Adrien Guatto 4794045208 Reworked Obc AST: from right patterns to extvalues.
I introduced a notion of extended values in Obc expressions,
replacing the Epattern constructor. Patterns may now only
occur at their rightful place, on the left of an assignment.

This change allows to index global constant arrays.
2011-05-30 16:25:00 +02:00

354 lines
14 KiB

(* *)
(* Heptagon *)
(* *)
(* Author : Marc Pouzet *)
(* Organization : Demons, LRI, University of Paris-Sud, Orsay *)
(* *)
open Format
open List
open Modules
open Names
let print_list ff print sep l = Pp_tools.print_list_r print "" sep "" ff l
(** [cname_of_name name] translates the string [name] to a valid C identifier.
Copied verbatim from the old C backend. *)
let cname_of_name name =
let buf = Buffer.create (String.length name) in
let rec convert c =
match c with
| 'A'..'Z' | 'a'..'z' | '0'..'9' | '_' ->
Buffer.add_char buf c
| '\'' -> Buffer.add_string buf "_prime"
| _ ->
Buffer.add_string buf "lex";
Buffer.add_string buf (string_of_int (Char.code c));
Buffer.add_string buf "_" in
String.iter convert name;
Buffer.contents buf
(** {2 C abstract syntax tree } *)
(** Here is the C abstract syntax tree used by MiniLS for its C backend. It does
not try to completly model the C language, only the relatively small part
that were are interested in (e.g. no function pointers or local variable
initialization). *)
(** C types relevant for Obc. Note the absence of function pointers. *)
type cty =
| Cty_int (** C machine-dependent integer type. *)
| Cty_float (** C machine-dependent single-precision floating-point type. *)
| Cty_char (** C character type. *)
| Cty_id of qualname
(** Previously defined C type, such as an enum or struct.*)
| Cty_ptr of cty (** C points-to-other-type type. *)
| Cty_arr of int * cty (** A static array of the specified size. *)
| Cty_void (** Well, [void] is not really a C type. *)
(** A C block: declarations and statements. In source code form, it begins with
variable declarations before a list of semicolon-separated statements, the
whole thing being enclosed in curly braces. *)
type cblock = {
(** Variable declarations, where each declaration consists of a variable
name and the associated C type. *)
var_decls : (string * cty) list;
(** The actual statement forming our block. *)
block_body : cstm list;
(* TODO: The following types for C expressions would be better using polymorphic
variants to define LHS expressions as a proper superset of general
expressions. *)
(** C expressions. *)
and cexpr =
| Cuop of string * cexpr (** Unary operator with its name. *)
| Cbop of string * cexpr * cexpr (** Binary operator. *)
| Cfun_call of string * cexpr list (** Function call with its parameters. *)
| Caddrof of cexpr (** Take the address of an expression. *)
| Cstructlit of string * cexpr list (** Structure literal "{ f1, f2, ... }".*)
| Carraylit of cexpr list (** Array literal [\[e1, e2, ...\]]. *)
| Cconst of cconst (** Constants. *)
| Cvar of string (** A local variable. *)
| Cderef of cexpr (** Pointer dereference, *ptr. *)
| Cfield of cexpr * qualname (** Field access to left-hand-side. *)
| Carray of cexpr * cexpr (** Array access cexpr[cexpr] *)
and cconst =
| Ccint of int (** Integer constant. *)
| Ccfloat of float (** Floating-point number constant. *)
| Ctag of string (** Tag, member of a previously declared enumeration. *)
| Cstrlit of string (** String literal, enclosed in double-quotes. *)
(** C left-hand-side (ie. affectable) expressions. *)
and clhs =
| CLvar of string (** A local variable. *)
| CLderef of clhs (** Pointer dereference, *ptr. *)
| CLfield of clhs * qualname (** Field access to left-hand-side. *)
| CLarray of clhs * cexpr (** Array access clhs[cexpr] *)
(** C statements. *)
and cstm =
| Csexpr of cexpr (** Expression evaluation, may cause side-effects! *)
| Csblock of cblock (** A local sub-block, can have its own private decls. **)
| Cskip (** A dummy instruction that does nothing and will not be printed. *)
| Caffect of clhs * cexpr (** Affect the result of an expression to a lhs. *)
| Cif of cexpr * cstm list * cstm list (** Alternative *)
| Cswitch of cexpr * (string * cstm list) list (** Case/switch over an enum.*)
| Cwhile of cexpr * cstm list (** While loop. *)
| Cfor of string * cexpr * cexpr * cstm list (** For loop. int <= string < int *)
| Creturn of cexpr (** Ends a procedure/function by returning an expression.*)
(** C type declarations ; will {b always} correspond to a typedef in emitted
source code. *)
type cdecl =
(** C typedef declaration (alias, name)*)
| Cdecl_typedef of cty * string
(** C enum declaration, with associated value tags. *)
| Cdecl_enum of string * string list
(** C structure declaration, with each field's name and type. *)
| Cdecl_struct of string * (string * cty) list
(** C function declaration. *)
| Cdecl_function of string * cty * (string * cty) list
(** C function definitions *)
type cfundef = {
f_name : string; (** The function's name. *)
f_retty : cty; (** The function's return type. *)
f_args : (string * cty) list; (** Each parameter's name and type. *)
f_body : cblock; (** Actual instructions, in the form of a block. *)
(** C top-level definitions. *)
type cdef =
| Cfundef of cfundef (** Function definition, see [cfundef]. *)
| Cvardef of string * cty (** A variable definition, with its name and type.*)
(** [cdecl_of_cfundef cfd] returns a declaration for the function def. [cfd]. *)
let cdecl_of_cfundef cfd = match cfd with
| Cfundef cfd -> Cdecl_function (cfd.f_name, cfd.f_retty, cfd.f_args)
| _ -> invalid_arg "cdecl_of_cfundef"
(** A C file can be a source file, containing definitions, or a header file,
containing declarations. *)
type cfile = string * cfile_desc
and cfile_desc =
| Cheader of string list * cdecl list (** Header dependencies * declaration
list *)
| Csource of cdef list
(** {3 Pretty-printing of the C ast.} *)
(** [pp_list1 f sep fmt l] pretty-prints into the Format.formatter [fmt]
elements of the list [l] via the function [f], separated by [sep] strings
and breakable spaces. *)
let rec pp_list1 f sep fmt l = match l with
| [] -> fprintf fmt ""
| [x] -> fprintf fmt "%a" f x
| h :: t -> fprintf fmt "%a%s@ %a" f h sep (pp_list1 f sep) t
let rec pp_list f sep fmt l = match l with
| [] -> fprintf fmt ""
| h :: t -> fprintf fmt "@ %a%s%a" f h sep (pp_list f sep) t
let pp_string fmt s =
fprintf fmt "%s" (cname_of_name s)
let rec modul_to_cname q = match q with
| Pervasives | LocalModule -> ""
| Module m -> m ^ "__"
| QualModule { qual = q; name = n } ->
(modul_to_cname q)^n^"__"
let cname_of_qn qn =
(modul_to_cname qn.qual) ^ qn.name
let pp_qualname fmt q =
pp_string fmt (cname_of_qn q)
let rec pp_cty fmt cty = match cty with
| Cty_int -> fprintf fmt "int"
| Cty_float -> fprintf fmt "float"
| Cty_char -> fprintf fmt "char"
| Cty_id s -> pp_qualname fmt s
| Cty_ptr cty' -> fprintf fmt "%a*" pp_cty cty'
| Cty_arr (n, cty') -> fprintf fmt "%a[%d]" pp_cty cty' n
| Cty_void -> fprintf fmt "void"
(** [pp_array_decl cty] returns the base type of a (multidimensionnal) array
and the string of indices. *)
let rec pp_array_decl cty =
match cty with
| Cty_arr(n, cty') ->
let ty, s = pp_array_decl cty' in
ty, sprintf "[%d]%s" n s
| _ -> cty, ""
let rec pp_param_cty fmt = function
| Cty_arr(_, cty') ->
fprintf fmt "%a*" pp_param_cty cty'
| cty -> pp_cty fmt cty
(* pp_vardecl, featuring an ugly hack coping with C's inconsistent concrete
syntax! *)
let rec pp_vardecl fmt (s, cty) = match cty with
| Cty_arr _ ->
let ty, indices = pp_array_decl cty in
fprintf fmt "%a %a%s" pp_cty ty pp_string s indices
| _ -> fprintf fmt "%a %a" pp_cty cty pp_string s
and pp_param_list fmt l = pp_list1 pp_vardecl "," fmt l
and pp_var_list fmt l = pp_list pp_vardecl ";" fmt l
let rec pp_cblock fmt cb =
let pp_varlist = pp_list pp_vardecl ";" in
fprintf fmt "%a%a" pp_varlist cb.var_decls pp_cstm_list cb.block_body
and pp_cstm_list fmt stml = pp_list pp_cstm ";" fmt stml
and pp_cstm fmt stm = match stm with
| Csexpr e -> fprintf fmt "%a" pp_cexpr e
| Cswitch (e, cl) ->
let pp_clause fmt (tag, stml) =
fprintf fmt "@[<v 2>case %a:%a@ break;@]"
pp_cexpr (Cconst (Ctag tag)) pp_cstm_list stml in
fprintf fmt "@[<v>@[<v 2>switch (%a) {%a@]@ }@]"
pp_cexpr e (pp_list pp_clause "") cl
| Caffect (lhs, e) ->
fprintf fmt "%a = %a" pp_clhs lhs pp_cexpr e
| Cif (c, t, []) ->
fprintf fmt "@[<v>@[<v 2>if (%a) {%a@]@ }@]"
pp_cexpr c pp_cstm_list t
| Cif (c, t, e) ->
fprintf fmt "@[<v>@[<v 2>if (%a) {%a@]@ @[<v 2>} else {%a@]@ }@]"
pp_cexpr c pp_cstm_list t pp_cstm_list e
| Cfor(x, lower, upper, e) ->
fprintf fmt "@[<v>@[<v 2>for (int %a = %a; %a < %a; ++%a) {%a@]@ }@]"
pp_string x pp_cexpr lower pp_string x
pp_cexpr upper pp_string x pp_cstm_list e
| Cwhile (e, b) ->
fprintf fmt "@[<v>@[<v 2>while (%a) {%a@]@ }@]" pp_cexpr e pp_cstm_list b
| Csblock cb -> pp_cblock fmt cb
| Cskip -> fprintf fmt ""
| Creturn e -> fprintf fmt "return %a" pp_cexpr e
and pp_cexpr fmt ce = match ce with
| Cuop (s, e) -> fprintf fmt "%s(%a)" s pp_cexpr e
| Cbop (s, l, r) -> fprintf fmt "(%a%s%a)" pp_cexpr l s pp_cexpr r
| Cfun_call (s, el) ->
fprintf fmt "%a(@[%a@])" pp_string s (pp_list1 pp_cexpr ",") el
| Caddrof e -> fprintf fmt "&%a" pp_cexpr e
| Cstructlit (s, el) ->
fprintf fmt "(%a){@[%a@]}" pp_string s (pp_list1 pp_cexpr ",") el
| Carraylit el -> (* TODO master : WRONG *)
fprintf fmt "((int []){@[%a@]})" (pp_list1 pp_cexpr ",") el
| Cconst c -> pp_cconst fmt c
| Cvar s -> pp_string fmt s
| Cderef e -> fprintf fmt "*%a" pp_cexpr e
| Cfield (Cderef e, f) -> fprintf fmt "%a->%a" pp_cexpr e pp_qualname f
| Cfield (e, f) -> fprintf fmt "%a.%a" pp_cexpr e pp_qualname f
| Carray (e1, e2) -> fprintf fmt "%a[%a]" pp_cexpr e1 pp_cexpr e2
and pp_clhs fmt clhs = match clhs with
| CLvar s -> pp_string fmt s
| CLderef lhs' -> fprintf fmt "*%a" pp_clhs lhs'
| CLfield (CLderef lhs, f) -> fprintf fmt "%a->%a" pp_clhs lhs pp_qualname f
| CLfield (lhs, f) -> fprintf fmt "%a.%a" pp_clhs lhs pp_qualname f
| CLarray (lhs, e) ->
fprintf fmt "%a[%a]"
pp_clhs lhs
pp_cexpr e
and pp_cconst fmt cconst = match cconst with
| Ccint i -> fprintf fmt "%d" i
| Ccfloat f -> fprintf fmt "%f" f
| Ctag t -> pp_string fmt t
| Cstrlit t -> fprintf fmt "\"%s\"" t
let pp_cdecl fmt cdecl = match cdecl with
| Cdecl_enum (s, sl) ->
fprintf fmt "@[<v>@[<v 2>typedef enum {@ %a@]@ } %a;@ @]@\n"
(pp_list1 pp_string ",") sl pp_string s
| Cdecl_typedef (cty, n) ->
fprintf fmt "@[<v>@[<v 2>typedef %a;@ @]@\n"
pp_vardecl (n, cty)
| Cdecl_struct (s, fl) ->
let pp_field fmt (s, cty) =
fprintf fmt "@ %a;" pp_vardecl (s,cty) in
fprintf fmt "@[<v>@[<v 2>typedef struct %a {" pp_string s;
List.iter (pp_field fmt) fl;
fprintf fmt "@]@ } %a;@ @]@\n" pp_string s
| Cdecl_function (n, retty, args) ->
fprintf fmt "@[<v>%a %a(@[<hov>%a@]);@ @]@\n"
pp_cty retty pp_string n pp_param_list args
let pp_cdef fmt cdef = match cdef with
| Cfundef cfd ->
fprintf fmt
"@[<v>@[<v 2>%a %a(@[<hov>%a@]) {%a@]@ }@ @]@\n"
pp_cty cfd.f_retty pp_string cfd.f_name pp_param_list cfd.f_args
pp_cblock cfd.f_body
| Cvardef (s, cty) -> fprintf fmt "%a %a;@\n" pp_cty cty pp_string s
let pp_cfile_desc fmt filen cfile =
(** [filen_wo_ext] is the file's name without the extension. *)
let filen_wo_ext = String.sub filen 0 (String.length filen - 2) in
match cfile with
| Cheader (deps, cdecls) ->
let headern_macro = String.uppercase filen_wo_ext in
Compiler_utils.print_header_info fmt "/*" "*/";
fprintf fmt "#ifndef %s_H@\n" headern_macro;
fprintf fmt "#define %s_H@\n@\n" headern_macro;
iter (fun d -> fprintf fmt "#include \"%s.h\"@\n" d)
iter (pp_cdecl fmt) cdecls;
fprintf fmt "#endif // %s_H@\n@?" headern_macro
| Csource cdefs ->
let headern = filen_wo_ext ^ ".h" in
Compiler_utils.print_header_info fmt "/*" "*/";
fprintf fmt "#include <stdio.h>@\n";
fprintf fmt "#include <string.h>@\n";
fprintf fmt "#include <stdlib.h>@\n";
fprintf fmt "#include \"%s\"@\n@\n" headern;
iter (pp_cdef fmt) cdefs
(** [output_cfile dir cfile] pretty-prints the content of [cfile] to the
corresponding file in the [dir] directory. *)
let output_cfile dir (filen, cfile_desc) =
if !Compiler_options.verbose then
Format.printf "C-NG generating %s/%s@." dir filen;
let oc = open_out (Filename.concat dir filen) in
let fmt = Format.formatter_of_out_channel oc in
pp_cfile_desc fmt filen cfile_desc;
pp_print_flush fmt ();
close_out oc
let output dir cprog =
List.iter (output_cfile dir) cprog
(** { Lexical conversions to C's syntax } *)
(** Returns the type of a pointer to a type, except for
types which are already pointers. *)
let pointer_to ty =
match ty with
| Cty_arr _ | Cty_ptr _ -> ty
| _ -> Cty_ptr ty
(** Returns whether a type is a pointer. *)
let is_pointer_type = function
| Cty_arr _ | Cty_ptr _ -> true
| _ -> false
(** [array_base_ctype ty idx_list] returns the base type of an array
type. If idx_list = [i1; ..; ip] and a is a variable of type ty,
then it returns a[i1]..[ip]. *)
let rec array_base_ctype ty idx_list =
match ty, idx_list with
| Cty_arr (_, ty), [_] -> ty
| Cty_arr (_, ty), _::idx_list -> array_base_ctype ty idx_list
| _ ->
assert false