Cédric Pasteur bcc994fb9f No need to collect calls without params
There is no need to collect calls without parameters
as we only need the signature of the function and the code
will be generated when compiling the first file.
2010-07-16 14:35:42 +02:00

279 lines
10 KiB

open Names
open Types
open Misc
open Location
open Signature
open Modules
open Static
open Global_mapfold
open Mls_mapfold
open Minils
module Error =
type error =
| Enode_unbound of longname
| Evar_unbound of name
let message loc kind =
begin match kind with
| Enode_unbound ln ->
Printf.eprintf "%aUnknown node '%s'\n"
output_location loc
(fullname ln)
| Evar_unbound n ->
Printf.eprintf "%aUnbound static var '%s'\n"
output_location loc
raise Misc.Error
type info =
{ mutable opened : program NamesEnv.t;
mutable called_nodes : ((longname * static_exp list) list) LongNameEnv.t;
mutable nodes_instances : (static_exp list list) LongNameEnv.t;
mutable nodes_names : (longname * static_exp list, longname) Hashtbl.t }
let info =
{ (** opened programs*)
opened = NamesEnv.empty;
(** Maps a node to the list of (node name, params) it calls *)
called_nodes = LongNameEnv.empty;
(** Maps a node to its list of instances *)
nodes_instances = LongNameEnv.empty;
(** Maps a couple (node name, params) to the name of the instantiated node*)
nodes_names = Hashtbl.create 100 }
(** Loads the modname.epo file. *)
let load_object_file modname =
Modules.open_module modname;
let name = String.uncapitalize modname in
let filename = Modules.findfile (name ^ ".epo") in
let ic = open_in_bin filename in
let p:program = input_value ic in
if p.p_format_version <> minils_format_version then (
Printf.eprintf "The file %s was compiled with \
an older version of the compiler.\n \
Please recompile %s.ept first.\n" filename name;
raise Error
close_in ic;
info.opened <- NamesEnv.add p.p_modname p info.opened
| End_of_file | Failure _ ->
close_in ic;
Printf.eprintf "Corrupted object file %s.\n\
Please recompile %s.ept first.\n" filename name;
raise Error
| Modules.Cannot_find_file(filename) ->
Printf.eprintf "Cannot find the object file '%s'.\n"
raise Error
(** @return the node with name [ln], loading the corresponding
object file if necessary. *)
let node_by_longname ln =
match ln with
| Modname { qual = q; id = id } ->
if not (NamesEnv.mem q info.opened) then
load_object_file q;
let p = NamesEnv.find q info.opened in
List.find (fun n -> n.n_name = id) p.p_nodes
Not_found -> Error.message no_location (Error.Enode_unbound ln))
| _ -> assert false
(** @return the list of nodes called by the node named [ln], with the
corresponding params (static parameters appear as free variables). *)
let collect_node_calls ln =
let add_called_node ln params acc =
match params with
| [] -> acc
| _ ->
(match ln with
| Modname { qual = "Pervasives" } -> acc
| _ -> (ln, params)::acc)
let edesc funs acc ed = match ed with
| Eapp ({ a_op = (Enode ln | Efun ln); a_params = params }, _, _) ->
ed, add_called_node ln params acc
| Eiterator(_, { a_op = (Enode ln | Efun ln); a_params = params },
_, _, _) ->
ed, add_called_node ln params acc
| _ -> raise Misc.Fallback
let funs = { Mls_mapfold.defaults with
edesc = edesc } in
let n = node_by_longname ln in
let _, acc = Mls_mapfold.node_dec funs [] n in
(** @return the list of nodes called by the node named [ln]. This list is
computed lazily the first time it is needed. *)
let called_nodes ln =
if not (LongNameEnv.mem ln info.called_nodes) then (
let called = collect_node_calls ln in
info.called_nodes <- LongNameEnv.add ln called info.called_nodes;
) else
LongNameEnv.find ln info.called_nodes
(** Adds a new instance of a node. [params] should not contain
any static variable. *)
let add_node_instance ln params =
if LongNameEnv.mem ln info.nodes_instances then
info.nodes_instances <- LongNameEnv.add ln
(params::(LongNameEnv.find ln info.nodes_instances)) info.nodes_instances
info.nodes_instances <- LongNameEnv.add ln [params] info.nodes_instances
(** @return the list of instances of a node. *)
let get_node_instances ln =
LongNameEnv.find ln info.nodes_instances
Not_found -> []
(** @return the name of the node corresponding to the instance of
[ln] with the static parameters [params]. The parameters should
be normalized using [Static.simplify] before calling this function. *)
let node_for_params_call ln params =
match params with
| [] -> ln
| _ -> Hashtbl.find info.nodes_names (ln,params)
let build env params_names params_values =
List.fold_left2 (fun m { p_name = n } v -> NamesEnv.add n v m)
env params_names params_values
(** Generates a fresh name for the the instance of
[ln] with the static parameters [params] and stores it. *)
let generate_new_name ln params =
match params with
| [] -> Hashtbl.add info.nodes_names (ln, params) ln
| _ ->
(match ln with
| Modname { qual = q; id = id } ->
let new_ln =
Modname { qual = q;
id = id ^ (Ident.name (Ident.fresh "")) } in
Hashtbl.add info.nodes_names (ln, params) new_ln
| _ -> assert false)
(** This module creates an instance of a node with a given
list of static parameters. *)
module Instantiate =
(** Replaces static parameters with their value in the instance. *)
let static_exp funs m se = match se.se_desc with
| Svar ln ->
let se = (match ln with
| Name n ->
(try NamesEnv.find n m
with Not_found ->
Error.message se.se_loc (Error.Evar_unbound n))
| Modname _ -> se) in
se, m
| _ -> Global_mapfold.static_exp funs m se
(** Replaces nodes call with the call to the correct instance. *)
let edesc funs m ed =
let ed, _ = Mls_mapfold.edesc funs m ed in
let ed = match ed with
| Eapp ({ a_op = Efun ln; a_params = params } as app, e_list, r) ->
let params = List.map (simplify m) params in
Eapp ({ app with a_op = Efun (node_for_params_call ln params);
a_params = [] }, e_list, r)
| Eapp ({ a_op = Enode ln; a_params = params } as app, e_list, r) ->
let params = List.map (simplify m) params in
Eapp ({ app with a_op = Enode (node_for_params_call ln params);
a_params = [] }, e_list, r)
| Eiterator(it, ({ a_op = Efun ln; a_params = params } as app),
n, e_list, r) ->
let params = List.map (simplify m) params in
{ app with a_op = Efun
(node_for_params_call ln params);
a_params = [] }, n, e_list, r)
| Eiterator(it, ({ a_op = Enode ln; a_params = params } as app),
n, e_list, r) ->
let params = List.map (simplify m) params in
{ app with a_op = Enode
(node_for_params_call ln params);
a_params = [] }, n, e_list, r)
| _ -> ed
in ed, m
let node_dec_instance modname n params =
let global_funs = { Global_mapfold.defaults with
static_exp = static_exp } in
let funs = { Mls_mapfold.defaults with
edesc = edesc;
global_funs = global_funs } in
let m = build NamesEnv.empty n.n_params params in
let n, _ = Mls_mapfold.node_dec_it funs m n in
(* Add to the global environment the signature of the new instance *)
let ln = Modname { qual = modname; id = n.n_name } in
let { info = node_sig } = find_value ln in
let node_sig, _ = Global_mapfold.node_it global_funs m node_sig in
let node_sig = { node_sig with node_params = [];
node_params_constraints = [] } in
(* Find the name that was associated to this instance *)
let ln = node_for_params_call ln params in
Modules.add_value_by_longname ln node_sig;
{ n with n_name = shortname ln;
n_params = []; n_params_constraints = []; }
let node_dec modname n =
let ln = Modname { qual = modname; id = n.n_name } in
List.map (node_dec_instance modname n) (get_node_instances ln)
let program p =
{ p
with p_nodes = List.flatten (List.map (node_dec p.p_modname) p.p_nodes) }
(** Checks that a static expression does not contain any static parameter. *)
let check_no_static_var se =
let static_exp_desc funs acc sed = match sed with
| Svar (Name n) -> Error.message se.se_loc (Error.Evar_unbound n)
| _ -> raise Misc.Fallback
let funs = { Global_mapfold.defaults with
static_exp_desc = static_exp_desc } in
ignore (Global_mapfold.static_exp_it funs false se)
(** Generates the list of instances of nodes needed to call
[ln] with static parameters [params]. *)
let rec call_node (ln, params) =
(* First, add the instance for this node *)
let n = node_by_longname ln in
let m = build NamesEnv.empty n.n_params params in
List.iter check_no_static_var params;
add_node_instance ln params;
generate_new_name ln params;
(* Recursively generate instances for called nodes. *)
let call_list = called_nodes ln in
let call_list = List.map
(fun (ln, p) -> ln, List.map (simplify m) p) call_list in
List.iter call_node call_list
let program p =
(* Find the nodes without static parameters *)
let main_nodes = List.filter (fun n -> is_empty n.n_params) p.p_nodes in
let main_nodes = List.map (fun n -> (longname n.n_name, [])) main_nodes in
info.opened <- NamesEnv.add p.p_modname p NamesEnv.empty;
(* Creates the list of instances starting from these nodes *)
List.iter call_node main_nodes;
let p_list = NamesEnv.fold (fun _ p l -> p::l) info.opened [] in
(* Generate all the needed instances *)
List.map Instantiate.program p_list