2012-06-29 01:43:15 +02:00

456 lines
14 KiB

(* *)
(* Heptagon *)
(* *)
(* Gwenael Delaval, LIG/INRIA, UJF *)
(* Leonard Gerard, Parkas, ENS *)
(* Adrien Guatto, Parkas, ENS *)
(* Cedric Pasteur, Parkas, ENS *)
(* Marc Pouzet, Parkas, ENS *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2012 ENS, INRIA, UJF *)
(* *)
(* This file is part of the Heptagon compiler. *)
(* *)
(* Heptagon is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it *)
(* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *)
(* (at your option) any later version. *)
(* *)
(* Heptagon is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* GNU General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
(* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *)
(* along with Heptagon. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> *)
(* *)
(* $Id: sigali.ml 2416 2011-01-13 17:00:15Z delaval $ *)
(* Sigali representation and output *)
type name = string
type var = name
type const = Cfalse | Cabsent | Ctrue | Cint of int
type exp =
| Sconst of const
| Svar of name
| Swhen of exp * exp (* e1 when e2 *)
| Sdefault of exp * exp (* e1 default e2 *)
| Sequal of exp * exp (* e1 = e2 *)
| Ssquare of exp (* e^2 *)
| Snot of exp (* not e *)
| Sand of exp * exp (* e1 and e2 *)
| Sor of exp * exp (* e1 or e2 *)
| Sprim of name * exp list (* f(e1,...,en) *)
| Slist of exp list (* [e1,...,en] *)
| Splus of exp * exp (* e1 + e2 *)
| Sminus of exp * exp (* e1 - e2 *)
| Sprod of exp * exp (* e1 * e2 *)
type statement = { (* name : definition *)
stmt_name : name;
stmt_def : exp;
type objective =
| Security of exp
| Reachability of exp
| Attractivity of exp
type processus = {
proc_dep : name list;
proc_name : name;
proc_inputs : var list;
proc_uncont_inputs : var list;
proc_outputs : var list;
proc_controllables : var list;
proc_states : var list;
proc_init : const list;
proc_constraints : exp list;
proc_body : statement list;
proc_objectives : objective list;
type program = processus list
let concat e1 e2 =
let evolutions = "evolutions"
let initialisations = "initialisations"
let constraints = "constraints"
let extend var e =
{ stmt_name = var ;
stmt_def = concat (Svar(var)) e }
let subst e1 e2 e3 =
Sprim ("subst",[e1;e2;e3])
let l_subst e1 e2 e3 =
Sprim ("l_subst",[e1;e2;e3])
let evolution p =
Sprim ("evolution",[p])
let initial p =
Sprim ("initial",[p])
let pconstraint p =
Sprim ("constraint",[p])
let ifthenelse e1 e2 e3 =
let (&~) e1 e2 =
match e1,e2 with
| Sconst(Cfalse), _
| _, Sconst(Cfalse) -> Sconst(Cfalse)
| Sconst(Ctrue), e
| e, Sconst(Ctrue) -> e
| _ -> Sand(e1,e2)
let (|~) e1 e2 =
match e1,e2 with
| Sconst(Ctrue), _
| _, Sconst(Ctrue) -> Sconst(Ctrue)
| Sconst(Cfalse), e
| e, Sconst(Cfalse) -> e
| _ -> Sor(e1,e2)
let (=>~) e1 e2 =
match e1,e2 with
| Sconst(Ctrue), e -> e
| _, Sconst(Ctrue)
| Sconst(Cfalse), _ -> Sconst(Ctrue)
| _ -> Sor(Snot(e1),e2)
let a_const e =
Sprim ("a_const",[e])
let a_var e e1 e2 e3 =
Sprim ("a_var", [e;e1;e2;e3])
let a_part e e1 e2 e3 =
Sprim ("a_part", [e;e1;e2;e3])
let a_inf e1 e2 =
Sprim ("a_inf", [e1;e2])
let a_sup e1 e2 =
Sprim ("a_sup", [e1;e2])
module Printer =
open Format
let rec print_list ff print sep l =
match l with
| [] -> ()
| [x] -> print ff x
| x :: l ->
print ff x;
fprintf ff "%s@ " sep;
print_list ff print sep l
let print_string ff s =
fprintf ff "%s" s
let print_name ff n =
fprintf ff "%s" n
let print_const ff c =
match c with
| Cfalse -> fprintf ff "-1"
| Ctrue -> fprintf ff "1"
| Cabsent -> fprintf ff "0"
| Cint(v) -> fprintf ff "%d" v
let rec print_exp ff e =
match e with
| Sconst(c) -> print_const ff c
| Svar(v) -> print_name ff v
| Swhen(e1,e2) ->
fprintf ff "(%a@ when %a)"
print_exp e1
print_exp e2
| Sdefault(e1,e2) ->
fprintf ff "(%a@ default %a)"
print_exp e1
print_exp e2
| Sequal(e1,e2) ->
fprintf ff "(%a@ = %a)"
print_exp e1
print_exp e2
| Ssquare(e) ->
fprintf ff "(%a^2)"
print_exp e
| Snot(e) ->
fprintf ff "(not %a)"
print_exp e
| Sand(e1,e2) ->
fprintf ff "(%a@ and %a)"
print_exp e1
print_exp e2
| Sor(e1,e2) ->
fprintf ff "(%a@ or %a)"
print_exp e1
print_exp e2
| Sprim(f,e_l) ->
fprintf ff "%s(@[" f;
print_list ff print_exp "," e_l;
fprintf ff "@])"
| Slist(e_l) ->
fprintf ff "[@[";
print_list ff print_exp "," e_l;
fprintf ff "]@]"
| Splus(e1,e2) ->
fprintf ff "(%a@ + %a)"
print_exp e1
print_exp e2
| Sminus(e1,e2) ->
fprintf ff "(%a@ - %a)"
print_exp e1
print_exp e2
| Sprod(e1,e2) ->
fprintf ff "(%a@ * %a)"
print_exp e1
print_exp e2
let print_statement ff { stmt_name = name; stmt_def = e } =
fprintf ff "@[<hov 2>%a : %a;@]"
print_name name
print_exp e
let print_statements ff stmt_l =
fprintf ff "@[<v>";
print_list ff print_statement "" stmt_l;
fprintf ff "@]@ "
let print_objective name ff obj =
match obj with
| Security(e) ->
fprintf ff "%s : S_Security(%s,B_True(%s,%a));"
name name name
print_exp e
| Reachability(e) ->
fprintf ff "%s : S_Reachable(%s,B_True(%s,%a));"
name name name
print_exp e
| Attractivity(e) ->
fprintf ff "%s : S_Attractivity(%s,B_True(%s,%a));"
name name name
print_exp e
let print_verification name ff obj =
match obj with
| Security(e) ->
fprintf ff "verif_result : verif_result andb notb Reachable(%s,B_False(%s,%a));"
name name
print_exp e
| Reachability(e) ->
fprintf ff "verif_result : verif_result andb Reachable(%s,B_True(%s,%a));"
name name
print_exp e
| Attractivity(_) -> failwith("Attractivity verification not allowed")
let sigali_head = "set_reorder(2);\
let sigali_foot = ""
let print_processus dir ({ proc_dep = dep_list;
proc_name = name;
proc_inputs = inputs;
proc_uncont_inputs = uncont_inputs;
proc_outputs = outputs;
proc_controllables = controllables;
proc_states = states;
proc_constraints = constraints;
proc_body = body;
proc_objectives = objectives;
}) =
let sigc = open_out (dir ^ "/" ^ name ^ ".z3z") in
let ff = formatter_of_out_channel sigc in
Compiler_utils.print_header_info ff "%" "%";
fprintf ff "%s" sigali_head;
(* let n = List.length states in *)
(* declare dummy variables d1...dn *)
(* fprintf ff "@[declare(@[<hov>d1"; *)
(* for i = 2 to n do *)
(* fprintf ff ",@ d%d" i; *)
(* done; *)
(* fprintf ff "@]);@]@\n@\n"; *)
fprintf ff "@[<v>";
(* dependencies *)
fprintf ff "%% -- dependencies --- %%@\n@\n";
(fun dep_name ->
fprintf ff "read(\"%s.z3z\");@\n" dep_name)
(* head comment *)
fprintf ff "%% ---------- process %s ---------- %%@\n@\n" name;
(* variables declaration *)
fprintf ff "declare(@[<hov>";
print_list ff print_name "," (inputs@states);
fprintf ff "@]);@,";
(* inputs decl. *)
fprintf ff "conditions : [@[";
print_list ff print_name "," inputs;
fprintf ff "@]];@,";
(* states decl. *)
fprintf ff "states : [@[";
if states = [] then
(* dummy state var to avoid sigali segfault *)
fprintf ff "d1"
print_list ff print_name "," states;
fprintf ff "@]];@,";
(* controllables : *)
fprintf ff "controllables : [@[";
print_list ff print_name "," controllables;
fprintf ff "@]];@,";
(* init evolutions, initialisations *)
if states = [] then
fprintf ff "evolutions : [d1];@,"
fprintf ff "evolutions : [];@,";
fprintf ff "initialisations : [];@,";
(* body statements *)
print_statements ff body;
(* constraints *)
fprintf ff "constraints : [@[";
print_list ff print_exp "," constraints;
fprintf ff "@]];@,";
(* outputs : comment *)
fprintf ff "@,%% --- outputs : [@[";
print_list ff print_name "," outputs;
fprintf ff "@]] --- %%@,";
(* process declaration *)
fprintf ff
("%s : processus(" ^^
"@[conditions," ^^
"@ states," ^^
"@ evolutions," ^^
"@ initialisations," ^^
"@ [gen(constraints)]," ^^
"@ controllables@]);@,")
match controllables with
[] ->
(* No controllable variables: verification *)
(* Initialisation of verification result *)
fprintf ff "verif_result : True;@,";
(* Verification of properties (update verif_result) *)
fprintf ff "@[<v>";
print_list ff (print_verification name) "" objectives;
fprintf ff "@]@,";
(* Print result *)
fprintf ff "if verif_result then@,";
fprintf ff " print(\"%s: property true.\")@," name;
fprintf ff "else@,";
fprintf ff " print(\"%s: property false.\");@," name;
| _::_ ->
(* At least one controllable variable: synthesis *)
(* Store the initial state for further check *)
fprintf ff "%s_init : initial(%s);@," name name;
(* Controller synthesis *)
fprintf ff "@[<v>";
print_list ff (print_objective name) "" objectives;
fprintf ff "@]@,";
(* Check that synthesis succeeded : initial state not modified *)
fprintf ff "dcs_result : equal(%s_init,initial(%s));@," name name;
(* Print result *)
fprintf ff "if dcs_result then@,";
fprintf ff " print(\"%s: synthesis succeeded.\")@," name;
fprintf ff "else@,";
fprintf ff " print(\"%s: synthesis failed.\");@," name;
fprintf ff "@\nif dcs_result then@,";
(* Controller output *)
(* fprintf ff " simul(%s,\"%s.res\",\"%s.sim\")@\n" name name name; *)
fprintf ff " print(\"Triangulation and controller generation...\")@\n";
fprintf ff "else@,";
fprintf ff " quit(1);@,";
(* Triangulation *)
(* phantoms : *)
let phantom_vars = List.map (fun n -> "p_" ^ n) controllables in
(* phantom variables declaration *)
fprintf ff "declare(@[<hov>";
print_list ff print_name "," phantom_vars;
fprintf ff "@]);@,";
fprintf ff "phantom_vars : [@[";
print_list ff print_name "," phantom_vars;
fprintf ff "@]];@,";
fprintf ff "%s_triang : Triang(constraint(%s),controllables,phantom_vars);@,"
name name;
(* Suppress sink state as controller input *)
let states = List.rev (List.tl (List.rev states)) in
(* controller vars *)
fprintf ff "controller_inputs : [@[";
print_list ff print_name "," (uncont_inputs
(fun n -> "p_" ^ n)
fprintf ff "@]];@,";
(* Controller generation *)
fprintf ff "heptagon_controller(\"%s_controller.ept\",\"%s\",\
controller_inputs,controllables,%s_triang);@," name name name;
(* Footer and close file *)
fprintf ff "@]@.";
fprintf ff "%s" sigali_foot;
fprintf ff "@?";
close_out sigc
let print dir p_l =
List.iter (print_processus dir) p_l