-CHANNEL-SWITCH" not in ev and not allow_csa_fail:
raise Exception("Received disconnection event instead of channel switch event")
if add_apdev:
remove_apdev(dev[0], wpas_apdev['ifname'])
if wpas_apdev:
remove_apdev(dev[0], wpas_apdev['ifname'])
return hapd
def test_multi_ap_wps_shared(dev, apdev):
"""WPS on shared fronthaul/backhaul AP"""
ssid = "multi-ap-wps"
passphrase = "12345678"
params = hostapd.wpa2_params(ssid=ssid, passphrase=passphrase)
params.update({"multi_ap": "3",
"multi_ap_backhaul_ssid": '"%s"' % ssid,
"multi_ap_backhaul_wpa_passphrase": passphrase})
hapd = run_multi_ap_wps(dev, apdev, params)
# Verify WPS parameter update with Multi-AP
if "OK" not in hapd.request("RELOAD"):
raise Exception("hostapd RELOAD failed")
dev[0].request("REMOVE_NETWORK all")
dev[0].request("WPS_PBC multi_ap=1")
def test_multi_ap_wps_shared_csa(dev, apdev):
"""WPS on shared fronthaul/backhaul AP, run CSA"""
ssid = "multi-ap-wps-csa"
passphrase = "12345678"
params = hostapd.wpa2_params(ssid=ssid, passphrase=passphrase)
params.update({"multi_ap": "3",
"multi_ap_backhaul_ssid": '"%s"' % ssid,
"multi_ap_backhaul_wpa_passphrase": passphrase})
run_multi_ap_wps(dev, apdev, params, run_csa=True)
def test_multi_ap_wps_shared_apdev_csa(dev, apdev):
"""WPS on shared fronthaul/backhaul AP add apdev on same phy and run CSA"""
ssid = "multi-ap-wps-apdev-csa"
passphrase = "12345678"
params = hostapd.wpa2_params(ssid=ssid, passphrase=passphrase)
params.update({"multi_ap": "3",
"multi_ap_backhaul_ssid": '"%s"' % ssid,
"multi_ap_backhaul_wpa_passphrase": passphrase})
# This case is currently failing toc omplete CSA on the station interface.
# For the time being, ignore that to avoid always failing tests. Full
# validation can be enabled once the issue behind this is fixed.
run_multi_ap_wps(dev, apdev, params, add_apdev=True, run_csa=True,
def test_multi_ap_wps_shared_psk(dev, apdev):
"""WPS on shared fronthaul/backhaul AP using PSK"""
ssid = "multi-ap-wps"
psk = "1234567890abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef"
params = hostapd.wpa2_params(ssid=ssid)
params.update({"wpa_psk": psk,
"multi_ap": "3",
"multi_ap_backhaul_ssid": '"%s"' % ssid,
"multi_ap_backhaul_wpa_psk": psk})
run_multi_ap_wps(dev, apdev, params)
def test_multi_ap_wps_split(dev, apdev):
"""WPS on split fronthaul and backhaul AP"""
backhaul_ssid = "multi-ap-backhaul-wps"
backhaul_passphrase = "87654321"
params = hostapd.wpa2_params(ssid="multi-ap-fronthaul-wps",
params.update({"multi_ap": "2",
"multi_ap_backhaul_ssid": '"%s"' % backhaul_ssid,
"multi_ap_backhaul_wpa_passphrase": backhaul_passphrase})
params_backhaul = hostapd.wpa2_params(ssid=backhaul_ssid,
params_backhaul.update({"multi_ap": "1"})
run_multi_ap_wps(dev, apdev, params, params_backhaul)
def test_multi_ap_wps_split_psk(dev, apdev):
"""WPS on split fronthaul and backhaul AP"""
backhaul_ssid = "multi-ap-backhaul-wps"
backhaul_psk = "1234567890abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef"
params = hostapd.wpa2_params(ssid="multi-ap-fronthaul-wps",
params.update({"multi_ap": "2",
"multi_ap_backhaul_ssid": '"%s"' % backhaul_ssid,
"multi_ap_backhaul_wpa_psk": backhaul_psk})
params_backhaul = hostapd.wpa2_params(ssid=backhaul_ssid)
params_backhaul.update({"multi_ap": "1", "wpa_psk": backhaul_psk})
run_multi_ap_wps(dev, apdev, params, params_backhaul)
def test_multi_ap_wps_split_mixed(dev, apdev):
"""WPS on split fronthaul and backhaul AP with mixed-mode fronthaul"""
backhaul_ssid = "multi-ap-backhaul-wps"
backhaul_passphrase = "87654321"
params = hostapd.wpa_mixed_params(ssid="multi-ap-fronthaul-wps",
params.update({"multi_ap": "2",
"multi_ap_backhaul_ssid": '"%s"' % backhaul_ssid,
"multi_ap_backhaul_wpa_passphrase": backhaul_passphrase})
params_backhaul = hostapd.wpa2_params(ssid=backhaul_ssid,
params_backhaul.update({"multi_ap": "1"})
run_multi_ap_wps(dev, apdev, params, params_backhaul)
def test_multi_ap_wps_split_open(dev, apdev):
"""WPS on split fronthaul and backhaul AP with open fronthaul"""
backhaul_ssid = "multi-ap-backhaul-wps"
backhaul_passphrase = "87654321"
params = {"ssid": "multi-ap-wps-fronthaul", "multi_ap": "2",
"multi_ap_backhaul_ssid": '"%s"' % backhaul_ssid,
"multi_ap_backhaul_wpa_passphrase": backhaul_passphrase}
params_backhaul = hostapd.wpa2_params(ssid=backhaul_ssid,
params_backhaul.update({"multi_ap": "1"})
run_multi_ap_wps(dev, apdev, params, params_backhaul)
def test_multi_ap_wps_fail_non_multi_ap(dev, apdev):
"""Multi-AP WPS on non-WPS AP fails"""
params = hostapd.wpa2_params(ssid="non-multi-ap-wps", passphrase="12345678")
params.update({"wps_state": "2", "eap_server": "1"})
hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params)
if "PBC Status: Active" not in hapd.request("WPS_GET_STATUS"):
raise Exception("PBC status not shown correctly")
dev[0].scan_for_bss(apdev[0]['bssid'], freq="2412")
dev[0].request("WPS_PBC %s multi_ap=1" % apdev[0]['bssid'])
# Since we will fail to associate and WPS doesn't even get started, there
# isn't much we can do except wait for timeout. For PBC, it is not possible
# to change the timeout from 2 minutes. Instead of waiting for the timeout,
# just check that WPS doesn't finish within reasonable time.
for i in range(2):
ev = dev[0].wait_event(["WPS-SUCCESS", "WPS-FAIL",
if ev and "WPS-" in ev:
raise Exception("WPS operation completed: " + ev)