Gwenal Delaval acad16b98a Graphical simulator hepts
Added graphical simulator hepts

Added option -hepts to the compiler: this option formats the output of the simulation loop
to fit with hepts (currently working only on C target code). Typically, suppresses all
"decoration" output, like input or output names, and prints output on single lines.

Currently not implemented in hepts: array types.

Usage: to simulate the node Modulename.f:

heptc -target c -s f -hepts modulename.ept
gcc modulename_c/*.c -o ./f_sim
hepts -mod Modulename -node f -exec ./f_sim
2011-05-12 10:08:13 +02:00

11 lines
391 B

<global> or <utilities> or <minils> or <heptagon> or <main> or <obc>:include
<**/*.ml>: debug, dtypes
<preproc.ml>: camlp4of, use_camlp4
<**/hept_parser.ml>: use_menhirLib
<**/mls_parser.ml>: use_menhirLib
<**/*.{byte,native}>: use_unix, use_str, link_menhirLib, debug
true: use_menhir
<main/hepts.ml>: use_lablgtk, thread
<main/hepts.{byte,native}>: use_lablgtk, use_lablgtkthread, thread