#!/usr/bin/python # Tests p2p_find # Will list all devices found/lost within a time frame (timeout) # Then Program will exit ######### MAY NEED TO RUN AS SUDO ############# import dbus import sys, os import time import gobject import threading import getopt from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop def usage(): print "Usage:" print " %s -i [-t ] \ " \ % sys.argv[0] print " [-w ]" print "Options:" print " -i = interface name" print " -t = timeout = 0s (infinite)" print " -w = wpas dbus interface = fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1" print "Example:" print " %s -i wlan0 -t 10" % sys.argv[0] # Required Signals def deviceFound(devicepath): print "Device found: %s" % (devicepath) def deviceLost(devicepath): print "Device lost: %s" % (devicepath) class P2P_Find (threading.Thread): # Needed Variables global bus global wpas_object global interface_object global p2p_interface global interface_name global wpas global wpas_dbus_interface global timeout global path # Dbus Paths global wpas_dbus_opath global wpas_dbus_interfaces_opath global wpas_dbus_interfaces_interface global wpas_dbus_interfaces_p2pdevice # Constructor def __init__(self,interface_name,wpas_dbus_interface,timeout): # Initializes variables and threads self.timeout = int(timeout) self.interface_name = interface_name self.wpas_dbus_interface = wpas_dbus_interface # Initializes thread and daemon allows for ctrl-c kill threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.daemon = True # Generating interface/object paths self.wpas_dbus_opath = "/" + \ self.wpas_dbus_interface.replace(".","/") self.wpas_wpas_dbus_interfaces_opath = self.wpas_dbus_opath + \ "/Interfaces" self.wpas_dbus_interfaces_interface = \ self.wpas_dbus_interface + ".Interface" self.wpas_dbus_interfaces_p2pdevice = \ self.wpas_dbus_interfaces_interface \ + ".P2PDevice" # Getting interfaces and objects DBusGMainLoop(set_as_default=True) self.bus = dbus.SystemBus() self.wpas_object = self.bus.get_object( self.wpas_dbus_interface, self.wpas_dbus_opath) self.wpas = dbus.Interface(self.wpas_object, self.wpas_dbus_interface) # Try to see if supplicant knows about interface # If not, throw an exception try: self.path = self.wpas.GetInterface( self.interface_name) except dbus.DBusException as exc: error = 'Error:\n Interface ' + self.interface_name \ + ' was not found' print error usage() os._exit(0) self.interface_object = self.bus.get_object( self.wpas_dbus_interface, self.path) self.p2p_interface = dbus.Interface(self.interface_object, self.wpas_dbus_interfaces_p2pdevice) #Adds listeners for find and lost self.bus.add_signal_receiver(deviceFound, dbus_interface=self.wpas_dbus_interfaces_p2pdevice, signal_name="DeviceFound") self.bus.add_signal_receiver(deviceLost, dbus_interface=self.wpas_dbus_interfaces_p2pdevice, signal_name="DeviceLost") # Sets up p2p_find P2PFindDict = dbus.Dictionary( {'Timeout':int(self.timeout)}) self.p2p_interface.Find(P2PFindDict) # Run p2p_find def run(self): # Allows other threads to keep working while MainLoop runs # Required for timeout implementation gobject.MainLoop().get_context().iteration(True) gobject.threads_init() gobject.MainLoop().run() if __name__ == "__main__": # Defaults for optional inputs timeout = 0 wpas_dbus_interface = 'fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1' # interface_name is required interface_name = None # Using getopts to handle options try: options, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"hi:t:w:") except getopt.GetoptError: usage() quit() # If theres a switch, override default option for key, value in options: # Help if (key == "-h"): usage() quit() # Interface Name elif (key == "-i"): interface_name = value # Timeout elif (key == "-t"): if ( int(value) >= 0): timeout = value else: print "Error:\n Timeout cannot be negative" usage() quit() # Dbus interface elif (key == "-w"): wpas_dbus_interface = value else: assert False, "unhandled option" # Interface name is required and was not given if (interface_name == None): print "Error:\n interface_name is required" usage() quit() # Constructor try: p2p_find_test = P2P_Find(interface_name, wpas_dbus_interface, timeout) except: print "Error:\n Invalid wpas_dbus_interface" usage() quit() # Start P2P_Find p2p_find_test.start() try: # If timeout is 0, then run forever if (timeout == 0): while(True): pass # Else sleep for (timeout) else: time.sleep(p2p_find_test.timeout) except: pass quit()