2011-01-24 16:09:27 +01:00

99 lines
3 KiB

(* *)
(* Heptagon *)
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(* Author : Marc Pouzet *)
(* Organization : Demons, LRI, University of Paris-Sud, Orsay *)
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(** Sequential caml code. *)
open Misc
open Names
open Idents
open Location
type caml_code =
{ c_types: (string, type_definition) Hashtbl.t;
c_defs: (string * cexp) list;
and immediate =
Cbool of bool
| Cint of int
| Cfloat of float
| Cchar of char
| Cstring of string
| Cvoid
and cexp =
Cconstant of immediate
| Cglobal of qualified_ident
| Cvar of string
| Cconstruct of qualified_ident * cexp list
| Capply of cexp * cexp list
| Cfun of pattern list * cexp
| Cletin of is_rec * (pattern * cexp) list * cexp
| Cifthenelse of cexp * cexp * cexp
| Cifthen of cexp * cexp
| Cmatch of cexp * (pattern * cexp) list
| Ctuple of cexp list
| Crecord of (qualified_ident * cexp) list
| Crecord_access of cexp * qualified_ident
| Cseq of cexp list
| Cderef of cexp
| Cref of cexp
| Cset of string * cexp
| Clabelset of string * string * cexp
| Cmagic of cexp
and is_rec = bool
and pattern =
Cconstantpat of immediate
| Cvarpat of string
| Cconstructpat of qualified_ident * pattern list
| Ctuplepat of pattern list
| Crecordpat of (qualified_ident * pattern) list
| Corpat of pattern * pattern
| Caliaspat of pattern * string
| Cwildpat
let cvoidpat = Cconstantpat(Cvoid)
let cvoid = Cconstant(Cvoid)
let crefvoid = Cref(cvoid)
let cfalse = Cconstant(Cbool(false))
let ctrue = Cconstant(Cbool(true))
let creftrue = Cref(ctrue)
let cdummy = Cmagic (Cconstant (Cvoid))
let cand_op = {qual = pervasives_module;id = "&&"}
let cor_op = {qual = pervasives_module;id = "or"}
let cnot_op = {qual = pervasives_module;id = "not"}
let cand c1 c2 = Capply (Cglobal (cand_op), [c1;c2])
let cor c1 c2 = Capply (Cglobal (cor_op), [c1;c2])
let cnot c = Capply(Cglobal (cnot_op),[c])
let cvoidfun e = Cfun([cvoidpat], e)
let cvoidapply e = Capply(e, [cvoid])
let cfun params e =
match params, e with
| params, Cfun(others, e) -> Cfun(params @ others, e)
| [], _ -> cvoidfun e
| _ -> Cfun(params, e)
let capply e l = match l with [] -> cvoidapply e | _ -> Capply(e, l)
let cifthen c e = match c with Cconstant(Cbool(true)) -> e | _ -> Cifthen(c, e)
let cifthenelse c e1 e2 =
match c with
| Cconstant(Cbool(true)) -> e1
| Cconstant(Cbool(false)) -> e2
| _ -> Cifthenelse(c, e1, e2)
let cseq e1 e2 =
match e1, e2 with
| Cconstant(Cvoid), _ -> e2
| _, Cconstant(Cvoid) -> e1
| e1, Cseq l2 -> Cseq(e1 :: l2)
| Cseq(l1), e2 -> Cseq (l1 @ [e2])
| _ -> Cseq[e1;e2]