
import dbus
import sys, os
import time

WPAS_DBUS_SERVICE = "fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicant"
WPAS_DBUS_INTERFACE = "fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicant"
WPAS_DBUS_OPATH = "/fi/epitest/hostap/WPASupplicant"

WPAS_DBUS_INTERFACES_INTERFACE = "fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicant.Interface"
WPAS_DBUS_INTERFACES_OPATH = "/fi/epitest/hostap/WPASupplicant/Interfaces"
WPAS_DBUS_BSSID_INTERFACE = "fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicant.BSSID"

def byte_array_to_string(s):
	import urllib
	r = ""    
	for c in s:
		if c >= 32 and c < 127:
			r += "%c" % c
			r += urllib.quote(chr(c))
	return r

def main():
	if len(sys.argv) != 2:
		print("Usage: wpas-test.py <interface>")

	ifname = sys.argv[1]

	bus = dbus.SystemBus()
	wpas_obj = bus.get_object(WPAS_DBUS_SERVICE, WPAS_DBUS_OPATH)
	wpas = dbus.Interface(wpas_obj, WPAS_DBUS_INTERFACE)

	# See if wpa_supplicant already knows about this interface
	path = None
		path = wpas.getInterface(ifname)
	except dbus.dbus_bindings.DBusException as exc:
		if str(exc) != "wpa_supplicant knows nothing about this interface.":
			raise exc
			path = wpas.addInterface(ifname, {'driver': dbus.Variant('wext')})
		except dbus.dbus_bindings.DBusException as exc:
			if str(exc) != "wpa_supplicant already controls this interface.":
				raise exc

	if_obj = bus.get_object(WPAS_DBUS_SERVICE, path)
	iface = dbus.Interface(if_obj, WPAS_DBUS_INTERFACES_INTERFACE)
	# Should really wait for the "scanResults" signal instead of sleeping
	res = iface.scanResults()

	print("Scanned wireless networks:")
	for opath in res:
		net_obj = bus.get_object(WPAS_DBUS_SERVICE, opath)
		net = dbus.Interface(net_obj, WPAS_DBUS_BSSID_INTERFACE)
		props = net.properties()

		# Convert the byte-array for SSID and BSSID to printable strings
		bssid = ""
		for item in props["bssid"]:
			bssid = bssid + ":%02x" % item
		bssid = bssid[1:]
		ssid = byte_array_to_string(props["ssid"])
		wpa = "no"
		if props.has_key("wpaie"):
			wpa = "yes"
		wpa2 = "no"
		if props.has_key("rsnie"):
			wpa2 = "yes"
		freq = 0
		if props.has_key("frequency"):
			freq = props["frequency"]
		caps = props["capabilities"]
		qual = props["quality"]
		level = props["level"]
		noise = props["noise"]
		maxrate = props["maxrate"] / 1000000

		print("  %s  ::  ssid='%s'  wpa=%s  wpa2=%s  quality=%d%%  rate=%d  freq=%d" % (bssid, ssid, wpa, wpa2, qual, maxrate, freq))

	# Should fail here with unknown interface error

if __name__ == "__main__":