This adds WPS support for both hostapd and wpa_supplicant. Both programs can be configured to act as WPS Enrollee and Registrar. Both PBC and PIN methods are supported. Currently, hostapd has more complete configuration option for WPS parameters and wpa_supplicant configuration style will likely change in the future. External Registrars are not yet supported in hostapd or wpa_supplicant. While wpa_supplicant has initial support for acting as an Registrar to configure an AP, this is still using number of hardcoded parameters which will need to be made configurable for proper operation.
1266 lines
30 KiB
1266 lines
30 KiB
* hostapd / Driver interface for development testing
* Copyright (c) 2004-2008, Jouni Malinen <j@w1.fi>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* Alternatively, this software may be distributed under the terms of BSD
* license.
* See README and COPYING for more details.
#include "includes.h"
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include "hostapd.h"
#include "driver.h"
#include "sha1.h"
#include "eloop.h"
#include "ieee802_1x.h"
#include "sta_info.h"
#include "wpa.h"
#include "accounting.h"
#include "radius/radius.h"
#include "l2_packet/l2_packet.h"
#include "ieee802_11.h"
#include "hw_features.h"
#include "wps_hostapd.h"
struct test_client_socket {
struct test_client_socket *next;
u8 addr[ETH_ALEN];
struct sockaddr_un un;
socklen_t unlen;
struct test_driver_bss *bss;
struct test_driver_bss {
struct test_driver_bss *next;
char ifname[IFNAMSIZ + 1];
u8 bssid[ETH_ALEN];
u8 *ie;
size_t ielen;
u8 *wps_beacon_ie;
size_t wps_beacon_ie_len;
u8 *wps_probe_resp_ie;
size_t wps_probe_resp_ie_len;
u8 ssid[32];
size_t ssid_len;
int privacy;
struct test_driver_data {
struct hostapd_data *hapd;
struct test_client_socket *cli;
int test_socket;
struct test_driver_bss *bss;
char *socket_dir;
char *own_socket_path;
static void test_driver_free_bss(struct test_driver_bss *bss)
static void test_driver_free_priv(struct test_driver_data *drv)
struct test_driver_bss *bss, *prev;
if (drv == NULL)
bss = drv->bss;
while (bss) {
prev = bss;
bss = bss->next;
static struct test_client_socket *
test_driver_get_cli(struct test_driver_data *drv, struct sockaddr_un *from,
socklen_t fromlen)
struct test_client_socket *cli = drv->cli;
while (cli) {
if (cli->unlen == fromlen &&
strncmp(cli->un.sun_path, from->sun_path,
fromlen - sizeof(cli->un.sun_family)) == 0)
return cli;
cli = cli->next;
return NULL;
static int test_driver_send_eapol(void *priv, const u8 *addr, const u8 *data,
size_t data_len, int encrypt,
const u8 *own_addr)
struct test_driver_data *drv = priv;
struct test_client_socket *cli;
struct msghdr msg;
struct iovec io[3];
struct l2_ethhdr eth;
if (drv->test_socket < 0)
return -1;
cli = drv->cli;
while (cli) {
if (memcmp(cli->addr, addr, ETH_ALEN) == 0)
cli = cli->next;
if (!cli) {
wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "%s: no destination client entry",
return -1;
memcpy(eth.h_dest, addr, ETH_ALEN);
memcpy(eth.h_source, own_addr, ETH_ALEN);
eth.h_proto = htons(ETH_P_EAPOL);
io[0].iov_base = "EAPOL ";
io[0].iov_len = 6;
io[1].iov_base = ð
io[1].iov_len = sizeof(eth);
io[2].iov_base = (u8 *) data;
io[2].iov_len = data_len;
memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg));
msg.msg_iov = io;
msg.msg_iovlen = 3;
msg.msg_name = &cli->un;
msg.msg_namelen = cli->unlen;
return sendmsg(drv->test_socket, &msg, 0);
static int test_driver_send_ether(void *priv, const u8 *dst, const u8 *src,
u16 proto, const u8 *data, size_t data_len)
struct test_driver_data *drv = priv;
struct msghdr msg;
struct iovec io[3];
struct l2_ethhdr eth;
char desttxt[30];
struct sockaddr_un addr;
struct dirent *dent;
DIR *dir;
int ret = 0, broadcast = 0, count = 0;
if (drv->test_socket < 0 || drv->socket_dir == NULL) {
wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "%s: invalid parameters (sock=%d "
__func__, drv->test_socket, drv->socket_dir);
return -1;
broadcast = memcmp(dst, "\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff", ETH_ALEN) == 0;
snprintf(desttxt, sizeof(desttxt), MACSTR, MAC2STR(dst));
memcpy(eth.h_dest, dst, ETH_ALEN);
memcpy(eth.h_source, src, ETH_ALEN);
eth.h_proto = htons(proto);
io[0].iov_base = "ETHER ";
io[0].iov_len = 6;
io[1].iov_base = ð
io[1].iov_len = sizeof(eth);
io[2].iov_base = (u8 *) data;
io[2].iov_len = data_len;
memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg));
msg.msg_iov = io;
msg.msg_iovlen = 3;
dir = opendir(drv->socket_dir);
if (dir == NULL) {
perror("test_driver: opendir");
return -1;
while ((dent = readdir(dir))) {
/* Skip the file if it is not a socket. Also accept
* DT_UNKNOWN (0) in case the C library or underlying file
* system does not support d_type. */
if (dent->d_type != DT_SOCK && dent->d_type != DT_UNKNOWN)
#endif /* _DIRENT_HAVE_D_TYPE */
if (strcmp(dent->d_name, ".") == 0 ||
strcmp(dent->d_name, "..") == 0)
memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
snprintf(addr.sun_path, sizeof(addr.sun_path), "%s/%s",
drv->socket_dir, dent->d_name);
if (strcmp(addr.sun_path, drv->own_socket_path) == 0)
if (!broadcast && strstr(dent->d_name, desttxt) == NULL)
wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "%s: Send ether frame to %s",
__func__, dent->d_name);
msg.msg_name = &addr;
msg.msg_namelen = sizeof(addr);
ret = sendmsg(drv->test_socket, &msg, 0);
if (ret < 0)
perror("driver_test: sendmsg");
if (!broadcast && count == 0) {
wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "%s: Destination " MACSTR " not found",
__func__, MAC2STR(dst));
return -1;
return ret;
static int test_driver_send_mgmt_frame(void *priv, const void *buf,
size_t len, int flags)
struct test_driver_data *drv = priv;
struct msghdr msg;
struct iovec io[2];
const u8 *dest;
int ret = 0, broadcast = 0;
char desttxt[30];
struct sockaddr_un addr;
struct dirent *dent;
DIR *dir;
struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr;
u16 fc;
if (drv->test_socket < 0 || len < 10 || drv->socket_dir == NULL) {
wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "%s: invalid parameters (sock=%d len=%lu"
" socket_dir=%p)",
__func__, drv->test_socket, (unsigned long) len,
return -1;
dest = buf;
dest += 4;
broadcast = memcmp(dest, "\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff", ETH_ALEN) == 0;
snprintf(desttxt, sizeof(desttxt), MACSTR, MAC2STR(dest));
io[0].iov_base = "MLME ";
io[0].iov_len = 5;
io[1].iov_base = (void *) buf;
io[1].iov_len = len;
memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg));
msg.msg_iov = io;
msg.msg_iovlen = 2;
dir = opendir(drv->socket_dir);
if (dir == NULL) {
perror("test_driver: opendir");
return -1;
while ((dent = readdir(dir))) {
/* Skip the file if it is not a socket. Also accept
* DT_UNKNOWN (0) in case the C library or underlying file
* system does not support d_type. */
if (dent->d_type != DT_SOCK && dent->d_type != DT_UNKNOWN)
#endif /* _DIRENT_HAVE_D_TYPE */
if (strcmp(dent->d_name, ".") == 0 ||
strcmp(dent->d_name, "..") == 0)
memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
snprintf(addr.sun_path, sizeof(addr.sun_path), "%s/%s",
drv->socket_dir, dent->d_name);
if (strcmp(addr.sun_path, drv->own_socket_path) == 0)
if (!broadcast && strstr(dent->d_name, desttxt) == NULL)
wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "%s: Send management frame to %s",
__func__, dent->d_name);
msg.msg_name = &addr;
msg.msg_namelen = sizeof(addr);
ret = sendmsg(drv->test_socket, &msg, 0);
if (ret < 0)
perror("driver_test: sendmsg");
hdr = (struct ieee80211_hdr *) buf;
fc = le_to_host16(hdr->frame_control);
ieee802_11_mgmt_cb(drv->hapd, (u8 *) buf, len, WLAN_FC_GET_STYPE(fc),
ret >= 0);
return ret;
static void test_driver_scan(struct test_driver_data *drv,
struct sockaddr_un *from, socklen_t fromlen,
char *data)
char buf[512], *pos, *end;
int ret;
struct test_driver_bss *bss;
u8 sa[ETH_ALEN];
u8 ie[512];
size_t ielen;
/* data: optional [ ' ' | STA-addr | ' ' | IEs(hex) ] */
wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "test_driver: SCAN");
if (*data) {
if (*data != ' ' ||
hwaddr_aton(data + 1, sa)) {
wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "test_driver: Unexpected SCAN "
"command format");
data += 18;
while (*data == ' ')
ielen = os_strlen(data) / 2;
if (ielen > sizeof(ie))
ielen = sizeof(ie);
if (hexstr2bin(data, ie, ielen) < 0)
ielen = 0;
wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "test_driver: Scan from " MACSTR,
wpa_hexdump(MSG_MSGDUMP, "test_driver: scan IEs", ie, ielen);
hostapd_wps_probe_req_rx(drv->hapd, sa, ie, ielen);
for (bss = drv->bss; bss; bss = bss->next) {
pos = buf;
end = buf + sizeof(buf);
ret = snprintf(pos, end - pos, "SCANRESP " MACSTR " ",
if (ret < 0 || ret >= end - pos)
pos += ret;
pos += wpa_snprintf_hex(pos, end - pos,
bss->ssid, bss->ssid_len);
ret = snprintf(pos, end - pos, " ");
if (ret < 0 || ret >= end - pos)
pos += ret;
pos += wpa_snprintf_hex(pos, end - pos, bss->ie, bss->ielen);
pos += wpa_snprintf_hex(pos, end - pos, bss->wps_probe_resp_ie,
if (bss->privacy) {
ret = snprintf(pos, end - pos, " PRIVACY");
if (ret < 0 || ret >= end - pos)
pos += ret;
sendto(drv->test_socket, buf, pos - buf, 0,
(struct sockaddr *) from, fromlen);
static struct hostapd_data * test_driver_get_hapd(struct test_driver_data *drv,
struct test_driver_bss *bss)
struct hostapd_iface *iface = drv->hapd->iface;
struct hostapd_data *hapd = NULL;
size_t i;
if (bss == NULL) {
wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "%s: bss == NULL", __func__);
return NULL;
for (i = 0; i < iface->num_bss; i++) {
hapd = iface->bss[i];
if (memcmp(hapd->own_addr, bss->bssid, ETH_ALEN) == 0)
if (i == iface->num_bss) {
wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "%s: no matching interface entry found "
"for BSSID " MACSTR, __func__, MAC2STR(bss->bssid));
return NULL;
return hapd;
static int test_driver_new_sta(struct test_driver_data *drv,
struct test_driver_bss *bss, const u8 *addr,
const u8 *ie, size_t ielen)
struct hostapd_data *hapd;
struct sta_info *sta;
int new_assoc, res;
hapd = test_driver_get_hapd(drv, bss);
if (hapd == NULL)
return -1;
hostapd_logger(hapd, addr, HOSTAPD_MODULE_IEEE80211,
HOSTAPD_LEVEL_INFO, "associated");
sta = ap_get_sta(hapd, addr);
if (sta) {
accounting_sta_stop(hapd, sta);
} else {
sta = ap_sta_add(hapd, addr);
if (sta == NULL)
return -1;
if (hapd->conf->wpa) {
if (ie == NULL || ielen == 0) {
printf("test_driver: no IE from STA\n");
return -1;
if (sta->wpa_sm == NULL)
sta->wpa_sm = wpa_auth_sta_init(hapd->wpa_auth,
if (sta->wpa_sm == NULL) {
printf("test_driver: Failed to initialize WPA state "
return -1;
res = wpa_validate_wpa_ie(hapd->wpa_auth, sta->wpa_sm,
ie, ielen, NULL, 0);
if (res != WPA_IE_OK) {
printf("WPA/RSN information element rejected? "
"(res %u)\n", res);
return -1;
new_assoc = (sta->flags & WLAN_STA_ASSOC) == 0;
wpa_auth_sm_event(sta->wpa_sm, WPA_ASSOC);
hostapd_new_assoc_sta(hapd, sta, !new_assoc);
ieee802_1x_notify_port_enabled(sta->eapol_sm, 1);
return 0;
static void test_driver_assoc(struct test_driver_data *drv,
struct sockaddr_un *from, socklen_t fromlen,
char *data)
struct test_client_socket *cli;
u8 ie[256], ssid[32];
size_t ielen, ssid_len = 0;
char *pos, *pos2, cmd[50];
struct test_driver_bss *bss;
/* data: STA-addr SSID(hex) IEs(hex) */
cli = os_zalloc(sizeof(*cli));
if (cli == NULL)
if (hwaddr_aton(data, cli->addr)) {
printf("test_socket: Invalid MAC address '%s' in ASSOC\n",
pos = data + 17;
while (*pos == ' ')
pos2 = strchr(pos, ' ');
ielen = 0;
if (pos2) {
ssid_len = (pos2 - pos) / 2;
if (hexstr2bin(pos, ssid, ssid_len) < 0) {
wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "%s: Invalid SSID", __func__);
wpa_hexdump_ascii(MSG_DEBUG, "test_driver_assoc: SSID",
ssid, ssid_len);
pos = pos2 + 1;
ielen = strlen(pos) / 2;
if (ielen > sizeof(ie))
ielen = sizeof(ie);
if (hexstr2bin(pos, ie, ielen) < 0)
ielen = 0;
for (bss = drv->bss; bss; bss = bss->next) {
if (bss->ssid_len == ssid_len &&
memcmp(bss->ssid, ssid, ssid_len) == 0)
if (bss == NULL) {
wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "%s: No matching SSID found from "
"configured BSSes", __func__);
cli->bss = bss;
memcpy(&cli->un, from, sizeof(cli->un));
cli->unlen = fromlen;
cli->next = drv->cli;
drv->cli = cli;
wpa_hexdump_ascii(MSG_DEBUG, "test_socket: ASSOC sun_path",
(const u8 *) cli->un.sun_path,
cli->unlen - sizeof(cli->un.sun_family));
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "ASSOCRESP " MACSTR " 0",
sendto(drv->test_socket, cmd, strlen(cmd), 0,
(struct sockaddr *) from, fromlen);
if (test_driver_new_sta(drv, bss, cli->addr, ie, ielen) < 0) {
wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "test_driver: failed to add new STA");
static void test_driver_disassoc(struct test_driver_data *drv,
struct sockaddr_un *from, socklen_t fromlen)
struct test_client_socket *cli;
struct sta_info *sta;
cli = test_driver_get_cli(drv, from, fromlen);
if (!cli)
hostapd_logger(drv->hapd, cli->addr, HOSTAPD_MODULE_IEEE80211,
HOSTAPD_LEVEL_INFO, "disassociated");
sta = ap_get_sta(drv->hapd, cli->addr);
if (sta != NULL) {
sta->flags &= ~WLAN_STA_ASSOC;
wpa_auth_sm_event(sta->wpa_sm, WPA_DISASSOC);
sta->acct_terminate_cause =
ieee802_1x_notify_port_enabled(sta->eapol_sm, 0);
ap_free_sta(drv->hapd, sta);
static void test_driver_eapol(struct test_driver_data *drv,
struct sockaddr_un *from, socklen_t fromlen,
u8 *data, size_t datalen)
struct test_client_socket *cli;
if (datalen > 14) {
u8 *proto = data + 2 * ETH_ALEN;
/* Skip Ethernet header */
wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "test_driver: dst=" MACSTR " src="
MACSTR " proto=%04x",
MAC2STR(data), MAC2STR(data + ETH_ALEN),
data += 14;
datalen -= 14;
cli = test_driver_get_cli(drv, from, fromlen);
if (cli) {
struct hostapd_data *hapd;
hapd = test_driver_get_hapd(drv, cli->bss);
if (hapd == NULL)
ieee802_1x_receive(hapd, cli->addr, data, datalen);
} else {
wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "test_socket: EAPOL from unknown "
static void test_driver_ether(struct test_driver_data *drv,
struct sockaddr_un *from, socklen_t fromlen,
u8 *data, size_t datalen)
struct l2_ethhdr *eth;
if (datalen < sizeof(*eth))
eth = (struct l2_ethhdr *) data;
wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "test_driver: RX ETHER dst=" MACSTR " src="
MACSTR " proto=%04x",
MAC2STR(eth->h_dest), MAC2STR(eth->h_source),
#ifdef CONFIG_IEEE80211R
if (be_to_host16(eth->h_proto) == ETH_P_RRB) {
wpa_ft_rrb_rx(drv->hapd->wpa_auth, eth->h_source,
data + sizeof(*eth), datalen - sizeof(*eth));
#endif /* CONFIG_IEEE80211R */
static void test_driver_mlme(struct test_driver_data *drv,
struct sockaddr_un *from, socklen_t fromlen,
u8 *data, size_t datalen)
struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr;
u16 fc;
hdr = (struct ieee80211_hdr *) data;
if (test_driver_get_cli(drv, from, fromlen) == NULL && datalen >= 16) {
struct test_client_socket *cli;
cli = os_zalloc(sizeof(*cli));
if (cli == NULL)
wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "Adding client entry for " MACSTR,
memcpy(cli->addr, hdr->addr2, ETH_ALEN);
memcpy(&cli->un, from, sizeof(cli->un));
cli->unlen = fromlen;
cli->next = drv->cli;
drv->cli = cli;
wpa_hexdump(MSG_MSGDUMP, "test_driver_mlme: received frame",
data, datalen);
fc = le_to_host16(hdr->frame_control);
wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR, "%s: received non-mgmt frame",
ieee802_11_mgmt(drv->hapd, data, datalen, WLAN_FC_GET_STYPE(fc), NULL);
static void test_driver_receive_unix(int sock, void *eloop_ctx, void *sock_ctx)
struct test_driver_data *drv = eloop_ctx;
char buf[2000];
int res;
struct sockaddr_un from;
socklen_t fromlen = sizeof(from);
res = recvfrom(sock, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, 0,
(struct sockaddr *) &from, &fromlen);
if (res < 0) {
buf[res] = '\0';
wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "test_driver: received %u bytes", res);
if (strncmp(buf, "SCAN", 4) == 0) {
test_driver_scan(drv, &from, fromlen, buf + 4);
} else if (strncmp(buf, "ASSOC ", 6) == 0) {
test_driver_assoc(drv, &from, fromlen, buf + 6);
} else if (strcmp(buf, "DISASSOC") == 0) {
test_driver_disassoc(drv, &from, fromlen);
} else if (strncmp(buf, "EAPOL ", 6) == 0) {
test_driver_eapol(drv, &from, fromlen, (u8 *) buf + 6,
res - 6);
} else if (strncmp(buf, "ETHER ", 6) == 0) {
test_driver_ether(drv, &from, fromlen, (u8 *) buf + 6,
res - 6);
} else if (strncmp(buf, "MLME ", 5) == 0) {
test_driver_mlme(drv, &from, fromlen, (u8 *) buf + 5, res - 5);
} else {
wpa_hexdump_ascii(MSG_DEBUG, "Unknown test_socket command",
(u8 *) buf, res);
static struct test_driver_bss *
test_driver_get_bss(struct test_driver_data *drv, const char *ifname)
struct test_driver_bss *bss;
for (bss = drv->bss; bss; bss = bss->next) {
if (strcmp(bss->ifname, ifname) == 0)
return bss;
return NULL;
static int test_driver_set_generic_elem(const char *ifname, void *priv,
const u8 *elem, size_t elem_len)
struct test_driver_data *drv = priv;
struct test_driver_bss *bss;
bss = test_driver_get_bss(drv, ifname);
if (bss == NULL)
return -1;
if (elem == NULL) {
bss->ie = NULL;
bss->ielen = 0;
return 0;
bss->ie = malloc(elem_len);
if (bss->ie == NULL) {
bss->ielen = 0;
return -1;
memcpy(bss->ie, elem, elem_len);
bss->ielen = elem_len;
return 0;
static int test_driver_set_wps_beacon_ie(const char *ifname, void *priv,
const u8 *ie, size_t len)
struct test_driver_data *drv = priv;
struct test_driver_bss *bss;
bss = test_driver_get_bss(drv, ifname);
if (bss == NULL)
return -1;
if (ie == NULL) {
bss->wps_beacon_ie = NULL;
bss->wps_beacon_ie_len = 0;
return 0;
bss->wps_beacon_ie = malloc(len);
if (bss->wps_beacon_ie == NULL) {
bss->wps_beacon_ie_len = 0;
return -1;
memcpy(bss->wps_beacon_ie, ie, len);
bss->wps_beacon_ie_len = len;
return 0;
static int test_driver_set_wps_probe_resp_ie(const char *ifname, void *priv,
const u8 *ie, size_t len)
struct test_driver_data *drv = priv;
struct test_driver_bss *bss;
bss = test_driver_get_bss(drv, ifname);
if (bss == NULL)
return -1;
if (ie == NULL) {
bss->wps_probe_resp_ie = NULL;
bss->wps_probe_resp_ie_len = 0;
return 0;
bss->wps_probe_resp_ie = malloc(len);
if (bss->wps_probe_resp_ie == NULL) {
bss->wps_probe_resp_ie_len = 0;
return -1;
memcpy(bss->wps_probe_resp_ie, ie, len);
bss->wps_probe_resp_ie_len = len;
return 0;
static int test_driver_sta_deauth(void *priv, const u8 *addr, int reason)
struct test_driver_data *drv = priv;
struct test_client_socket *cli;
if (drv->test_socket < 0)
return -1;
cli = drv->cli;
while (cli) {
if (memcmp(cli->addr, addr, ETH_ALEN) == 0)
cli = cli->next;
if (!cli)
return -1;
return sendto(drv->test_socket, "DEAUTH", 6, 0,
(struct sockaddr *) &cli->un, cli->unlen);
static int test_driver_sta_disassoc(void *priv, const u8 *addr, int reason)
struct test_driver_data *drv = priv;
struct test_client_socket *cli;
if (drv->test_socket < 0)
return -1;
cli = drv->cli;
while (cli) {
if (memcmp(cli->addr, addr, ETH_ALEN) == 0)
cli = cli->next;
if (!cli)
return -1;
return sendto(drv->test_socket, "DISASSOC", 8, 0,
(struct sockaddr *) &cli->un, cli->unlen);
static struct hostapd_hw_modes *
test_driver_get_hw_feature_data(void *priv, u16 *num_modes, u16 *flags)
struct hostapd_hw_modes *modes;
*num_modes = 3;
*flags = 0;
modes = os_zalloc(*num_modes * sizeof(struct hostapd_hw_modes));
if (modes == NULL)
return NULL;
modes[0].mode = HOSTAPD_MODE_IEEE80211G;
modes[0].num_channels = 1;
modes[0].num_rates = 1;
modes[0].channels = os_zalloc(sizeof(struct hostapd_channel_data));
modes[0].rates = os_zalloc(sizeof(struct hostapd_rate_data));
if (modes[0].channels == NULL || modes[0].rates == NULL) {
hostapd_free_hw_features(modes, *num_modes);
return NULL;
modes[0].channels[0].chan = 1;
modes[0].channels[0].freq = 2412;
modes[0].channels[0].flag = 0;
modes[0].rates[0].rate = 10;
modes[1].mode = HOSTAPD_MODE_IEEE80211B;
modes[1].num_channels = 1;
modes[1].num_rates = 1;
modes[1].channels = os_zalloc(sizeof(struct hostapd_channel_data));
modes[1].rates = os_zalloc(sizeof(struct hostapd_rate_data));
if (modes[1].channels == NULL || modes[1].rates == NULL) {
hostapd_free_hw_features(modes, *num_modes);
return NULL;
modes[1].channels[0].chan = 1;
modes[1].channels[0].freq = 2412;
modes[1].channels[0].flag = 0;
modes[1].rates[0].rate = 10;
modes[2].mode = HOSTAPD_MODE_IEEE80211A;
modes[2].num_channels = 1;
modes[2].num_rates = 1;
modes[2].channels = os_zalloc(sizeof(struct hostapd_channel_data));
modes[2].rates = os_zalloc(sizeof(struct hostapd_rate_data));
if (modes[2].channels == NULL || modes[2].rates == NULL) {
hostapd_free_hw_features(modes, *num_modes);
return NULL;
modes[2].channels[0].chan = 60;
modes[2].channels[0].freq = 5300;
modes[2].channels[0].flag = 0;
modes[2].rates[0].rate = 60;
return modes;
static int test_driver_bss_add(void *priv, const char *ifname, const u8 *bssid)
struct test_driver_data *drv = priv;
struct test_driver_bss *bss;
wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "%s(ifname=%s bssid=" MACSTR ")",
__func__, ifname, MAC2STR(bssid));
bss = os_zalloc(sizeof(*bss));
if (bss == NULL)
return -1;
os_strlcpy(bss->ifname, ifname, IFNAMSIZ);
memcpy(bss->bssid, bssid, ETH_ALEN);
bss->next = drv->bss;
drv->bss = bss;
return 0;
static int test_driver_bss_remove(void *priv, const char *ifname)
struct test_driver_data *drv = priv;
struct test_driver_bss *bss, *prev;
struct test_client_socket *cli, *prev_c;
wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "%s(ifname=%s)", __func__, ifname);
for (prev = NULL, bss = drv->bss; bss; prev = bss, bss = bss->next) {
if (strcmp(bss->ifname, ifname) != 0)
if (prev)
prev->next = bss->next;
drv->bss = bss->next;
for (prev_c = NULL, cli = drv->cli; cli;
prev_c = cli, cli = cli->next) {
if (cli->bss != bss)
if (prev_c)
prev_c->next = cli->next;
drv->cli = cli->next;
return 0;
return -1;
static int test_driver_if_add(const char *iface, void *priv,
enum hostapd_driver_if_type type, char *ifname,
const u8 *addr)
wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "%s(iface=%s type=%d ifname=%s)",
__func__, iface, type, ifname);
return 0;
static int test_driver_if_update(void *priv, enum hostapd_driver_if_type type,
char *ifname, const u8 *addr)
wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "%s(type=%d ifname=%s)", __func__, type, ifname);
return 0;
static int test_driver_if_remove(void *priv, enum hostapd_driver_if_type type,
const char *ifname, const u8 *addr)
wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "%s(type=%d ifname=%s)", __func__, type, ifname);
return 0;
static int test_driver_valid_bss_mask(void *priv, const u8 *addr,
const u8 *mask)
return 0;
static int test_driver_set_ssid(const char *ifname, void *priv, const u8 *buf,
int len)
struct test_driver_data *drv = priv;
struct test_driver_bss *bss;
wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "%s(ifname=%s)", __func__, ifname);
wpa_hexdump_ascii(MSG_DEBUG, "test_driver_set_ssid: SSID", buf, len);
for (bss = drv->bss; bss; bss = bss->next) {
if (strcmp(bss->ifname, ifname) != 0)
if (len < 0 || (size_t) len > sizeof(bss->ssid))
return -1;
memcpy(bss->ssid, buf, len);
bss->ssid_len = len;
return 0;
return -1;
static int test_driver_set_privacy(const char *ifname, void *priv, int enabled)
struct test_driver_data *drv = priv;
struct test_driver_bss *bss;
wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "%s(ifname=%s enabled=%d)",
__func__, ifname, enabled);
for (bss = drv->bss; bss; bss = bss->next) {
if (strcmp(bss->ifname, ifname) != 0)
bss->privacy = enabled;
return 0;
return -1;
static int test_driver_set_encryption(const char *iface, void *priv,
const char *alg, const u8 *addr, int idx,
const u8 *key, size_t key_len, int txkey)
wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "%s(iface=%s alg=%s idx=%d txkey=%d)",
__func__, iface, alg, idx, txkey);
if (addr)
wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, " addr=" MACSTR, MAC2STR(addr));
if (key)
wpa_hexdump_key(MSG_DEBUG, " key", key, key_len);
return 0;
static int test_driver_set_sta_vlan(void *priv, const u8 *addr,
const char *ifname, int vlan_id)
wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "%s(addr=" MACSTR " ifname=%s vlan_id=%d)",
__func__, MAC2STR(addr), ifname, vlan_id);
return 0;
static int test_driver_sta_add(const char *ifname, void *priv, const u8 *addr,
u16 aid, u16 capability, u8 *supp_rates,
size_t supp_rates_len, int flags,
u16 listen_interval)
struct test_driver_data *drv = priv;
struct test_client_socket *cli;
struct test_driver_bss *bss;
wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "%s(ifname=%s addr=" MACSTR " aid=%d "
"capability=0x%x flags=0x%x listen_interval=%d)",
__func__, ifname, MAC2STR(addr), aid, capability, flags,
wpa_hexdump(MSG_DEBUG, "test_driver_sta_add - supp_rates",
supp_rates, supp_rates_len);
cli = drv->cli;
while (cli) {
if (memcmp(cli->addr, addr, ETH_ALEN) == 0)
cli = cli->next;
if (!cli) {
wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "%s: no matching client entry",
return -1;
for (bss = drv->bss; bss; bss = bss->next) {
if (strcmp(ifname, bss->ifname) == 0)
if (bss == NULL) {
wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "%s: No matching interface found from "
"configured BSSes", __func__);
return -1;
cli->bss = bss;
return 0;
static void * test_driver_init(struct hostapd_data *hapd)
struct test_driver_data *drv;
struct sockaddr_un addr;
drv = os_zalloc(sizeof(struct test_driver_data));
if (drv == NULL) {
printf("Could not allocate memory for test driver data\n");
return NULL;
drv->bss = os_zalloc(sizeof(*drv->bss));
if (drv->bss == NULL) {
printf("Could not allocate memory for test driver BSS data\n");
return NULL;
drv->hapd = hapd;
/* Generate a MAC address to help testing with multiple APs */
hapd->own_addr[0] = 0x02; /* locally administered */
sha1_prf((const u8 *) hapd->conf->iface, strlen(hapd->conf->iface),
"hostapd test bssid generation",
(const u8 *) hapd->conf->ssid.ssid, hapd->conf->ssid.ssid_len,
hapd->own_addr + 1, ETH_ALEN - 1);
os_strlcpy(drv->bss->ifname, hapd->conf->iface, IFNAMSIZ);
memcpy(drv->bss->bssid, hapd->own_addr, ETH_ALEN);
if (hapd->conf->test_socket) {
if (strlen(hapd->conf->test_socket) >= sizeof(addr.sun_path)) {
printf("Too long test_socket path\n");
return NULL;
if (strncmp(hapd->conf->test_socket, "DIR:", 4) == 0) {
size_t len = strlen(hapd->conf->test_socket) + 30;
drv->socket_dir = strdup(hapd->conf->test_socket + 4);
drv->own_socket_path = malloc(len);
if (drv->own_socket_path) {
snprintf(drv->own_socket_path, len,
"%s/AP-" MACSTR,
hapd->conf->test_socket + 4,
} else {
drv->own_socket_path = strdup(hapd->conf->test_socket);
if (drv->own_socket_path == NULL) {
return NULL;
drv->test_socket = socket(PF_UNIX, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
if (drv->test_socket < 0) {
return NULL;
memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
os_strlcpy(addr.sun_path, drv->own_socket_path,
if (bind(drv->test_socket, (struct sockaddr *) &addr,
sizeof(addr)) < 0) {
return NULL;
test_driver_receive_unix, drv, NULL);
} else
drv->test_socket = -1;
return drv;
static void test_driver_deinit(void *priv)
struct test_driver_data *drv = priv;
struct test_client_socket *cli, *prev;
cli = drv->cli;
while (cli) {
prev = cli;
cli = cli->next;
if (drv->test_socket >= 0) {
/* There should be only one BSS remaining at this point. */
if (drv->bss == NULL)
wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR, "%s: drv->bss == NULL", __func__);
else if (drv->bss->next)
wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR, "%s: drv->bss->next != NULL", __func__);
const struct wpa_driver_ops wpa_driver_test_ops = {
.name = "test",
.init = test_driver_init,
.deinit = test_driver_deinit,
.send_eapol = test_driver_send_eapol,
.send_mgmt_frame = test_driver_send_mgmt_frame,
.set_generic_elem = test_driver_set_generic_elem,
.sta_deauth = test_driver_sta_deauth,
.sta_disassoc = test_driver_sta_disassoc,
.get_hw_feature_data = test_driver_get_hw_feature_data,
.bss_add = test_driver_bss_add,
.bss_remove = test_driver_bss_remove,
.if_add = test_driver_if_add,
.if_update = test_driver_if_update,
.if_remove = test_driver_if_remove,
.valid_bss_mask = test_driver_valid_bss_mask,
.set_ssid = test_driver_set_ssid,
.set_privacy = test_driver_set_privacy,
.set_encryption = test_driver_set_encryption,
.set_sta_vlan = test_driver_set_sta_vlan,
.sta_add = test_driver_sta_add,
.send_ether = test_driver_send_ether,
.set_wps_beacon_ie = test_driver_set_wps_beacon_ie,
.set_wps_probe_resp_ie = test_driver_set_wps_probe_resp_ie,