Léonard Gérard fbfa6eda1a Add Ewhen to the minils ast, And clocking of iterators.
Ewhen is now the only case of possible recursion for minils exps.
This add was motivated by equations like :
(y,z) = f(x) when c
This equation to be correctly normalized in minils before needed :
y',z' = f(x)
y = y' when c
z = z' when c
But this new variables where needless since the final translation of when c
is the identity.
2011-05-26 15:56:59 +02:00

151 lines
4.6 KiB

(* *)
(* Heptagon *)
(* *)
(* Author : Marc Pouzet *)
(* Organization : Demons, LRI, University of Paris-Sud, Orsay *)
(* *)
(* global data in the symbol tables *)
open Names
open Types
open Location
(** Warning: Whenever these types are modified,
interface_format_version should be incremented. *)
let interface_format_version = "30"
type ck =
| Cbase
| Con of ck * constructor_name * name
(** Node argument : inputs and outputs *)
type arg = {
a_name : name option;
a_type : ty;
a_clock : ck; (** [a_clock] set to [Cbase] means at the node activation clock *)
(** Node static parameters *)
type param = { p_name : name; p_type : ty }
(** Constraints on size expressions *)
type size_constraint =
| Cequal of static_exp * static_exp (* e1 = e2 *)
| Clequal of static_exp * static_exp (* e1 <= e2 *)
| Cfalse
(** Node signature *)
type node = {
node_inputs : arg list;
node_outputs : arg list;
node_stateful : bool;
node_params : param list;
node_params_constraints : size_constraint list;
node_loc : location}
type field = { f_name : field_name; f_type : ty }
type structure = field list
type type_def =
| Tabstract
| Talias of ty
| Tenum of constructor_name list
| Tstruct of structure
type const_def = { c_type : ty; c_value : static_exp }
(** { 3 Signature helper functions } *)
type error =
| Eckvar_unbound_input of name option * name
| Eckvar_unbound_ouput of name option * name
exception SignatureError of name option * name
let message loc e = begin match e with
| Eckvar_unbound_input(var_name,ck_name) ->
let a,name = match var_name with None -> "A","" | Some n -> "The"," "^n in
Format.eprintf "%a%s sampled input%s should come together with its sampling variable %s.@."
print_location loc
a name ck_name
| Eckvar_unbound_ouput (var_name,ck_name) ->
let a,name = match var_name with None -> "A","" | Some n -> "The"," "^n in
Format.eprintf "%a%s sampled ouput%s should be returned with its sampling value %s.@."
print_location loc
a name ck_name
raise Errors.Error
(** @raise Errors.Error after printing the error *)
let check_signature s =
(* a simple env of defined names will be used, represented by a Set *)
let rec append env sa_l = match sa_l with
| [] -> env
| sa::sa_l -> match sa.a_name with
| None -> append env sa_l
| Some x -> append (NamesSet.add x env) sa_l
(* the clock of [arg] is correct if all the vars used are in [env] *)
let check env arg =
let n = arg.a_name in
let rec f = function
| Cbase -> ()
| Con(ck,_,x) ->
if not (NamesSet.mem x env)
then raise (SignatureError (n,x));
f ck
f arg.a_clock
(*initial env with only the inputs*)
let env = append NamesSet.empty s.node_inputs in
(try List.iter (check env) s.node_inputs
with SignatureError (x,c) ->
message s.node_loc (Eckvar_unbound_input (x,c)));
let env = append env s.node_outputs in
try List.iter (check env) s.node_outputs
with SignatureError (x,c) ->
message s.node_loc (Eckvar_unbound_ouput (x,c))
let rec ck_to_sck ck =
let ck = Clocks.ck_repr ck in
match ck with
| Clocks.Cbase -> Cbase
| Clocks.Con (ck,c,x) -> Con(ck_to_sck ck, c, Idents.source_name x)
| _ -> Misc.internal_error "Signature couldn't translate ck" 1
let names_of_arg_list l = List.map (fun ad -> ad.a_name) l
let types_of_arg_list l = List.map (fun ad -> ad.a_type) l
let mk_arg name ty ck = { a_type = ty; a_name = name; a_clock = ck }
let mk_param name ty = { p_name = name; p_type = ty }
let mk_field n ty = { f_name = n; f_type = ty }
let mk_const_def ty value =
{ c_type = ty; c_value = value }
let mk_node ?(constraints = []) loc ins outs stateful params =
{ node_inputs = ins;
node_outputs = outs;
node_stateful = stateful;
node_params = params;
node_params_constraints = constraints;
node_loc = loc}
let rec field_assoc f = function
| [] -> raise Not_found
| { f_name = n; f_type = ty }::l ->
if f = n then ty
else field_assoc f l