You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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(* *)
(* Heptagon *)
(* *)
(* Gwenael Delaval, LIG/INRIA, UJF *)
(* Leonard Gerard, Parkas, ENS *)
(* Adrien Guatto, Parkas, ENS *)
(* Cedric Pasteur, Parkas, ENS *)
(* Marc Pouzet, Parkas, ENS *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2012 ENS, INRIA, UJF *)
(* *)
(* This file is part of the Heptagon compiler. *)
(* *)
(* Heptagon is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it *)
(* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *)
(* (at your option) any later version. *)
(* *)
(* Heptagon is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* GNU General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
(* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *)
(* along with Heptagon. If not, see <> *)
(* *)
open Location
open Signature
(** var_names will be converted to idents *)
type var_name =
(** dec_names are locally declared qualified names *)
type dec_name =
type module_name = Names.modul
(** state_names, [automata] translate them in constructors with a fresh type. *)
type state_name =
type qualname =
| Q of Names.qualname (* already qualified name *)
| ToQ of (* name to qualify in the scoping process *)
type type_name = qualname
type fun_name = qualname
type field_name = qualname
type constructor_name = qualname
type constant_name = qualname
type static_exp = { se_desc: static_exp_desc; se_loc: location }
and static_exp_desc =
| Svar of constant_name
| Sint of int
| Sfloat of float
| Sbool of bool
| Sstring of string
| Sconstructor of constructor_name
| Sfield of field_name
| Stuple of static_exp list
| Sarray_power of static_exp * (static_exp list) (** power : 0^n : [0,0,0,0,0,..] *)
| Sarray of static_exp list (** [ e1, e2, e3 ] *)
| Srecord of (field_name * static_exp) list (** { f1 = e1; f2 = e2; ... } *)
| Sop of fun_name * static_exp list (** defined ops for now in pervasives *)
type iterator_type =
| Imap
| Imapi
| Ifold
| Ifoldi
| Imapfold
type ty =
| Tprod of ty list
| Tid of qualname
| Tarray of ty * exp
| Tinvalid
and ck =
| Cbase
| Con of ck * constructor_name * var_name
and ct =
| Ck of ck
| Cprod of ct list
and exp =
{ e_desc : edesc;
e_ct_annot : ct option ;
e_loc : location }
and edesc =
| Econst of static_exp
| Evar of var_name (* can be a constant_name *)
| Elast of var_name
| Epre of exp option * exp
| Efby of exp * exp
| Estruct of (qualname * exp) list
| Eapp of app * exp list
| Eiterator of iterator_type * app * exp list * exp list * exp list
| Ewhen of exp * constructor_name * var_name
| Emerge of var_name * (constructor_name * exp) list
| Esplit of var_name * exp
and app = { a_op: op; a_params: exp list; a_inlined: bool }
and op =
| Etuple
| Enode of qualname
| Efun of qualname
| Eifthenelse
| Earrow
| Efield
| Efield_update (* field name args would be [record ; value] *)
| Earray
| Earray_fill
| Eselect
| Eselect_dyn
| Eselect_trunc
| Eselect_slice
| Eupdate
| Econcat
| Ereinit
and pat =
| Etuplepat of pat list
| Evarpat of var_name
type eq =
{ eq_desc : eqdesc;
eq_loc : location }
and eqdesc =
| Eautomaton of state_handler list
| Eswitch of exp * switch_handler list
| Epresent of present_handler list * block
| Ereset of block * exp
| Eblock of block
| Eeq of pat * Linearity.init * exp
and block =
{ b_local : var_dec list;
b_equs : eq list;
b_loc : location; }
and state_handler =
{ s_state : state_name;
s_block : block;
s_until : escape list;
s_unless : escape list; }
and escape =
{ e_cond : exp;
e_reset : bool;
e_next_state : state_name; }
and switch_handler =
{ w_name : constructor_name;
w_block : block; }
and present_handler =
{ p_cond : exp;
p_block : block; }
and var_dec =
{ v_name : var_name;
v_type : ty;
v_linearity : Linearity.linearity;
v_clock : ck option;
v_last : last;
v_loc : location; }
and last = Var | Last of exp option
type type_dec =
{ t_name : dec_name;
t_desc : type_desc;
t_loc : location }
and type_desc =
| Type_abs
| Type_alias of ty
| Type_enum of dec_name list
| Type_struct of (dec_name * ty) list
type contract =
{ c_assume : exp;
c_enforce : exp;
c_assume_loc : exp;
c_enforce_loc : exp;
c_controllables : var_dec list;
c_block : block }
type node_dec =
{ n_name : dec_name;
n_stateful : bool;
n_unsafe : bool;
n_input : var_dec list;
n_output : var_dec list;
n_contract : contract option;
n_block : block;
n_loc : location;
n_params : var_dec list;
n_constraints : exp list; }
type const_dec =
{ c_name : dec_name;
c_type : ty;
c_value : exp;
c_loc : location; }
type program =
{ p_modname : dec_name;
p_opened : module_name list;
p_desc : program_desc list }
and program_desc =
| Ppragma of (var_name * string)
| Ptype of type_dec
| Pconst of const_dec
| Pnode of node_dec
type arg =
{ a_type : ty;
a_clock : ck option;
a_linearity : Linearity.linearity;
a_name : var_name option }
type signature =
{ sig_name : dec_name;
sig_inputs : arg list;
sig_stateful : bool;
sig_unsafe : bool;
sig_outputs : arg list;
sig_params : var_dec list;
sig_param_constraints : exp list;
sig_external : bool;
sig_loc : location }
type interface =
{ i_modname : dec_name;
i_opened : module_name list;
i_desc : interface_desc list }
and interface_desc =
| Itypedef of type_dec
| Iconstdef of const_dec
| Isignature of signature
(* {3 Helper functions to create AST} *)
let mk_exp desc ?(ct_annot = None) loc =
{ e_desc = desc; e_ct_annot = ct_annot; e_loc = loc }
let mk_app op params inlined =
{ a_op = op; a_params = params; a_inlined = inlined }
let mk_call ?(params=[]) ?(inlined=false) op exps =
Eapp (mk_app op params inlined, exps)
let mk_op_call ?(params=[]) s exps =
mk_call ~params:params (Efun (Q (Names.pervasives_qn s))) exps
let mk_iterator_call it ln params n_list pexps exps =
Eiterator (it, mk_app (Enode ln) params false, n_list, pexps, exps)
let mk_static_exp desc loc =
{ se_desc = desc; se_loc = loc }
let mk_constructor_exp f loc =
mk_exp (Econst (mk_static_exp (Sconstructor f) loc)) loc
let mk_field_exp f loc =
mk_exp (Econst (mk_static_exp (Sfield f) loc)) loc
let mk_type_dec name desc loc =
{ t_name = name; t_desc = desc; t_loc = loc }
let mk_equation desc loc =
{ eq_desc = desc; eq_loc = loc }
let mk_var_dec ?(linearity=Linearity.Ltop) name ty ck last loc =
{ v_name = name; v_type = ty; v_linearity = linearity;
v_clock =ck; v_last = last; v_loc = loc }
let mk_block locals eqs loc =
{ b_local = locals; b_equs = eqs;
b_loc = loc; }
let mk_const_dec id ty e loc =
{ c_name = id; c_type = ty; c_value = e; c_loc = loc }
let mk_arg name (ty,lin) ck =
{ a_type = ty; a_linearity = lin; a_name = name; a_clock = ck }
let ptrue = Q Initial.ptrue
let pfalse = Q Initial.pfalse