# wpa_supplicant config file # Copyright (c) 2014, Jouni Malinen # # This software may be distributed under the terms of the BSD license. # See README for more details. import logging logger = logging.getLogger() import os from wpasupplicant import WpaSupplicant import hostapd config_checks = [ ("ap_scan", "0"), ("update_config", "1"), ("device_name", "name"), ("eapol_version", "2"), ("wps_priority", "5"), ("ip_addr_go", ""), ("ip_addr_mask", ""), ("ip_addr_start", ""), ("ip_addr_end", ""), ("disable_scan_offload", "1"), ("fast_reauth", "0"), ("uuid", "6aeae5e3-c1fc-4e76-8293-7346e1d1459d"), ("manufacturer", "MANUF"), ("model_name", "MODEL"), ("model_number", "MODEL NUM"), ("serial_number", "123qwerty"), ("device_type", "1234-0050F204-4321"), ("os_version", "01020304"), ("config_methods", "label push_button"), ("wps_cred_processing", "1"), ("wps_vendor_ext_m1", "000137100100020001"), ("p2p_listen_reg_class", "81"), ("p2p_listen_channel", "6"), ("p2p_oper_reg_class", "82"), ("p2p_oper_channel", "14"), ("p2p_go_intent", "14"), ("p2p_ssid_postfix", "foobar"), ("persistent_reconnect", "1"), ("p2p_intra_bss", "0"), ("p2p_group_idle", "2"), ("p2p_passphrase_len", "63"), ("p2p_pref_chan", "81:1,82:14,81:11"), ("p2p_no_go_freq", "2412-2432,2462,5000-6000"), ("p2p_add_cli_chan", "1"), ("p2p_optimize_listen_chan", "1"), ("p2p_go_ht40", "1"), ("p2p_go_vht", "1"), ("p2p_go_ctwindow", "1"), ("p2p_disabled", "1"), ("p2p_no_group_iface", "1"), ("p2p_ignore_shared_freq", "1"), ("p2p_cli_probe", "1"), ("p2p_go_freq_change_policy", "0"), ("country", "FI"), ("bss_max_count", "123"), ("bss_expiration_age", "45"), ("bss_expiration_scan_count", "17"), ("filter_ssids", "1"), ("filter_rssi", "-10"), ("max_num_sta", "3"), ("disassoc_low_ack", "1"), ("hs20", "1"), ("interworking", "1"), ("hessid", "02:03:04:05:06:07"), ("access_network_type", "7"), ("pbc_in_m1", "1"), ("wps_nfc_dev_pw_id", "12345"), ("wps_nfc_dh_pubkey", "1234567890ABCDEF"), ("wps_nfc_dh_privkey", "FF1234567890ABCDEFFF"), ("ext_password_backend", "test"), ("p2p_go_max_inactivity", "9"), ("auto_interworking", "1"), ("okc", "1"), ("pmf", "1"), ("dtim_period", "3"), ("beacon_int", "102"), ("sae_groups", "5 19"), ("ap_vendor_elements", "dd0411223301"), ("ignore_old_scan_res", "1"), ("freq_list", "2412 2437"), ("scan_cur_freq", "1"), ("sched_scan_interval", "13"), ("external_sim", "1"), ("tdls_external_control", "1"), ("wowlan_triggers", "any"), ("bgscan", '"simple:30:-45:300"'), ("p2p_search_delay", "123"), ("mac_addr", "2"), ("rand_addr_lifetime", "123456789"), ("preassoc_mac_addr", "1"), ("gas_rand_addr_lifetime", "567"), ("gas_rand_mac_addr", "2"), ("key_mgmt_offload", "0"), ("user_mpm", "0"), ("max_peer_links", "17"), ("cert_in_cb", "0"), ("mesh_max_inactivity", "31"), ("dot11RSNASAERetransPeriod", "19"), ("passive_scan", "1"), ("reassoc_same_bss_optim", "1"), ("wpa_rsc_relaxation", "0"), ("sched_scan_plans", "10:100 20:200 30"), ("non_pref_chan", "81:5:10:2 81:1:0:2 81:9:0:2"), ("mbo_cell_capa", "1"), ("gas_address3", "1"), ("ftm_responder", "1"), ("ftm_initiator", "1"), ("pcsc_reader", "foo"), ("pcsc_pin", "1234"), ("driver_param", "testing"), ("dot11RSNAConfigPMKLifetime", "43201"), ("dot11RSNAConfigPMKReauthThreshold", "71"), ("dot11RSNAConfigSATimeout", "61"), ("sec_device_type", "12345-0050F204-54321"), ("autoscan", "exponential:3:300"), ("osu_dir", "/tmp/osu"), ("fst_group_id", "bond0"), ("fst_priority", "5"), ("fst_llt", "7"), ("openssl_ciphers", "DEFAULT") ] def check_config(config): with open(config, "r") as f: data = f.read() if "ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=" not in data: raise Exception("Missing ctrl_interface") if "blob-base64-foo={" not in data: raise Exception("Missing blob") if "cred={" not in data: raise Exception("Missing cred") if "network={" not in data: raise Exception("Missing network") for field, value in config_checks: if "\n" + field + "=" + value + "\n" not in data: raise Exception("Missing value: " + field) return data def test_wpas_config_file(dev, apdev, params): """wpa_supplicant config file parsing/writing""" config = os.path.join(params['logdir'], 'wpas_config_file.conf') if os.path.exists(config): try: os.remove(config) except: pass try: os.rmdir(config) except: pass wpas = WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5') try: wpas.interface_add("wlan5", config=config) initialized = True except: initialized = False if initialized: raise Exception("Missing config file did not result in an error") try: with open(config, "w") as f: f.write("update_config=1 \t\r\n") f.write("# foo\n") f.write("\n") f.write(" \t\reapol_version=2") for i in range(0, 100): f.write(" ") f.write("foo\n") f.write("device_name=name#foo\n") wpas.interface_add("wlan5", config=config) id = wpas.add_network() wpas.set_network_quoted(id, "ssid", "foo") wpas.set_network_quoted(id, "psk", "12345678") wpas.set_network(id, "bssid", "00:11:22:33:44:55") wpas.set_network(id, "proto", "RSN") wpas.set_network(id, "key_mgmt", "WPA-PSK-SHA256") wpas.set_network(id, "pairwise", "CCMP") wpas.set_network(id, "group", "CCMP") wpas.set_network(id, "auth_alg", "OPEN") id = wpas.add_cred() wpas.set_cred(id, "priority", "3") wpas.set_cred(id, "sp_priority", "6") wpas.set_cred(id, "update_identifier", "4") wpas.set_cred(id, "ocsp", "1") wpas.set_cred(id, "eap", "TTLS") wpas.set_cred(id, "req_conn_capab", "6:1234") wpas.set_cred_quoted(id, "realm", "example.com") wpas.set_cred_quoted(id, "provisioning_sp", "example.com") wpas.set_cred_quoted(id, "domain", "example.com") wpas.set_cred_quoted(id, "domain_suffix_match", "example.com") wpas.set_cred(id, "roaming_consortium", "112233") wpas.set_cred(id, "required_roaming_consortium", "112233") wpas.set_cred_quoted(id, "roaming_partner", "roaming.example.net,1,127,*") wpas.set_cred_quoted(id, "ca_cert", "/tmp/ca.pem") wpas.set_cred_quoted(id, "username", "user") wpas.set_cred_quoted(id, "password", "secret") ev = wpas.wait_event(["CRED-MODIFIED 0 password"]) wpas.request("SET blob foo 12345678") for field, value in config_checks: wpas.set(field, value) if "OK" not in wpas.request("SAVE_CONFIG"): raise Exception("Failed to save configuration file") if "OK" not in wpas.global_request("SAVE_CONFIG"): raise Exception("Failed to save configuration file") wpas.interface_remove("wlan5") data1 = check_config(config) wpas.interface_add("wlan5", config=config) if len(wpas.list_networks()) != 1: raise Exception("Unexpected number of networks") if len(wpas.request("LIST_CREDS").splitlines()) != 2: raise Exception("Unexpected number of credentials") if "OK" not in wpas.request("SAVE_CONFIG"): raise Exception("Failed to save configuration file") data2 = check_config(config) if data1 != data2: logger.debug(data1) logger.debug(data2) raise Exception("Unexpected configuration change") wpas.request("SET update_config 0") wpas.global_request("SET update_config 0") if "OK" in wpas.request("SAVE_CONFIG"): raise Exception("SAVE_CONFIG succeeded unexpectedly") if "OK" in wpas.global_request("SAVE_CONFIG"): raise Exception("SAVE_CONFIG (global) succeeded unexpectedly") # replace the config file with a directory to break writing/renaming os.remove(config) os.mkdir(config) wpas.request("SET update_config 1") wpas.global_request("SET update_config 1") if "OK" in wpas.request("SAVE_CONFIG"): raise Exception("SAVE_CONFIG succeeded unexpectedly") if "OK" in wpas.global_request("SAVE_CONFIG"): raise Exception("SAVE_CONFIG (global) succeeded unexpectedly") finally: try: os.rmdir(config) except: pass def test_wpas_config_file_wps(dev, apdev): """wpa_supplicant config file parsing/writing with WPS""" config = "/tmp/test_wpas_config_file.conf" if os.path.exists(config): os.remove(config) params = { "ssid": "test-wps", "eap_server": "1", "wps_state": "2", "skip_cred_build": "1", "extra_cred": "wps-ctrl-cred" } hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0]['ifname'], params) wpas = WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5') try: with open(config, "w") as f: f.write("update_config=1\n") wpas.interface_add("wlan5", config=config) hapd.request("WPS_PIN any 12345670") wpas.scan_for_bss(apdev[0]['bssid'], freq="2412") wpas.request("WPS_PIN " + apdev[0]['bssid'] + " 12345670") ev = wpas.wait_event(["WPS-FAIL"], timeout=10) if ev is None: raise Exception("WPS-FAIL event timed out") with open(config, "r") as f: data = f.read() logger.info("Configuration file contents: " + data) if "network=" in data: raise Exception("Unexpected network block in configuration data") finally: try: os.remove(config) except: pass try: os.remove(config + ".tmp") except: pass try: os.rmdir(config) except: pass def test_wpas_config_file_wps2(dev, apdev): """wpa_supplicant config file parsing/writing with WPS (2)""" config = "/tmp/test_wpas_config_file.conf" if os.path.exists(config): os.remove(config) params = { "ssid": "test-wps", "eap_server": "1", "wps_state": "2", "skip_cred_build": "1", "extra_cred": "wps-ctrl-cred2" } hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0]['ifname'], params) wpas = WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5') try: with open(config, "w") as f: f.write("update_config=1\n") wpas.interface_add("wlan5", config=config) hapd.request("WPS_PIN any 12345670") wpas.scan_for_bss(apdev[0]['bssid'], freq="2412") wpas.request("WPS_PIN " + apdev[0]['bssid'] + " 12345670") ev = wpas.wait_event(["WPS-SUCCESS"], timeout=10) if ev is None: raise Exception("WPS-SUCCESS event timed out") with open(config, "r") as f: data = f.read() logger.info("Configuration file contents: " + data) with open(config, "r") as f: data = f.read() if "network=" not in data: raise Exception("Missing network block in configuration data") if "ssid=410a420d430044" not in data: raise Exception("Unexpected ssid parameter value") finally: try: os.remove(config) except: pass try: os.remove(config + ".tmp") except: pass try: os.rmdir(config) except: pass def test_wpas_config_file_set_psk(dev): """wpa_supplicant config file parsing/writing with arbitrary PSK value""" config = "/tmp/test_wpas_config_file.conf" if os.path.exists(config): os.remove(config) wpas = WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5') try: with open(config, "w") as f: f.write("update_config=1\n") wpas.interface_add("wlan5", config=config) id = wpas.add_network() wpas.set_network_quoted(id, "ssid", "foo") if "OK" in wpas.request('SET_NETWORK %d psk "12345678"\n}\nmodel_name=foobar\nnetwork={\n#\"' % id): raise Exception("Invalid psk value accepted") if "OK" not in wpas.request("SAVE_CONFIG"): raise Exception("Failed to save configuration file") with open(config, "r") as f: data = f.read() logger.info("Configuration file contents: " + data) if "model_name" in data: raise Exception("Unexpected parameter added to configuration") wpas.interface_remove("wlan5") wpas.interface_add("wlan5", config=config) finally: try: os.remove(config) except: pass try: os.remove(config + ".tmp") except: pass try: os.rmdir(config) except: pass def test_wpas_config_file_set_cred(dev): """wpa_supplicant config file parsing/writing with arbitrary cred values""" config = "/tmp/test_wpas_config_file.conf" if os.path.exists(config): os.remove(config) wpas = WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5') try: with open(config, "w") as f: f.write("update_config=1\n") wpas.interface_add("wlan5", config=config) id = wpas.add_cred() wpas.set_cred_quoted(id, "username", "hello") fields = [ "username", "milenage", "imsi", "password", "realm", "phase1", "phase2", "provisioning_sp" ] for field in fields: if "FAIL" not in wpas.request('SET_CRED %d %s "hello"\n}\nmodel_name=foobar\ncred={\n#\"' % (id, field)): raise Exception("Invalid %s value accepted" % field) if "OK" not in wpas.request("SAVE_CONFIG"): raise Exception("Failed to save configuration file") with open(config, "r") as f: data = f.read() logger.info("Configuration file contents: " + data) if "model_name" in data: raise Exception("Unexpected parameter added to configuration") wpas.interface_remove("wlan5") wpas.interface_add("wlan5", config=config) finally: try: os.remove(config) except: pass try: os.remove(config + ".tmp") except: pass try: os.rmdir(config) except: pass def test_wpas_config_file_set_global(dev): """wpa_supplicant config file parsing/writing with arbitrary global values""" config = "/tmp/test_wpas_config_file.conf" if os.path.exists(config): os.remove(config) wpas = WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5') try: with open(config, "w") as f: f.write("update_config=1\n") wpas.interface_add("wlan5", config=config) fields = [ "model_name", "device_name", "ctrl_interface_group", "opensc_engine_path", "pkcs11_engine_path", "pkcs11_module_path", "openssl_ciphers", "pcsc_reader", "pcsc_pin", "driver_param", "manufacturer", "model_name", "model_number", "serial_number", "config_methods", "p2p_ssid_postfix", "autoscan", "ext_password_backend", "osu_dir", "wowlan_triggers", "fst_group_id", "sched_scan_plans", "non_pref_chan" ] for field in fields: if "FAIL" not in wpas.request('SET %s hello\nmodel_name=foobar' % field): raise Exception("Invalid %s value accepted" % field) if "OK" not in wpas.request("SAVE_CONFIG"): raise Exception("Failed to save configuration file") with open(config, "r") as f: data = f.read() logger.info("Configuration file contents: " + data) if "model_name" in data: raise Exception("Unexpected parameter added to configuration") wpas.interface_remove("wlan5") wpas.interface_add("wlan5", config=config) finally: try: os.remove(config) except: pass try: os.remove(config + ".tmp") except: pass try: os.rmdir(config) except: pass