tests: DPP GAS Query error cases with hostapd

Signed-off-by: Jouni Malinen <j@w1.fi>
This commit is contained in:
Jouni Malinen 2021-03-21 13:18:00 +02:00
parent 4ed10754e8
commit c4b2d6f566

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@ -2682,16 +2682,306 @@ def test_dpp_hostapd_enrollee_gas_timeout(dev, apdev):
dev[0].set("ext_mgmt_frame_handling", "1")
dev[0].dpp_listen(2437, role="configurator")
hapd.dpp_auth_init(uri=uri0, role="enrollee")
for i in range(3):
msg = dev[0].mgmt_rx()
cmd = "MGMT_RX_PROCESS freq={} datarate={} ssi_signal={} frame={}".format(msg['freq'], msg['datarate'], msg['ssi_signal'], binascii.hexlify(msg['frame']).decode())
if "OK" not in dev[0].request(cmd):
raise Exception("MGMT_RX_PROCESS failed")
ev = hapd.wait_event(["GAS-QUERY-DONE"], timeout=10)
if "result=TIMEOUT" not in ev:
raise Exception("GAS timeout not reported")
def test_dpp_hostapd_enrollee_gas_timeout_comeback(dev, apdev):
"""DPP and hostapd as Enrollee with GAS timeout during comeback"""
hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], {"ssid": "unconfigured",
"channel": "6"})
conf_id = dev[0].dpp_configurator_add()
id0 = dev[0].dpp_bootstrap_gen(chan="81/6", mac=True)
uri0 = dev[0].request("DPP_BOOTSTRAP_GET_URI %d" % id0)
conf = '{"wi-fi_tech":"infra", "discovery":{"ssid":"test"},"cred":{"akm":"psk","pass":"secret passphrase"}}' + 3000*' '
dev[0].set("dpp_config_obj_override", conf)
"conf=ap-dpp configurator=%d" % conf_id)
dev[0].set("ext_mgmt_frame_handling", "1")
dev[0].dpp_listen(2437, role="configurator")
hapd.dpp_auth_init(uri=uri0, role="enrollee")
process_dpp_frames(dev[0], count=4)
ev = hapd.wait_event(["GAS-QUERY-DONE"], timeout=10)
if "result=TIMEOUT" not in ev:
raise Exception("GAS timeout not reported")
def process_dpp_frames(dev, count=3):
for i in range(count):
msg = dev.mgmt_rx()
cmd = "MGMT_RX_PROCESS freq={} datarate={} ssi_signal={} frame={}".format(msg['freq'], msg['datarate'], msg['ssi_signal'], binascii.hexlify(msg['frame']).decode())
if "OK" not in dev.request(cmd):
raise Exception("MGMT_RX_PROCESS failed")
def test_dpp_hostapd_enrollee_gas_errors(dev, apdev):
"""DPP and hostapd as Enrollee with GAS query local errors"""
hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], {"ssid": "unconfigured",
"channel": "6"})
conf_id = dev[0].dpp_configurator_add()
id0 = dev[0].dpp_bootstrap_gen(chan="81/6", mac=True)
uri0 = dev[0].request("DPP_BOOTSTRAP_GET_URI %d" % id0)
"conf=ap-dpp configurator=%d" % conf_id)
dev[0].set("ext_mgmt_frame_handling", "1")
# GAS without comeback
tests = [(1, "gas_query_append;gas_query_rx_initial", 3, True),
(1, "gas_query_rx_initial", 3, True),
(1, "gas_query_tx_initial_req", 2, True),
(1, "gas_query_ap_req", 2, False)]
for count, func, frame_count, wait_ev in tests:
dev[0].dpp_listen(2437, role="configurator")
with alloc_fail(hapd, count, func):
hapd.dpp_auth_init(uri=uri0, role="enrollee")
process_dpp_frames(dev[0], count=frame_count)
if wait_ev:
ev = hapd.wait_event(["GAS-QUERY-DONE"], timeout=10)
if not ev or "result=INTERNAL_ERROR" not in ev:
raise Exception("Unexpect GAS query result: " + str(ev))
# GAS with comeback
conf = '{"wi-fi_tech":"infra", "discovery":{"ssid":"test"},"cred":{"akm":"psk","pass":"secret passphrase"}}' + 3000*' '
dev[0].set("dpp_config_obj_override", conf)
tests = [(1, "gas_query_append;gas_query_rx_comeback", 4),
(1, "wpabuf_alloc;gas_query_tx_comeback_req", 3),
(1, "hostapd_drv_send_action;gas_query_tx_comeback_req", 3)]
for count, func, frame_count in tests:
dev[0].dpp_listen(2437, role="configurator")
with alloc_fail(hapd, count, func):
hapd.dpp_auth_init(uri=uri0, role="enrollee")
process_dpp_frames(dev[0], count=frame_count)
ev = hapd.wait_event(["GAS-QUERY-DONE"], timeout=10)
if not ev or "result=INTERNAL_ERROR" not in ev:
raise Exception("Unexpect GAS query result: " + str(ev))
def test_dpp_hostapd_enrollee_gas_proto(dev, apdev):
"""DPP and hostapd as Enrollee with GAS query protocol testing"""
hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], {"ssid": "unconfigured",
"channel": "6"})
bssid = hapd.own_addr()
conf_id = dev[0].dpp_configurator_add()
id0 = dev[0].dpp_bootstrap_gen(chan="81/6", mac=True)
uri0 = dev[0].request("DPP_BOOTSTRAP_GET_URI %d" % id0)
"conf=ap-dpp configurator=%d" % conf_id)
conf = '{"wi-fi_tech":"infra", "discovery":{"ssid":"test"},"cred":{"akm":"psk","pass":"secret passphrase"}}' + 3000*' '
dev[0].set("dpp_config_obj_override", conf)
dev[0].set("ext_mgmt_frame_handling", "1")
dev[0].dpp_listen(2437, role="configurator")
hapd.dpp_auth_init(uri=uri0, role="enrollee")
process_dpp_frames(dev[0], count=3)
msg = dev[0].mgmt_rx()
payload = msg['payload']
dialog_token, = struct.unpack('B', payload[2:3])
hdr = struct.pack('<BBBHBH', 4, 13, dialog_token, 0, 0x80, 0)
# GAS: Advertisement Protocol changed between initial and comeback response from 02:00:00:00:00:00
adv_proto = "6c087fdd05506f9a1a02"
action = binascii.hexlify(hdr).decode() + adv_proto + "0300" + "001001"
cmd = "MGMT_TX %s %s freq=2437 wait_time=100 action=%s" % (bssid, bssid, action)
ev = hapd.wait_event(["GAS-QUERY-DONE"], timeout=10)
if not ev or "result=PEER_ERROR" not in ev:
raise Exception("Unexpect GAS query result: " + str(ev))
dev[0].dpp_listen(2437, role="configurator")
hapd.dpp_auth_init(uri=uri0, role="enrollee")
process_dpp_frames(dev[0], count=3)
msg = dev[0].mgmt_rx()
payload = msg['payload']
dialog_token, = struct.unpack('B', payload[2:3])
# Another comeback delay
hdr = struct.pack('<BBBHBH', 4, 13, dialog_token, 0, 0x80, 1)
adv_proto = "6c087fdd05506f9a1a01"
action = binascii.hexlify(hdr).decode() + adv_proto + "0300" + "001001"
cmd = "MGMT_TX %s %s freq=2437 wait_time=100 action=%s" % (bssid, bssid, action)
msg = dev[0].mgmt_rx()
hdr = struct.pack('<BBBHBH', 4, 13, dialog_token, 0, 0x81, 1)
# GAS: Invalid comeback response with non-zero frag_id and comeback_delay from 02:00:00:00:00:00
action = binascii.hexlify(hdr).decode() + adv_proto + "0300" + "001001"
cmd = "MGMT_TX %s %s freq=2437 wait_time=100 action=%s" % (bssid, bssid, action)
ev = hapd.wait_event(["GAS-QUERY-DONE"], timeout=10)
if not ev or "result=PEER_ERROR" not in ev:
raise Exception("Unexpect GAS query result: " + str(ev))
dev[0].dpp_listen(2437, role="configurator")
hapd.dpp_auth_init(uri=uri0, role="enrollee")
process_dpp_frames(dev[0], count=3)
msg = dev[0].mgmt_rx()
payload = msg['payload']
dialog_token, = struct.unpack('B', payload[2:3])
# Valid comeback response
hdr = struct.pack('<BBBHBH', 4, 13, dialog_token, 0, 0x80, 0)
action = binascii.hexlify(hdr).decode() + adv_proto + "0300" + "001001"
cmd = "MGMT_TX %s %s freq=2437 wait_time=100 action=%s" % (bssid, bssid, action)
msg = dev[0].mgmt_rx()
# GAS: Drop frame as possible retry of previous fragment
hdr = struct.pack('<BBBHBH', 4, 13, dialog_token, 0, 0x80, 0)
action = binascii.hexlify(hdr).decode() + adv_proto + "0300" + "001001"
cmd = "MGMT_TX %s %s freq=2437 wait_time=100 action=%s" % (bssid, bssid, action)
# GAS: Unexpected frag_id in response from 02:00:00:00:00:00
hdr = struct.pack('<BBBHBH', 4, 13, dialog_token, 0, 0x82, 0)
action = binascii.hexlify(hdr).decode() + adv_proto + "0300" + "001001"
cmd = "MGMT_TX %s %s freq=2437 wait_time=100 action=%s" % (bssid, bssid, action)
ev = hapd.wait_event(["GAS-QUERY-DONE"], timeout=10)
if not ev or "result=PEER_ERROR" not in ev:
raise Exception("Unexpect GAS query result: " + str(ev))
dev[0].dpp_listen(2437, role="configurator")
hapd.dpp_auth_init(uri=uri0, role="enrollee")
process_dpp_frames(dev[0], count=3)
msg = dev[0].mgmt_rx()
payload = msg['payload']
dialog_token, = struct.unpack('B', payload[2:3])
# GAS: Unexpected initial response from 02:00:00:00:00:00 dialog token 3 when waiting for comeback response
hdr = struct.pack('<BBBHBH', 4, 11, dialog_token, 0, 0x80, 0)
action = binascii.hexlify(hdr).decode() + adv_proto + "0300" + "001001"
cmd = "MGMT_TX %s %s freq=2437 wait_time=100 action=%s" % (bssid, bssid, action)
# GAS: Allow non-zero status for outstanding comeback response
hdr = struct.pack('<BBBHBH', 4, 13, dialog_token, 95, 0x80, 0)
# GAS: Ignore 1 octets of extra data after Query Response from 02:00:00:00:00:00
action = binascii.hexlify(hdr).decode() + adv_proto + "0300" + "001001" + "ff"
cmd = "MGMT_TX %s %s freq=2437 wait_time=100 action=%s" % (bssid, bssid, action)
# GAS: No pending query found for 02:00:00:00:00:00 dialog token 4
hdr = struct.pack('<BBBHBH', 4, 13, (dialog_token + 1) % 256, 0, 0x80, 0)
action = binascii.hexlify(hdr).decode() + adv_proto + "0300" + "001001"
cmd = "MGMT_TX %s %s freq=2437 wait_time=100 action=%s" % (bssid, bssid, action)
# GAS: Truncated Query Response in response from 02:00:00:00:00:00
hdr = struct.pack('<BBBHBH', 4, 13, dialog_token, 0, 0x81, 0)
action = binascii.hexlify(hdr).decode() + adv_proto + "0300" + "0010"
cmd = "MGMT_TX %s %s freq=2437 wait_time=100 action=%s" % (bssid, bssid, action)
# GAS: No room for GAS Response Length
hdr = struct.pack('<BBBHBH', 4, 13, dialog_token, 0, 0x81, 0)
action = binascii.hexlify(hdr).decode() + adv_proto + "03"
cmd = "MGMT_TX %s %s freq=2437 wait_time=100 action=%s" % (bssid, bssid, action)
# GAS: Unexpected Advertisement Protocol element ID 0 in response from 02:00:00:00:00:00
hdr = struct.pack('<BBBHBH', 4, 13, dialog_token, 0, 0x81, 0)
adv_proto_broken = "0000"
action = binascii.hexlify(hdr).decode() + adv_proto_broken + "0300" + "001001"
cmd = "MGMT_TX %s %s freq=2437 wait_time=100 action=%s" % (bssid, bssid, action)
# GAS: No room for Advertisement Protocol element in the response from 02:00:00:00:00:00
hdr = struct.pack('<BBBHBH', 4, 13, dialog_token, 0, 0x81, 0)
adv_proto_broken = "00ff"
action = binascii.hexlify(hdr).decode() + adv_proto_broken + "0300" + "001001"
cmd = "MGMT_TX %s %s freq=2437 wait_time=100 action=%s" % (bssid, bssid, action)
# No room for Comeback Delay
hdr = struct.pack('<BBBHBB', 4, 13, dialog_token, 0, 0x81, 0)
action = binascii.hexlify(hdr).decode()
cmd = "MGMT_TX %s %s freq=2437 wait_time=100 action=%s" % (bssid, bssid, action)
# No room for frag_id
hdr = struct.pack('<BBBH', 4, 13, dialog_token, 0)
action = binascii.hexlify(hdr).decode()
cmd = "MGMT_TX %s %s freq=2437 wait_time=100 action=%s" % (bssid, bssid, action)
# GAS: Query to 02:00:00:00:00:00 dialog token 3 failed - status code 1
hdr = struct.pack('<BBBHBH', 4, 13, dialog_token, 1, 0x81, 0)
action = binascii.hexlify(hdr).decode() + adv_proto + "0300" + "001001"
cmd = "MGMT_TX %s %s freq=2437 wait_time=100 action=%s" % (bssid, bssid, action)
ev = hapd.wait_event(["GAS-QUERY-DONE"], timeout=10)
if not ev or "result=FAILURE" not in ev:
raise Exception("Unexpect GAS query result: " + str(ev))
dev[0].dpp_listen(2437, role="configurator")
hapd.dpp_auth_init(uri=uri0, role="enrollee")
process_dpp_frames(dev[0], count=2)
msg = dev[0].mgmt_rx()
payload = msg['payload']
dialog_token, = struct.unpack('B', payload[2:3])
# Unexpected comeback delay
hdr = struct.pack('<BBBHBH', 4, 13, dialog_token, 0, 0x80, 0)
adv_proto = "6c087fdd05506f9a1a01"
action = binascii.hexlify(hdr).decode() + adv_proto + "0300" + "001001"
cmd = "MGMT_TX %s %s freq=2437 wait_time=100 action=%s" % (bssid, bssid, action)
# GAS: Query to 02:00:00:00:00:00 dialog token 3 failed - status code 1
hdr = struct.pack('<BBBHBH', 4, 11, dialog_token, 1, 0x80, 0)
action = binascii.hexlify(hdr).decode() + adv_proto + "0300" + "001001"
cmd = "MGMT_TX %s %s freq=2437 wait_time=100 action=%s" % (bssid, bssid, action)
ev = hapd.wait_event(["GAS-QUERY-DONE"], timeout=10)
if not ev or "result=FAILURE" not in ev:
raise Exception("Unexpect GAS query result: " + str(ev))
def test_dpp_hostapd_enrollee_gas_tx_status_errors(dev, apdev):
"""DPP and hostapd as Enrollee with GAS TX status errors"""
hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], {"ssid": "unconfigured",
"channel": "6"})
conf_id = dev[0].dpp_configurator_add()
id0 = dev[0].dpp_bootstrap_gen(chan="81/6", mac=True)
uri0 = dev[0].request("DPP_BOOTSTRAP_GET_URI %d" % id0)
conf = '{"wi-fi_tech":"infra", "discovery":{"ssid":"test"},"cred":{"akm":"psk","pass":"secret passphrase"}}' + 3000*' '
dev[0].set("dpp_config_obj_override", conf)
"conf=ap-dpp configurator=%d" % conf_id)
dev[0].set("ext_mgmt_frame_handling", "1")
dev[0].dpp_listen(2437, role="configurator")
hapd.dpp_auth_init(uri=uri0, role="enrollee")
process_dpp_frames(dev[0], count=3)
hapd.set("ext_mgmt_frame_handling", "1")
# GAS: TX status for unexpected destination
frame = "d0003a01" + "222222222222"
frame += hapd.own_addr().replace(':', '') + "ffffffffffff"
frame += "5000" + "040a"
hapd.request("MGMT_TX_STATUS_PROCESS stype=13 ok=1 buf=" + frame)
# GAS: No ACK to GAS request
frame = "d0003a01" + dev[0].own_addr().replace(':', '')
frame += hapd.own_addr().replace(':', '') + "ffffffffffff"
frame += "5000" + "040a"
hapd.request("MGMT_TX_STATUS_PROCESS stype=13 ok=0 buf=" + frame)
ev = hapd.wait_event(["GAS-QUERY-DONE"], timeout=10)
if "result=TIMEOUT" not in ev:
raise Exception("GAS timeout not reported")
# GAS: Unexpected TX status: dst=02:00:00:00:00:00 ok=1 - no query in progress
hapd.request("MGMT_TX_STATUS_PROCESS stype=13 ok=1 buf=" + frame)
hapd.set("ext_mgmt_frame_handling", "0")
def test_dpp_hostapd_configurator_override_objects(dev, apdev):
"""DPP with hostapd as configurator and override objects"""