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digraph p2p_arch {
size = "7.5,7.5";
edge [dir=none];
subgraph cluster_wpa_gui {
label = "wpa_gui";
status -> Qt;
scan -> Qt;
network -> Qt;
Qt -> peers;
Qt -> WPS;
Qt -> gui_ctrl;
gui_ctrl [label="ctrl i/f"];
subgraph cluster_wpa_supplicant {
label = "wpa_supplicant"
ctrl_iface [label="ctrl i/f"];
authenticator [label="Authenticator"];
supplicant [label="Supplicant"];
driver_iface [label="driver i/f"];
p2p_module [label="P2P\nmodule"];
wps_registrar [label="WPS\nRegistrar"];
wps_enrollee [label="WPS\nEnrollee"];
mgmt_entity [label="Management\nentity"];
ctrl_iface -> mgmt_entity;
p2p_module -> mgmt_entity;
wps_registrar -> mgmt_entity;
wps_enrollee -> mgmt_entity;
mgmt_entity -> authenticator;
mgmt_entity -> supplicant;
mgmt_entity -> driver_iface;
{ rank = same; mgmt_entity; p2p_module; }
subgraph cluster_wpa_cli {
label = "wpa_cli -a"
subgraph cluster_dnsmasq {
label = "dnsmasq"
subgraph cluster_dhclient {
label = "dhclient"
subgraph cluster_kernel {
label = "Linux kernel"
cfg80211 -> mac80211;
netdev -> mac80211;
mac80211 -> ath9k;
gui_ctrl -> ctrl_iface;
wpa_cli_action -> ctrl_iface;
driver_iface -> cfg80211;
wpa_cli_action -> dnsmasq;
wpa_cli_action -> dhclient;
dnsmasq -> netdev;
dhclient -> netdev;
edge [color=blue,dir=both];
p2p_module -> mgmt_entity -> driver_iface -> cfg80211 -> mac80211 -> ath9k;
edge [color=green,dir=both];
peers -> Qt -> gui_ctrl -> ctrl_iface -> mgmt_entity -> p2p_module;