2011-05-25 09:12:11 +02:00

56 lines
1.7 KiB

(* *)
(* Heptagon *)
(* *)
(* Author : Marc Pouzet *)
(* Organization : Demons, LRI, University of Paris-Sud, Orsay *)
(* *)
(* control optimisation *)
open Idents
open Misc
open Obc
open Obc_utils
open Clocks
open Obc_mapfold
let fuse_blocks b1 b2 =
{ b1 with b_locals = b1.b_locals @ b2.b_locals;
b_body = b1.b_body @ b2.b_body }
let rec find c = function
| [] -> raise Not_found
| (c1, s1) :: h ->
if c = c1 then s1, h else let s, h = find c h in s, (c1, s1) :: h
let rec joinlist l =
match l with
| [] -> []
| [s1] -> [s1]
| s1::s2::l ->
match s1, s2 with
| Acase(e1, h1),
Acase(e2, h2) when e1.e_desc = e2.e_desc ->
joinlist ((Acase(e1, joinhandlers h1 h2))::l)
| s1, s2 -> s1::(joinlist (s2::l))
and join_block b =
{ b with b_body = joinlist b.b_body }
and joinhandlers h1 h2 =
match h1 with
| [] -> h2
| (c1, s1) :: h1' ->
let s1', h2' =
try let s2, h2'' = find c1 h2 in fuse_blocks s1 s2, h2''
with Not_found -> s1, h2 in
(c1, join_block s1') :: joinhandlers h1' h2'
let block funs acc b =
{ b with b_body = joinlist b.b_body }, acc
let program p =
let p, _ = program_it { defaults with block = block } () p in