You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

463 lines
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(* *)
(* Heptagon *)
(* *)
(* Gwenael Delaval, LIG/INRIA, UJF *)
(* Leonard Gerard, Parkas, ENS *)
(* Adrien Guatto, Parkas, ENS *)
(* Cedric Pasteur, Parkas, ENS *)
(* Marc Pouzet, Parkas, ENS *)
(* Nicolas Berthier, SUMO, INRIA *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2014 ENS, INRIA, UJF *)
(* *)
(* This file is part of the Heptagon compiler. *)
(* *)
(* Heptagon is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it *)
(* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *)
(* (at your option) any later version. *)
(* *)
(* Heptagon is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* GNU General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
(* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *)
(* along with Heptagon. If not, see <> *)
(* *)
open Format
open Signature
open Types
open Names
open Idents
open Heptagon
open CtrlNbac
open AST
exception Untranslatable of string * Loc.t option
(* --- *)
(** Private record gathering temporary generation data *)
type 'f gen_data =
decls: ('f, 'f var_spec) decls;
ltyps: (typ * 'f option) SMap.t;
qname: string -> qualname;
typ_symbs: type_name SMap.t;
mutable env: var_dec Env.t;
mutable var_names: ident SMap.t;
let no_typ_symbs: type_name SMap.t = SMap.empty
(* --- *)
let mk_gen_data qualname typ_symbs decls typdefs =
ltyps = label_typs typdefs;
qname = (fun name -> { qual = modul qualname; name });
env = Env.empty;
var_names = SMap.empty;
(* --- *)
let opt_decl_loc gd v = match SMap.find v gd.decls with | _, _, loc -> loc
let translate_typ gd vdecl = function
| `Bool -> Initial.tbool
| `Int -> Initial.tint
| `Real -> Initial.tfloat
| `Enum tn -> Tid (SMap.find tn gd.typ_symbs)
| t -> raise (Untranslatable (asprintf "type %a" print_typ t,
opt_decl_loc gd vdecl))
let symb_typ gd s = try match SMap.find s gd.decls with | typ, _, _ -> typ with
| Not_found -> fst (SMap.find s gd.ltyps)
let symb_typ' gd s = translate_typ gd s (symb_typ gd s)
let ts gd v = try SMap.find v gd.var_names with Not_found ->
failwith (asprintf "Variable name `%a' unavailable; \
was it an output of the main node?" Symb.print v)
let pat_of_var gd v = Evarpat (ts gd v)
(* --- *)
let mkp t e =
e_desc = e;
e_ty = t;
e_ct_annot = None;
e_level_ck = Clocks.Cbase;
e_linearity = Linearity.Ltop;
e_loc = Location.no_location;
let mkb = mkp Initial.tbool
let mk_app op =
a_op = op;
a_params = [];
a_unsafe = false; (* ??? *)
a_inlined = true; (* ??? *)
let mk_uapp op e = Eapp (mk_app op, [e] , None)
let mk_bapp op e f = Eapp (mk_app op, [e; f] , None)
let mk_ite c t e = Eapp (mk_app Eifthenelse, [c; t; e] , None)
let apptyp = function
| Eapp ({ a_op = Eifthenelse }, _ :: { e_ty } :: _, _) -> e_ty
| _ -> assert false
let eqrel: eqrel -> fun_name = function
| `Eq -> Initial.mk_pervasives "="
| `Ne -> Initial.mk_pervasives "<>"
let float_typ t = Modules.unalias_type t = Initial.tfloat
let totrel t : totrel -> fun_name =
if float_typ t
then function
| `Lt -> Initial.mk_pervasives "<."
| `Le -> Initial.mk_pervasives "<=."
| `Gt -> Initial.mk_pervasives ">."
| `Ge -> Initial.mk_pervasives ">=."
| #eqrel as r -> eqrel r
else function
| `Lt -> Initial.mk_pervasives "<"
| `Le -> Initial.mk_pervasives "<="
| `Gt -> Initial.mk_pervasives ">"
| `Ge -> Initial.mk_pervasives ">="
| #eqrel as r -> eqrel r
let nuop t : nuop -> fun_name =
if float_typ t
then function
| `Opp -> Initial.mk_pervasives "~-."
else function
| `Opp -> Initial.mk_pervasives "~-"
let nnop t : nnop -> fun_name =
if float_typ t
then function
| `Sum -> Initial.mk_pervasives "+."
| `Sub -> Initial.mk_pervasives "-."
| `Mul -> Initial.mk_pervasives "*."
| `Div -> Initial.mk_pervasives "/."
else function
| `Sum -> Initial.mk_pervasives "+"
| `Sub -> Initial.mk_pervasives "-"
| `Mul -> Initial.mk_pervasives "*"
| `Div -> Initial.mk_pervasives "/"
let buop: buop -> fun_name = function
| `Neg -> Initial.pnot
let bbop: bbop -> fun_name = function
| `Imp -> Initial.pimp
let bnop: bnop -> fun_name = function
| `Conj -> Initial.pand
| `Disj -> Initial.por
| `Excl -> failwith "TODO: translation of exclusion operator"
(* --- *)
let rec flttyp_exp ({ e_desc; e_ty } as e) =
if e_ty = Initial.tfloat then e
else { e with e_ty = Initial.tfloat; e_desc = flttyp_desc e_desc }
and flttyp_desc = function
| Econst s -> Econst (flttyp_sexp s)
| Eapp ({ a_op = Efun { qual = Pervasives; name } } as op, el, None) ->
(* NB: very hackish stuff *)
begin match name with
| "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "~-" ->
let a_op = Efun (Initial.mk_pervasives (name^".")) in
Eapp ({ op with a_op }, flttyp_exp el, None)
| _ -> assert false
| Evar v -> Evar v
| _ -> assert false
and flttyp_sexp ({ se_desc; se_ty } as e) =
if se_ty = Initial.tfloat then e
else { e with se_ty = Initial.tfloat; se_desc = flttyp_sdesc se_desc }
and flttyp_sdesc = function
| Sint i -> Sfloat (float_of_int i)
| _ -> assert false
(* --- *)
let translate_expr gd e =
let mkb_bapp_eq ?flag tr e f l =
let e = tr ?flag e in
let mkcmp a b = mkb (mk_bapp (Efun (eqrel `Eq)) a b) in
let mkcmp' f = mkcmp e (tr ?flag f) in
let disj = mk_bapp (Efun Initial.por) in
List.fold_left (fun acc f -> mkb (disj acc (mkcmp' f))) (mkcmp' f) l
and mkb_bapp ?flag op tr e f l =
let op = mk_bapp op in
List.fold_left (fun acc e -> mkb (op acc (tr ?flag e))) (tr ?flag e) (f::l)
and trcond ?flag tb tr = ignore flag; function
| `Ite (c, t, e) -> let e = mk_ite (tb c) (tr t) (tr e) in mkp (apptyp e) e
let rec tb ?flag = function
| `Ref v -> mkb (Evar (ts gd v))
| `Bool b -> mkb (Econst (Initial.mk_static_bool b))
| `Buop (op, e) -> mkb (mk_uapp (Efun (buop op)) (tb e))
| `Bbop (op, e, f) -> mkb (mk_bapp (Efun (bbop op)) (tb e) (tb f))
| `Bnop (op, e, f, l) -> mkb_bapp ?flag (Efun (bnop op)) tb e f l
| `Bcmp (re, e, f) -> mkb (mk_bapp (Efun (eqrel re)) (tb e) (tb f))
| `Ecmp (re, e, f) -> mkb (mk_bapp (Efun (eqrel re)) (te e) (te f))
| `Pcmp (re, e, f) -> mkb (mk_bapp (Efun (eqrel re)) (tp e) (tp f))
| `Ncmp (re, e, f) -> mkb_ncmp re e f
| `Pin (e, f, l) -> mkb_bapp_eq ?flag tp e f l
| `Bin (e, f, l) -> mkb_bapp_eq ?flag tb e f l
| `Ein (e, f, l) -> mkb_bapp_eq ?flag te e f l
| `BIin _ -> raise (Untranslatable ("bounded Integer membership", flag))
| #cond as c -> trcond ?flag tb tb c
| #flag as e -> apply' tb e
and te ?flag = function
| `Ref v -> mkp (symb_typ' gd v) (Evar (ts gd v))
| `Enum l -> let s = label_symb l in
let t = symb_typ' gd s in
let c = gd.qname (Symb.to_string s) in
mkp t (Econst (mk_static_exp t (Sconstructor c)))
| #cond as c -> trcond ?flag tb te c
| #flag as e -> apply' te e
and tn ?flag = function
| `Ref v -> mkp (symb_typ' gd v) (Evar (ts gd v))
| `Int i -> mkp Initial.tint (Econst (Initial.mk_static_int i))
| `Real r -> mkp Initial.tfloat (Econst (Initial.mk_static_float r))
| `Mpq r -> tn ?flag (`Real (Mpqf.to_float r))
| `Bint (s, w, _) -> raise (Untranslatable (asprintf "constant of type \
%a" print_typ (`Bint (s, w)), flag))
| `Nuop (op, e) -> mk_nuapp ?flag op e
| `Nnop (op, e, f, l) -> mk_nnapp ?flag op e f l
| #cond as c -> trcond ?flag tb tn c
| #flag as e -> apply' tn e
and mkb_ncmp ?flag re e f =
let { e_ty = et } as e = tn ?flag e
and { e_ty = ft } as f = tn ?flag f in
(* NB: these coercions may not be needed, but let's keep it in case *)
if et = Initial.tfloat && ft = Initial.tint
then mkb (mk_bapp (Efun (totrel et re)) e (flttyp_exp f))
else if et = Initial.tint && ft = Initial.tfloat
then mkb (mk_bapp (Efun (totrel ft re)) (flttyp_exp e) f)
else mkb (mk_bapp (Efun (totrel et re)) e f)
and mk_nuapp ?flag op e =
let { e_ty } as e = tn ?flag e in
mkp e_ty (mk_uapp (Efun (nuop e_ty op)) e)
and mk_nnapp ?flag op e f l =
let el = List.rev_map (tn ?flag) (e :: f :: l) in
(* NB: manual coercion from ints to floats *)
let flt = List.exists (fun { e_ty } -> e_ty = Initial.tfloat) el in
let typ = if flt then Initial.tfloat else Initial.tint in
let el = if flt
then List.rev_map flttyp_exp el
else List.rev el in
let op = mk_bapp (Efun (nnop typ op)) in
List.fold_left (fun acc e -> mkp typ (op acc e)) (List.hd el) ( el)
and tp ?flag : 'f AST.exp -> _ = function
| `Bexp e -> tb ?flag e
| `Eexp e -> te ?flag e
| `Nexp e -> tn ?flag e
| `Ref v -> (match symb_typ gd v with
| `Enum _ -> te ?flag (`Enum (mk_label v))
| t -> mkp (translate_typ gd v t) (Evar (ts gd v)))
| #cond as c -> trcond ?flag tb tp c
| #flag as e -> apply' tp e
tp e
(* --- *)
let decl_typs modul_name typdefs =
let qualify name = { qual = modul modul_name; name } in
fold_typdefs begin fun tname tdef (types, typ_symbs) ->
let name = qualify (Symb.to_string tname |> String.uncapitalize_ascii) in
match tdef with
| EnumDef labels, _ ->
let constrs = (fun (l, _) ->
qualify (Symb.to_string (label_symb l))) labels in
(Ptype { t_name = name;
t_desc = Type_enum constrs;
t_loc = Location.no_location } :: types,
SMap.add tname name typ_symbs)
end typdefs ([], no_typ_symbs)
let decl_typs_from_module_itf modul_name =
(* Note we need to sort type declarations according to their respective
dependencies; hence the implicit topological traversal of the type
definitions. *)
let rec decl_types rem acc =
if QualEnv.is_empty rem then
let t_name, tdef = QualEnv.choose rem in
let rem, acc = decl_typ t_name tdef rem acc in
decl_types rem acc
and decl_typ t_name tdef rem ((types, typ_symbs) as acc) =
let rem = QualEnv.remove t_name rem in
if t_name.qual <> modul_name then
rem, acc
let t_desc, rem, (types, typ_symbs) = match tdef with
| Tenum cl ->
(* "declaring enum type %s" (shortname t_name); *)
let name = Symb.of_string (String.capitalize_ascii (shortname t_name)) in
(Type_enum cl, rem, (types, SMap.add name t_name typ_symbs))
| Talias (Tid tn) when tn.qual = t_name.qual -> (* declare deps 1st *)
(* "declaring alias type %s" (shortname t_name); *)
let tdef = QualEnv.find tn rem in
let rem, acc = decl_typ tn tdef (QualEnv.remove tn rem) acc in
(Type_alias (Tid tn), rem, acc)
| Talias t ->
(* "declaring alias type %s" (shortname t_name); *)
(Type_alias t, rem, acc)
| Tstruct _ ->
failwith (asprintf "Unexpected struct type `%s' in module interface"
(shortname t_name))
| Tabstract -> assert false
rem, (Ptype { t_name; t_desc; t_loc = Location.no_location } :: types,
Modules.open_module modul_name;
decl_types Modules.g_env.Modules.types ([], no_typ_symbs)
(* --- *)
let decl_var' gd v id t =
let vd = {
v_ident = id;
v_type = t;
v_linearity = Linearity.Ltop;
v_clock = Clocks.Cbase;
v_last = Var;
v_loc = Location.no_location;
} in
gd.env <- Env.add id vd gd.env;
gd.var_names <- SMap.add v id gd.var_names;
let decl_ident gd id t =
let v = mk_symb (name id) in
decl_var' gd v id t
let decl_symb_acc gd v t acc =
let ident = ident_of_name (Symb.to_string v) in
let vd = decl_var' gd v ident (translate_typ gd v t) in
vd :: acc
(* --- *)
let translate_equ_acc gd v e acc =
eq_desc = Eeq (pat_of_var gd v, translate_expr gd e);
eq_stateful = false; (* ??? *)
eq_inits = Linearity.Lno_init;
eq_loc = Location.no_location; (* first-level flag of e: (flagof e) *)
} :: acc
(* --- *)
let block_of_func gd { fni_local_vars; fni_all_specs } =
let locals = SMap.fold (decl_symb_acc gd) fni_local_vars [] in
let equs = SMap.fold (translate_equ_acc gd) fni_all_specs [] in
b_local = locals;
b_equs = List.rev equs; (* for readability... *)
b_defnames = gd.env;
b_stateful = false;
b_loc = Location.no_location;
(* --- *)
let scmp a b = (Symb.to_string a) (Symb.to_string b)
let io_of_func gd { fni_io_vars } =
let i, o = List.fold_left (fun (i, o) { fnig_input_vars; fnig_output_vars } ->
(List.rev_append (SMap.bindings fnig_input_vars) i,
List.rev_append (SMap.bindings fnig_output_vars) o)) ([], []) fni_io_vars
let i = List.sort (fun (a, _) (b, _) -> scmp b a) i in (* rev. *)
let i = List.fold_left (fun acc (v, t) -> decl_symb_acc gd v t acc) [] i in
let o = List.sort (fun (a, _) (b, _) -> scmp b a) o in (* rev. *)
let o = List.fold_left (fun acc (v, t) -> decl_symb_acc gd v t acc) [] o in
i, o
(* --- *)
(* XXX /!\ Inputs omitted in the signature w.r.t the Controllable-Nbac model
should not appear anywhere in equations... *)
let io_of_func_match gd { node_inputs; node_outputs } =
let decl_arg = function
| { a_name = Some n; a_type = ty } -> decl_ident gd (ident_of_name n) ty
| _ -> failwith "Missing argument names in signature"
let i = decl_arg node_inputs in
let o = decl_arg node_outputs in
i, o
(* --- *)
let node_of_func gd ?node_sig n_name func =
enter_node n_name; (* ??? *)
let fi = gather_func_info func in
let n_input, n_output = match node_sig with
| None -> io_of_func gd fi
| Some s -> io_of_func_match gd s
let block = block_of_func gd fi in
Pnode {
n_stateful = false;
n_unsafe = false;
n_contract = None; (* <- TODO: assume? *)
n_block = block;
n_loc = Location.no_location;
n_params = [];
n_param_constraints = [];
(* --- *)
let gen_func ?typ_symbs ?node_sig ~node_name func =
let { fn_typs; fn_decls } = func_desc func in
let fn_decls = (fn_decls :> ('f, 'f var_spec) decls) in
let typs, typ_symbs = match typ_symbs with
| None -> decl_typs node_name fn_typs
| Some typ_symbs -> [], typ_symbs
let gd = mk_gen_data node_name typ_symbs fn_decls fn_typs in
let node = node_of_func gd ?node_sig node_name func in
node :: typs
(* --- *)
let create_prog ?(open_modul = []) modul =
p_modname = modul;
p_opened = open_modul;
p_desc = [];
let add_to_prog e ({ p_desc } as p) =
(* TODO: check typ duplicates *)
{ p with p_desc = List.rev (e :: List.rev p_desc); }
(* --- *)