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\page ctrl_iface_page %wpa_supplicant control interface
%wpa_supplicant implements a control interface that can be used by
external programs to control the operations of the %wpa_supplicant
daemon and to get status information and event notifications. There is
a small C library, in a form of a single C file, wpa_ctrl.c, that
provides helper functions to facilitate the use of the control
interface. External programs can link this file into them and then use
the library functions documented in wpa_ctrl.h to interact with
%wpa_supplicant. This library can also be used with C++. wpa_cli.c and
wpa_gui are example programs using this library.
There are multiple mechanisms for inter-process communication. For
example, Linux version of %wpa_supplicant is using UNIX domain sockets
for the control interface and Windows version UDP sockets. The use of
the functions defined in wpa_ctrl.h can be used to hide the details of
the used IPC from external programs.
\section using_ctrl_iface Using the control interface
External programs, e.g., a GUI or a configuration utility, that need to
communicate with %wpa_supplicant should link in wpa_ctrl.c. This
allows them to use helper functions to open connection to the control
interface with wpa_ctrl_open() and to send commands with
%wpa_supplicant uses the control interface for two types of communication:
commands and unsolicited event messages. Commands are a pair of
messages, a request from the external program and a response from
%wpa_supplicant. These can be executed using wpa_ctrl_request().
Unsolicited event messages are sent by %wpa_supplicant to the control
interface connection without specific request from the external program
for receiving each message. However, the external program needs to
attach to the control interface with wpa_ctrl_attach() to receive these
unsolicited messages.
If the control interface connection is used both for commands and
unsolicited event messages, there is potential for receiving an
unsolicited message between the command request and response.
wpa_ctrl_request() caller will need to supply a callback, msg_cb,
for processing these messages. Often it is easier to open two
control interface connections by calling wpa_ctrl_open() twice and
then use one of the connections for commands and the other one for
unsolicited messages. This way command request/response pairs will
not be broken by unsolicited messages. wpa_cli is an example of how
to use only one connection for both purposes and wpa_gui demonstrates
how to use two separate connections.
Once the control interface connection is not needed anymore, it should
be closed by calling wpa_ctrl_close(). If the connection was used for
unsolicited event messages, it should be first detached by calling
\section ctrl_iface_cmds Control interface commands
Following commands can be used with wpa_ctrl_request():
\subsection ctrl_iface_PING PING
This command can be used to test whether %wpa_supplicant is replying
to the control interface commands. The expected reply is \c PONG if the
connection is open and %wpa_supplicant is processing commands.
\subsection ctrl_iface_MIB MIB
Request a list of MIB variables (dot1x, dot11). The output is a text
block with each line in \c variable=value format. For example:
\subsection ctrl_iface_STATUS STATUS
Request current WPA/EAPOL/EAP status information. The output is a text
block with each line in \c variable=value format. For example:
ssid=test network
Supplicant PAE state=AUTHENTICATED
\subsection ctrl_iface_STATUS-VERBOSE STATUS-VERBOSE
Same as STATUS, but with more verbosity (i.e., more \c variable=value pairs).
ssid=test network
Supplicant PAE state=AUTHENTICATED
Supplicant Backend state=IDLE
\subsection ctrl_iface_PMKSA PMKSA
Show PMKSA cache
Index / AA / PMKID / expiration (in seconds) / opportunistic
1 / 02:00:01:02:03:04 / 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f / 41362 / 0
2 / 02:00:01:33:55:77 / 928389281928383b34afb34ba4212345 / 362 / 1
\subsection ctrl_iface_SET SET <variable> <value>
Set variables:
- EAPOL::heldPeriod
- EAPOL::authPeriod
- EAPOL::startPeriod
- EAPOL::maxStart
- dot11RSNAConfigPMKLifetime
- dot11RSNAConfigPMKReauthThreshold
- dot11RSNAConfigSATimeout
Example command:
SET EAPOL::heldPeriod 45
\subsection ctrl_iface_LOGON LOGON
IEEE 802.1X EAPOL state machine logon.
\subsection ctrl_iface_LOGOFF LOGOFF
IEEE 802.1X EAPOL state machine logoff.
\subsection ctrl_iface_REASSOCIATE REASSOCIATE
Force reassociation.
\subsection ctrl_iface_RECONNECT RECONNECT
Connect if disconnected (i.e., like \c REASSOCIATE, but only connect
if in disconnected state).
\subsection ctrl_iface_PREAUTH PREAUTH <BSSID>
Start pre-authentication with the given BSSID.
\subsection ctrl_iface_ATTACH ATTACH
Attach the connection as a monitor for unsolicited events. This can
be done with wpa_ctrl_attach().
\subsection ctrl_iface_DETACH DETACH
Detach the connection as a monitor for unsolicited events. This can
be done with wpa_ctrl_detach().
\subsection ctrl_iface_LEVEL LEVEL <debug level>
Change debug level.
\subsection ctrl_iface_RECONFIGURE RECONFIGURE
Force %wpa_supplicant to re-read its configuration data.
\subsection ctrl_iface_TERMINATE TERMINATE
Terminate %wpa_supplicant process.
\subsection ctrl_iface_BSSID BSSID <network id> <BSSID>
Set preferred BSSID for a network. Network id can be received from the
\c LIST_NETWORKS command output.
\subsection ctrl_iface_LIST_NETWORKS LIST_NETWORKS
List configured networks.
network id / ssid / bssid / flags
0 example network any [CURRENT]
(note: fields are separated with tabs)
\subsection ctrl_iface_DISCONNECT DISCONNECT
Disconnect and wait for \c REASSOCIATE or \c RECONNECT command before
\subsection ctrl_iface_SCAN SCAN
Request a new BSS scan.
\subsection ctrl_iface_SCAN_RESULTS SCAN_RESULTS
Get the latest scan results.
bssid / frequency / signal level / flags / ssid
00:09:5b:95:e0:4e 2412 208 [WPA-PSK-CCMP] jkm private
02:55:24:33:77:a3 2462 187 [WPA-PSK-TKIP] testing
00:09:5b:95:e0:4f 2412 209 jkm guest
(note: fields are separated with tabs)
\subsection ctrl_iface_BSS BSS
Get detailed per-BSS scan results. \c BSS command can be used to
iterate through scan results one BSS at a time and to fetch all
information from the found BSSes. This provides access to the same
data that is available through \c SCAN_RESULTS but in a way that
avoids problems with large number of scan results not fitting in the
ctrl_iface messages.
There are two options for selecting the BSS with the \c BSS command:
"BSS <idx>" requests information for the BSS identified by the index
(0 .. size-1) in the scan results table and "BSS <BSSID>" requests
information for the given BSS (based on BSSID in 00:01:02:03:04:05
BSS information is presented in following format. Please note that new
fields may be added to this field=value data, so the ctrl_iface user
should be prepared to ignore values it does not understand.
ssid=jkm private
\subsection ctrl_iface_SELECT_NETWORK SELECT_NETWORK <network id>
Select a network (disable others). Network id can be received from the
\c LIST_NETWORKS command output.
\subsection ctrl_iface_ENABLE_NETWORK ENABLE_NETWORK <network id>
Enable a network. Network id can be received from the
\c LIST_NETWORKS command output. Special network id \c all can be
used to enable all network.
\subsection ctrl_iface_DISABLE_NETWORK DISABLE_NETWORK <network id>
Disable a network. Network id can be received from the
\c LIST_NETWORKS command output. Special network id \c all can be
used to disable all network.
\subsection ctrl_iface_ADD_NETWORK ADD_NETWORK
Add a new network. This command creates a new network with empty
configuration. The new network is disabled and once it has been
configured it can be enabled with \c ENABLE_NETWORK command. \c ADD_NETWORK
returns the network id of the new network or FAIL on failure.
\subsection ctrl_iface_REMOVE_NETWORK REMOVE_NETWORK <network id>
Remove a network. Network id can be received from the
\c LIST_NETWORKS command output. Special network id \c all can be
used to remove all network.
\subsection ctrl_iface_SET_NETWORK SET_NETWORK <network id> <variable> <value>
Set network variables. Network id can be received from the
\c LIST_NETWORKS command output.
This command uses the same variables and data formats as the
configuration file. See example wpa_supplicant.conf for more details.
- ssid (network name, SSID)
- psk (WPA passphrase or pre-shared key)
- key_mgmt (key management protocol)
- identity (EAP identity)
- password (EAP password)
- ...
\subsection ctrl_iface_GET_NETWORK GET_NETWORK <network id> <variable>
Get network variables. Network id can be received from the
\c LIST_NETWORKS command output.
\subsection ctrl_iface_SAVE_CONFIG SAVE_CONFIG
Save the current configuration.
\subsection ctrl_iface_P2P_FIND P2P_FIND
Start P2P device discovery. Optional parameter can be used to specify
the duration for the discovery in seconds (e.g., "P2P_FIND 5"). If the
duration is not specified, discovery will be started for indefinite
time, i.e., until it is terminated by P2P_STOP_FIND or P2P_CONNECT (to
start group formation with a discovered peer).
The default search type is to first run a full scan of all channels
and then continue scanning only social channels (1, 6, 11). This
behavior can be changed by specifying a different search type: social
(e.g., "P2P_FIND 5 type=social") will skip the initial full scan and
only search social channels; progressive (e.g., "P2P_FIND
type=progressive") starts with a full scan and then searches
progressively through all channels one channel at the time with the
social channel scans. Progressive device discovery can be used to find
new groups (and groups that were not found during the initial scan,
e.g., due to the GO being asleep) over time without adding
considerable extra delay for every Search state round.
\subsection ctrl_iface_P2P_STOP_FIND P2P_STOP_FIND
Stop ongoing P2P device discovery or other operation (connect, listen
\subsection ctrl_iface_P2P_CONNECT P2P_CONNECT
Start P2P group formation with a discovered P2P peer. This includes
group owner negotiation, group interface setup, provisioning, and
establishing data connection.
P2P_CONNECT <peer device address> <pbc|pin|PIN#>
[label|display|keypad] [persistent] [join|auth] [go_intent=<0..15>]
Start P2P group formation with a discovered P2P peer. This includes
optional group owner negotiation, group interface setup, provisioning,
and establishing data connection.
The <pbc|pin|PIN#> parameter specifies the WPS provisioning
method. "pbc" string starts pushbutton method, "pin" string start PIN
method using an automatically generated PIN (which will be returned as
the command return code), PIN# means that a pre-selected PIN can be
used (e.g., 12345670). [label|display|keypad] is used with PIN method
to specify which PIN is used (label=PIN from local label,
display=dynamically generated random PIN from local display,
keypad=PIN entered from peer device label or display). "persistent"
parameter can be used to request a persistent group to be formed.
"join" indicates that this is a command to join an existing group as a
client. It skips the GO Negotiation part.
"auth" indicates that the WPS parameters are authorized for the peer
device without actually starting GO Negotiation (i.e., the peer is
expected to initiate GO Negotiation). This is mainly for testing
The optional "go_intent" parameter can be used to override the default
GO Intent value.
\subsection ctrl_iface_P2P_LISTEN P2P_LISTEN
Start Listen-only state. Optional parameter can be used to specify the
duration for the Listen operation in seconds. This command may not
be of that much use during normal operations and is mainly designed
for testing. It can also be used to keep the device discoverable
without having to maintain a group.
\subsection ctrl_iface_P2P_GROUP_REMOVE P2P_GROUP_REMOVE
Terminate a P2P group. If a new virtual network interface was used for
the group, it will also be removed. The network interface name of the
group interface is used as a parameter for this command.
\subsection ctrl_iface_P2P_GROUP_ADD P2P_GROUP_ADD
Set up a P2P group owner manually (i.e., without group owner
negotiation with a specific peer). This is also known as autonomous
GO. Optional persistent=<network id> can be used to specify restart of
a persistent group.
\subsection ctrl_iface_P2P_PROV_DISC P2P_PROV_DISC
Send P2P provision discovery request to the specified peer. The
parameters for this command are the P2P device address of the peer and
the desired configuration method. For example, "P2P_PROV_DISC
02:01:02:03:04:05 display" would request the peer to display a PIN for
us and "P2P_PROV_DISC 02:01:02:03:04:05 keypad" would request the peer
to enter a PIN that we display.
\subsection ctrl_iface_P2P_GET_PASSPHRASE P2P_GET_PASSPHRASE
Get the passphrase for a group (only available when acting as a GO).
\subsection ctrl_iface_P2P_SERV_DISC_REQ P2P_SERV_DISC_REQ
Schedule a P2P service discovery request. The parameters for this
command are the device address of the peer device (or 00:00:00:00:00:00
for wildcard query that is sent to every discovered P2P peer that
supports service discovery) and P2P Service Query TLV(s) as hexdump.
For example, "P2P_SERV_DISC_REQ 00:00:00:00:00:00 02000001" schedules
a request for listing all supported service discovery protocols and
requests this to be sent to all discovered peers. The pending requests
are sent during device discovery (see \ref ctrl_iface_P2P_FIND).
This command returns an identifier for the pending query (e.g.,
"1f77628") that can be used to cancel the request. Directed requests
will be automatically removed when the specified peer has replied to
Cancel a pending P2P service discovery request. This command takes a
single parameter: identifier for the pending query (the value returned
by \ref ctrl_iface_P2P_SERV_DISC_REQ), e.g.,
\subsection ctrl_iface_P2P_SERV_DISC_RESP P2P_SERV_DISC_RESP
Reply to a service discovery query. This command takes following
parameters: frequency in MHz, destination address, dialog token,
response TLV(s). The first three parameters are copied from the
request event. For example,
"P2P_SERV_DISC_RESP 2437 02:40:61:c2:f3:b7 1 0300000101".
\subsection ctrl_iface_P2P_SERVICE_UPDATE P2P_SERVICE_UPDATE
Indicate that local services have changed. This is used to increment
the P2P service indicator value so that peers know when previously
cached information may have changed.
Configure external processing of P2P service requests: 0 (default) =
no external processing of requests (i.e., internal code will reject
each request), 1 = external processing of requests (external program
is responsible for replying to service discovery requests with
\ref ctrl_iface_P2P_SERV_DISC_RESP).
\subsection ctrl_iface_P2P_REJECT P2P_REJECT
Reject connection attempt from a peer (specified with a device
address). This is a mechanism to reject a pending GO Negotiation with
a peer and request to automatically block any further connection or
discovery of the peer.
\subsection ctrl_iface_P2P_INVITE P2P_INVITE
Invite a peer to join a group or to (re)start a persistent group.
\subsection ctrl_iface_P2P_PEER P2P_PEER
Fetch information about a discovered peer. This command takes in an
argument specifying which peer to select: P2P Device Address of the
peer, "FIRST" to indicate the first peer in the list, or "NEXT-<P2P
Device Address>" to indicate the entry following the specified peer
(to allow for iterating through the list).
\subsection ctrl_iface_P2P_EXT_LISTEN P2P_EXT_LISTEN
Enable/disable extended listen timing. Without parameters, this
command disables extended listen timing. When enabling the feature,
two parameters are used: availibility period and availability interval
(both in milliseconds and with range of 1-65535).
\section ctrl_iface_interactive Interactive requests
If %wpa_supplicant needs additional information during authentication
(e.g., password), it will use a specific prefix, \c CTRL-REQ-
(\a WPA_CTRL_REQ macro) in an unsolicited event message. An external
program, e.g., a GUI, can provide such information by using
\c CTRL-RSP- (\a WPA_CTRL_RSP macro) prefix in a command with matching
field name.
The following fields can be requested in this way from the user:
- IDENTITY (EAP identity/user name)
- PASSWORD (EAP password)
- NEW_PASSWORD (New password if the server is requesting password change)
- PIN (PIN code for accessing a SIM or smartcard)
- OTP (one-time password; like password, but the value is used only once)
- PASSPHRASE (passphrase for a private key file)
CTRL-REQ-<field name>-<network id>-<human readable text>
CTRL-RSP-<field name>-<network id>-<value>
For example, request from %wpa_supplicant:
CTRL-REQ-PASSWORD-1-Password needed for SSID test-network
And a matching reply from the GUI:
\subsection ctrl_iface_GET_CAPABILITY GET_CAPABILITY <option> [strict]
Get list of supported functionality (eap, pairwise, group,
proto). Supported functionality is shown as space separate lists of
values used in the same format as in %wpa_supplicant configuration.
If optional argument, 'strict', is added, only the values that the
driver claims to explicitly support are included. Without this, all
available capabilities are included if the driver does not provide
a mechanism for querying capabilities.
Example request/reply pairs:
GET_CAPABILITY pairwise strict
\subsection ctrl_iface_AP_SCAN AP_SCAN <ap_scan value>
Change ap_scan value:
0 = no scanning,
1 = %wpa_supplicant requests scans and uses scan results to select the AP,
2 = %wpa_supplicant does not use scanning and just requests driver to
associate and take care of AP selection
\subsection ctrl_iface_INTERFACES INTERFACES
List configured interfaces.
\section ctrl_iface_events Control interface events
%wpa_supplicant generates number messages based on events like
connection or a completion of a task. These are available to external
programs that attach to receive unsolicited messages over the control
interface with wpa_ctrl_attach().
The event messages will be delivered over the attach control interface
as text strings that start with the priority level of the message and
a fixed prefix text as defined in wpa_ctrl.h. After this, optional
additional information may be included depending on the event
message. For example, following event message is delivered when new
scan results are available:
Following priority levels are used:
- 1 = DEBUG
- 2 = INFO
- 4 = ERROR
By default, any priority level greater than equal to 2 (INFO) are
delivered over the attached control interface. LEVEL command can be
used to set the level of messages which will be delivered. It should
be noted that there are many debug messages that do not include any
particulat prefix and are subject to change. They may be used for
debug information, but can usually be ignored by external programs.
In most cases, the external program can skip over the priority field
in the beginning of the event message and then compare the following
text to the event strings from wpa_ctrl.h that the program is
interested in processing.
Following subsections describe the most common event notifications
generated by %wpa_supplicant.
\subsection ctrl_iface_event_CTRL_REQ CTRL-REQ-
WPA_CTRL_REQ: Request information from a user. See
\ref ctrl_iface_interactive "Interactive requests" sections for more
\subsection ctrl_iface_event_CONNECTED CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED
WPA_EVENT_CONNECTED: Indicate successfully completed authentication
and that the data connection is now enabled.
WPA_EVENT_DISCONNECTED: Disconnected, data connection is not available
\subsection ctrl_iface_event_TERMINATING CTRL-EVENT-TERMINATING
WPA_EVENT_TERMINATING: %wpa_supplicant is exiting
WPA_EVENT_PASSWORD_CHANGED: Password change was completed successfully
WPA_EVENT_EAP_NOTIFICATION: EAP-Request/Notification received
\subsection ctrl_iface_event_EAP_STARTED CTRL-EVENT-EAP-STARTED
WPA_EVENT_EAP_STARTED: EAP authentication started (EAP-Request/Identity
\subsection ctrl_iface_event_EAP_METHOD CTRL-EVENT-EAP-METHOD
WPA_EVENT_EAP_METHOD: EAP method selected
\subsection ctrl_iface_event_EAP_SUCCESS CTRL-EVENT-EAP-SUCCESS
WPA_EVENT_EAP_SUCCESS: EAP authentication completed successfully
\subsection ctrl_iface_event_EAP_FAILURE CTRL-EVENT-EAP-FAILURE
WPA_EVENT_EAP_FAILURE: EAP authentication failed (EAP-Failure received)
\subsection ctrl_iface_event_SCAN_RESULTS CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS
WPA_EVENT_SCAN_RESULTS: New scan results available
\subsection ctrl_iface_event_BSS_ADDED CTRL-EVENT-BSS-ADDED
WPA_EVENT_BSS_ADDED: A new BSS entry was added. The event prefix is
followed by the BSS entry id and BSSID.
CTRL-EVENT-BSS-ADDED 34 00:11:22:33:44:55
\subsection ctrl_iface_event_BSS_REMOVED CTRL-EVENT-BSS-REMOVED
WPA_EVENT_BSS_REMOVED: A BSS entry was removed. The event prefix is
followed by BSS entry id and BSSID.
CTRL-EVENT-BSS-REMOVED 34 00:11:22:33:44:55
WPS_EVENT_OVERLAP: WPS overlap detected in PBC mode
\subsection ctrl_iface_event_WPS_AP_AVAILABLE_PBC WPS-AP-AVAILABLE-PBC
WPS_EVENT_AP_AVAILABLE_PBC: Available WPS AP with active PBC found in
scan results.
\subsection ctrl_iface_event_WPS_AP_AVAILABLE_PIN WPS-AP-AVAILABLE-PIN
WPS_EVENT_AP_AVAILABLE_PIN: Available WPS AP with recently selected PIN
registrar found in scan results.
\subsection ctrl_iface_event_WPS_AP_AVAILABLE WPS-AP-AVAILABLE
WPS_EVENT_AP_AVAILABLE: Available WPS AP found in scan results
\subsection ctrl_iface_event_WPS_CRED_RECEIVED WPS-CRED-RECEIVED
WPS_EVENT_CRED_RECEIVED: A new credential received
\subsection ctrl_iface_event_WPS_M2D WPS-M2D
WPS_EVENT_M2D: M2D received
\subsection ctrl_iface_event_WPS_FAIL
WPS_EVENT_FAIL: WPS registration failed after M2/M2D
\subsection ctrl_iface_event_WPS_SUCCESS WPS-SUCCESS
WPS_EVENT_SUCCESS: WPS registration completed successfully
\subsection ctrl_iface_event_WPS_TIMEOUT WPS-TIMEOUT
WPS_EVENT_TIMEOUT: WPS enrollment attempt timed out and was terminated
\subsection ctrl_iface_event_WPS_ENROLLEE_SEEN WPS-ENROLLEE-SEEN
WPS_EVENT_ENROLLEE_SEEN: WPS Enrollee was detected (used in AP mode).
The event prefix is followed by MAC addr, UUID-E, pri dev type,
config methods, dev passwd id, request type, [dev name].
WPS-ENROLLEE-SEEN 02:00:00:00:01:00
572cf82f-c957-5653-9b16-b5cfb298abf1 1-0050F204-1 0x80 4 1
[Wireless Client]
\subsection ctrl_iface_event_WPS_ER_AP_ADD WPS-ER-AP-ADD
WPS_EVENT_ER_AP_ADD: WPS ER discovered an AP
WPS-ER-AP-ADD 87654321-9abc-def0-1234-56789abc0002 02:11:22:33:44:55
pri_dev_type=6-0050F204-1 wps_state=1 |Very friendly name|Company|
Long description of the model|WAP||
\subsection ctrl_iface_event_WPS_ER_AP_REMOVE WPS-ER-AP-REMOVE
WPS_EVENT_ER_AP_REMOVE: WPS ER removed an AP entry
WPS-ER-AP-REMOVE 87654321-9abc-def0-1234-56789abc0002
\subsection ctrl_iface_event_WPS_ER_ENROLLEE_ADD WPS-ER-ENROLLEE-ADD
WPS_EVENT_ER_ENROLLEE_ADD: WPS ER discovered a new Enrollee
WPS-ER-ENROLLEE-ADD 2b7093f1-d6fb-5108-adbb-bea66bb87333
02:66:a0:ee:17:27 M1=1 config_methods=0x14d dev_passwd_id=0
|Wireless Client|Company|cmodel|123|12345|
WPS_EVENT_ER_ENROLLEE_REMOVE: WPS ER removed an Enrollee entry
WPS-ER-ENROLLEE-REMOVE 2b7093f1-d6fb-5108-adbb-bea66bb87333
\subsection ctrl_iface_event_WPS_PIN_NEEDED WPS-PIN-NEEDED
WPS_EVENT_PIN_NEEDED: PIN is needed to complete provisioning with an
Enrollee. This is followed by information about the Enrollee (UUID,
MAC address, device name, manufacturer, model name, model number,
serial number, primary device type).
WPS-PIN-NEEDED 5a02a5fa-9199-5e7c-bc46-e183d3cb32f7 02:2a:c4:18:5b:f3
[Wireless Client|Company|cmodel|123|12345|1-0050F204-1]
\subsection ctrl_iface_event_WPS_NEW_AP_SETTINGS WPS-NEW-AP-SETTINGS
WPS_EVENT_NEW_AP_SETTINGS: New AP settings were received
\subsection ctrl_iface_event_WPS_REG_SUCCESS WPS-REG-SUCCESS
WPS_EVENT_REG_SUCCESS: WPS provisioning was completed successfully
\subsection ctrl_iface_event_WPS_AP_SETUP_LOCKED WPS-AP-SETUP-LOCKED
WPS_EVENT_AP_SETUP_LOCKED: AP changed into setup locked state due to
multiple failed configuration attempts using the AP PIN.
\subsection ctrl_iface_event_AP_STA_CONNECTED AP-STA-CONNECTED
AP_STA_CONNECTED: A station associated with us (AP mode event). The
event prefix is followed by the MAC address of the station.
AP-STA-CONNECTED 02:2a:c4:18:5b:f3
\subsection ctrl_iface_event_AP_STA_DISCONNECTED AP-STA-DISCONNECTED
AP_STA_DISCONNECTED: A station disassociated (AP mode event)
AP-STA-DISCONNECTED 02:2a:c4:18:5b:f3
\subsection ctrl_iface_event_P2P_EVENT_DEVICE_FOUND P2P-DEVICE-FOUND
P2P_EVENT_DEVICE_FOUND: Indication of a discovered P2P device with
information about that device.
P2P-DEVICE-FOUND 02:b5:64:63:30:63 p2p_dev_addr=02:b5:64:63:30:63
pri_dev_type=1-0050f204-1 name='Wireless Client' config_methods=0x84
dev_capab=0x21 group_capab=0x0
\subsection ctrl_iface_event_P2P_EVENT_GO_NEG_REQUEST P2P-GO-NEG-REQUEST
P2P_EVENT_GO_NEG_REQUEST: A P2P device requested GO negotiation, but we
were not ready to start the negotiation.
P2P-GO-NEG-REQUEST 02:40:61:c2:f3:b7
\subsection ctrl_iface_event_P2P_EVENT_GO_NEG_SUCCESS P2P-GO-NEG-SUCCESS
P2P_EVENT_GO_NEG_SUCCESS: Indication of successfully complete group
owner negotiation.
\subsection ctrl_iface_event_P2P_EVENT_GO_NEG_FAILURE P2P-GO-NEG-FAILURE
P2P_EVENT_GO_NEG_FAILURE: Indication of failed group owner negotiation.
P2P_EVENT_GROUP_FORMATION_SUCCESS: Indication that P2P group formation
has been completed successfully.
P2P_EVENT_GROUP_FORMATION_FAILURE: Indication that P2P group formation
failed (e.g., due to provisioning failure or timeout).
\subsection ctrl_iface_event_P2P_EVENT_GROUP_STARTED P2P-GROUP-STARTED
P2P_EVENT_GROUP_STARTED: Indication of a new P2P group having been
started. Additional parameters: network interface name for the group,
role (GO/client), SSID. The passphrase used in the group is also
indicated here if known (on GO) or PSK (on client). If the group is a
persistent one, a flag indicating that is included.
P2P-GROUP-STARTED wlan0-p2p-0 GO ssid="DIRECT-3F Testing"
passphrase="12345678" go_dev_addr=02:40:61:c2:f3:b7 [PERSISTENT]
\subsection ctrl_iface_event_P2P_EVENT_GROUP_REMOVED P2P-GROUP-REMOVED
P2P_EVENT_GROUP_REMOVED: Indication of a P2P group having been removed.
Additional parameters: network interface name for the group, role
P2P-GROUP-REMOVED wlan0-p2p-0 GO
\subsection ctrl_iface_event_P2P_EVENT_PROV_DISC_SHOW_PIN P2P-PROV-DISC-SHOW-PIN
P2P_EVENT_PROV_DISC_SHOW_PIN: Request from the peer for us to display
a PIN that will be entered on the peer. The following parameters are
included after the event prefix: peer_address PIN. The PIN is a
random PIN generated for this connection. P2P_CONNECT command can be
used to accept the request with the same PIN configured for the
P2P-PROV-DISC-SHOW-PIN 02:40:61:c2:f3:b7 12345670
p2p_dev_addr=02:40:61:c2:f3:b7 pri_dev_type=1-0050F204-1 name='Test'
config_methods=0x188 dev_capab=0x21 group_capab=0x0
\subsection ctrl_iface_event_P2P_EVENT_PROV_DISC_ENTER_PIN P2P-PROV-DISC-ENTER-PIN
P2P_EVENT_PROV_DISC_ENTER_PIN: Request from the peer for us to enter a
PIN displayed on the peer. The following parameter is included after
the event prefix: peer address.
P2P-PROV-DISC-ENTER-PIN 02:40:61:c2:f3:b7 p2p_dev_addr=02:40:61:c2:f3:b7
pri_dev_type=1-0050F204-1 name='Test' config_methods=0x188
dev_capab=0x21 group_capab=0x0
\subsection ctrl_iface_event_P2P_EVENT_PROV_DISC_PBC_REQ P2P-PROV-DISC-PBC-REQ
P2P_EVENT_PROV_DISC_PBC_REQ: Request from the peer for us to connect
using PBC. The following parameters are included after the event prefix:
peer_address. P2P_CONNECT command can be used to accept the request.
P2P-PROV-DISC-PBC-REQ 02:40:61:c2:f3:b7 p2p_dev_addr=02:40:61:c2:f3:b7
pri_dev_type=1-0050F204-1 name='Test' config_methods=0x188
dev_capab=0x21 group_capab=0x0
\subsection ctrl_iface_event_P2P_EVENT_PROV_DISC_PBC_RESP P2P-PROV-DISC-PBC-RESP
P2P_EVENT_PROV_DISC_PBC_RESP: The peer accepted our provision discovery
request to connect using PBC. The following parameters are included
after the event prefix: peer_address. P2P_CONNECT command can be used to
start GO Negotiation after this.
P2P-PROV-DISC-PBC-RESP 02:40:61:c2:f3:b7
\subsection ctrl_iface_event_P2P_EVENT_SERV_DISC_REQ P2P-SERV-DISC-REQ
P2P-SERV-DISC-REQ: Indicate reception of a P2P service discovery
request. The following parameters are included after the event prefix:
frequency in MHz, source address, dialog token, Service Query TLV(s) as
P2P-SERV-DISC-REQ 2412 02:40:61:c2:f3:b7 0 0 02000001
\subsection ctrl_iface_event_P2P_EVENT_SERV_DISC_RESP P2P-SERV-DISC-RESP
P2P-SERV-DISC-RESP: Indicate reception of a P2P service discovery
response. The following parameters are included after the event prefix:
source address, dialog token, Service Responce TLV(s) as hexdump.
P2P-SERV-DISC-RESP 02:40:61:c2:f3:b7 0 0300000101
P2P-INVITATION-RECEIVED: Indicate reception of a P2P Invitation
Request. For persistent groups, the parameter after the event prefix
indicates which network block includes the persistent group data.
P2P-INVITATION-RECEIVED sa=02:40:61:c2:f3:b7 persistent=0
P2P-INVITATION-RESULT: Indicate result of a P2P invitation that was
requested with \ref ctrl_iface_P2P_INVITE. The parameter
status=<value> shows the status code returned by the peer (or -1 on
local failure or timeout).