2011-01-24 16:09:27 +01:00

849 lines
28 KiB

(* *)
(* Lucid Synchrone *)
(* *)
(* Author : Marc Pouzet *)
(* Organization : Demons, LRI, University of Paris-Sud, Orsay *)
(* *)
(* $Id: coiteration.ml,v 1.27 2008-06-10 06:54:36 delaval Exp $ *)
(** Translating [declarative] code into sequential [caml] code. *)
open Misc
open Names
open Declarative
open Rw
open Dmisc
open Caml
open Cenvironment
let prefix_for_names = "_"
let prefix_for_inits = "_init"
let prefix_for_memos = "_pre"
let prefix_for_statics = "_static"
let prefix_for_clocks = "_cl"
let prefix_for_lasts = "__last"
let prefix_state_type = "_state_"
let prefix_state_constr = "`St_"
let prefix_state_label = "_mem_"
let prefix_state_constr_nil = "`Snil_"
let prefix_for_self_state = "_self_"
let prefix_for_temp = "_temp_"
(** the type of unknown states *)
(* type 'a state = Snil | St of 'a *)
let state_nil = Cconstruct(qualid prefix_state_constr_nil, [])
let state_nil_pat = Cconstructpat(qualid prefix_state_constr_nil, [])
let state_pat pat_list = Cconstructpat(qualid prefix_state_constr, pat_list)
let state e_list = Cconstruct(qualid prefix_state_constr, e_list)
let state_record name_e_list =
Crecord(List.map (fun (name, e) -> (qualid name), e) name_e_list)
let intro_state_type () =
let tname = prefix_state_type in
let result_type =
Dconstr(qualid prefix_state_type, [Dtypvar(0)]) in
let variants =
[(qualid prefix_state_constr_nil, { arg = []; res = result_type });
(qualid prefix_state_constr, {arg = [Dtypvar(0)]; res = result_type})]
let type_def =
{ d_type_desc = Dvariant_type(variants);
d_type_arity = [0] } in
add_type (tname, type_def)
(** introduce a new type for enumerated states *)
(* type ('a1,...,'an) state_k = St1 of 'a1 | ... Stm of 'an *)
let intro_enum_type n =
let l = Misc.from n in
(* name of the result type *)
let tname = prefix_state_type ^ (string_of_int(symbol#name)) in
let result_type =
Dconstr(qualid tname, List.map (fun name -> Dtypvar(name)) l) in
let variants =
(fun name ->
(qualid (tname ^ prefix_state_constr ^ (string_of_int name)),
{ arg = [Dtypvar(name)]; res = result_type })) l in
let type_def =
{ d_type_desc = Dvariant_type(variants);
d_type_arity = l } in
add_type (tname, type_def);
tname ^ prefix_state_constr
(** introduce a new type for record states *)
(* type ('a1,...,'an) state_k = {mutable name1:a1;...;mutable namen:an} *)
let intro_record_type name_value_list =
let l = Misc.from (List.length name_value_list) in
let tname = prefix_state_type ^ (string_of_int(symbol#name)) in
let result_type =
Dconstr(qualid tname, List.map (fun name -> Dtypvar(name)) l) in
let labels =
(fun (name,_) ai ->
(qualid name,
{ res = Dtypvar(ai); arg = result_type })) name_value_list l in
let type_def =
{ d_type_desc = Drecord_type(labels);
d_type_arity = l } in
add_type (tname, type_def)
(** the intermediate code generated during the compilation process *)
type tcode =
Tlet of pattern * cexp
| Tset of string * cexp
| Tlabelset of string * string * cexp
| Tletrec of (pattern * cexp) list
| Texp of cexp
(* and its translation into caml code *)
let rec clet tcode ce =
let code2c tcode ce =
match tcode with
Tlet(p, c) -> Clet(false, [p,c], ce)
| Tset(s, e) -> cseq (Cset(s,e)) ce
| Tlabelset(s, n, e) -> cseq (Clabelset(s, n, e)) ce
| Tletrec(l) -> Clet(true, l, ce)
| Texp(c) when ce = cvoid -> c
| Texp(c) -> cseq c ce in
match tcode with
[] -> ce
| tc :: tcode -> code2c tc (clet tcode ce)
let cseq tcode = clet tcode cvoid
let ifthen c ce =
match c with
Cconstant(Cbool(true)) -> ce
| _ -> Cifthen(c, ce)
let merge code ce l =
(* we make special treatments for conditionals *)
match l with
[] -> code
| [Cconstantpat(Cbool(b1)), c1;
Cconstantpat(Cbool(b2)), c2] ->
if b1 then
Texp(Cifthenelse(ce, c1, c2)) :: code
Texp(Cifthenelse(ce, c2, c1)) :: code
(* general case *)
| _ -> Texp(Cmatch(ce, l)) :: code
(** extract the set of static computations from an expression *)
let rec static acc e =
let acc, desc = match e.d_desc with
| Dconstant _ | Dvar _ | Dfun _ -> acc, e.d_desc
| Dtuple l ->
let acc, l = static_list acc l in
acc, Dtuple(l)
| Dprim(g, e_list) ->
(* pointwise application *)
let acc, e_list = static_list acc e_list in
acc, Dprim(g, e_list)
| Dconstruct(g, e_list) ->
let acc, e_list = static_list acc e_list in
acc, Dconstruct(g, e_list)
| Drecord(gl_expr_list) ->
let static_record (gl, expr) (acc, gl_expr_list) =
let acc, e = static acc expr in
acc, (gl, e) :: gl_expr_list in
let acc, l =
List.fold_right static_record gl_expr_list (acc, []) in
acc, Drecord(l)
| Drecord_access(expr, gl) ->
let acc, e = static acc expr in
acc, Drecord_access(e, gl)
| Difthenelse(e0, e1, e2) ->
let acc, e0 = static acc e0 in
let acc, e1 = static acc e1 in
let acc, e2 = static acc e2 in
acc, Difthenelse(e0, e1, e2)
| Dlet(block, e_let) ->
let acc, block = static_block acc block in
let acc, e = static acc e_let in
acc, Dlet(block, e_let)
| Dapply(is_state, f, l) ->
let acc, f = static acc f in
let acc, l = static_list acc l in
acc, Dapply(is_state, f, l)
| Deseq(e1, e2) ->
let acc, e1 = static acc e1 in
let acc, e2 = static acc e2 in
acc, Deseq(e1, e2)
| Dwhen(e1) ->
let acc, e1 = static acc e1 in
acc, Dwhen(e1)
| Dclock(ck) ->
acc, Dclock(ck)
| Dlast _ | Dinit _ | Dpre _ | Dtest _ ->
(* this case should not arrive *)
fatal_error "static" in
acc, { e with d_desc = desc }
and static_list acc l =
match l with
[] -> acc, []
| e :: l ->
let acc, e = static acc e in
let acc, l = static_list acc l in
acc, e :: l
and static_block acc b =
let acc, eq = static_eq acc b.b_equations in
acc, { b with b_equations = eq }
(* extract the set of static computations from an equation *)
and static_eqs acc eq_list =
match eq_list with
[] -> acc, []
| eq :: eq_list ->
let acc, eq = static_eq acc eq in
let acc, eq_list = static_eqs acc eq_list in
acc, dcons eq eq_list
and static_eq acc eq =
match eq with
Dget _ -> acc, eq
| Dequation(pat, e) ->
let acc, e = static acc e in
acc, Dequation(pat, e)
| Dwheneq(eq, ck) ->
let acc, eq = static_eq acc eq in
acc, Dwheneq(eq, ck)
| Dmerge(is_static, e, p_block_list) ->
let acc, e = static acc e in
let acc, p_block_list = static_pat_block_list acc p_block_list in
acc, Dmerge(is_static, e, p_block_list)
| Dnext(n, e) ->
let acc, e = static acc e in
acc, Dnext(n, e)
| Dseq(eq_list) ->
let acc, eq_list = static_eqs acc eq_list in
acc, Dseq(eq_list)
| Dpar(eq_list) ->
let acc, eq_list = static_eqs acc eq_list in
acc, Dpar(eq_list)
| Dblock(block) ->
let acc, block = static_block acc block in
acc, Dblock(block)
| Dstatic(pat, e) ->
(pat, e) :: acc, no_equation
| Demit _ | Dlasteq _ | Dautomaton _ | Dreset _ | Dpresent _ ->
(* these cases should not arrive since control structures have *)
(* been translated into the basic kernel *)
fatal_error "static_eq"
and static_pat_block_list acc p_block_list =
(* treat one handler *)
let static_pat_block acc (pat, block) =
let acc, block = static_block acc block in
acc, (pat, block) in
match p_block_list with
[] -> acc, []
| pat_block :: pat_block_list ->
let acc, pat_block = static_pat_block acc pat_block in
let acc, pat_block_list = static_pat_block_list acc pat_block_list in
acc, pat_block :: pat_block_list
(** Auxiliary definitions **)
let string_of_ident ident =
let prefix =
match ident.id_kind with
Kinit -> prefix_for_inits
| Kstatic -> prefix_for_statics
| Kmemo -> prefix_for_memos
| Kclock -> prefix_for_clocks
| Klast -> prefix_for_lasts
| _ -> prefix_for_names in
let suffix =
match ident.id_original with
None -> ""
| Some(n) when (is_an_infix_or_prefix_operator n) -> "__infix"
| Some(n) -> "__" ^ n in
prefix ^ (string_of_int ident.id_name) ^ suffix
let string_of_name env i =
(* find the original name when it exists *)
let ident = find env i in
string_of_ident ident
let name i = prefix_for_names ^ (string_of_int i)
let memo i = prefix_for_memos ^ (string_of_int i)
let initial i = prefix_for_inits ^ (string_of_int i)
let clock i = prefix_for_clocks ^ (string_of_int i)
let stat i = prefix_for_statics ^ (string_of_int i)
(* the name of the current state *)
let selfstate env = prefix_for_self_state ^ (string_of_int (statename env))
(* access to a write variable *)
let access_write wt s = Cderef (Cvar s)
(* makes an access to a name *)
let access env i =
let ident, st, wt = findall env i in
let s = string_of_ident ident in
match ident.id_kind with
Kinit | Kmemo | Kstatic ->
Crecord_access(Cvar(prefix_for_self_state ^ (string_of_int st)),
qualid s)
| _ ->
if is_a_write ident
then access_write wt s
else Cvar(s)
let set name c = Tset(name, c)
let next self name c = Tlabelset(self, name, c)
(** Compilation of functions *)
(* x1...xn.<init, code, res> is translated into
(1) combinatorial function
(2) \x1...xn.self.
let self = match !self with
Nil -> let v = { ... init ... } in
self := St(v);v
| St(self) -> self in
r = f [...] x1...xn is translated into:
(1) combinatorial function
f = f [...] x1...xn
(2) state function
st = ref Nil initialisation part
r = f x1...xn st step part
Rmk: we can also write: "if reset then self := { ... }"
let co_apply env is_state (init_write, init_mem) f subst e_list =
if is_state then
(* state function *)
let st = prefix_for_names ^ (string_of_int symbol#name) in
let prefix = selfstate env in
(init_write, (st, Cref(state_nil)) :: init_mem),
(subst @ e_list @ [Crecord_access(Cvar(prefix), qualid st)]))
(init_write, init_mem), Capply(f, subst @ e_list)
(* prepare the initialization of memory variables *)
let cmatchstate self states =
let v = prefix_for_names ^ (string_of_int (symbol#name)) in
let st = prefix_state_constr ^ (string_of_int (symbol#name)) in
[Cconstructpat(qualid st,[Cvarpat(self)]), Cvar(self);
Cwildpat, Clet(false, [Cvarpat(v), states],
Cconstruct(qualid st, [Cvar(v)]));
(* prepare the initialization of write variables *)
let define_init_writes env init_write code =
(fun (name, e) code -> Clet(false, [Cvarpat(name), Cref e], code))
init_write code
let co_fun env
is_state params p_list static (init_write, init_mem) code result =
if init_mem <> [] then intro_record_type init_mem;
let code = clet code result in
let code =
if init_write <> []
then define_init_writes env init_write code
else code in
let self = selfstate env in
if is_state
if init_mem = [] then Cfun(params @ p_list @ [Cvarpat(self)], code)
else Cfun(params @ p_list @ [Cvarpat(self)],
Clet(false, [Cvarpat(self),
cmatchstate self
(clet static (state_record init_mem))],
else Cfun(params @ p_list, code)
(** Compilation of pattern matching *)
match e with
P1 -> e1
| ...
| Pn -> en
(1) e is a static computation
- initialisation code
let memory = match e with
P1 -> St1 { ... }
| ...
| Pn -> Stn { ... }
- step code
match memory with
St1{...} -> step1
| ...
| Stn{...} -> stepn
(2) e may evolve at every instant
- init code
- match e with
P1 -> step1
| ...
| Pn -> stepn
for the moment, we treat case (1) as case (2) *)
let co_static_merge e (pat, init_code_fvars_list) =
(* introduces the type definitions for the representation of states *)
let n = List.length init_code_fvars_list in
let prefix_constructor = intro_enum_type n in
(* builds a constructor value *)
let constructor prefix number f_vars =
Cconstruct(qualid (prefix ^ (string_of_int number)),
List.map (fun name -> Cvar(name)) fvars) in
let constructor_pat prefix number f_vars =
Cconstructpat(qualid (prefix ^ (string_of_int number)),
List.map (fun name -> Cvarpat(name)) fvars) in
(* computes the initialisation part *)
let rec states number init_code_fvars_list =
match init_code_fvars_list with
[] -> []
| (pat, init, _, fvars) :: init_code_fvars_list ->
let pat_code = (pat, clet init (constructor prefix number fvars)) in
let pat_code_list = states (number + 1) init_code_fvars_list in
pat_code :: code_list in
(* computes the transition part *)
let rec steps number init_code_fvars_list =
match init_code_fvars_list with
[] -> []
| (_, _, code, fvars) :: init_code_fvars_list ->
let pat_code = (constructor_pat prefix number fvars, code) in
let pat_code_list = steps (number + 1) init_code_fvars_list in
pat_code :: pat_code_list in
(* make the final code *)
let memory = symbol#name in
let init_code = Cmatch(e, states 0 init_code_fvars_list) in
let step_code = Cmatch(Cvar memory, steps 0 init_code_fvars_list) in
Tlet(memory, init_code), step_code
(** Compilation of clocks *)
let rec translate_clock env init ck =
match ck with
Dfalse -> init, cfalse
| Dtrue -> init, ctrue
| Dclockvar(n) -> init, access env n
| Don(is_on, ck, car) ->
let init, ck = translate_clock env init ck in
let init, car = translate_carrier env init car in
init, if is_on then cand car ck
else cand (cnot car) ck
and translate_carrier env init car =
match car with
Dcfalse -> init, cfalse
| Dctrue -> init, ctrue
| Dcvar(n) -> init, access env n
| Dcglobal(g, res, ck) ->
(* a global clock allocates memory *)
(* and is compiled as a function call *)
let res = match res with None -> cfalse | Some(n) -> access env n in
let init, c = translate_clock env init ck in
let init, new_ce =
co_apply env true init (Cglobal g) [c] [res] in
init, new_ce
(** Compiling immediate. *)
let translate_immediate i =
match i with
| Dbool(b) -> Cbool(b)
| Dint(i) -> Cint(i)
| Dfloat(f) -> Cfloat(f)
| Dchar(c) -> Cchar(c)
| Dstring(s) -> Cstring(s)
| Dvoid -> Cvoid
(** Compiling variables. *)
let translate_var env v =
match v with
Dglobal(g) -> Cglobal(g)
| Dlocal(n) -> access env n
(** Compiling a pattern. *)
let rec translate_pat env pat =
match pat with
| Dconstantpat(i) -> Cconstantpat(translate_immediate(i))
| Dvarpat(s) -> Cvarpat(string_of_name env s)
| Dtuplepat(l) -> Ctuplepat(List.map (translate_pat env) l)
| Dconstructpat(gl, pat_list) ->
Cconstructpat(gl, List.map (translate_pat env) pat_list)
| Dorpat(pat1, pat2) -> Corpat(translate_pat env pat1,
translate_pat env pat2)
| Drecordpat(gl_pat_list) ->
(List.map (fun (gl, pat) -> (gl, translate_pat env pat))
| Daliaspat(pat, i) -> Caliaspat(translate_pat env pat,
string_of_name env i)
| Dwildpat -> Cwildpat
(* add accesses to write variables defined in patterns *)
let rec add_write_access env code pat =
match pat with
Dconstantpat(i) -> code
| Dvarpat(s) when is_a_write (find env s) ->
Tset(string_of_name env s, access env s) :: code
| Dvarpat _ -> code
| Dtuplepat(l) | Dconstructpat(_, l) ->
List.fold_left (add_write_access env) code l
| Dorpat(pat1, pat2) ->
add_write_access env (add_write_access env code pat1) pat2
| Drecordpat(gl_pat_list) ->
List.fold_left (fun code (_, pat) -> add_write_access env code pat)
code gl_pat_list
| Daliaspat(pat, i) ->
add_write_access env (add_write_access env code pat) (Dvarpat(i))
| Dwildpat -> code
(** Compiling an expression *)
(* takes an environment giving information about variables *)
(* and an expression and returns the new code *)
let rec translate env init e =
match e.d_desc with
| Dconstant(i) ->
let i = translate_immediate i in
init, Cconstant(i)
| Dvar(v, subst) ->
let v = translate_var env v in
let init, s = translate_subst env init subst in
let v = match s with [] -> v | l -> Capply(v, l) in
init, v
| Dtuple l ->
let init, lc = translate_list env init l in
init, Ctuple(lc)
| Dfun(is_state, params, p_list, body, result) ->
(* state function *)
let env = push_block body env in
(* compiles types and clock abstractions *)
let params = translate_forall env params in
(* compiles parameters *)
let p_list = List.map (translate_pat env) p_list in
(* remove static computation from the body *)
(* and put it in the allocation place for stateful functions *)
let (static_code, init_code, body, result) =
if is_state
let static_code, body = static_block [] body in
let static_code, result = static static_code result in
let static_code = List.rev static_code in
(* translate the static code *)
let static_code, init_code =
translate_static_code env static_code in
(static_code, init_code, body, result)
([], ([], []), body, result) in
(* then translate the body *)
let init_code, body = translate_block env init_code body in
let init_code, result = translate env init_code result in
co_fun env is_state params p_list static_code init_code body result
| Dprim(g, e_list) ->
(* pointwise application *)
let init, ce_list = translate_list env init e_list in
init, Capply(Cglobal(g), ce_list)
| Dconstruct(g, e_list) ->
let init, ce_list = translate_list env init e_list in
init, Cconstruct(g, ce_list)
| Drecord(gl_expr_list) ->
let translate_record (gl, expr) (init, gl_expr_list) =
let init, ce = translate env init expr in
init, (gl, ce) :: gl_expr_list in
let init, l =
List.fold_right translate_record gl_expr_list (init, []) in
init, Crecord(l)
| Drecord_access(expr, gl) ->
let init, ce = translate env init expr in
init, Crecord_access(ce, gl)
| Difthenelse(e0, e1, e2) ->
let init, c0 = translate env init e0 in
let init, c1 = translate env init e1 in
let init, c2 = translate env init e2 in
init, Cifthenelse(c0, c1, c2)
| Dlet(block, e_let) ->
let env = push block env in
let init, code = translate_block env init block in
let init, ce = translate env init e_let in
init, clet code ce
| Dapply(is_state, { d_desc = Dvar(f, subst) }, l) ->
let f = translate_var env f in
let init, l = translate_list env init l in
let init, subst = translate_subst env init subst in
co_apply env is_state init f subst l
| Dapply(is_state, f, l) ->
let init, f = translate env init f in
let init, l = translate_list env init l in
co_apply env is_state init f [] l
| Deseq(e1, e2) ->
let init, e1 = translate env init e1 in
let init, e2 = translate env init e2 in
init, Cseq [e1; e2]
| Dwhen(e1) ->
translate env init e1
| Dclock(ck) ->
translate_clock env init ck
| Dlast _ | Dinit _ | Dpre _ | Dtest _ ->
(* this case should not arrive *)
fatal_error "translate"
and translate_list env init l =
match l with
[] -> init, []
| ce :: l ->
let init, ce = translate env init ce in
let init, l = translate_list env init l in
init, ce :: l
and translate_block env init b =
(* allocate the memory in the initialisation part *)
let init = allocate_memory env init in
(* compiles the body *)
let init, code = translate_equation env init [] b.b_equations in
(* sets code in the correct order *)
let code = List.rev code in
(* returns the components of the block *)
init, code
(* the input equations must be already scheduled *)
and translate_equations env init code eq_list =
match eq_list with
[] -> init, code
| eq :: eq_list ->
let init, code = translate_equation env init code eq in
translate_equations env init code eq_list
and translate_equation_into_exp env init eq =
let init, code = translate_equation env init [] eq in
(* sets code in the correct order *)
let code = List.rev code in
init, cseq code
and translate_block_into_exp env init block =
let init, code = translate_block env init block in
init, cseq code
and translate_equation env init code eq =
match eq with
Dget(pat, v) ->
let cpat = translate_pat env pat in
let n = translate_var env v in
init, Tlet(cpat, n) :: code
| Dequation(Dvarpat(n), e) when is_a_write (find env n) ->
let name = string_of_name env n in
let init, ce = translate env init e in
init, (set name ce) :: code
| Dequation(pat, e) | Dstatic(pat, e) ->
let is_rec = is_recursive pat e in
let pat = translate_pat env pat in
let init, ce = translate env init e in
init, if is_rec then Tletrec([pat, ce]) :: code
else Tlet(pat, ce) :: code
| Dwheneq(eq, ck) ->
let init, ce = translate_equation_into_exp env init eq in
let init, ck_ce = translate_clock env init ck in
init, Texp(ifthen ck_ce ce) :: code
| Dmerge(is_static, e, p_block_list) ->
let init, ce = translate env init e in
let init, l = translate_pat_block_list env init p_block_list in
init, merge code ce l
| Dnext(n, e) ->
(* n is either a memo or an initialisation variable *)
let init, ce = translate env init e in
init, (next (selfstate env) (string_of_name env n) ce) :: code
| Dseq(eq_list) | Dpar(eq_list) ->
translate_equations env init code eq_list
| Dblock(block) ->
translate_block env init block
| Demit _ | Dlasteq _ | Dautomaton _ | Dreset _ | Dpresent _ ->
(* these cases should not arrive since control structures have *)
(* been translated into the basic kernel *)
fatal_error "translate_equation"
(* compilation of pattern matching *)
and translate_pat_block_list env init p_block_list =
(* compile one handler *)
let translate_pat_block init (pat, block) =
let env = push block env in
let cpat = translate_pat env pat in
let init, ce = translate_block_into_exp env init block in
init, (cpat, ce) in
match p_block_list with
[] -> init, []
| pat_block :: pat_block_list ->
let init, pat_ce = translate_pat_block init pat_block in
let init, pat_ce_list =
translate_pat_block_list env init pat_block_list in
init, pat_ce :: pat_ce_list
(* translate a pure (stateless) expression *)
and translate_pure env e =
let init, ce = translate env ([], []) e in
assert (init = ([], []));
(* computes extra parameters for clock abstraction *)
and translate_forall env params =
let p_clocks =
List.map (fun n -> Cvarpat(string_of_name env n)) params.s_clock in
let p_carriers =
List.map (fun n -> Cvarpat(string_of_name env n)) params.s_carrier in
p_clocks @ p_carriers
(* generates an application for clock instanciation *)
and translate_subst env init subst =
let rec translate_clock_list init cl_list =
match cl_list with
[] -> init, []
| cl :: cl_list ->
let init, cl = translate_clock env init cl in
let init, cl_list = translate_clock_list init cl_list in
init, cl :: cl_list in
let rec translate_carrier_list init car_list =
match car_list with
[] -> init, []
| car :: car_list ->
let init, car = translate_carrier env init car in
let init, car_list = translate_carrier_list init car_list in
init, car :: car_list in
let init, cl_list = translate_clock_list init subst.s_clock in
let init, car_list = translate_carrier_list init subst.s_carrier in
init, cl_list @ car_list
(* Initialisation code *)
and allocate_memory env init =
let allocate _ ident (acc_write, acc_mem) =
match ident.id_kind with
Kmemo ->
(* we allocate only one cell *)
let default = default_value env ident in
acc_write, (memo ident.id_name, default) :: acc_mem
| Kinit ->
(* init variables are considered to be state variables *)
acc_write, (initial ident.id_name, Cconstant(Cbool(true))) :: acc_mem
| _ when is_a_write ident ->
(* local write variables are allocated too *)
(* but they will be stored in a stack allocated structure *)
let name = string_of_name env ident.id_name in
let default = default_value env ident in
(name, default) :: acc_write, acc_mem
| _ -> acc_write, acc_mem in
Hashtbl.fold allocate (cblock env).b_env init
(* add static code into the initialisation part *)
and translate_static_code env static_code =
(* add one equation *)
(* we compute the list of introduced names and compile the equation *)
let translate_eq acc (pat, e) =
let acc = fv_pat acc pat in
let pat = translate_pat env pat in
let ce = translate_pure env e in
acc, Tlet(pat, ce) in
let rec translate_static_code acc static_code =
match static_code with
[] -> acc, []
| pat_e :: static_code ->
let acc, cpat_ce = translate_eq acc pat_e in
let acc, static_code = translate_static_code acc static_code in
acc, cpat_ce :: static_code in
(* introduced names must be added to the memory *)
let intro acc_mem n =
let v = string_of_name env n in
(* modify the kind of [n] *)
set_static (find env n);
(string_of_name env n, Cvar(v)) :: acc_mem in
(* first compile the static code *)
let acc, static_code = translate_static_code [] static_code in
(* introduced names must be added to the memory initialisation *)
let acc_mem = List.fold_left intro [] acc in
static_code, ([], acc_mem)
(* default value *)
and default_value env ident =
(* find a value from a type *)
let rec value ty =
match ty with
Dproduct(ty_l) -> Ctuple(List.map value ty_l)
| Dbase(b) ->
let v = match b with
Dtyp_bool -> Cbool(false)
| Dtyp_int -> Cint(0)
| Dtyp_float -> Cfloat(0.0)
| Dtyp_unit -> Cvoid
| Dtyp_char -> Cchar(' ')
| Dtyp_string -> Cstring("") in
| Dsignal(ty) -> Ctuple[value ty; cfalse]
| Dtypvar _ | Darrow _ -> cdummy
| Dconstr(qualid, _) ->
let desc = find_type qualid in
match desc.d_type_desc with
Dabstract_type -> cdummy
| Dabbrev(ty) ->
value ty
| Dvariant_type l ->
let case = List.hd l in
begin match case with
(qual, { arg = ty_l }) ->
Cconstruct(qual, List.map value ty_l)
| Drecord_type l ->
let field_of_type (qual, _, ty_ty) = (qual, value ty_ty.res) in
Crecord (List.map field_of_type l)
Not_found -> cdummy in
let value (Dtypforall(_, ty)) = value ty in
match ident.id_value with
None -> value ident.id_typ
| Some(e) -> translate_pure env e
(** Compilation of a table of declarative code *)
let translate table =
let translate (s, e) = (s, translate_pure empty_env e) in
(* introduce the type of states *)
(* intro_state_type (); *)
(* then translate *)
(* translate the code *)
{ c_types = table.d_types;
c_code = List.map translate table.d_code;
c_vars = table.d_vars;