2011-07-08 11:56:38 +02:00

533 lines
18 KiB

(* *)
(* Heptagon *)
(* *)
(* Author : Marc Pouzet *)
(* Organization : Demons, LRI, University of Paris-Sud, Orsay *)
(* *)
open Misc
open Names
open Idents
open Signature
open Minils
open Mls_utils
open Mls_printer
open Global_printer
open Types
open Clocks
open Pp_tools
open Mls_compare
Data-flow minimization on MiniLS:
1. Put each equation into a big map. It maps variable names to triples (class_id * truncated
expression * class_id list). Initially, each local variable is in the same class.
2. Compute the new class_id of each equation: two equations are in the same class if they are
equal and have the same child equations.
3. If anything has changed: go to 2
4. Reconstruct: one equation for one equivalence class.
module OrderedInts =
type t = int
let compare = Pervasives.compare
module IntSet = Set.Make(OrderedInts)
module IntMap = Map.Make(OrderedInts)
module TomEnv =
module PatMap = Map.Make(struct
type t = pat
let compare = pat_compare
type class_ref =
| Cr_plain of ident
| Cr_input of extvalue (* we record the full expression for convenience *)
type eq_repr =
mutable er_class : int;
er_clock : ck;
er_pattern : pat;
er_head : exp;
er_children : class_ref list;
er_add_when : exp -> exp;
er_when_count : int;
type tom_env = eq_repr PatMap.t
let class_of_ident tenv id = try Some (PatMap.find (Evarpat id) tenv) with Not_found -> None
open Mls_printer
let print_class_ref fmt cr = match cr with
| Cr_plain id -> print_ident fmt id
| Cr_input w -> print_extvalue fmt w
let debug_tenv fmt tenv =
let debug pat repr =
Format.fprintf fmt "%a => @[class %d,@ pattern %a,@ head { %a },@ children [%a]@]@."
print_pat pat
print_pat repr.er_pattern
print_exp repr.er_head
(print_list_r print_class_ref "" ";" "") repr.er_children
PatMap.iter debug tenv
open TomEnv
let gen_var = Idents.gen_var ~reset:false "tomato"
let dummy_var = gen_var "dummy"
let dummy_extvalue = mk_extvalue ~ty:Initial.tint (Wvar dummy_var)
let initial_class = 0
let concat_idents id1 id2 = gen_var (Idents.name id1 ^ "_" ^ Idents.name id2)
let symbol_for_int i =
if i > 25
then "a" ^ string_of_int i
else String.make 1 (Char.chr (Char.code 'a' + i))
(* Comparison modulo equivalence classes *)
module ClockCompareModulo =
let (env : int Env.t ref) = ref Env.empty
let find_ident id = try Some (Env.find id !env) with Not_found -> None
let ident_compare_modulo id1 id2 =
match find_ident id1, find_ident id2 with
| None, None -> ident_compare id1 id2 (* two inputs *)
| Some c1, Some c2 -> compare c1 c2 (* two internal variables *)
| Some _, None -> -1
| None, Some _ -> 1
let rec clock_compare ck1 ck2 = match ck1, ck2 with
| Cvar { contents = Clink ck1; }, _ -> clock_compare ck1 ck2
| _, Cvar { contents = Clink ck2; } -> clock_compare ck1 ck2
| Cbase, Cbase -> 0
| Cvar lr1, Cvar lr2 -> link_compare_modulo !lr1 !lr2
| Con (ck1, cn1, vi1), Con (ck2, cn2, vi2) ->
let cr1 = compare cn1 cn2 in
if cr1 <> 0 then cr1 else
let cr2 = ident_compare_modulo vi1 vi2 in
if cr2 <> 0 then cr2 else clock_compare ck1 ck2
| Cbase _, _ -> 1
| Cvar _, Cbase _ -> -1
| Cvar _, _ -> 1
| Con _, _ -> -1
and link_compare_modulo li1 li2 = match li1, li2 with
| Cindex _, Cindex _ -> 0
| Clink ck1, Clink ck2 -> clock_compare ck1 ck2
| Cindex _, _ -> 1
| Clink _, _ -> -1
module CompareModulo = Mls_compare.Make(ClockCompareModulo)
(* Construct an initial minimization environment *)
let class_ref_of_var is_input w x = if is_input x then Cr_input w else Cr_plain x
let rec add_equation is_input (tenv : tom_env) eq =
let add_clause (cn, w) class_id_list =
let class_id_list, w = extvalue is_input w class_id_list in
class_id_list, (cn, w) in
let id x = x in
let ed, add_when, when_count, class_id_list =
let rec decompose e = match e.e_desc with
| Eextvalue w ->
let class_id_list, w = extvalue is_input w [] in
Eextvalue w, id, 0, class_id_list
| Eapp (app, w_list, rst) ->
let class_id_list, w_list = mapfold_right (extvalue is_input) w_list [] in
let class_id_list = match rst with
| None -> class_id_list
| Some rst ->
class_ref_of_var is_input (mk_extvalue ~ty:Initial.tbool (Wvar rst)) rst
:: class_id_list in
Eapp (app, w_list, optional (fun _ -> dummy_var) rst), id, 0, class_id_list
| Efby (seo, w) ->
let class_id_list, w = extvalue is_input w [] in
Efby (seo, w), id, 0, class_id_list
| Ewhen (e', cn, x) ->
let ed, add_when, when_count, class_id_list = decompose e' in
ed, (fun e' -> { e with e_desc = Ewhen (add_when e', cn, x) }), when_count + 1,
class_ref_of_var is_input (mk_extvalue ~clock:e'.e_base_ck ~ty:Initial.tbool (Wvar x)) x
:: class_id_list
| Emerge (x, clause_list) ->
let class_id_list, clause_list = mapfold_right add_clause clause_list [] in
let x_id =
class_ref_of_var is_input (mk_extvalue ~clock:e.e_base_ck ~ty:Initial.tbool (Wvar x)) x in
Emerge (dummy_var, clause_list), id, 0, x_id :: class_id_list
| Eiterator (it, app, se, partial_w_list, w_list, rst) ->
let class_id_list, partial_w_list = mapfold_right (extvalue is_input) partial_w_list [] in
let class_id_list, w_list = mapfold_right (extvalue is_input) w_list class_id_list in
let class_id_list = match rst with
| None -> class_id_list
| Some rst ->
class_ref_of_var is_input (mk_extvalue ~ty:Initial.tbool (Wvar rst)) rst
:: class_id_list in
Eiterator (it, app, se, partial_w_list, w_list, optional (fun _ -> dummy_var) rst),
id, 0, class_id_list
| Estruct field_val_list ->
let class_id_list, field_val_list = mapfold_right add_clause field_val_list [] in
Estruct field_val_list, id, 0, class_id_list
decompose eq.eq_rhs
let eq_repr =
er_class = initial_class;
er_pattern = eq.eq_lhs;
er_head = { eq.eq_rhs with e_desc = ed; };
er_children = class_id_list;
er_add_when = add_when;
er_when_count = when_count;
er_clock = eq.eq_rhs.e_base_ck;
PatMap.add eq.eq_lhs eq_repr tenv
and extvalue is_input w class_id_list =
let rec decompose w class_id_list =
let class_id_list, wd = match w.w_desc with
| Wconst _ -> class_id_list, w.w_desc
| Wvar x -> class_ref_of_var is_input w x :: class_id_list, Wvar dummy_var
| Wfield (w, f) ->
let class_id_list, w = decompose w class_id_list in
class_id_list, Wfield (w, f)
| Wwhen (w, cn, x) ->
(* Create the extvalue representing x *)
let w_x = mk_extvalue ~ty:Initial.tbool ~clock:w.w_ck (Wvar x) in
let class_id_list, w = decompose w (class_ref_of_var is_input w_x x :: class_id_list) in
class_id_list, Wwhen (w, cn, dummy_var)
class_id_list, { w with w_desc = wd; }
decompose w class_id_list
(* Regroup classes from a minimization environment *)
let rec compute_classes tenv =
let rec add_eq_repr _ repr cenv =
let repr_list = try IntMap.find repr.er_class cenv with Not_found -> [] in
IntMap.add repr.er_class (repr :: repr_list) cenv in
PatMap.fold add_eq_repr tenv IntMap.empty
(* Reconstruct a list of equation from a set of equivalence classes *)
let ident_for_class, reset_idents =
let ht = Hashtbl.create 100 in
(fun (cenv : eq_repr list IntMap.t) class_id ->
try Hashtbl.find ht class_id
with Not_found ->
let id =
let repr_list = IntMap.find class_id cenv
and make_ident { er_pattern = pat; } =
Misc.fold_right_1 concat_idents (ident_list_of_pat pat) in
Misc.fold_left_1 concat_idents (List.map make_ident repr_list) in
Hashtbl.add ht class_id id;
(fun () -> Hashtbl.clear ht)
let rec reconstruct ((tenv, cenv) as env) =
reset_idents ();
let reconstruct_class id eq_repr_list eq_list =
assert (List.length eq_repr_list > 0);
let repr = List.hd eq_repr_list in
let e =
let children =
Misc.take (List.length repr.er_children - repr.er_when_count) repr.er_children in
let ed = reconstruct_exp_desc (tenv, cenv) repr.er_head.e_desc repr.er_children in
let ck = reconstruct_clock env repr.er_head.e_base_ck in
let level_ck =
reconstruct_clock env repr.er_head.e_level_ck in (* not strictly needed, done for
consistency reasons *)
let ct = reconstruct_clock_type env repr.er_head.e_ct in
{ repr.er_head with e_desc = ed; e_base_ck = ck; e_level_ck = level_ck; e_ct = ct; } in
let e = repr.er_add_when e in
let pat = pattern_name_for_id env repr.er_head.e_ty id in
mk_equation pat e :: eq_list in
IntMap.fold reconstruct_class cenv []
and reconstruct_exp_desc ((tenv, cenv) as env) headd children =
let reconstruct_clauses clause_list children =
let (qn_list, w_list) = List.split clause_list in
let w_list = reconstruct_extvalues env w_list children in
List.combine qn_list w_list in
match headd with
| Eextvalue w ->
let w = assert_1 (reconstruct_extvalues env [w] children) in
Eextvalue w
| Efby (ini, w) ->
let w = assert_1 (reconstruct_extvalues env [w] children) in
Efby (ini, w)
| Eapp (app, w_list, rst_dummy) ->
let rst, children = match rst_dummy with
| None -> None, children
| Some _ -> Some (reconstruct_class_ref env (List.hd children)), List.tl children in
Eapp (app, reconstruct_extvalues env w_list children, optional extract_name rst)
| Ewhen _ -> assert false (* no Ewhen in exprs *)
| Emerge (x_ref, clause_list) ->
let x_ref, children = List.hd children, List.tl children in
Emerge (extract_name (reconstruct_class_ref env x_ref),
reconstruct_clauses clause_list children)
| Estruct field_val_list ->
let field_val_list = reconstruct_clauses field_val_list children in
Estruct field_val_list
| Eiterator (it, app, se, partial_w_list, w_list, rst_dummy) ->
let rst, children = match rst_dummy with
| None -> None, children
| Some _ -> Some (reconstruct_class_ref env (List.hd children)), List.tl children in
let total_w_list = reconstruct_extvalues env (partial_w_list @ w_list) children in
let partial_w_list, w_list = split_at (List.length partial_w_list) total_w_list in
Eiterator (it, app, se, partial_w_list, w_list, optional extract_name rst)
and reconstruct_extvalues env w_list children =
let rec reconstruct_extvalue w (children : class_ref list) = match w.w_desc with
| Wconst _ -> w, children
| Wvar _ ->
let w = reconstruct_class_ref env (List.hd children) in
w, List.tl children
| Wwhen (w', cn, _) ->
let w_x = reconstruct_class_ref env (List.hd children) in
let w', children = reconstruct_extvalue w' (List.tl children) in
{ w with w_desc = Wwhen (w', cn, extract_name w_x) }, children
| Wfield (w', fn) ->
let w', children = reconstruct_extvalue w' children in
{ w with w_desc = Wfield (w', fn); }, children
let consume w (children, result_w_list) =
let w, children = reconstruct_extvalue w children in
children, w :: result_w_list
let (children, w_list) = List.fold_right consume w_list (List.rev children, []) in
and extract_name w = match w.w_desc with
| Wvar x -> x
| _ -> invalid_arg "extract_name: not a var"
and reconstruct_class_ref (tenv, cenv) cr = match cr with
| Cr_input w -> w
| Cr_plain w ->
let er = PatMap.find (Evarpat w) tenv in
mk_extvalue ~ty:er.er_head.e_ty (Wvar (ident_for_class cenv er.er_class))
and reconstruct_clock env ck = match ck_repr ck with
| Con (ck, c, x) -> Con (reconstruct_clock env ck, c, new_ident_for env x)
| _ -> ck
and reconstruct_clock_type env ct = match ct with
| Cprod ct_list -> Cprod (List.map (reconstruct_clock_type env) ct_list)
| Ck ck -> Ck (reconstruct_clock env ck)
and new_ident_for ((tenv : tom_env), (cenv : eq_repr list IntMap.t)) x =
let class_id = (PatMap.find (Evarpat x) tenv).er_class in
ident_for_class cenv class_id
with Not_found -> x (* Not_found implies x is an input *)
and pattern_name_for_id ((tenv, cenv) as env) ty id = pattern_name env ty (ident_for_class cenv id)
and pattern_name env ty name = match ty with
| Tprod ty_list ->
let component_name i ty =
pattern_name env ty (concat_idents (gen_var (symbol_for_int i)) name) in
Etuplepat (mapi component_name ty_list)
| _ -> Evarpat name
(* Compute the next equivalence classes for a minimization environment *)
module EqClasses = Map.Make(
type t = exp * ck * int option list
let unsafe { e_desc = ed; _ } = match ed with
| Eapp (app, _, _) | Eiterator (_, app, _, _, _, _) -> app.a_unsafe
| _ -> false
let compare (e1, ck1, cr_list1) (e2, ck2, cr_list2) =
let cr = ClockCompareModulo.clock_compare ck1 ck2 in
if cr <> 0 then cr
(let cr = CompareModulo.exp_compare e1 e2 in
if cr <> 0 then cr
if unsafe e1 then 1
(if unsafe e2 then -1 else list_compare Pervasives.compare cr_list1 cr_list2))
let compute_new_class (tenv : tom_env) =
let mapping =
let rec add_mapping key eqr mapping =
let id = match key with
| Evarpat id -> id
| _ -> assert false (* TODO *)
Env.add id eqr.er_class mapping in
PatMap.fold add_mapping tenv Env.empty in
(* Do comparisons with respect to tenv! *)
ClockCompareModulo.env := mapping;
let fresh_id, get_id = let id = ref 0 in ((fun () -> incr id; !id), (fun () -> !id)) in
let add_eq_repr _ eqr classes =
let map_class_ref cref = match cref with
| Cr_input _ -> None
| Cr_plain v ->
let er = PatMap.find (Evarpat v) tenv in
Some er.er_class in
let children = List.map map_class_ref eqr.er_children in
let key = (eqr.er_head, eqr.er_clock, children) in
let id = try EqClasses.find key classes with Not_found -> fresh_id () in
eqr.er_class <- id;
EqClasses.add key id classes
let classes = PatMap.fold add_eq_repr tenv EqClasses.empty in
(get_id (), tenv)
let rec separate_classes tenv =
let rec fix (id, tenv) =
let new_id, tenv = compute_new_class tenv in
Format.printf "New tenv %d:\n%a@." id debug_tenv tenv;
if new_id = id then tenv else fix (new_id, tenv)
Format.printf "Initial tenv:\n%a@." debug_tenv tenv;
let id, tenv = compute_new_class tenv in
Format.printf "New tenv %d:\n%a@." id debug_tenv tenv;
fix (id, tenv)
(* Top-level functions: plug everything together to minimize a node *)
let rec fix_local_var_dec ((tenv, cenv) as env) vd (seen, vd_list) =
let class_id = (PatMap.find (Evarpat vd.v_ident) tenv).er_class in
if IntSet.mem class_id seen then (seen, vd_list)
(IntSet.add class_id seen,
{ vd with
v_ident = new_ident_for env vd.v_ident;
v_clock = reconstruct_clock env vd.v_clock; } :: vd_list)
and fix_local_var_decs tenv vd_list =
snd (List.fold_right (fix_local_var_dec tenv) vd_list (IntSet.empty, []))
(* May add new local equations in the case of fusedo outputs *)
let rec fix_output_var_dec ((tenv, cenv) as env) vd (seen, equs, vd_list) =
let class_id = (PatMap.find (Evarpat vd.v_ident) tenv).er_class in
if IntSet.mem class_id seen
let new_id = gen_var "out" in
let new_vd = { vd with v_ident = new_id; } in
let new_eq =
let w = mk_extvalue ~ty:vd.v_type ~clock:vd.v_clock (Wvar (new_ident_for env vd.v_ident)) in
mk_equation (Evarpat new_id) (mk_exp vd.v_clock vd.v_type ~ck:vd.v_clock (Eextvalue w))
(seen, new_eq :: equs, new_vd :: vd_list)
(IntSet.add class_id seen, equs,
{ vd with
v_ident = new_ident_for env vd.v_ident;
v_clock = reconstruct_clock env vd.v_clock; } :: vd_list)
and fix_output_var_decs tenv (equs, vd_list) =
let (_, equs, vd_list) =
List.fold_right (fix_output_var_dec tenv) vd_list (IntSet.empty, equs, []) in
equs, vd_list
let node nd =
Idents.enter_node nd.n_name;
(* Initial environment *)
let tenv =
let is_input id = List.exists (fun vd -> ident_compare vd.v_ident id = 0) nd.n_input in
List.fold_left (add_equation is_input) PatMap.empty nd.n_equs in
(* Compute fix-point of [compute_new_class] *)
let tenv = separate_classes tenv in
(* Regroup equivalence classes *)
let cenv = compute_classes tenv in
(* Reconstruct equation list from grouped equivalence classes *)
let eq_list = reconstruct (tenv, cenv) in
let local = fix_local_var_decs (tenv, cenv) nd.n_local in
let eq_list, output = fix_output_var_decs (tenv, cenv) (eq_list, nd.n_output) in
{ nd with n_equs = eq_list; n_output = output; n_local = local; }
let program_desc pd pd_list = match pd with
| Pnode nd -> Pnode (node nd) :: pd_list
| _ -> pd :: pd_list
let program p = { p with p_desc = List.fold_right program_desc p.p_desc []; }