Gwenaël Delaval 58086190eb Headers and license file for GPL
Headers for every source file (excluding examples), mentioning
authors, copyright and license (GPL)

COPYING file with GPLv3 content.
2012-06-27 18:14:29 +02:00

193 lines
7.2 KiB

(* *)
(* Heptagon *)
(* *)
(* Gwenael Delaval, LIG/INRIA, UJF *)
(* Leonard Gerard, Parkas, ENS *)
(* Adrien Guatto, Parkas, ENS *)
(* Cedric Pasteur, Parkas, ENS *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2012 ENS, INRIA, UJF *)
(* *)
(* This file is part of the Heptagon compiler. *)
(* *)
(* Heptagon is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it *)
(* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *)
(* (at your option) any later version. *)
(* *)
(* Heptagon is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* GNU General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
(* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *)
(* along with Heptagon. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> *)
(* *)
open Misc
open Errors
open Types
open Signature
open Clocks
open Idents
type 'a global_it_funs = {
static_exp : 'a global_it_funs -> 'a -> static_exp -> static_exp * 'a;
static_exp_desc : 'a global_it_funs -> 'a -> static_exp_desc -> static_exp_desc * 'a;
ty : 'a global_it_funs -> 'a -> ty -> ty * 'a;
ct : 'a global_it_funs -> 'a -> ct -> ct * 'a;
ck : 'a global_it_funs -> 'a -> ck -> ck * 'a;
link : 'a global_it_funs -> 'a -> link -> link * 'a;
var_ident : 'a global_it_funs -> 'a -> var_ident -> var_ident * 'a;
param : 'a global_it_funs -> 'a -> param -> param * 'a;
arg : 'a global_it_funs -> 'a -> arg -> arg * 'a;
node : 'a global_it_funs -> 'a -> node -> node * 'a;
structure : 'a global_it_funs -> 'a -> structure -> structure * 'a;
field : 'a global_it_funs -> 'a -> field -> field * 'a; }
let rec static_exp_it funs acc se = funs.static_exp funs acc se
and static_exp funs acc se =
let se_ty, acc = ty_it funs acc se.se_ty in
let se_desc, acc = static_exp_desc_it funs acc se.se_desc in
{ se with se_desc = se_desc; se_ty = se_ty }, acc
and static_exp_desc_it funs acc sd =
try funs.static_exp_desc funs acc sd
with Fallback -> static_exp_desc funs acc sd
and static_exp_desc funs acc sd = match sd with
| Svar _ | Sint _ | Sfloat _ | Sbool _ | Sstring _ | Sconstructor _ | Sfield _ -> sd, acc
| Stuple se_l ->
let se_l, acc = mapfold (static_exp_it funs) acc se_l in
Stuple se_l, acc
| Sarray se_l ->
let se_l, acc = mapfold (static_exp_it funs) acc se_l in
Sarray se_l, acc
| Sop (n, se_l) ->
let se_l, acc = mapfold (static_exp_it funs) acc se_l in
Sop (n, se_l), acc
| Sarray_power (se1, se_l) ->
let se1, acc = static_exp_it funs acc se1 in
let se_l, acc = mapfold (static_exp_it funs) acc se_l in
Sarray_power(se1, se_l), acc
| Srecord f_se_l ->
let aux acc (f,se) = let se,acc = static_exp_it funs acc se in
(f, se), acc in
let f_se_l, acc = mapfold aux acc f_se_l in
Srecord f_se_l, acc
and ty_it funs acc t = try funs.ty funs acc t with Fallback -> ty funs acc t
and ty funs acc t = match t with
| Tid _ -> t, acc
| Tprod t_l -> let t_l, acc = mapfold (ty_it funs) acc t_l in Tprod t_l, acc
| Tarray (t, se) ->
let t, acc = ty_it funs acc t in
let se, acc = static_exp_it funs acc se in
Tarray (t, se), acc
| Tinvalid -> t, acc
and ct_it funs acc c = try funs.ct funs acc c with Fallback -> ct funs acc c
and ct funs acc c = match c with
| Ck(ck) -> let ck, acc = ck_it funs acc ck in Ck ck, acc
| Cprod(ct_l) ->
let ct_l, acc = mapfold (ct_it funs) acc ct_l in Cprod ct_l, acc
and ck_it funs acc c = try funs.ck funs acc c with Fallback -> ck funs acc c
and ck funs acc c = match c with
| Cbase -> c, acc
| Cvar(link_ref) ->
let l, acc = link_it funs acc link_ref.contents in
Cvar {link_ref with contents = l}, acc
| Con(ck, constructor_name, v) ->
let ck, acc = ck_it funs acc ck in
let v, acc = var_ident_it funs acc v in
Con (ck, constructor_name, v), acc
and link_it funs acc c =
try funs.link funs acc c with Fallback -> link funs acc c
and link funs acc l = match l with
| Cindex _ -> l, acc
| Clink(ck) -> let ck, acc = ck_it funs acc ck in Clink ck, acc
and var_ident_it funs acc i = funs.var_ident funs acc i
and var_ident funs acc i = i, acc
and structure_it funs acc s = funs.structure funs acc s
and structure funs acc s =
mapfold (field_it funs) acc s
and field_it funs acc f = funs.field funs acc f
and field funs acc f =
let ty, acc = ty_it funs acc f.f_type in
{ f with f_type = ty }, acc
and param_it funs acc p = funs.param funs acc p
and param funs acc p =
let p_type, acc = ty_it funs acc p.p_type in
{ p with p_type = p_type }, acc
and arg_it funs acc a = funs.arg funs acc a
and arg funs acc a =
let a_type, acc = ty_it funs acc a.a_type in
{ a with a_type = a_type }, acc
and node_it funs acc n = funs.node funs acc n
and node funs acc n =
let node_params, acc = mapfold (param_it funs) acc n.node_params in
let node_inputs, acc = mapfold (arg_it funs) acc n.node_inputs in
let node_outputs, acc = mapfold (arg_it funs) acc n.node_outputs in
{ n with node_params = node_params;
node_inputs = node_inputs;
node_outputs = node_outputs }, acc
let defaults = {
static_exp = static_exp;
static_exp_desc = static_exp_desc;
ty = ty;
ct = ct;
ck = ck;
link = link;
var_ident = var_ident;
structure = structure;
field = field;
param = param;
arg = arg;
node = node;
(** Is used to stop the pass at this level *)
let stop _ acc x = x, acc
let defaults_stop = {
static_exp = stop;
static_exp_desc = stop;
ty = stop;
ct = stop;
ck = stop;
link = stop;
var_ident = stop;
structure = stop;
field = stop;
param = stop;
arg = stop;
node = stop;
(** [it_gather gather f] will create a function to iterate
over a type using [f] and then use [gather] to combine
the value of the local accumulator with the one
given as argument. *)
let it_gather gather f funs acc e =
let e, new_acc = f funs acc e in
e, gather acc new_acc