Step-by-step guide for setting up hostapd/wpa_supplicant test framework (VM) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This document can be used as a quick guide for getting started with hostapd/wpa_supplicant test framework with mac80211_hwsim. While the example here uses Ubuntu 16.04.1 server to have a list of exact steps, there are no requirements for using that specific distribution in the testing setup. The steps here describe how to run a guest VM for testing on a Linux host system. Install Ubuntu Server 16.04.1 as the host system for VMs - download installation image, e.g., - install the host system with default settings - boot to the installed system - update the installed packages: sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade Install the prerequisite packages that may not have been installed by default # kvm for running the VM guests sudo apt install qemu-kvm # build tools sudo apt install build-essential git libpcap-dev libsqlite3-dev binutils-dev \ bc pkg-config libssl-dev libiberty-dev libdbus-1-dev \ libnl-3-dev libnl-genl-3-dev libnl-route-3-dev # tools used be the test scripts sudo apt install python-minimal python-crypto python-pyrad python-netifaces \ python-dbus python-gobject python-openssl bridge-utils ebtables tshark Enable kvm use for the user sudo adduser $USER kvm Download a snapshot of the hostap.git repository and build the programs cd git clone git:// cd hostap/tests/hwsim ./ cd vm cat > vm-config <