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(* *)
(* Heptagon *)
(* *)
(* Gwenael Delaval, LIG/INRIA, UJF *)
(* Leonard Gerard, Parkas, ENS *)
(* Adrien Guatto, Parkas, ENS *)
(* Cedric Pasteur, Parkas, ENS *)
(* Marc Pouzet, Parkas, ENS *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2012 ENS, INRIA, UJF *)
(* *)
(* This file is part of the Heptagon compiler. *)
(* *)
(* Heptagon is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it *)
(* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *)
(* (at your option) any later version. *)
(* *)
(* Heptagon is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* GNU General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
(* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *)
(* along with Heptagon. If not, see <> *)
(* *)
(* causality check *)
open Misc
open Idents
open Heptagon
open Linearity
open Causal
let cempty = Cempty
let is_empty c = (c = cempty)
let cand c1 c2 =
match c1, c2 with
| Cempty, _ -> c2 | _, Cempty -> c1
| c1, c2 -> Cand(c1, c2)
let candlist l =
let rec candlist_aux acc l =
match l with
| [] -> acc
| [c] -> cand acc c
| c1 :: l -> candlist_aux (cand c1 acc) l in
match l with
| [] -> Cempty
| c :: l -> candlist_aux c l
let ctuplelist l = match l with
| [c] -> c
| _ -> Ctuple l
let cor c1 c2 =
match c1, c2 with
| Cempty, Cempty -> Cempty
| _ -> Cor(c1, c2)
let rec corlist l =
match l with
| [] -> Cempty
| [c1] -> c1
| c1 :: l -> cor c1 (corlist l)
let cseq c1 c2 =
match c1, c2 with
| Cempty, _ -> c2
| _, Cempty -> c1
| c1, c2 -> Cseq(c1, c2)
let rec cseqlist l =
match l with
| [] -> Cempty
| c1 :: l -> cseq c1 (cseqlist l)
let read x = Cread(x)
let linread x = Clinread(x)
let lastread x = Clastread(x)
let cwrite x = Cwrite(x)
(* cutting dependences with a delay operator *)
let rec pre = function
| Cor(c1, c2) -> Cor(pre c1, pre c2)
| Cand(c1, c2) -> Cand(pre c1, pre c2)
| Ctuple l -> Ctuple ( pre l)
| Cseq(c1, c2) -> Cseq(pre c1, pre c2)
| Cread _ | Clinread _ -> Cempty
| (Cwrite _ | Clastread _ | Cempty) as c -> c
(* projection and restriction *)
let clear env c =
let rec clearec c =
match c with
| Cor(c1, c2) ->
let c1 = clearec c1 in
let c2 = clearec c2 in
cor c1 c2
| Cand(c1, c2) ->
let c1 = clearec c1 in
let c2 = clearec c2 in
cand c1 c2
| Cseq(c1, c2) ->
let c1 = clearec c1 in
let c2 = clearec c2 in
cseq c1 c2
| Ctuple l -> Ctuple ( clearec l)
| Cwrite(id) | Cread(id) | Clinread(id) | Clastread(id) ->
if IdentSet.mem id env then Cempty else c
| Cempty -> c in
clearec c
let build dec =
let add acc { v_ident = n; } = IdentSet.add n acc in
List.fold_left add IdentSet.empty dec
(** Main typing function *)
let rec typing e =
match e.e_desc with
| Econst _ -> cempty
| Evar(x) ->
(match e.e_linearity with
| Lat _ -> linread x
| _ -> read x)
| Elast(x) -> lastread x
| Epre (_, e) -> pre (typing e)
| Efby (e1, e2) ->
let t1 = typing e1 in
let t2 = pre (typing e2) in
candlist [t1; t2]
| Eapp({ a_op = op }, e_list, _) -> apply op e_list
| Estruct(l) ->
let l = (fun (_, e) -> typing e) l in
candlist l
| Eiterator (_, _, _, pe_list, e_list, _) ->
ctuplelist ( typing (pe_list@e_list))
| Ewhen (e, _, x) ->
let t = typing e in
let tc = read x in
cseq tc t
| Emerge (x, c_e_list) ->
let t = read x in
let tl = (fun (_,e) -> typing e) c_e_list in
cseq t (candlist tl)
| Esplit(c, e) ->
let t = typing c in
let te = typing e in
cseq t te
(** Typing an application *)
and apply op e_list =
match op with
| Earrow ->
let e1, e2 = assert_2 e_list in
let t1 = typing e1 in
let t2 = typing e2 in
candlist [t1; t2]
| Efield ->
let e1 = assert_1 e_list in
typing e1
| Eifthenelse ->
let e1, e2, e3 = assert_3 e_list in
let t1 = typing e1 in
let i2 = typing e2 in
let i3 = typing e3 in
ctuplelist [t1; i2; i3]
| ( Efun _| Enode _ | Econcat | Eselect_slice
| Eselect_dyn | Eselect_trunc | Eselect | Earray_fill | Ereinit) ->
ctuplelist ( typing e_list)
| (Earray | Etuple) ->
candlist ( typing e_list)
| Efield_update ->
let e1, e2 = assert_2 e_list in
let t1 = typing e1 in
let t2 = typing e2 in
cseq t2 t1
| Eupdate ->
let e1, e_list = assert_1min e_list in
let t1 = typing e1 in
let t2 = ctuplelist ( typing e_list) in
cseq t2 t1
let rec typing_pat = function
| Evarpat(x) -> cwrite(x)
| Etuplepat(pat_list) ->
candlist ( typing_pat pat_list)
(** Typing equations *)
let rec typing_eqs eq_list = candlist (List.rev_map typing_eq eq_list)
and typing_eq eq =
match eq.eq_desc with
| Eautomaton(handlers) -> typing_automaton handlers
| Eswitch(e, handlers) ->
cseq (typing e) (typing_switch handlers)
| Epresent(handlers, b) ->
typing_present handlers b
| Ereset(b, e) ->
cseq (typing e) (typing_block b)
| Eblock b ->
typing_block b
| Eeq(pat, e) ->
cseq (typing e) (typing_pat pat)
and typing_switch handlers =
let handler { w_block = b } = typing_block b in
candlist ( handler handlers)
and typing_present handlers b =
let handler { p_cond = e; p_block = b } =
cseq (typing e) (typing_block b) in
candlist ((typing_block b) :: ( handler handlers))
and typing_automaton state_handlers =
(* typing the body of the automaton *)
let handler
{ s_state = _; s_block = b; s_until = suntil; s_unless = sunless } =
let escape { e_cond = e } = typing e in
(* typing the body *)
let tb = typing_block b in
let t1 = candlist ( escape suntil) in
let t2 = candlist ( escape sunless) in
cseq t2 (cseq tb t1) in
candlist ( handler state_handlers)
and typing_block { b_local = _dec; b_equs = eq_list; b_loc = _loc } =
(*let teq = typing_eqs eq_list in
Causal.check loc teq;
clear (build dec) teq *)
typing_eqs eq_list
let typing_contract loc contract =
match contract with
| None -> cempty
| Some { c_block = b;
c_assume = e_a;
c_assume_loc = e_a_loc;
c_objectives = objs;
c_enforce_loc = e_g_loc;
} ->
let teq = typing_eqs b.b_equs in
let t_contract =
((typing e_a) ::
(typing e_a_loc) ::
(typing e_g_loc) ::
( (fun o -> typing o.o_exp) objs)
)) in
Causal.check loc t_contract;
let t_contract = clear (build b.b_local) t_contract in
let typing_node { n_contract = contract;
n_block = b; n_loc = loc } =
let _ = typing_contract loc contract in
let teq = typing_block b in
Causal.check loc teq
let program ({ p_desc = pd } as p) =
List.iter (function Pnode n -> typing_node n | _ -> ()) pd;