The run-tests.py -l argument does not take an argument value anymore. Instead, debug output is directed to a separate file <test>.log for each test case. Signed-hostap: Jouni Malinen <jouni@qca.qualcomm.com>
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317 lines
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# WPS tests
# Copyright (c) 2013, Jouni Malinen <j@w1.fi>
# This software may be distributed under the terms of the BSD license.
# See README for more details.
import time
import subprocess
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger()
import hwsim_utils
import hostapd
def test_ap_wps_init(dev, apdev):
"""Initial AP configuration with first WPS Enrollee"""
ssid = "test-wps"
{ "ssid": ssid, "eap_server": "1", "wps_state": "1" })
hapd = hostapd.Hostapd(apdev[0]['ifname'])
logger.info("WPS provisioning step")
dev[0].request("SET ignore_old_scan_res 1")
ev = dev[0].wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED"], timeout=30)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Association with the AP timed out")
status = dev[0].get_status()
if status['wpa_state'] != 'COMPLETED' or status['bssid'] != apdev[0]['bssid']:
raise Exception("Not fully connected")
if status['ssid'] != ssid:
raise Exception("Unexpected SSID")
if status['pairwise_cipher'] != 'CCMP':
raise Exception("Unexpected encryption configuration")
if status['key_mgmt'] != 'WPA2-PSK':
raise Exception("Unexpected key_mgmt")
def test_ap_wps_conf(dev, apdev):
"""WPS PBC provisioning with configured AP"""
ssid = "test-wps-conf"
{ "ssid": ssid, "eap_server": "1", "wps_state": "2",
"wpa_passphrase": "12345678", "wpa": "2",
"wpa_key_mgmt": "WPA-PSK", "rsn_pairwise": "CCMP"})
hapd = hostapd.Hostapd(apdev[0]['ifname'])
logger.info("WPS provisioning step")
ev = dev[0].wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED"], timeout=30)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Association with the AP timed out")
status = dev[0].get_status()
if status['wpa_state'] != 'COMPLETED':
raise Exception("Not fully connected")
if status['bssid'] != apdev[0]['bssid']:
raise Exception("Unexpected BSSID")
if status['ssid'] != ssid:
raise Exception("Unexpected SSID")
if status['pairwise_cipher'] != 'CCMP' or status['group_cipher'] != 'CCMP':
raise Exception("Unexpected encryption configuration")
if status['key_mgmt'] != 'WPA2-PSK':
raise Exception("Unexpected key_mgmt")
def test_ap_wps_conf_pin(dev, apdev):
"""WPS PIN provisioning with configured AP"""
ssid = "test-wps-conf-pin"
{ "ssid": ssid, "eap_server": "1", "wps_state": "2",
"wpa_passphrase": "12345678", "wpa": "2",
"wpa_key_mgmt": "WPA-PSK", "rsn_pairwise": "CCMP"})
hapd = hostapd.Hostapd(apdev[0]['ifname'])
logger.info("WPS provisioning step")
pin = dev[0].wps_read_pin()
hapd.request("WPS_PIN any " + pin)
dev[0].request("SET ignore_old_scan_res 1")
dev[0].request("WPS_PIN any " + pin)
ev = dev[0].wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED"], timeout=30)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Association with the AP timed out")
status = dev[0].get_status()
if status['wpa_state'] != 'COMPLETED' or status['bssid'] != apdev[0]['bssid']:
raise Exception("Not fully connected")
if status['ssid'] != ssid:
raise Exception("Unexpected SSID")
if status['pairwise_cipher'] != 'CCMP' or status['group_cipher'] != 'CCMP':
raise Exception("Unexpected encryption configuration")
if status['key_mgmt'] != 'WPA2-PSK':
raise Exception("Unexpected key_mgmt")
def test_ap_wps_reg_connect(dev, apdev):
"""WPS registrar using AP PIN to connect"""
ssid = "test-wps-reg-ap-pin"
appin = "12345670"
{ "ssid": ssid, "eap_server": "1", "wps_state": "2",
"wpa_passphrase": "12345678", "wpa": "2",
"wpa_key_mgmt": "WPA-PSK", "rsn_pairwise": "CCMP",
"ap_pin": appin})
logger.info("WPS provisioning step")
dev[0].request("SET ignore_old_scan_res 1")
dev[0].wps_reg(apdev[0]['bssid'], appin)
status = dev[0].get_status()
if status['wpa_state'] != 'COMPLETED' or status['bssid'] != apdev[0]['bssid']:
raise Exception("Not fully connected")
if status['ssid'] != ssid:
raise Exception("Unexpected SSID")
if status['pairwise_cipher'] != 'CCMP' or status['group_cipher'] != 'CCMP':
raise Exception("Unexpected encryption configuration")
if status['key_mgmt'] != 'WPA2-PSK':
raise Exception("Unexpected key_mgmt")
def test_ap_wps_reg_config(dev, apdev):
"""WPS registrar configuring and AP using AP PIN"""
ssid = "test-wps-init-ap-pin"
appin = "12345670"
{ "ssid": ssid, "eap_server": "1", "wps_state": "2",
"ap_pin": appin})
logger.info("WPS configuration step")
dev[0].request("SET ignore_old_scan_res 1")
new_ssid = "wps-new-ssid"
new_passphrase = "1234567890"
dev[0].wps_reg(apdev[0]['bssid'], appin, new_ssid, "WPA2PSK", "CCMP",
status = dev[0].get_status()
if status['wpa_state'] != 'COMPLETED' or status['bssid'] != apdev[0]['bssid']:
raise Exception("Not fully connected")
if status['ssid'] != new_ssid:
raise Exception("Unexpected SSID")
if status['pairwise_cipher'] != 'CCMP' or status['group_cipher'] != 'CCMP':
raise Exception("Unexpected encryption configuration")
if status['key_mgmt'] != 'WPA2-PSK':
raise Exception("Unexpected key_mgmt")
def test_ap_wps_pbc_overlap_2ap(dev, apdev):
"""WPS PBC session overlap with two active APs"""
{ "ssid": "wps1", "eap_server": "1", "wps_state": "2",
"wpa_passphrase": "12345678", "wpa": "2",
"wpa_key_mgmt": "WPA-PSK", "rsn_pairwise": "CCMP",
"wps_independent": "1"})
{ "ssid": "wps2", "eap_server": "1", "wps_state": "2",
"wpa_passphrase": "123456789", "wpa": "2",
"wpa_key_mgmt": "WPA-PSK", "rsn_pairwise": "CCMP",
"wps_independent": "1"})
hapd = hostapd.Hostapd(apdev[0]['ifname'])
hapd2 = hostapd.Hostapd(apdev[1]['ifname'])
logger.info("WPS provisioning step")
ev = dev[0].wait_event(["WPS-OVERLAP-DETECTED"], timeout=15)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("PBC session overlap not detected")
def test_ap_wps_pbc_overlap_2sta(dev, apdev):
"""WPS PBC session overlap with two active STAs"""
ssid = "test-wps-pbc-overlap"
{ "ssid": ssid, "eap_server": "1", "wps_state": "2",
"wpa_passphrase": "12345678", "wpa": "2",
"wpa_key_mgmt": "WPA-PSK", "rsn_pairwise": "CCMP"})
hapd = hostapd.Hostapd(apdev[0]['ifname'])
logger.info("WPS provisioning step")
dev[0].request("SET ignore_old_scan_res 1")
dev[1].request("SET ignore_old_scan_res 1")
ev = dev[0].wait_event(["WPS-M2D"], timeout=15)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("PBC session overlap not detected (dev0)")
if "config_error=12" not in ev:
raise Exception("PBC session overlap not correctly reported (dev0)")
ev = dev[1].wait_event(["WPS-M2D"], timeout=15)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("PBC session overlap not detected (dev1)")
if "config_error=12" not in ev:
raise Exception("PBC session overlap not correctly reported (dev1)")
def test_ap_wps_er_add_enrollee(dev, apdev):
"""WPS ER configuring AP and adding a new enrollee using PIN"""
ssid = "wps-er-add-enrollee"
ap_pin = "12345670"
ap_uuid = "27ea801a-9e5c-4e73-bd82-f89cbcd10d7e"
{ "ssid": ssid, "eap_server": "1", "wps_state": "1",
"device_name": "Wireless AP", "manufacturer": "Company",
"model_name": "WAP", "model_number": "123",
"serial_number": "12345", "device_type": "6-0050F204-1",
"os_version": "01020300",
"config_methods": "label push_button",
"ap_pin": ap_pin, "uuid": ap_uuid, "upnp_iface": "lo"})
logger.info("WPS configuration step")
new_passphrase = "1234567890"
dev[0].request("SET ignore_old_scan_res 1")
dev[0].wps_reg(apdev[0]['bssid'], ap_pin, ssid, "WPA2PSK", "CCMP",
status = dev[0].get_status()
if status['wpa_state'] != 'COMPLETED' or status['bssid'] != apdev[0]['bssid']:
raise Exception("Not fully connected")
if status['ssid'] != ssid:
raise Exception("Unexpected SSID")
if status['pairwise_cipher'] != 'CCMP' or status['group_cipher'] != 'CCMP':
raise Exception("Unexpected encryption configuration")
if status['key_mgmt'] != 'WPA2-PSK':
raise Exception("Unexpected key_mgmt")
logger.info("Start ER")
dev[0].request("WPS_ER_START ifname=lo")
ev = dev[0].wait_event(["WPS-ER-AP-ADD"], timeout=15)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("AP discovery timed out")
if ap_uuid not in ev:
raise Exception("Expected AP UUID not found")
logger.info("Learn AP configuration through UPnP")
dev[0].request("WPS_ER_LEARN " + ap_uuid + " " + ap_pin)
ev = dev[0].wait_event(["WPS-ER-AP-SETTINGS"], timeout=15)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("AP learn timed out")
if ap_uuid not in ev:
raise Exception("Expected AP UUID not in settings")
if "ssid=" + ssid not in ev:
raise Exception("Expected SSID not in settings")
if "key=" + new_passphrase not in ev:
raise Exception("Expected passphrase not in settings")
logger.info("Add Enrollee using ER")
pin = dev[1].wps_read_pin()
dev[0].request("WPS_ER_PIN any " + pin + " " + dev[1].p2p_interface_addr())
dev[1].request("SET ignore_old_scan_res 1")
dev[1].request("WPS_PIN any " + pin)
ev = dev[1].wait_event(["WPS-SUCCESS"], timeout=30)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Enrollee did not report success")
ev = dev[1].wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED"], timeout=15)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Association with the AP timed out")
ev = dev[0].wait_event(["WPS-SUCCESS"], timeout=15)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("WPS ER did not report success")
hwsim_utils.test_connectivity_sta(dev[0], dev[1])
def test_ap_wps_er_add_enrollee_pbc(dev, apdev):
"""WPS ER connected to AP and adding a new enrollee using PBC"""
ssid = "wps-er-add-enrollee-pbc"
ap_pin = "12345670"
ap_uuid = "27ea801a-9e5c-4e73-bd82-f89cbcd10d7e"
{ "ssid": ssid, "eap_server": "1", "wps_state": "2",
"wpa_passphrase": "12345678", "wpa": "2",
"wpa_key_mgmt": "WPA-PSK", "rsn_pairwise": "CCMP",
"device_name": "Wireless AP", "manufacturer": "Company",
"model_name": "WAP", "model_number": "123",
"serial_number": "12345", "device_type": "6-0050F204-1",
"os_version": "01020300",
"config_methods": "label push_button",
"ap_pin": ap_pin, "uuid": ap_uuid, "upnp_iface": "lo"})
logger.info("Learn AP configuration")
dev[0].request("SET ignore_old_scan_res 1")
dev[0].wps_reg(apdev[0]['bssid'], ap_pin)
status = dev[0].get_status()
if status['wpa_state'] != 'COMPLETED' or status['bssid'] != apdev[0]['bssid']:
raise Exception("Not fully connected")
logger.info("Start ER")
dev[0].request("WPS_ER_START ifname=lo")
ev = dev[0].wait_event(["WPS-ER-AP-ADD"], timeout=15)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("AP discovery timed out")
if ap_uuid not in ev:
raise Exception("Expected AP UUID not found")
logger.info("Use learned network configuration on ER")
dev[0].request("WPS_ER_SET_CONFIG " + ap_uuid + " 0")
logger.info("Add Enrollee using ER and PBC")
enrollee = dev[1].p2p_interface_addr()
dev[1].request("SET ignore_old_scan_res 1")
ev = dev[0].wait_event(["WPS-ER-ENROLLEE-ADD"], timeout=15)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Enrollee discovery timed out")
if enrollee not in ev:
raise Exception("Expected Enrollee not found")
dev[0].request("WPS_ER_PBC " + enrollee)
ev = dev[1].wait_event(["WPS-SUCCESS"], timeout=15)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Enrollee did not report success")
ev = dev[1].wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED"], timeout=15)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Association with the AP timed out")
ev = dev[0].wait_event(["WPS-SUCCESS"], timeout=15)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("WPS ER did not report success")
hwsim_utils.test_connectivity_sta(dev[0], dev[1])