#!/usr/bin/python3 # # Example nfcpy to wpa_supplicant wrapper for DPP NFC operations # Copyright (c) 2012-2013, Jouni Malinen # Copyright (c) 2019-2020, The Linux Foundation # # This software may be distributed under the terms of the BSD license. # See README for more details. import os import struct import sys import time import threading import argparse import nfc import ndef import logging scriptsdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.modules[__name__].__file__)) sys.path.append(os.path.join(scriptsdir, '..', '..', 'wpaspy')) import wpaspy wpas_ctrl = '/var/run/wpa_supplicant' ifname = None init_on_touch = False in_raw_mode = False prev_tcgetattr = 0 no_input = False srv = None continue_loop = True terminate_now = False summary_file = None success_file = None my_crn_ready = False my_crn = None peer_crn = None hs_sent = False netrole = None mutex = threading.Lock() def summary(txt): with mutex: print(txt) if summary_file: with open(summary_file, 'a') as f: f.write(txt + "\n") def success_report(txt): summary(txt) if success_file: with open(success_file, 'a') as f: f.write(txt + "\n") def wpas_connect(): ifaces = [] if os.path.isdir(wpas_ctrl): try: ifaces = [os.path.join(wpas_ctrl, i) for i in os.listdir(wpas_ctrl)] except OSError as error: summary("Could not find wpa_supplicant: %s", str(error)) return None if len(ifaces) < 1: summary("No wpa_supplicant control interface found") return None for ctrl in ifaces: if ifname: if ifname not in ctrl: continue try: summary("Trying to use control interface " + ctrl) wpas = wpaspy.Ctrl(ctrl) return wpas except Exception as e: pass return None def dpp_nfc_uri_process(uri): wpas = wpas_connect() if wpas is None: return False peer_id = wpas.request("DPP_NFC_URI " + uri) if "FAIL" in peer_id: summary("Could not parse DPP URI from NFC URI record") return False peer_id = int(peer_id) summary("peer_id=%d for URI from NFC Tag: %s" % (peer_id, uri)) cmd = "DPP_AUTH_INIT peer=%d" % peer_id global enrollee_only, configurator_only, config_params if enrollee_only: cmd += " role=enrollee" elif configurator_only: cmd += " role=configurator" if config_params: cmd += " " + config_params summary("Initiate DPP authentication: " + cmd) res = wpas.request(cmd) if "OK" not in res: summary("Failed to initiate DPP Authentication") return False summary("DPP Authentication initiated") return True def dpp_hs_tag_read(record): wpas = wpas_connect() if wpas is None: return False summary(record) if len(record.data) < 5: summary("Too short DPP HS") return False if record.data[0] != 0: summary("Unexpected URI Identifier Code") return False uribuf = record.data[1:] try: uri = uribuf.decode() except: summary("Invalid URI payload") return False summary("URI: " + uri) if not uri.startswith("DPP:"): summary("Not a DPP URI") return False return dpp_nfc_uri_process(uri) def get_status(wpas, extra=None): if extra: extra = "-" + extra else: extra = "" res = wpas.request("STATUS" + extra) lines = res.splitlines() vals = dict() for l in lines: try: [name, value] = l.split('=', 1) except ValueError: summary("Ignore unexpected status line: %s" % l) continue vals[name] = value return vals def get_status_field(wpas, field, extra=None): vals = get_status(wpas, extra) if field in vals: return vals[field] return None def own_addr(wpas): addr = get_status_field(wpas, "address") if addr is None: addr = get_status_field(wpas, "bssid[0]") return addr def dpp_bootstrap_gen(wpas, type="qrcode", chan=None, mac=None, info=None, curve=None, key=None): cmd = "DPP_BOOTSTRAP_GEN type=" + type if chan: cmd += " chan=" + chan if mac: if mac is True: mac = own_addr(wpas) if mac is None: summary("Could not determine local MAC address for bootstrap info") else: cmd += " mac=" + mac.replace(':', '') if info: cmd += " info=" + info if curve: cmd += " curve=" + curve if key: cmd += " key=" + key res = wpas.request(cmd) if "FAIL" in res: raise Exception("Failed to generate bootstrapping info") return int(res) def wpas_get_nfc_uri(start_listen=True, pick_channel=False, chan_override=None): listen_freq = 2412 wpas = wpas_connect() if wpas is None: return None global own_id, chanlist if chan_override: chan = chan_override else: chan = chanlist if chan is None and get_status_field(wpas, "bssid[0]"): freq = get_status_field(wpas, "freq") if freq: freq = int(freq) if freq >= 2412 and freq <= 2462: chan = "81/%d" % ((freq - 2407) / 5) summary("Use current AP operating channel (%d MHz) as the URI channel list (%s)" % (freq, chan)) listen_freq = freq if chan is None and pick_channel: chan = "81/6" summary("Use channel 2437 MHz since no other preference provided") listen_freq = 2437 own_id = dpp_bootstrap_gen(wpas, type="nfc-uri", chan=chan, mac=True) res = wpas.request("DPP_BOOTSTRAP_GET_URI %d" % own_id).rstrip() if "FAIL" in res: return None if start_listen: cmd = "DPP_LISTEN %d" % listen_freq global netrole if netrole: cmd += " netrole=" + netrole res2 = wpas.request(cmd) if "OK" not in res2: raise Exception("Failed to start listen operation (%s)" % cmd) return res def wpas_report_handover_req(uri): wpas = wpas_connect() if wpas is None: return None global own_id cmd = "DPP_NFC_HANDOVER_REQ own=%d uri=%s" % (own_id, uri) return wpas.request(cmd) def wpas_report_handover_sel(uri): wpas = wpas_connect() if wpas is None: return None global own_id cmd = "DPP_NFC_HANDOVER_SEL own=%d uri=%s" % (own_id, uri) return wpas.request(cmd) def dpp_handover_client(llc, alt=False): chan_override = None if alt: global altchanlist chan_override = altchanlist uri = wpas_get_nfc_uri(start_listen=False, chan_override=chan_override) if uri is None: summary("Cannot start handover client - no bootstrap URI available") return uri = ndef.UriRecord(uri) summary("NFC URI record for DPP: " + str(uri)) carrier = ndef.Record('application/vnd.wfa.dpp', 'A', uri.data) crn = os.urandom(2) hr = ndef.HandoverRequestRecord(version="1.4", crn=crn) hr.add_alternative_carrier('active', carrier.name) message = [hr, carrier] summary("NFC Handover Request message for DPP: " + str(message)) global peer_crn if peer_crn is not None and not alt: summary("NFC handover request from peer was already received - do not send own") return client = nfc.handover.HandoverClient(llc) try: summary("Trying to initiate NFC connection handover") client.connect() summary("Connected for handover") except nfc.llcp.ConnectRefused: summary("Handover connection refused") client.close() return except Exception as e: summary("Other exception: " + str(e)) client.close() return if peer_crn is not None and not alt: summary("NFC handover request from peer was already received - do not send own") client.close() return summary("Sending handover request") global my_crn, my_crn_ready, hs_sent my_crn_ready = True if not client.send_records(message): my_crn_ready = False summary("Failed to send handover request") client.close() return my_crn, = struct.unpack('>H', crn) summary("Receiving handover response") try: message = client.recv_records(timeout=3.0) except Exception as e: # This is fine if we are the handover selector if hs_sent: summary("Client receive failed as expected since I'm the handover server: %s" % str(e)) else: summary("Client receive failed: %s" % str(e)) message = None if message is None: if hs_sent: summary("No response received as expected since I'm the handover server") else: summary("No response received") client.close() return summary("Received message: " + str(message)) if len(message) < 1 or \ not isinstance(message[0], ndef.HandoverSelectRecord): summary("Response was not Hs - received: " + message.type) client.close() return summary("Received handover select message") summary("alternative carriers: " + str(message[0].alternative_carriers)) dpp_found = False for carrier in message: if isinstance(carrier, ndef.HandoverSelectRecord): continue summary("Remote carrier type: " + carrier.type) if carrier.type == "application/vnd.wfa.dpp": if len(carrier.data) == 0 or carrier.data[0] != 0: summary("URI Identifier Code 'None' not seen") continue summary("DPP carrier type match - send to wpa_supplicant") dpp_found = True uri = carrier.data[1:].decode("utf-8") summary("DPP URI: " + uri) res = wpas_report_handover_sel(uri) if res is None or "FAIL" in res: summary("DPP handover report rejected") break success_report("DPP handover reported successfully (initiator)") summary("peer_id=" + res) peer_id = int(res) wpas = wpas_connect() if wpas is None: break global enrollee_only global config_params if enrollee_only: extra = " role=enrollee" elif config_params: extra = " role=configurator " + config_params else: # TODO: Single Configurator instance res = wpas.request("DPP_CONFIGURATOR_ADD") if "FAIL" in res: summary("Failed to initiate Configurator") break conf_id = int(res) extra = " conf=sta-dpp configurator=%d" % conf_id global own_id summary("Initiate DPP authentication") cmd = "DPP_AUTH_INIT peer=%d own=%d" % (peer_id, own_id) cmd += extra res = wpas.request(cmd) if "FAIL" in res: summary("Failed to initiate DPP authentication") break if not dpp_found: summary("DPP carrier not seen in response - allow peer to initiate a new handover with different parameters") my_crn_ready = False my_crn = None peer_crn = None hs_sent = False client.close() summary("Returning from dpp_handover_client") return summary("Remove peer") client.close() summary("Done with handover") global only_one if only_one: print("only_one -> stop loop") global continue_loop continue_loop = False global no_wait if no_wait: print("Trying to exit..") global terminate_now terminate_now = True summary("Returning from dpp_handover_client") class HandoverServer(nfc.handover.HandoverServer): def __init__(self, llc): super(HandoverServer, self).__init__(llc) self.sent_carrier = None self.ho_server_processing = False self.success = False self.try_own = False self.llc = llc def process_handover_request_message(self, records): self.ho_server_processing = True global in_raw_mode was_in_raw_mode = in_raw_mode clear_raw_mode() if was_in_raw_mode: print("\n") summary("HandoverServer - request received: " + str(records)) global my_crn, peer_crn, my_crn_ready for carrier in records: if not isinstance(carrier, ndef.HandoverRequestRecord): continue if carrier.collision_resolution_number: peer_crn = carrier.collision_resolution_number summary("peer_crn: %d" % peer_crn) if my_crn is None and my_crn_ready: summary("Still trying to send own handover request - wait a moment to see if that succeeds before checking crn values") for i in range(10): if my_crn is not None: break time.sleep(0.01) if my_crn is not None: summary("my_crn: %d" % my_crn) if my_crn is not None and peer_crn is not None: if my_crn == peer_crn: summary("Same crn used - automatic collision resolution failed") # TODO: Should generate a new Handover Request message return '' if ((my_crn & 1) == (peer_crn & 1) and my_crn > peer_crn) or \ ((my_crn & 1) != (peer_crn & 1) and my_crn < peer_crn): summary("I'm the Handover Selector Device") pass else: summary("Peer is the Handover Selector device") summary("Ignore the received request.") return '' hs = ndef.HandoverSelectRecord('1.4') sel = [hs] found = False for carrier in records: if isinstance(carrier, ndef.HandoverRequestRecord): continue summary("Remote carrier type: " + carrier.type) if carrier.type == "application/vnd.wfa.dpp": summary("DPP carrier type match - add DPP carrier record") if len(carrier.data) == 0 or carrier.data[0] != 0: summary("URI Identifier Code 'None' not seen") continue uri = carrier.data[1:].decode("utf-8") summary("Received DPP URI: " + uri) data = wpas_get_nfc_uri(start_listen=False, pick_channel=True) summary("Own URI (pre-processing): %s" % data) res = wpas_report_handover_req(uri) if res is None or "FAIL" in res: summary("DPP handover request processing failed") global altchanlist if altchanlist: data = wpas_get_nfc_uri(start_listen=False, chan_override=altchanlist) summary("Own URI (try another channel list): %s" % data) continue found = True wpas = wpas_connect() if wpas is None: continue global own_id data = wpas.request("DPP_BOOTSTRAP_GET_URI %d" % own_id).rstrip() if "FAIL" in data: continue summary("Own URI (post-processing): %s" % data) uri = ndef.UriRecord(data) summary("Own bootstrapping NFC URI record: " + str(uri)) info = wpas.request("DPP_BOOTSTRAP_INFO %d" % own_id) freq = None for line in info.splitlines(): if line.startswith("use_freq="): freq = int(line.split('=')[1]) if freq is None or freq == 0: summary("No channel negotiated over NFC - use channel 6") freq = 2437 else: summary("Negotiated channel: %d MHz" % freq) if get_status_field(wpas, "bssid[0]"): summary("Own AP freq: %s MHz" % str(get_status_field(wpas, "freq"))) if get_status_field(wpas, "beacon_set", extra="DRIVER") is None: summary("Enable beaconing to have radio ready for RX") wpas.request("DISABLE") wpas.request("SET start_disabled 0") wpas.request("ENABLE") cmd = "DPP_LISTEN %d" % freq global enrollee_only global configurator_only if enrollee_only: cmd += " role=enrollee" elif configurator_only: cmd += " role=configurator" summary(cmd) res = wpas.request(cmd) if "OK" not in res: summary("Failed to start DPP listen") break carrier = ndef.Record('application/vnd.wfa.dpp', 'A', uri.data) summary("Own DPP carrier record: " + str(carrier)) hs.add_alternative_carrier('active', carrier.name) sel = [hs, carrier] break global hs_sent summary("Sending handover select: " + str(sel)) if found: summary("Handover completed successfully") self.success = True hs_sent = True else: summary("Try to initiate with alternative parameters") self.try_own = True hs_sent = False threading.Thread(target=llcp_worker, args=(self.llc, True)).start() return sel def clear_raw_mode(): import sys, tty, termios global prev_tcgetattr, in_raw_mode if not in_raw_mode: return fd = sys.stdin.fileno() termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, prev_tcgetattr) in_raw_mode = False def getch(): import sys, tty, termios, select global prev_tcgetattr, in_raw_mode fd = sys.stdin.fileno() prev_tcgetattr = termios.tcgetattr(fd) ch = None try: tty.setraw(fd) in_raw_mode = True [i, o, e] = select.select([fd], [], [], 0.05) if i: ch = sys.stdin.read(1) finally: termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, prev_tcgetattr) in_raw_mode = False return ch def dpp_tag_read(tag): success = False for record in tag.ndef.records: summary(record) summary("record type " + record.type) if record.type == "application/vnd.wfa.dpp": summary("DPP HS tag - send to wpa_supplicant") success = dpp_hs_tag_read(record) break if isinstance(record, ndef.UriRecord): summary("URI record: uri=" + record.uri) summary("URI record: iri=" + record.iri) if record.iri.startswith("DPP:"): summary("DPP URI") if not dpp_nfc_uri_process(record.iri): break success = True else: summary("Ignore unknown URI") break if success: success_report("Tag read succeeded") return success def rdwr_connected_write_tag(tag): summary("Tag found - writing - " + str(tag)) if not tag.ndef: summary("Not a formatted NDEF tag") return if not tag.ndef.is_writeable: summary("Not a writable tag") return global dpp_tag_data if tag.ndef.capacity < len(dpp_tag_data): summary("Not enough room for the message") return tag.ndef.records = dpp_tag_data success_report("Tag write succeeded") summary("Done - remove tag") global only_one if only_one: global continue_loop continue_loop = False global dpp_sel_wait_remove return dpp_sel_wait_remove def write_nfc_uri(clf, wait_remove=True): summary("Write NFC URI record") data = wpas_get_nfc_uri() if data is None: summary("Could not get NFC URI from wpa_supplicant") return global dpp_sel_wait_remove dpp_sel_wait_remove = wait_remove summary("URI: %s" % data) uri = ndef.UriRecord(data) summary(uri) summary("Touch an NFC tag") global dpp_tag_data dpp_tag_data = [uri] clf.connect(rdwr={'on-connect': rdwr_connected_write_tag}) def write_nfc_hs(clf, wait_remove=True): summary("Write NFC Handover Select record on a tag") data = wpas_get_nfc_uri() if data is None: summary("Could not get NFC URI from wpa_supplicant") return global dpp_sel_wait_remove dpp_sel_wait_remove = wait_remove summary("URI: %s" % data) uri = ndef.UriRecord(data) summary(uri) carrier = ndef.Record('application/vnd.wfa.dpp', 'A', uri.data) hs = ndef.HandoverSelectRecord('1.4') hs.add_alternative_carrier('active', carrier.name) summary(hs) summary(carrier) summary("Touch an NFC tag") global dpp_tag_data dpp_tag_data = [hs, carrier] summary(dpp_tag_data) clf.connect(rdwr={'on-connect': rdwr_connected_write_tag}) def rdwr_connected(tag): global only_one, no_wait summary("Tag connected: " + str(tag)) if tag.ndef: summary("NDEF tag: " + tag.type) summary(tag.ndef.records) success = dpp_tag_read(tag) if only_one and success: global continue_loop continue_loop = False else: summary("Not an NDEF tag - remove tag") return True return not no_wait def llcp_worker(llc, try_alt): print("Start of llcp_worker()") if try_alt: summary("Starting handover client (try_alt)") dpp_handover_client(llc, alt=True) summary("Exiting llcp_worker thread (try_alt)") return global init_on_touch if init_on_touch: summary("Starting handover client (init_on_touch)") dpp_handover_client(llc) summary("Exiting llcp_worker thread (init_on_touch)") return global no_input if no_input: summary("Wait for handover to complete") else: print("Wait for handover to complete - press 'i' to initiate") global srv global wait_connection while not wait_connection and srv.sent_carrier is None: if srv.try_own: srv.try_own = False summary("Try to initiate another handover with own parameters") global peer_crn, my_crn, my_crn_ready, hs_sent my_crn_ready = False my_crn = None peer_crn = None hs_sent = False dpp_handover_client(llc, alt=True) summary("Exiting llcp_worker thread (retry with own parameters)") return if srv.ho_server_processing: time.sleep(0.025) elif no_input: time.sleep(0.5) else: res = getch() if res != 'i': continue clear_raw_mode() summary("Starting handover client") dpp_handover_client(llc) summary("Exiting llcp_worker thread (manual init)") return global in_raw_mode was_in_raw_mode = in_raw_mode clear_raw_mode() if was_in_raw_mode: print("\r") summary("Exiting llcp_worker thread") def llcp_startup(llc): summary("Start LLCP server") global srv srv = HandoverServer(llc) return llc def llcp_connected(llc): summary("P2P LLCP connected") global wait_connection, my_crn, peer_crn, my_crn_ready, hs_sent wait_connection = False my_crn_ready = False my_crn = None peer_crn = None hs_sent = False global srv srv.start() if init_on_touch or not no_input: threading.Thread(target=llcp_worker, args=(llc, False)).start() return True def llcp_release(llc): summary("LLCP release") return True def terminate_loop(): global terminate_now return terminate_now def main(): clf = nfc.ContactlessFrontend() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='nfcpy to wpa_supplicant integration for DPP NFC operations') parser.add_argument('-d', const=logging.DEBUG, default=logging.INFO, action='store_const', dest='loglevel', help='verbose debug output') parser.add_argument('-q', const=logging.WARNING, action='store_const', dest='loglevel', help='be quiet') parser.add_argument('--only-one', '-1', action='store_true', help='run only one operation and exit') parser.add_argument('--init-on-touch', '-I', action='store_true', help='initiate handover on touch') parser.add_argument('--no-wait', action='store_true', help='do not wait for tag to be removed before exiting') parser.add_argument('--ifname', '-i', help='network interface name') parser.add_argument('--no-input', '-a', action='store_true', help='do not use stdout input to initiate handover') parser.add_argument('--tag-read-only', '-t', action='store_true', help='tag read only (do not allow connection handover)') parser.add_argument('--handover-only', action='store_true', help='connection handover only (do not allow tag read)') parser.add_argument('--enrollee', action='store_true', help='run as Enrollee-only') parser.add_argument('--configurator', action='store_true', help='run as Configurator-only') parser.add_argument('--config-params', default='', help='configurator parameters') parser.add_argument('--ctrl', default='/var/run/wpa_supplicant', help='wpa_supplicant/hostapd control interface') parser.add_argument('--summary', help='summary file for writing status updates') parser.add_argument('--success', help='success file for writing success update') parser.add_argument('--device', default='usb', help='NFC device to open') parser.add_argument('--chan', default=None, help='channel list') parser.add_argument('--altchan', default=None, help='alternative channel list') parser.add_argument('--netrole', default=None, help='netrole for Enrollee') parser.add_argument('command', choices=['write-nfc-uri', 'write-nfc-hs'], nargs='?') args = parser.parse_args() summary(args) global only_one only_one = args.only_one global no_wait no_wait = args.no_wait global chanlist, altchanlist, netrole chanlist = args.chan altchanlist = args.altchan netrole = args.netrole logging.basicConfig(level=args.loglevel) global init_on_touch init_on_touch = args.init_on_touch global enrollee_only enrollee_only = args.enrollee global configurator_only configurator_only = args.configurator global config_params config_params = args.config_params if args.ifname: global ifname ifname = args.ifname summary("Selected ifname " + ifname) if args.ctrl: global wpas_ctrl wpas_ctrl = args.ctrl if args.summary: global summary_file summary_file = args.summary if args.success: global success_file success_file = args.success if args.no_input: global no_input no_input = True clf = nfc.ContactlessFrontend() global wait_connection try: if not clf.open(args.device): summary("Could not open connection with an NFC device") raise SystemExit if args.command == "write-nfc-uri": write_nfc_uri(clf, wait_remove=not args.no_wait) raise SystemExit if args.command == "write-nfc-hs": write_nfc_hs(clf, wait_remove=not args.no_wait) raise SystemExit global continue_loop while continue_loop: global in_raw_mode was_in_raw_mode = in_raw_mode clear_raw_mode() if was_in_raw_mode: print("\r") if args.tag_read_only: summary("Waiting for a tag to be touched") else: summary("Waiting for a tag or peer to be touched") wait_connection = True try: if args.tag_read_only: if not clf.connect(rdwr={'on-connect': rdwr_connected}): break elif args.handover_only: if not clf.connect(llcp={'on-startup': llcp_startup, 'on-connect': llcp_connected, 'on-release': llcp_release}, terminate=terminate_loop): break else: if not clf.connect(rdwr={'on-connect': rdwr_connected}, llcp={'on-startup': llcp_startup, 'on-connect': llcp_connected, 'on-release': llcp_release}, terminate=terminate_loop): break except Exception as e: summary("clf.connect failed: " + str(e)) break global srv if only_one and srv and srv.success: raise SystemExit except KeyboardInterrupt: raise SystemExit finally: clf.close() raise SystemExit if __name__ == '__main__': main()