This is another one of the test cases that can time out frequently under valgrind during WPS exchange. Increase the timeout to make false error reports less likely to occur. Signed-hostap: Jouni Malinen <j@w1.fi>
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317 lines
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# WPS tests
# Copyright (c) 2013, Jouni Malinen <j@w1.fi>
# This software may be distributed under the terms of the BSD license.
# See README for more details.
import time
import subprocess
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import hwsim_utils
import hostapd
def test_ap_wps_init(dev, apdev):
"""Initial AP configuration with first WPS Enrollee"""
ssid = "test-wps"
{ "ssid": ssid, "eap_server": "1", "wps_state": "1" })
hapd = hostapd.Hostapd(apdev[0]['ifname'])
logger.info("WPS provisioning step")
dev[0].request("SET ignore_old_scan_res 1")
ev = dev[0].wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED"], timeout=30)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Association with the AP timed out")
status = dev[0].get_status()
if status['wpa_state'] != 'COMPLETED' or status['bssid'] != apdev[0]['bssid']:
raise Exception("Not fully connected")
if status['ssid'] != ssid:
raise Exception("Unexpected SSID")
if status['pairwise_cipher'] != 'CCMP':
raise Exception("Unexpected encryption configuration")
if status['key_mgmt'] != 'WPA2-PSK':
raise Exception("Unexpected key_mgmt")
def test_ap_wps_conf(dev, apdev):
"""WPS PBC provisioning with configured AP"""
ssid = "test-wps-conf"
{ "ssid": ssid, "eap_server": "1", "wps_state": "2",
"wpa_passphrase": "12345678", "wpa": "2",
"wpa_key_mgmt": "WPA-PSK", "rsn_pairwise": "CCMP"})
hapd = hostapd.Hostapd(apdev[0]['ifname'])
logger.info("WPS provisioning step")
ev = dev[0].wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED"], timeout=30)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Association with the AP timed out")
status = dev[0].get_status()
if status['wpa_state'] != 'COMPLETED':
raise Exception("Not fully connected")
if status['bssid'] != apdev[0]['bssid']:
raise Exception("Unexpected BSSID")
if status['ssid'] != ssid:
raise Exception("Unexpected SSID")
if status['pairwise_cipher'] != 'CCMP' or status['group_cipher'] != 'CCMP':
raise Exception("Unexpected encryption configuration")
if status['key_mgmt'] != 'WPA2-PSK':
raise Exception("Unexpected key_mgmt")
def test_ap_wps_conf_pin(dev, apdev):
"""WPS PIN provisioning with configured AP"""
ssid = "test-wps-conf-pin"
{ "ssid": ssid, "eap_server": "1", "wps_state": "2",
"wpa_passphrase": "12345678", "wpa": "2",
"wpa_key_mgmt": "WPA-PSK", "rsn_pairwise": "CCMP"})
hapd = hostapd.Hostapd(apdev[0]['ifname'])
logger.info("WPS provisioning step")
pin = dev[0].wps_read_pin()
hapd.request("WPS_PIN any " + pin)
dev[0].request("SET ignore_old_scan_res 1")
dev[0].request("WPS_PIN any " + pin)
ev = dev[0].wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED"], timeout=30)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Association with the AP timed out")
status = dev[0].get_status()
if status['wpa_state'] != 'COMPLETED' or status['bssid'] != apdev[0]['bssid']:
raise Exception("Not fully connected")
if status['ssid'] != ssid:
raise Exception("Unexpected SSID")
if status['pairwise_cipher'] != 'CCMP' or status['group_cipher'] != 'CCMP':
raise Exception("Unexpected encryption configuration")
if status['key_mgmt'] != 'WPA2-PSK':
raise Exception("Unexpected key_mgmt")
def test_ap_wps_reg_connect(dev, apdev):
"""WPS registrar using AP PIN to connect"""
ssid = "test-wps-reg-ap-pin"
appin = "12345670"
{ "ssid": ssid, "eap_server": "1", "wps_state": "2",
"wpa_passphrase": "12345678", "wpa": "2",
"wpa_key_mgmt": "WPA-PSK", "rsn_pairwise": "CCMP",
"ap_pin": appin})
logger.info("WPS provisioning step")
dev[0].request("SET ignore_old_scan_res 1")
dev[0].wps_reg(apdev[0]['bssid'], appin)
status = dev[0].get_status()
if status['wpa_state'] != 'COMPLETED' or status['bssid'] != apdev[0]['bssid']:
raise Exception("Not fully connected")
if status['ssid'] != ssid:
raise Exception("Unexpected SSID")
if status['pairwise_cipher'] != 'CCMP' or status['group_cipher'] != 'CCMP':
raise Exception("Unexpected encryption configuration")
if status['key_mgmt'] != 'WPA2-PSK':
raise Exception("Unexpected key_mgmt")
def test_ap_wps_reg_config(dev, apdev):
"""WPS registrar configuring and AP using AP PIN"""
ssid = "test-wps-init-ap-pin"
appin = "12345670"
{ "ssid": ssid, "eap_server": "1", "wps_state": "2",
"ap_pin": appin})
logger.info("WPS configuration step")
dev[0].request("SET ignore_old_scan_res 1")
new_ssid = "wps-new-ssid"
new_passphrase = "1234567890"
dev[0].wps_reg(apdev[0]['bssid'], appin, new_ssid, "WPA2PSK", "CCMP",
status = dev[0].get_status()
if status['wpa_state'] != 'COMPLETED' or status['bssid'] != apdev[0]['bssid']:
raise Exception("Not fully connected")
if status['ssid'] != new_ssid:
raise Exception("Unexpected SSID")
if status['pairwise_cipher'] != 'CCMP' or status['group_cipher'] != 'CCMP':
raise Exception("Unexpected encryption configuration")
if status['key_mgmt'] != 'WPA2-PSK':
raise Exception("Unexpected key_mgmt")
def test_ap_wps_pbc_overlap_2ap(dev, apdev):
"""WPS PBC session overlap with two active APs"""
{ "ssid": "wps1", "eap_server": "1", "wps_state": "2",
"wpa_passphrase": "12345678", "wpa": "2",
"wpa_key_mgmt": "WPA-PSK", "rsn_pairwise": "CCMP",
"wps_independent": "1"})
{ "ssid": "wps2", "eap_server": "1", "wps_state": "2",
"wpa_passphrase": "123456789", "wpa": "2",
"wpa_key_mgmt": "WPA-PSK", "rsn_pairwise": "CCMP",
"wps_independent": "1"})
hapd = hostapd.Hostapd(apdev[0]['ifname'])
hapd2 = hostapd.Hostapd(apdev[1]['ifname'])
logger.info("WPS provisioning step")
ev = dev[0].wait_event(["WPS-OVERLAP-DETECTED"], timeout=15)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("PBC session overlap not detected")
def test_ap_wps_pbc_overlap_2sta(dev, apdev):
"""WPS PBC session overlap with two active STAs"""
ssid = "test-wps-pbc-overlap"
{ "ssid": ssid, "eap_server": "1", "wps_state": "2",
"wpa_passphrase": "12345678", "wpa": "2",
"wpa_key_mgmt": "WPA-PSK", "rsn_pairwise": "CCMP"})
hapd = hostapd.Hostapd(apdev[0]['ifname'])
logger.info("WPS provisioning step")
dev[0].request("SET ignore_old_scan_res 1")
dev[1].request("SET ignore_old_scan_res 1")
ev = dev[0].wait_event(["WPS-M2D"], timeout=15)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("PBC session overlap not detected (dev0)")
if "config_error=12" not in ev:
raise Exception("PBC session overlap not correctly reported (dev0)")
ev = dev[1].wait_event(["WPS-M2D"], timeout=15)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("PBC session overlap not detected (dev1)")
if "config_error=12" not in ev:
raise Exception("PBC session overlap not correctly reported (dev1)")
def test_ap_wps_er_add_enrollee(dev, apdev):
"""WPS ER configuring AP and adding a new enrollee using PIN"""
ssid = "wps-er-add-enrollee"
ap_pin = "12345670"
ap_uuid = "27ea801a-9e5c-4e73-bd82-f89cbcd10d7e"
{ "ssid": ssid, "eap_server": "1", "wps_state": "1",
"device_name": "Wireless AP", "manufacturer": "Company",
"model_name": "WAP", "model_number": "123",
"serial_number": "12345", "device_type": "6-0050F204-1",
"os_version": "01020300",
"config_methods": "label push_button",
"ap_pin": ap_pin, "uuid": ap_uuid, "upnp_iface": "lo"})
logger.info("WPS configuration step")
new_passphrase = "1234567890"
dev[0].request("SET ignore_old_scan_res 1")
dev[0].wps_reg(apdev[0]['bssid'], ap_pin, ssid, "WPA2PSK", "CCMP",
status = dev[0].get_status()
if status['wpa_state'] != 'COMPLETED' or status['bssid'] != apdev[0]['bssid']:
raise Exception("Not fully connected")
if status['ssid'] != ssid:
raise Exception("Unexpected SSID")
if status['pairwise_cipher'] != 'CCMP' or status['group_cipher'] != 'CCMP':
raise Exception("Unexpected encryption configuration")
if status['key_mgmt'] != 'WPA2-PSK':
raise Exception("Unexpected key_mgmt")
logger.info("Start ER")
dev[0].request("WPS_ER_START ifname=lo")
ev = dev[0].wait_event(["WPS-ER-AP-ADD"], timeout=15)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("AP discovery timed out")
if ap_uuid not in ev:
raise Exception("Expected AP UUID not found")
logger.info("Learn AP configuration through UPnP")
dev[0].request("WPS_ER_LEARN " + ap_uuid + " " + ap_pin)
ev = dev[0].wait_event(["WPS-ER-AP-SETTINGS"], timeout=15)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("AP learn timed out")
if ap_uuid not in ev:
raise Exception("Expected AP UUID not in settings")
if "ssid=" + ssid not in ev:
raise Exception("Expected SSID not in settings")
if "key=" + new_passphrase not in ev:
raise Exception("Expected passphrase not in settings")
logger.info("Add Enrollee using ER")
pin = dev[1].wps_read_pin()
dev[0].request("WPS_ER_PIN any " + pin + " " + dev[1].p2p_interface_addr())
dev[1].request("SET ignore_old_scan_res 1")
dev[1].request("WPS_PIN any " + pin)
ev = dev[1].wait_event(["WPS-SUCCESS"], timeout=30)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Enrollee did not report success")
ev = dev[1].wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED"], timeout=15)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Association with the AP timed out")
ev = dev[0].wait_event(["WPS-SUCCESS"], timeout=15)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("WPS ER did not report success")
hwsim_utils.test_connectivity_sta(dev[0], dev[1])
def test_ap_wps_er_add_enrollee_pbc(dev, apdev):
"""WPS ER connected to AP and adding a new enrollee using PBC"""
ssid = "wps-er-add-enrollee-pbc"
ap_pin = "12345670"
ap_uuid = "27ea801a-9e5c-4e73-bd82-f89cbcd10d7e"
{ "ssid": ssid, "eap_server": "1", "wps_state": "2",
"wpa_passphrase": "12345678", "wpa": "2",
"wpa_key_mgmt": "WPA-PSK", "rsn_pairwise": "CCMP",
"device_name": "Wireless AP", "manufacturer": "Company",
"model_name": "WAP", "model_number": "123",
"serial_number": "12345", "device_type": "6-0050F204-1",
"os_version": "01020300",
"config_methods": "label push_button",
"ap_pin": ap_pin, "uuid": ap_uuid, "upnp_iface": "lo"})
logger.info("Learn AP configuration")
dev[0].request("SET ignore_old_scan_res 1")
dev[0].wps_reg(apdev[0]['bssid'], ap_pin)
status = dev[0].get_status()
if status['wpa_state'] != 'COMPLETED' or status['bssid'] != apdev[0]['bssid']:
raise Exception("Not fully connected")
logger.info("Start ER")
dev[0].request("WPS_ER_START ifname=lo")
ev = dev[0].wait_event(["WPS-ER-AP-ADD"], timeout=15)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("AP discovery timed out")
if ap_uuid not in ev:
raise Exception("Expected AP UUID not found")
logger.info("Use learned network configuration on ER")
dev[0].request("WPS_ER_SET_CONFIG " + ap_uuid + " 0")
logger.info("Add Enrollee using ER and PBC")
enrollee = dev[1].p2p_interface_addr()
dev[1].request("SET ignore_old_scan_res 1")
ev = dev[0].wait_event(["WPS-ER-ENROLLEE-ADD"], timeout=15)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Enrollee discovery timed out")
if enrollee not in ev:
raise Exception("Expected Enrollee not found")
dev[0].request("WPS_ER_PBC " + enrollee)
ev = dev[1].wait_event(["WPS-SUCCESS"], timeout=15)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Enrollee did not report success")
ev = dev[1].wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED"], timeout=15)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Association with the AP timed out")
ev = dev[0].wait_event(["WPS-SUCCESS"], timeout=15)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("WPS ER did not report success")
hwsim_utils.test_connectivity_sta(dev[0], dev[1])