The peer entries are now using different icons based on their type. As a starting point, a separate AP and laptop icons are used. More icons may be added in the future to mark different device types (e.g., based on primary device type information from WPS).
23 lines
771 B
23 lines
771 B
#!/usr/bin/make -f
NAMES := wpa_gui ap laptop
SIZES := 16x16 22x22 32x32 48x48 64x64 128x128
ICONS := $(addsuffix .png, $(foreach name, $(NAMES), $(foreach size, $(SIZES), $(size)/$(name))))
ICONS += $(addsuffix .xpm, $(NAMES))
all: $(ICONS)
mkdir -p hicolor/$(word 1, $(subst /, ,$(@)))/apps/
inkscape $(subst .png,.svg, $(word 2, $(subst /, , $(@)))) --without-gui \
--export-width=$(word 1, $(subst x, , $(@))) \
--export-height=$(word 2, $(subst x, , $(subst /, , $(@)))) \
--export-png=hicolor/$(word 1, $(subst /, ,$(@)))/apps/$(word 2, $(subst /, , $@))
mkdir -p pixmaps/
convert hicolor/16x16/apps/$(@:.xpm=.png) pixmaps/$(@:.xpm=-16.xpm)
convert hicolor/32x32/apps/$(@:.xpm=.png) pixmaps/$@
$(RM) -r pixmaps hicolor