Nicolas Berthier 216550c0d1 Fixed warnings & documentation comments.
- gitignore: ignore files generated by `configure' script.
2013-11-08 18:51:06 +01:00

303 lines
12 KiB

(* *)
(* Heptagon *)
(* *)
(* Gwenael Delaval, LIG/INRIA, UJF *)
(* Leonard Gerard, Parkas, ENS *)
(* Adrien Guatto, Parkas, ENS *)
(* Cedric Pasteur, Parkas, ENS *)
(* Marc Pouzet, Parkas, ENS *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2012 ENS, INRIA, UJF *)
(* *)
(* This file is part of the Heptagon compiler. *)
(* *)
(* Heptagon is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it *)
(* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *)
(* (at your option) any later version. *)
(* *)
(* Heptagon is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* GNU General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
(* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *)
(* along with Heptagon. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> *)
(* *)
(* clock checking *)
(* v_clock is expected to contain correct clocks before entering here :
either explicit with Cbase representing the node activation clock
or fresh_clock() for unannoted variables.
Idem for e_ct : if explicit, it represents a clock annotation.
Unification is done on this mutable fields.
e_base_ck is set according to node signatures.
open Idents
open Names
open Minils
open Global_printer
open Mls_printer
open Signature
open Clocks
open Location
open Format
(** Error Kind *)
type error_kind = | Etypeclash of ct * ct | Eclockclash of ck * ck | Edefclock
let error_message loc = function
| Etypeclash (actual_ct, expected_ct) ->
Format.eprintf "%aClock Clash: this expression has clock %a,@\n\
but is expected to have clock %a.@."
print_location loc
print_ct actual_ct
print_ct expected_ct;
raise Errors.Error
| Eclockclash (actual_ck, expected_ck) ->
Format.eprintf "%aClock Clash: this value has clock %a,@\n\
but is expected to have clock %a.@."
print_location loc
print_ck actual_ck
print_ck expected_ck;
raise Errors.Error
| Edefclock ->
Format.eprintf "%aArguments defining clocks should be given as names@."
print_location loc;
raise Errors.Error
let ck_of_name h x =
if is_reset x
then fresh_clock()
try Env.find x h
with Not_found ->
(* Format.eprintf "looking for %a/%d@." print_ident x x.num; *)
(* Env.iter (fun k ck -> Format.eprintf "%a/%d => %a@." print_ident k k.num print_ck ck) h; *)
Misc.internal_error ("clocking: unknown clock name " ^ name x)
let rec typing_extvalue h w =
let ck = match w.w_desc with
| Wconst _ -> fresh_clock()
| Wvar x -> ck_of_name h x
| Wwhen (w1, c, n) ->
let ck_n = ck_of_name h n in
expect_extvalue h ck_n w1;
Con (ck_n, c, n)
| Wfield (w1, _) ->
typing_extvalue h w1
| Wreinit (w1, w2) ->
let t1 = typing_extvalue h w1 in
let t2 = typing_extvalue h w2 in
unify_ck t1 t2;
(try unify_ck ck w.w_ck
with Unify ->
eprintf "Incoherent clock annotation for extvalue %a.@\n"
Mls_printer.print_extvalue w;
error_message w.w_loc (Etypeclash (Ck ck, Ck w.w_ck)));
w.w_ck <- ck;
and expect_extvalue h expected_ck e =
let actual_ck = typing_extvalue h e in
try unify_ck actual_ck expected_ck
| Unify -> eprintf "%a : " print_extvalue e;
error_message e.w_loc (Eclockclash (actual_ck, expected_ck))
let rec typing_pat h = function
| Evarpat x -> Ck (ck_of_name h x)
| Etuplepat pat_list -> Cprod (List.map (typing_pat h) pat_list)
let typing_app h base pat op w_list = match op with
| Earray_fill | Eselect | Eselect_dyn | Eselect_trunc | Eupdate | Eequal
| Eselect_slice | Econcat | Earray | Efield_update | Eifthenelse ->
List.iter (expect_extvalue h base) w_list;
Ck base
| Efun { qual = Module "Iostream"; name = "printf" }
| Efun { qual = Module "Iostream"; name = "fprintf" } ->
List.iter (expect_extvalue h base) w_list;
Cprod []
| ( Efun f | Enode f) ->
let node = Modules.find_value f in
let pat_id_list = Mls_utils.ident_list_of_pat pat in
let rec build_env a_l v_l env = match a_l, v_l with
| [],[] -> env
| a::a_l, v::v_l -> (match a.a_name with
| None -> build_env a_l v_l env
| Some n -> build_env a_l v_l ((n,v)::env))
| _ -> Misc.internal_error "Clocking, non matching signature"
let env_pat = build_env node.node_outputs pat_id_list [] in
let env_args = build_env node.node_inputs w_list [] in
(* implement with Cbase as base, replace name dep by ident dep *)
let rec sigck_to_ck sck = match sck with
| Signature.Cbase -> base
| Signature.Con (sck,c,x) ->
(* find x in the envs : *)
let id = try List.assoc x env_pat
with Not_found ->
let w = List.assoc x env_args in
(match w.w_desc with
| Wvar id -> id
| _ -> error_message w.w_loc Edefclock)
with Not_found ->
Misc.internal_error "Clocking, non matching signature 2"
Clocks.Con (sigck_to_ck sck, c, id)
List.iter2 (fun a w -> expect_extvalue h (sigck_to_ck a.a_clock) w) node.node_inputs w_list;
Clocks.prod (List.map (fun a -> sigck_to_ck a.a_clock) node.node_outputs)
let rec stateful e = match e.e_desc with
| Efby _ -> true
| Ewhen (e,_,_) -> stateful e
| Eapp({a_unsafe = unsafe}, _, _) when unsafe -> true
| Eapp({a_op = Enode _}, _, _) -> true
| _ -> false
let typing_eq h ({ eq_lhs = pat; eq_rhs = e; eq_loc = loc } as eq) =
(* typing the expression, returns ct, ck_base *)
let rec typing e =
let ct,base = match e.e_desc with
| Eextvalue w
| Efby (_, w) ->
let ck = typing_extvalue h w in
Ck ck, ck
| Ewhen (e,c,n) ->
let ck_n = ck_of_name h n in
let _base = expect (skeleton ck_n e.e_ty) e in
let base_ck = if stateful e then ck_n else Con (ck_n, c, n) in
skeleton (Con (ck_n, c, n)) e.e_ty, base_ck
| Emerge (x, c_e_list) ->
let ck = ck_of_name h x in
List.iter (fun (c,e) -> expect_extvalue h (Con (ck,c,x)) e) c_e_list;
Ck ck, ck
| Estruct l ->
let ck = fresh_clock () in
List.iter (fun (_, e) -> expect_extvalue h ck e) l;
Ck ck, ck
| Eapp({a_op = op}, args, _) -> (* hyperchronous reset *)
let base_ck = fresh_clock () in
let ct = typing_app h base_ck pat op args in
ct, base_ck
| Eiterator (it, {a_op = op}, nl, pargs, args, _) -> (* hyperchronous reset *)
let base_ck = fresh_clock() in
let ct = match it with
| Imap -> (* exactly as if clocking the node *)
typing_app h base_ck pat op (pargs@args)
| Imapi -> (* clocking the node with the extra i input on [ck_r] *)
let il (* stubs i as 0 *) =
List.map (fun _ -> mk_extvalue ~ty:Initial.tint ~linearity:Linearity.Ltop
~clock:base_ck (Wconst (Initial.mk_static_int 0))) nl
typing_app h base_ck pat op (pargs@args@il)
| Ifold | Imapfold ->
(* clocking node with equality constaint on last input and last output *)
let ct = typing_app h base_ck pat op (pargs@args) in
unify_ck (Clocks.last_clock ct) (Misc.last_element args).w_ck;
| Ifoldi -> (* clocking the node with the extra i and last in/out constraints *)
let il (* stubs i as 0 *) =
List.map (fun _ -> mk_extvalue ~ty:Initial.tint ~linearity:Linearity.Ltop
~clock:base_ck (Wconst (Initial.mk_static_int 0))) nl
let rec insert_i args = match args with
| [] -> il
| [l] -> il @ [l]
| h::l -> h::(insert_i l)
let ct = typing_app h base_ck pat op (pargs@(insert_i args)) in
unify_ck (Clocks.last_clock ct) (Misc.last_element args).w_ck;
ct, base_ck
(try unify ct e.e_ct
with Unify ->
eprintf "Inconsistent clock annotation for exp %a.@\n"
Mls_printer.print_exp e;
error_message e.e_loc (Etypeclash (ct,e.e_ct)));
e.e_ct <- ct;
ct, base
and expect expected_ct e =
let actual_ct,base = typing e in
(try unify actual_ct expected_ct
with Unify -> error_message e.e_loc (Etypeclash (actual_ct, expected_ct)));
let ct,base_ck = typing e in
let pat_ct = typing_pat h pat in
(try unify ct pat_ct
with Unify ->
eprintf "Incoherent clock between right and left side of the equation.@\n";
error_message loc (Etypeclash (ct, pat_ct)));
{ eq with eq_base_ck = base_ck }
let typing_eqs h eq_list = List.map (typing_eq h) eq_list
let append_env h vds =
List.fold_left (fun h { v_ident = n; v_clock = ck } -> Env.add n ck h) h vds
let typing_contract h0 h contract =
match contract with
| None -> None, h
| Some ({ c_local = l_list;
c_eq = eq_list;
c_assume = e_a;
c_enforce = e_g;
c_assume_loc = e_a_loc;
c_enforce_loc = e_g_loc;
c_controllables = c_list } as contract) ->
let h' = append_env h0 l_list in
(* assumption *)
(* property *)
let eq_list = typing_eqs h' eq_list in
expect_extvalue h' Cbase e_a;
expect_extvalue h' Cbase e_g;
expect_extvalue h Cbase e_a_loc;
expect_extvalue h Cbase e_g_loc;
let h = append_env h c_list in
Some { contract with c_eq = eq_list }, h
let typing_node node =
let h0 = append_env Env.empty node.n_input in
let h0 = append_env h0 node.n_output in
let h = append_env h0 node.n_local in
let contract, h = typing_contract h0 h node.n_contract in
(* let h = append_env h node.n_local in *)
let equs = typing_eqs h node.n_equs in
(* synchronize input and output on base : find the free vars and set them to base *)
Env.iter (fun _ ck -> unify_ck Cbase (root_ck_of ck)) h0;
(*update clock info in variables descriptions *)
let set_clock vd = { vd with v_clock = ck_repr (Env.find vd.v_ident h) } in
let node = { node with n_input = List.map set_clock node.n_input;
n_output = List.map set_clock node.n_output;
n_local = List.map set_clock node.n_local;
n_equs = equs;
n_contract = contract; }
let sign = Mls_utils.signature_of_node node in
Check_signature.check_signature sign;
Modules.replace_value node.n_name sign;
let program p =
let program_desc pd = match pd with
| Pnode nd -> Pnode (typing_node nd)
| _ -> pd
{ p with p_desc = List.map program_desc p.p_desc; }