#!/bin/sh errors=0 umask 0002 if [ -z "$LOGDIR" ]; then LOGDIR=logs fi if [ -z "$DBFILE" ]; then DB="" else DB="-S $DBFILE" if [ -n "$BUILD" ]; then DB="$DB -b $BUILD" fi fi if [ "x$1" = "xconcurrent-valgrind" ]; then if ! ./start.sh concurrent valgrind; then echo "Could not start test environment" > $LOGDIR/last-debug exit 1 fi DATE=`ls -1tr $LOGDIR | tail -1 | cut -f1 -d-` rm $LOGDIR/last-debug for i in autogo discovery grpform; do ./run-tests.py -l $LOGDIR/$DATE-run-$i $DB -e $LOGDIR/$DATE-failed-$i -r $LOGDIR/results.txt -f test_p2p_$i.py || errors=1 cat $LOGDIR/$DATE-run-$i >> $LOGDIR/last-debug done ./stop-wifi.sh failures=`grep "ERROR SUMMARY" $LOGDIR/$DATE-valgrind-* | grep -v " 0 errors" | wc -l` if [ $failures -gt 0 ]; then echo "Mark as failed due to valgrind errors" errors=1 fi if [ $errors -gt 0 ]; then tar czf /tmp/hwsim-tests-$DATE-FAILED-concurrent-valgrind.tar.gz $LOGDIR/$DATE* exit 1 fi elif [ "x$1" = "xconcurrent" ]; then if ! ./start.sh concurrent; then echo "Could not start test environment" > $LOGDIR/last-debug exit 1 fi DATE=`ls -1tr $LOGDIR | tail -1 | cut -f1 -d-` rm $LOGDIR/last-debug for i in autogo discovery grpform; do ./run-tests.py -l $LOGDIR/$DATE-run-$i $DB -e $LOGDIR/$DATE-failed-$i -r $LOGDIR/results.txt -f test_p2p_$i.py || errors=1 cat $LOGDIR/$DATE-run-$i >> $LOGDIR/last-debug done ./stop-wifi.sh if [ $errors -gt 0 ]; then tar czf /tmp/hwsim-tests-$DATE-FAILED-concurrent.tar.gz $LOGDIR/$DATE* exit 1 fi elif [ "x$1" = "xvalgrind" ]; then if ! ./start.sh valgrind; then echo "Could not start test environment" > $LOGDIR/last-debug exit 1 fi DATE=`ls -1tr $LOGDIR | tail -1 | cut -f1 -d-` ./run-tests.py -l $LOGDIR/$DATE-run $DB -e $LOGDIR/$DATE-failed -r $LOGDIR/results.txt || errors=1 cat $LOGDIR/$DATE-run > $LOGDIR/last-debug ./stop-wifi.sh failures=`grep "ERROR SUMMARY" $LOGDIR/$DATE-valgrind-* | grep -v " 0 errors" | wc -l` if [ $failures -gt 0 ]; then echo "Mark as failed due to valgrind errors" errors=1 fi if [ $errors -gt 0 ]; then tar czf /tmp/hwsim-tests-$DATE-FAILED-valgrind.tar.gz $LOGDIR/$DATE* exit 1 fi elif [ "x$1" = "xtrace" ]; then if ! ./start.sh trace; then echo "Could not start test environment" > $LOGDIR/last-debug exit 1 fi DATE=`ls -1tr $LOGDIR | tail -1 | cut -f1 -d-` sudo trace-cmd record -o $LOGDIR/$DATE-trace.dat -e mac80211 -e cfg80211 su $USER -c "./run-tests.py -l $LOGDIR/$DATE-run $DB -e $LOGDIR/$DATE-failed -r $LOGDIR/results.txt" || errors=1 if [ -e $LOGDIR/$DATE-failed ]; then error=1 fi sudo chown $USER $LOGDIR/$DATE-trace.dat cat $LOGDIR/$DATE-run > $LOGDIR/last-debug ./stop-wifi.sh if [ $errors -gt 0 ]; then tar czf /tmp/hwsim-tests-$DATE-FAILED-trace.tar.gz $LOGDIR/$DATE* exit 1 fi else if ! ./start.sh; then echo "Could not start test environment" > $LOGDIR/last-debug exit 1 fi DATE=`ls -1tr $LOGDIR | tail -1 | cut -f1 -d-` ./run-tests.py -l $LOGDIR/$DATE-run $DB -e $LOGDIR/$DATE-failed -r $LOGDIR/results.txt || errors=1 cat $LOGDIR/$DATE-run > $LOGDIR/last-debug ./stop-wifi.sh if [ $errors -gt 0 ]; then tar czf /tmp/hwsim-tests-$DATE-FAILED.tar.gz $LOGDIR/$DATE* exit 1 fi fi echo "ALL-PASSED"