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(* *)
(* Heptagon *)
(* *)
(* Gwenael Delaval, LIG/INRIA, UJF *)
(* Leonard Gerard, Parkas, ENS *)
(* Adrien Guatto, Parkas, ENS *)
(* Cedric Pasteur, Parkas, ENS *)
(* Marc Pouzet, Parkas, ENS *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2012 ENS, INRIA, UJF *)
(* *)
(* This file is part of the Heptagon compiler. *)
(* *)
(* Heptagon is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it *)
(* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *)
(* (at your option) any later version. *)
(* *)
(* Heptagon is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* GNU General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
(* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *)
(* along with Heptagon. If not, see <> *)
(* *)
open Linearity
open Idents
open Names
open Location
open Misc
open Signature
open Modules
open Heptagon
type error =
| Eunify_failed_one of linearity
| Eunify_failed of linearity * linearity
| Earg_should_be_linear
| Elocation_already_defined of linearity_var
| Elocation_already_used of linearity_var
| Elinear_variables_used_twice of ident
| Ewrong_linearity_for_iterator
| Eoutput_linearity_not_declared of linearity_var
| Emapi_bad_args of linearity
| Ewrong_init of linearity_var * linearity
exception TypingError of error
let error kind = raise (TypingError(kind))
let message loc kind =
begin match kind with
| Eunify_failed_one expected_lin ->
Format.eprintf "%aThis expression cannot have the linearity '%s'.@."
print_location loc
(lin_to_string expected_lin)
| Eunify_failed (expected_lin, lin) ->
Format.eprintf "%aFound linearity '%s' does not \
match expected linearity '%s'.@."
print_location loc
(lin_to_string lin)
(lin_to_string expected_lin)
| Earg_should_be_linear ->
Format.eprintf "%aArgument should be linear.@."
print_location loc
| Elocation_already_defined r ->
Format.eprintf "%aMemory location '%s' is already defined.@."
print_location loc
| Elocation_already_used r ->
Format.eprintf "%aThe memory location '%s' cannot be \
used more than once in the same function call.@."
print_location loc
| Elinear_variables_used_twice id ->
Format.eprintf "%aVariable '%s' is semilinear and cannot be used twice@."
print_location loc
(name id)
| Ewrong_linearity_for_iterator ->
Format.eprintf "%aA function of this linearity \
cannot be used with this iterator.@."
print_location loc
| Eoutput_linearity_not_declared r ->
Format.eprintf "%aThe memory location '%s' cannot be \
used in an output without being declared in an input.@."
print_location loc
| Emapi_bad_args lin ->
"%aThe function given to mapi should expect a non linear \
variable as the last argument (found: %a).@."
print_location loc
print_linearity lin
| Ewrong_init (r, lin) ->
"%aThe variable defined by init<<%s>> should correspond \
to the given location (found: %a).@."
print_location loc
print_linearity lin
raise Errors.Error
module VarsCollection =
type t =
| Vars of LinearitySet.t
| CollectionTuple of t list
let empty = Vars (LinearitySet.empty)
let is_empty c =
match c with
| Vars s -> LinearitySet.is_empty s
| _ -> false
let prod = function
| [l] -> l
| l -> CollectionTuple l
(* let map f = function
| Vars l -> Vars ( f l)
| CollectionTuple l -> CollectionTuple (map f l)
let rec union c1 c2 =
match c1, c2 with
| Vars s1, Vars s2 -> Vars (LinearitySet.union s1 s2)
| CollectionTuple l1, CollectionTuple l2 ->
CollectionTuple (List.map2 union l1 l2)
| _, _ -> assert false
let rec var_collection_of_lin = function
| Lat r -> Vars (LinearitySet.singleton (Lat r))
| Ltop | Lvar _ -> Vars LinearitySet.empty
| Ltuple l ->
CollectionTuple ( var_collection_of_lin l)
let rec unify c lin =
match c, lin with
| Vars s, lin ->
if LinearitySet.mem lin s then
raise UnifyFailed
| CollectionTuple l, Ltuple lins -> (List.map2 unify l lins)
| _, _ -> assert false
let rec find_candidate c lins =
match lins with
| [] -> raise UnifyFailed
| lin::lins ->
unify c lin
UnifyFailed -> find_candidate c lins
let flatten_lin_list l =
(fun arg args -> match arg with Ltuple l -> l@args | a -> a::args ) l []
let lin_of_ident x (env, _, _) =
Env.find x env
(** [check_linearity loc id] checks that id has not been used linearly before.
This function is called every time a variable is used as
a semilinear type. *)
let check_linearity (env, used_vars, init_vars) loc id =
if IdentSet.mem id used_vars then
message loc (Elinear_variables_used_twice id)
let used_vars = IdentSet.add id used_vars in
(env, used_vars, init_vars)
(** This function is called for every exp used as a semilinear type.
It fails if the exp is not a variable. *)
let check_linearity_exp (env, used_vars, init_vars) e lin =
match e.e_desc, lin with
| Evar x, Lat _ ->
(match Env.find x env with
| Lat _ -> check_linearity (env, used_vars, init_vars) e.e_loc x
| _ -> (env, used_vars, init_vars))
| _ -> (env, used_vars, init_vars)
(** Checks that the linearity value has not been declared before
(in an input, a local var or using copy operator). This makes
sure that one linearity value is only used in one place. *)
let check_fresh_lin_var (env, used_vars, init_vars) loc lin =
let check_fresh r =
if LocationSet.mem r init_vars then
message loc (Elocation_already_defined r)
let init_vars = LocationSet.add r init_vars in
(env, used_vars, init_vars)
match lin with
| Lat r -> check_fresh r
| Ltop -> (env, used_vars, init_vars)
| _ -> assert false
(** Substitutes linearity variables (Lvar r) with their value
given by the map. *)
let rec subst_lin m lin_list =
let subst_one = function
| Lvar r ->
Lat (NamesEnv.find r m)
_ -> Lvar r)
| l -> l
in subst_one lin_list
(** Generalises the linearities of a function. It replaces
values (Lat r) with variables (Lvar r) to get a correct sig.
Also checks that no variable is used twice. *)
let generalize arg_list sig_arg_list =
let env = ref NamesSet.empty in
let add_linearity vd =
match vd.v_linearity with
| Lat r ->
if NamesSet.mem r !env then
message vd.v_loc (Elocation_already_defined r)
else (
env := NamesSet.add r !env;
Lvar r
| Ltop -> Ltop
| _ -> assert false
let update_linearity vd ad =
{ ad with a_linearity = add_linearity vd }
List.map2 update_linearity arg_list sig_arg_list
(** [subst_from_lin (s,m) expect_lin lin] creates a map,
mapping linearity variables to their values. [expect_lin]
and [lin] are two lists, the first one containing the variables
and the second one the values. *)
let subst_from_lin (s,m) expect_lin lin =
match expect_lin, lin with
| Ltop, Ltop -> s,m
| Lvar r1, Lat r2 ->
if NamesSet.mem r2 s then
message no_location (Elocation_already_used r2)
else (
(* Format.printf "Found mapping from _%s to %s\n" r1 r2; *)
NamesSet.add r2 s, NamesEnv.add r1 r2 m
| _, _ -> s,m
let rec not_linear_for_exp e =
lin_skeleton Ltop e.e_ty
let check_init env loc init lin =
let check_one env (init, lin) = match init with
| Lno_init -> lin, env
| Linit_var r ->
(match lin with
| Lat r1 when r = r1 -> Ltop, check_fresh_lin_var env loc lin
| Lvar r1 when r = r1 -> Ltop, check_fresh_lin_var env loc lin
| _ -> message loc (Ewrong_init (r, lin)))
| Linit_tuple _ -> assert false
match init, lin with
| Linit_tuple il, Ltuple ll ->
let l, env = mapfold check_one env (List.combine il ll) in
Ltuple l, env
| _, _ -> check_one env (init, lin)
(** [unify_collect collect_list lin_list coll_exp] returns a list of linearities
to use when a choice is possible (eg for a map). It collects the possible
values for all args and then tries to map them to the expected values.
[collect_list] is a list of possibilities for each arg (the list of
linearity vars this arg can have).
[lin_list] is the list of all linearities that are expected.
[coll_exp] is the list of args expressions. *)
let unify_collect collect_list lin_list coll_exp =
let rec unify_collect collect_list lin_list coll_exp =
match collect_list, coll_exp with
| [], [] ->
(match lin_list with
| [] -> []
| _ -> raise UnifyFailed)
| collect::collect_list, e::coll_exp ->
(* find if this arg can be assigned one of the expected value*)
let l = VarsCollection.find_candidate collect lin_list in
(* and iterate on the rest of the value*)
let lin_list = List.filter (fun l2 -> l2 <> l) lin_list in
l::(unify_collect collect_list lin_list coll_exp)
with UnifyFailed ->
(* this arg cannot have any of the expected linearity,
so it is not linear*)
(not_linear_for_exp e)::
(unify_collect collect_list lin_list coll_exp))
| _, _ -> assert false
(* Remove Ltop elements from a linearity list. *)
let rec remove_nulls = function
| [] -> []
| l::lins ->
let lins = remove_nulls lins in
if is_not_linear l then lins
else l::lins
unify_collect collect_list (remove_nulls lin_list) coll_exp
(** Returns the lists of possible types for iterator outputs.
Basically, each output can have the linearity of any input of the same type.
[collect_list] is the list of collected lists for each input. *)
let collect_iterator_outputs inputs outputs collect_list =
let collect_for_type ty l arg_ty collect =
if arg_ty = ty then VarsCollection.union collect l else l
let collect_one_output ty =
List.fold_left2 (collect_for_type ty)
VarsCollection.empty inputs collect_list
in collect_one_output outputs
(** Same as List.assoc but with two lists for the keys and values. *)
let rec assoc_lists v l1 l2 =
match l1, l2 with
| [], [] -> raise Not_found
| x::l1, y::l2 ->
if x = v then y else assoc_lists v l1 l2
| _, _ -> assert false
(** Returns the possible linearities for the outputs of a function.
It just matches outputs with the corresponding inputs in case of targeting,
and returns an empty collection otherwise.
let rec collect_outputs inputs collect_list outputs =
match outputs with
| [] -> []
| lin::outputs ->
let lin = (match lin with
| Ltop -> VarsCollection.empty
| Lvar _ -> assoc_lists lin inputs collect_list
| _ -> assert false
) in
lin::(collect_outputs inputs collect_list outputs)
let build env vds =
List.fold_left (fun env vd -> Env.add vd.v_ident vd.v_linearity env) env vds
let build_ids env vds =
List.fold_left (fun env vd -> IdentSet.add vd.v_ident env) env vds
(* Linear inputs are considered initialised *)
let build_location env vds =
let add_one env vd =
match vd.v_linearity with
| Lat r -> LocationSet.add r env
| _ -> env
List.fold_left add_one env vds
(* Linear variables with last: last x is initialised and x is used *)
let build_last_location (used_vars, init_vars) vds =
let add_one (used_vars, init_vars) vd =
match vd.v_last, vd.v_linearity with
| Last _, Lat r -> IdentSet.add vd.v_ident used_vars, LocationSet.add r init_vars
| _ -> used_vars, init_vars
List.fold_left add_one (used_vars, init_vars) vds
(** [extract_lin_exp args_lin e_list] returns the linearities
and expressions from e_list that are not yet set to Lat r.*)
let rec extract_lin_exp args_lin e_list =
match args_lin, e_list with
| [], [] -> [], []
| arg_lin::args_lin, e::e_list ->
let lin_l, l = extract_lin_exp args_lin e_list in
(match arg_lin with
| Lat _ -> lin_l, l
| lin -> lin::lin_l, e::l)
| _, _ -> assert false
(** [fuse_args_lin args_lin collect_lins] fuse the two lists,
taking elements from the first list if it semilinear (Lat r)
and from the second list otherwise. *)
let rec fuse_args_lin args_lin collect_lins =
match args_lin, collect_lins with
| [], [] -> []
| [], _ -> assert false
| args_lin, [] -> args_lin
| (Lat r)::args_lin, collect_lins ->
(Lat r)::(fuse_args_lin args_lin collect_lins)
| (Lvar r)::args_lin, _::collect_lins ->
(Lvar r)::(fuse_args_lin args_lin collect_lins)
| _::args_lin, x::collect_lins ->
x::(fuse_args_lin args_lin collect_lins)
(** [extract_not_lin_var_exp args_lin e_list] returns the linearities
and expressions from e_list that are not yet set to Lvar r.*)
let rec extract_not_lin_var_exp args_lin e_list =
match args_lin, e_list with
| [], [] -> [], []
| arg_lin::args_lin, e::e_list ->
let lin_l, l = extract_lin_exp args_lin e_list in
(match arg_lin with
| Lvar _ -> lin_l, l
| lin -> lin::lin_l, e::l)
| _, _ -> assert false
(** [fuse_iterator_collect fixed_coll free_coll] fuse the two lists,
taking elements from the first list if it not empty
and from the second list otherwise. *)
let rec fuse_iterator_collect fixed_coll free_coll =
match fixed_coll, free_coll with
| [], [] -> []
| [], _ -> assert false
| fixed_coll, [] -> fixed_coll
| coll::fixed_coll, x::free_coll ->
if VarsCollection.is_empty coll then
x::(fuse_iterator_collect fixed_coll free_coll)
coll::(fuse_iterator_collect fixed_coll (x::free_coll))
let rec typing_pat env = function
| Evarpat n -> lin_of_ident n env
| Etuplepat l ->
prod ( (typing_pat env) l)
(** Linear typing of expressions. This function should not be called directly.
Use expect instead, as typing of some expressions need to know
the expected linearity. *)
let rec typing_exp env e =
let l, env = match e.e_desc with
| Econst _ -> lin_skeleton Ltop e.e_ty, env
| Evar x -> lin_of_ident x env, env
| Elast x -> lin_of_ident x env, env
| Epre (_, e) ->
let lin = (not_linear_for_exp e) in
let env = safe_expect env lin e in
lin, env
| Efby (e1, e2) ->
let env = safe_expect env (not_linear_for_exp e1) e1 in
let env = safe_expect env (not_linear_for_exp e1) e2 in
not_linear_for_exp e1, env
| Eapp ({ a_op = Efield }, _, _) -> Ltop, env
| Eapp ({ a_op = Earray }, _, _) -> Ltop, env
| Estruct _ -> Ltop, env
| Emerge _ | Ewhen _ | Esplit _ | Eapp _ | Eiterator _ -> assert false
e.e_linearity <- l;
l, env
(** Returns the possible linearities of an expression. *)
and collect_exp env e =
match e.e_desc with
| Evar x ->
let _, u, _ = env in
if IdentSet.mem x u then
VarsCollection.var_collection_of_lin (lin_of_ident x env)
| Eapp ({ a_op = Etuple }, e_list, _) -> ( (collect_exp env) e_list)
| Eapp({ a_op = op }, e_list, _) -> collect_app env op e_list
| Eiterator (it, { a_op = Enode f | Efun f }, _, _, e_list, _) ->
let ty_desc = Modules.find_value f in
collect_iterator env it ty_desc e_list
| _ -> VarsCollection.var_collection_of_lin (fst (typing_exp env e))
and collect_iterator env it ty_desc e_list = match it with
| Imap | Imapi ->
let inputs_lins = linearities_of_arg_list ty_desc.node_inputs in
let inputs_lins = if it = Imapi then fst (split_last inputs_lins) else inputs_lins in
let outputs_lins = linearities_of_arg_list ty_desc.node_outputs in
let collect_list = (collect_exp env) e_list in
(* first collect outputs fixed by the function's targeting*)
let collect_outputs =
collect_outputs inputs_lins collect_list outputs_lins in
(* then collect remaining outputs*)
let free_out_lins, _ = extract_not_lin_var_exp outputs_lins outputs_lins in
let free_in_lins, collect_free =
extract_not_lin_var_exp inputs_lins collect_list in
let free_outputs =
collect_iterator_outputs free_in_lins free_out_lins collect_free in
(*mix the two lists*) (fuse_iterator_collect collect_outputs free_outputs)
| Imapfold ->
let e_list, acc = split_last e_list in
let inputs_lins, _ =
split_last (linearities_of_arg_list ty_desc.node_inputs) in
let outputs_lins, _ =
split_last (linearities_of_arg_list ty_desc.node_outputs) in
let collect_list = (collect_exp env) e_list in
let collect_acc = collect_exp env acc in
(* first collect outputs fixed by the function's targeting*)
let collect_outputs =
collect_outputs inputs_lins collect_list outputs_lins in
(* then collect remaining outputs*)
let free_out_lins, _ = extract_not_lin_var_exp outputs_lins outputs_lins in
let free_in_lins, collect_free =
extract_not_lin_var_exp inputs_lins collect_list in
let free_outputs =
collect_iterator_outputs free_in_lins free_out_lins collect_free in
(*mix the two lists*)
((fuse_iterator_collect collect_outputs free_outputs)@[collect_acc])
| Ifold ->
collect_exp env (last_element e_list)
| Ifoldi ->
assert false (* TODO *)
(** Returns the possible linearities of an application. *)
and collect_app env op e_list = match op with
| Eifthenelse->
let _, e2, e3 = assert_3 e_list in
VarsCollection.union (collect_exp env e2) (collect_exp env e3)
| Efun { qual = Module "Iostream"; name = "fprintf" | "printf" } -> []
| Efun f | Enode f ->
let ty_desc = Modules.find_value f in
let inputs_lins = linearities_of_arg_list ty_desc.node_inputs in
let outputs_lins = linearities_of_arg_list ty_desc.node_outputs in
let collect_list = (collect_exp env) e_list in
(collect_outputs inputs_lins collect_list outputs_lins)
| _ -> VarsCollection.var_collection_of_lin (fst (typing_app env op e_list))
and expect_args env expected_lin_list e_list =
(* this auxiliary function deals with functions returning tuples
used as arguments of function expecting a tuple. It groups
linearities in the list by looking at the size of tuples (given by the type). *)
let rec mk_lin_list e_list lin_list = match e_list, lin_list with
| [], [] -> []
| e::e_list, lin::rem_lin_list ->
(match e.e_ty with
| Types.Tprod tyl ->
let linl, lin_list = split_at (List.length tyl) lin_list in
let lin_list = mk_lin_list e_list lin_list in
Ltuple linl::lin_list
| _ ->
let lin_list = mk_lin_list e_list rem_lin_list in
| _, _ -> internal_error "linear_typing"
let expected_lin_list = mk_lin_list e_list expected_lin_list in
Misc.mapfold2 (fun env elin e -> expect env elin e) env expected_lin_list e_list
and typing_app env op e_list = match op with
| Earrow ->
let e1, e2 = assert_2 e_list in
let env = safe_expect env Ltop e1 in
let env = safe_expect env Ltop e2 in
Ltop, env
| Earray_fill | Eselect | Eselect_slice ->
let e = assert_1 e_list in
let env = safe_expect env Ltop e in
Ltop, env
| Eselect_dyn ->
let e1, defe, idx_list = assert_2min e_list in
let env = safe_expect env Ltop e1 in
let env = safe_expect env Ltop defe in
let env = List.fold_left (fun env -> safe_expect env Ltop) env idx_list in
Ltop, env
| Eselect_trunc ->
let e1, idx_list = assert_1min e_list in
let env = safe_expect env Ltop e1 in
let env = List.fold_left (fun env -> safe_expect env Ltop) env idx_list in
Ltop, env
| Econcat ->
let e1, e2 = assert_2 e_list in
let env = safe_expect env Ltop e1 in
let env = safe_expect env Ltop e2 in
Ltop, env
| Earray ->
let env = List.fold_left (fun env -> safe_expect env Ltop) env e_list in
Ltop, env
| Efield ->
let e = assert_1 e_list in
let env = safe_expect env Ltop e in
Ltop, env
| Eifthenelse | Efun _ | Enode _ | Etuple
| Eupdate | Efield_update | Ereinit -> assert false (*already done in expect_app*)
(** Check that the application of op to e_list can have the linearity
expected_lin. *)
and expect_app env expected_lin op e_list = match op with
| Efun { qual = Module "Iostream"; name = "fprintf" | "printf" } ->
let env = List.fold_left (fun env -> safe_expect env Ltop) env e_list in
Ltuple [], env
| Efun f | Enode f ->
let ty_desc = Modules.find_value f in
let inputs_lins = linearities_of_arg_list ty_desc.node_inputs in
let outputs_lins = linearities_of_arg_list ty_desc.node_outputs in
let expected_lin_list = linearity_list_of_linearity expected_lin in
(* create the map that matches linearity variables to linearity values
from the ouputs and the expected lin*)
let m = snd ( List.fold_left2 subst_from_lin
(NamesSet.empty, NamesEnv.empty) outputs_lins expected_lin_list) in
(* and apply it to the inputs*)
let inputs_lins = subst_lin m inputs_lins in
(* and check that it works *)
(* type the inputs *)
let result_lins, env = expect_args env inputs_lins e_list in
let result_lins = flatten_lin_list result_lins in
(* and apply the result to the outputs *)
let m = snd ( List.fold_left2 subst_from_lin
(NamesSet.empty, NamesEnv.empty) inputs_lins result_lins) in
let outputs_lins = subst_lin m expected_lin_list in
prod outputs_lins, env
| Eifthenelse ->
let e1, e2, e3 = assert_3 e_list in
let env = safe_expect env Ltop e1 in
let l, env = expect env expected_lin e2 in
let _, env = expect env (not_linear_for_exp e3) e3 in
l, env
UnifyFailed ->
let l, env = expect env expected_lin e3 in
let _, env = expect env (not_linear_for_exp e2) e2 in
l, env
| Efield_update ->
let e1, e2 = assert_2 e_list in
let env = safe_expect env Ltop e2 in
expect env expected_lin e1
| Eupdate ->
let e1, e2, idx = assert_2min e_list in
let env = safe_expect env Ltop e2 in
let env = List.fold_left (fun env -> safe_expect env Ltop) env idx in
expect env expected_lin e1
| Ereinit ->
let e1, e2 = assert_2 e_list in
let env = safe_expect env Ltop e2 in
expect env expected_lin e1
| _ ->
let actual_lin, env = typing_app env op e_list in
unify_lin expected_lin actual_lin, env
(** Checks the typing of an accumulator. It also checks
that the function has a targeting compatible with the iterator. *)
and expect_accumulator env acc acc_in_lin acc_out_lin
expected_acc_lin inputs_lin =
(match acc_out_lin with
| Lvar _ ->
if List.mem acc_out_lin inputs_lin then
message acc.e_loc Ewrong_linearity_for_iterator
| _ -> ()
let m = snd (subst_from_lin (NamesSet.empty, NamesEnv.empty)
acc_out_lin expected_acc_lin) in
let acc_lin = assert_1 (subst_lin m [acc_in_lin]) in
expect env acc_lin acc
and expect_iterator env loc it expected_lin inputs_lins outputs_lins e_list = match it with
| Imap | Imapi ->
(* First find the linearities fixed by the linearities of the
iterated function. *)
let inputs_lins, idx_lin = if it = Imapi then split_last inputs_lins else inputs_lins, Ltop in
let m = snd ( List.fold_left2 subst_from_lin
(NamesSet.empty, NamesEnv.empty) outputs_lins expected_lin) in
let inputs_lins = subst_lin m inputs_lins in
(* Then guess linearities of other vars to get expected_lin *)
let _, coll_exp = extract_lin_exp inputs_lins e_list in
let collect_list = (collect_exp env) coll_exp in
let names_list =
List.filter (fun x -> not (List.mem x inputs_lins)) expected_lin in
let collect_lin = unify_collect collect_list names_list coll_exp in
let inputs_lins = fuse_args_lin inputs_lins collect_lin in
(* The index should not be linear *)
if it = Imapi then (
try ignore (unify_lin idx_lin Ltop)
with UnifyFailed -> message loc (Emapi_bad_args idx_lin));
(* type the inputs *)
let result_lins, env = expect_args env inputs_lins e_list in
(* and apply the result to the outputs *)
let m = snd ( List.fold_left2 subst_from_lin
(NamesSet.empty, NamesEnv.empty) inputs_lins result_lins) in
let outputs_lins = subst_lin m outputs_lins in
prod outputs_lins, env
| Imapfold ->
(* Check the linearity of the accumulator*)
let e_list, acc = split_last e_list in
let inputs_lins, acc_in_lin = split_last inputs_lins in
let outputs_lins, acc_out_lin = split_last outputs_lins in
let expected_lin, expected_acc_lin = split_last expected_lin in
let acc_out_lin, env = expect_accumulator env acc acc_in_lin acc_out_lin
expected_acc_lin inputs_lins in
(* First find the linearities fixed by the linearities of the
iterated function. *)
let m = snd ( List.fold_left2 subst_from_lin
(NamesSet.empty, NamesEnv.empty) outputs_lins expected_lin) in
let inputs_lins = subst_lin m inputs_lins in
(* Then guess linearities of other vars to get expected_lin *)
let _, coll_exp = extract_lin_exp inputs_lins e_list in
let collect_list = (collect_exp env) coll_exp in
let names_list =
List.filter (fun x -> not(List.mem x inputs_lins)) expected_lin in
let collect_lin = unify_collect collect_list names_list coll_exp in
let inputs_lins = fuse_args_lin inputs_lins collect_lin in
(* type the inputs *)
let result_lins, env = expect_args env inputs_lins e_list in
(* and apply the result to the outputs *)
let m = snd ( List.fold_left2 subst_from_lin
(NamesSet.empty, NamesEnv.empty) inputs_lins result_lins) in
let outputs_lins = subst_lin m outputs_lins in
prod (outputs_lins@[acc_out_lin]), env
| Ifold ->
let e_list, acc = split_last e_list in
let inputs_lins, acc_in_lin = split_last inputs_lins in
let _, acc_out_lin = split_last outputs_lins in
let _, expected_acc_lin = split_last expected_lin in
let env = List.fold_left (fun env -> safe_expect env Ltop) env e_list in
let acc_out_lin, env = expect_accumulator env acc acc_in_lin acc_out_lin
expected_acc_lin inputs_lins in
acc_out_lin, env
| Ifoldi ->
let e_list, acc = split_last e_list in
let inputs_lins, acc_in_lin = split_last inputs_lins in
let inputs_lins, _ = split_last inputs_lins in
let _, acc_out_lin = split_last outputs_lins in
let _, expected_acc_lin = split_last expected_lin in
let env = List.fold_left (fun env -> safe_expect env Ltop) env e_list in
let acc_out_lin, env = expect_accumulator env acc acc_in_lin acc_out_lin
expected_acc_lin inputs_lins in
acc_out_lin, env
and typing_eq env eq =
match eq.eq_desc with
| Eautomaton(state_handlers) ->
let typing_state (u, i) h =
let (top_env, top_u, _) = env in
let _, u1, i1 = typing_state_handler (top_env, top_u, i) h in
IdentSet.union u u1, LocationSet.union i i1
let env, u, i = env in
let u, i = List.fold_left typing_state (u, i) state_handlers in
env, u, i
| Eswitch(e, switch_handlers) ->
let typing_switch (u, i) h =
let (top_env, top_u, _) = env in
let _, u1, i1 = typing_switch_handler (top_env, top_u, i) h in
IdentSet.union u u1, LocationSet.union i i1
let env, u, i = safe_expect env Ltop e in
let u, i = List.fold_left typing_switch (u, i) switch_handlers in
env, u, i
| Epresent(present_handlers, b) ->
let env, u, i = List.fold_left typing_present_handler env present_handlers in
let _, u, i = typing_block (env, u, i) b in
env, u, i
| Ereset(b, e) ->
let env, u, i = safe_expect env Ltop e in
let _, u, i = typing_block (env, u, i) b in
env, u, i
(*TODO: faire la meme chose si on a un tuple *)
(* for init<<r>> y = v fby x, we expect a linear type for x *)
| Eeq(Evarpat y, { e_desc = Efby(e_1, e_2) }) ->
let lin = lin_of_ident y env in
let _, env = check_init env eq.eq_loc eq.eq_inits lin in
safe_expect env Ltop e_1;
safe_expect env lin e_2
| Eeq(pat, e) ->
let lin_pat = typing_pat env pat in
let lin_pat, env = check_init env eq.eq_loc eq.eq_inits lin_pat in
safe_expect env lin_pat e
| Eblock b ->
let env, u, i = env in
let _, u, i = typing_block (env, u, i) b in
env, u, i
and typing_state_handler env sh =
let env = typing_block env sh.s_block in
let env = List.fold_left typing_escape env sh.s_until in
List.fold_left typing_escape env sh.s_unless
and typing_escape env esc =
safe_expect env Ltop esc.e_cond
and typing_block (env,u,i) block =
let env = build env block.b_local in
let u, i = build_last_location (u, i) block.b_local in
List.fold_left typing_eq (env, u, i) block.b_equs
and typing_switch_handler (env, u, i) sh =
let _, u, i = typing_block (env,u,i) sh.w_block in
env, u, i
and typing_present_handler env ph =
let (env, u, i) = safe_expect env Ltop ph.p_cond in
let _, u, i = typing_block (env, u, i) ph.p_block in
env, u, i
and expect env lin e =
let l, env = match e.e_desc with
| Evar x ->
let actual_lin = lin_of_ident x env in
let found_lin = unify_lin lin actual_lin in
let env = check_linearity_exp env e found_lin in
found_lin, env
| Emerge (_, c_e_list) ->
let env = List.fold_left (fun env (_, e) -> safe_expect env lin e) env c_e_list in
lin, env
| Ewhen (e, _, _) ->
expect env lin e
| Esplit (c, e) ->
let env = safe_expect env Ltop c in
let l = linearity_list_of_linearity lin in
let env = safe_expect env (List.hd l) e in
lin, env
| Eapp ({ a_op = Etuple }, e_list, _) ->
let lin_list = linearity_list_of_linearity lin in
let l, env = mapfold2 expect env lin_list e_list in
prod l, env
Invalid_argument _ -> message e.e_loc (Eunify_failed_one lin))
| Eapp({ a_op = op }, e_list, _) ->
expect_app env lin op e_list
UnifyFailed -> message e.e_loc (Eunify_failed_one lin))
| Eiterator (it, { a_op = Enode f | Efun f }, _, pe_list, e_list, _) ->
let ty_desc = Modules.find_value f in
let expected_lin_list = linearity_list_of_linearity lin in
let inputs_lins = linearities_of_arg_list ty_desc.node_inputs in
let _, inputs_lins = Misc.split_at (List.length pe_list) inputs_lins in
let outputs_lins = linearities_of_arg_list ty_desc.node_outputs in
let env =
List.fold_left (fun env e -> safe_expect env (not_linear_for_exp e) e) env pe_list in
expect_iterator env e.e_loc it expected_lin_list inputs_lins outputs_lins e_list
UnifyFailed -> message e.e_loc (Eunify_failed_one lin))
| _ ->
let actual_lin, env = typing_exp env e in
unify_lin lin actual_lin, env
e.e_linearity <- l;
l, env
and safe_expect env lin e =
begin try
let _, env = (expect env lin e) in env
UnifyFailed -> message e.e_loc (Eunify_failed_one (lin))
let check_outputs inputs outputs =
let add_linearity env vd =
match vd.v_linearity with
| Lat r -> LocationSet.add r env
| _ -> env
let check_out env vd =
match vd.v_linearity with
| Lat r ->
if not (LocationSet.mem r env) then
message vd.v_loc (Eoutput_linearity_not_declared r)
| _ -> ()
let env = List.fold_left add_linearity LocationSet.empty inputs in
List.iter (check_out env) outputs
let node f =
let env = build Env.empty (f.n_input @ f.n_output) in
let used_vars = build_ids IdentSet.empty f.n_output in
let init_vars = build_location LocationSet.empty f.n_input in
ignore (typing_block (env, used_vars, init_vars) f.n_block);
check_outputs f.n_input f.n_output;
(* Update the function signature *)
let sig_info = Modules.find_value f.n_name in
let sig_info =
{ sig_info with
node_inputs = generalize f.n_input sig_info.node_inputs;
node_outputs = generalize f.n_output sig_info.node_outputs } in
Modules.replace_value f.n_name sig_info
let program ({ p_desc = pd } as p) =
List.iter (function Pnode n -> node n | _ -> ()) pd;