Léonard Gérard fbfa6eda1a Add Ewhen to the minils ast, And clocking of iterators.
Ewhen is now the only case of possible recursion for minils exps.
This add was motivated by equations like :
(y,z) = f(x) when c
This equation to be correctly normalized in minils before needed :
y',z' = f(x)
y = y' when c
z = z' when c
But this new variables where needless since the final translation of when c
is the identity.
2011-05-26 15:56:59 +02:00

186 lines
5.5 KiB

(* *)
(* Heptagon *)
(* *)
(* Author : Marc Pouzet *)
(* Organization : Demons, LRI, University of Paris-Sud, Orsay *)
(* *)
(* The internal MiniLustre representation *)
open Location
open Names
open Idents
open Signature
open Static
open Types
open Clocks
(** Warning: Whenever Minils ast is modified,
minils_format_version should be incremented. *)
let minils_format_version = "2"
type iterator_type =
| Imap
| Imapi
| Ifold
| Ifoldi
| Imapfold
type type_dec = {
t_name: qualname;
t_desc: tdesc;
t_loc: location }
and tdesc =
| Type_abs
| Type_alias of ty
| Type_enum of constructor_name list
| Type_struct of structure
and extvalue = {
w_desc : extvalue_desc;
mutable w_ck: ck;
w_ty : ty;
w_loc : location }
and extvalue_desc =
| Wconst of static_exp (*no tuple*)
| Wvar of var_ident
| Wfield of extvalue * field_name
| Wwhen of extvalue * constructor_name * var_ident (** extvalue when Constructor(ident) *)
and exp = {
e_desc : edesc;
e_level_ck : ck; (*when no data dep, execute the exp on this clock (set by [switch] *)
mutable e_base_ck : ck;
mutable e_ct : ct;
e_ty : ty;
e_loc : location }
and edesc =
| Eextvalue of extvalue
| Efby of static_exp option * extvalue
(** static_exp fby extvalue *)
| Eapp of app * extvalue list * var_ident option
(** app ~args=(extvalue,extvalue...) reset ~r=ident *)
| Ewhen of exp * constructor_name * var_ident (** e when C(c) *)
| Emerge of var_ident * (constructor_name * extvalue) list
(** merge ident (Constructor -> extvalue)+ *)
| Estruct of (field_name * extvalue) list
(** { field=extvalue; ... } *)
| Eiterator of iterator_type * app * static_exp
* extvalue list * extvalue list * var_ident option
(** map f <<n>> <(extvalue)> (extvalue) reset ident *)
and app = { a_op: op; a_params: static_exp list; a_unsafe: bool }
(** Unsafe applications could have side effects
and be delicate about optimizations, !be careful! *)
and op =
| Eequal (** arg1 = arg2 *)
| Efun of fun_name (** "Stateless" longname <<a_params>> (args) reset r *)
| Enode of fun_name (** "Stateful" longname <<a_params>> (args) reset r *)
| Eifthenelse (** if arg1 then arg2 else arg3 *)
| Efield_update (** { arg1 with a_param1 = arg2 } *)
| Earray (** [ args ] *)
| Earray_fill (** [arg1^a_param1] *)
| Eselect (** arg1[a_params] *)
| Eselect_slice (** arg1[a_param1..a_param2] *)
| Eselect_dyn (** arg1.[arg3...] default arg2 *)
| Eselect_trunc (** arg1[>arg_2 ...<]*)
| Eupdate (** [ arg1 with arg3..arg_n = arg2 ] *)
| Econcat (** arg1@@arg2 *)
type pat =
| Etuplepat of pat list
| Evarpat of var_ident
type eq = {
eq_lhs : pat;
eq_rhs : exp;
eq_loc : location }
type var_dec = {
v_ident : var_ident;
v_type : ty;
v_clock : ck;
v_loc : location }
type contract = {
c_assume : extvalue;
c_enforce : extvalue;
c_controllables : var_dec list;
c_local : var_dec list;
c_eq : eq list }
type node_dec = {
n_name : qualname;
n_stateful : bool;
n_input : var_dec list;
n_output : var_dec list;
n_contract : contract option;
n_local : var_dec list;
n_equs : eq list;
n_loc : location;
n_params : param list;
n_params_constraints : size_constraint list }
type const_dec = {
c_name : qualname;
c_type : ty;
c_value : static_exp;
c_loc : location }
type program = {
p_modname : modul;
p_format_version : string;
p_opened : modul list;
p_desc : program_desc list }
and program_desc =
| Pnode of node_dec
| Pconst of const_dec
| Ptype of type_dec
(*Helper functions to build the AST*)
let mk_extvalue ~ty ?(clock = fresh_clock()) ?(loc = no_location) desc =
{ w_desc = desc; w_ty = ty;
w_ck = clock; w_loc = loc }
let mk_exp level_ck ty ?(ck = Cbase) ?(ct = fresh_ct ty) ?(loc = no_location) desc =
{ e_desc = desc; e_ty = ty; e_level_ck = level_ck; e_base_ck = ck; e_ct = ct; e_loc = loc }
let mk_var_dec ?(loc = no_location) ident ty ck =
{ v_ident = ident; v_type = ty; v_clock = ck; v_loc = loc }
let mk_equation ?(loc = no_location) pat exp =
{ eq_lhs = pat; eq_rhs = exp; eq_loc = loc }
let mk_node
?(input = []) ?(output = []) ?(contract = None) ?(local = []) ?(eq = [])
?(stateful = true) ?(loc = no_location) ?(param = []) ?(constraints = [])
name =
{ n_name = name;
n_stateful = stateful;
n_input = input;
n_output = output;
n_contract = contract;
n_local = local;
n_equs = eq;
n_loc = loc;
n_params = param;
n_params_constraints = constraints }
let mk_type_dec type_desc name loc =
{ t_name = name; t_desc = type_desc; t_loc = loc }
let mk_const_dec id ty e loc =
{ c_name = id; c_type = ty; c_value = e; c_loc = loc }
let mk_app ?(params=[]) ?(unsafe=false) op =
{ a_op = op; a_params = params; a_unsafe = unsafe }