2011-09-15 16:55:17 +02:00

196 lines
7 KiB

open Types
open Idents
open Signature
open Linearity
open Obc
open Obc_utils
open Obc_mapfold
open Interference_graph
module LinListEnv =
type t = linearity_var
let compare = compare
let rec ivar_of_pat l = match l.pat_desc with
| Lvar x -> Ivar x
| Lfield(l, f) -> Ifield (ivar_of_pat l, f)
| _ -> assert false
let rec ivar_of_ext_value w = match w.w_desc with
| Wvar x -> Ivar x
| Wfield(w, f) -> Ifield (ivar_of_ext_value w, f)
| _ -> assert false
let rec repr_from_ivar env iv =
match iv with
| Ivar x ->
let lhs = Env.find x env in lhs.pat_desc
Not_found -> Lvar x)
| Ifield(iv, f) ->
let ty = Tid (Modules.find_field f) in
let lhs = mk_pattern ty (repr_from_ivar env iv) in
Lfield(lhs, f)
let rec choose_record_field env l = match l with
| [iv] -> repr_from_ivar env iv
| (Ivar _)::l -> choose_record_field env l
| (Ifield(iv,f))::_ -> repr_from_ivar env (Ifield(iv,f))
| [] -> assert false
(** Chooses from a list of vars (with the same color in the interference graph)
the one that will be used to store every other. It can be either an input,
an output or any var if there is no input or output in the list. *)
let choose_representative m inputs outputs mems ty vars =
let filter_ivs vars l = List.filter (fun iv -> List.mem iv l) vars in
let inputs = filter_ivs vars inputs in
let outputs = filter_ivs vars outputs in
let mems = filter_ivs vars mems in
let desc = match inputs, outputs, mems with
| [], [], [] -> choose_record_field m vars
| [], [], (Ivar m)::_ -> Lmem m
| [Ivar vin], [], [] -> Lvar vin
| [], [Ivar vout], [] -> Lvar vout
| [Ivar vin], [Ivar _], [] -> Lvar vin
| _, _, _ ->
Interference.print_debug0 "@.Something is wrong with the coloring : ";
Interference.print_debug1 "%s@." (String.concat " " (List.map ivar_to_string vars));
Interference.print_debug0 "\tInputs : ";
Interference.print_debug1 "%s@." (String.concat " " (List.map ivar_to_string inputs));
Interference.print_debug0 "\tOutputs : ";
Interference.print_debug1 "%s@." (String.concat " " (List.map ivar_to_string outputs));
Interference.print_debug0 "\tMem : ";
Interference.print_debug1 "%s@." (String.concat " " (List.map ivar_to_string mems));
assert false (*something went wrong in the coloring*)
mk_pattern ty desc
let memalloc_subst_map inputs outputs mems subst_lists =
let add_to_map (env, mutables) (ty, l) =
let repr = choose_representative env inputs outputs mems ty l in
let add repr env iv = match iv with
| Ivar x -> Env.add x repr env
| _ -> env
let env = List.fold_left (add repr) env l in
let mutables =
if (List.length l > 1) || (List.mem (Ivar (var_name repr)) mems) then
IdentSet.add (var_name repr) mutables
env, mutables
List.fold_left add_to_map (Env.empty, IdentSet.empty) subst_lists
let rec lhs funs (env, mut, j) l = match l.pat_desc with
| Lmem _ -> l, (env, mut, j)
| Larray _ | Lfield _ -> Obc_mapfold.lhs funs (env, mut, j) l
| Lvar _ ->
(* replace with representative *)
let iv = ivar_of_pat l in
let lhs_desc = repr_from_ivar env iv in
(* if a field is returned, recursively transform it to get a correct result *)
let lhs_desc =
match lhs_desc with
| Lfield _ ->
let newl = mk_pattern l.pat_ty lhs_desc in
let newl, _ = lhs funs (env, mut, j) newl in
| _ -> lhs_desc
{ l with pat_desc = lhs_desc }, (env, mut, j)
let extvalue funs (env, mut, j) w = match w.w_desc with
| Wmem _ | Wconst _ -> w, (env, mut, j)
| Warray _ | Wfield _ -> Obc_mapfold.extvalue funs (env, mut, j) w
| Wvar x ->
(* replace with representative *)
let lhs, _ = lhs funs (env, mut, j) (mk_pattern Types.invalid_type (Lvar x)) in
let neww = ext_value_of_pattern lhs in
{ w with w_desc = neww.w_desc }, (env, mut, j)
let act funs (env,mut,j) a = match a with
| Acall(pat, o, Mstep, e_list) ->
let desc = Obc_utils.find_obj (obj_ref_name o) j in
let e_list = List.map (fun e -> fst (Obc_mapfold.exp_it funs (env,mut,j) e)) e_list in
let fix_pat p a l = if Linearity.is_linear a.a_linearity then l else p::l in
let pat = List.fold_right2 fix_pat pat desc.node_outputs [] in
let pat = List.map (fun l -> fst (Obc_mapfold.lhs_it funs (env,mut,j) l)) pat in
Acall(pat, o, Mstep, e_list), (env,mut,j)
| _ -> raise Errors.Fallback
let var_decs _ (env, mutables,j) vds =
let var_dec vd acc =
if (var_name (Env.find vd.v_ident env)) <> vd.v_ident then
(* remove unnecessary outputs *)
else (
let vd =
if IdentSet.mem vd.v_ident mutables then (
{ vd with v_mutable = true }
) else
| Not_found -> vd::acc
List.fold_right var_dec vds [], (env, mutables,j)
let add_other_vars md cd =
let add_one (env, ty_env) vd =
let should_add_var =
is_linear vd.v_linearity &&
(not !Compiler_options.do_mem_alloc
|| not (Interference.World.is_optimized_ty vd.v_type))
if should_add_var then
let r = location_name vd.v_linearity in
let env = LinListEnv.add_element r (Ivar vd.v_ident) env in
let ty_env = LocationEnv.add r vd.v_type ty_env in
env, ty_env
env, ty_env
let envs = List.fold_left add_one (LinListEnv.empty, LocationEnv.empty) md.m_inputs in
let envs = List.fold_left add_one envs md.m_outputs in
let envs = List.fold_left add_one envs md.m_body.b_locals in
let env, ty_env = List.fold_left add_one envs cd.cd_mems in
LinListEnv.fold (fun r x acc -> (LocationEnv.find r ty_env, x)::acc) env []
let class_def funs acc cd =
(* find the substitution and apply it to the body of the class *)
let ivars_of_vds vds = List.map (fun vd -> Ivar vd.v_ident) vds in
let md = find_step_method cd in
let inputs = ivars_of_vds md.m_inputs in
let outputs = ivars_of_vds md.m_outputs in
let mems = ivars_of_vds cd.cd_mems in
(*add linear variables not taken into account by memory allocation*)
let mem_alloc =
if !Compiler_options.do_linear_typing then
add_other_vars md cd
let mem_alloc = mem_alloc @ cd.cd_mem_alloc in
let env, mutables = memalloc_subst_map inputs outputs mems mem_alloc in
let cd, _ = Obc_mapfold.class_def funs (env, mutables, cd.cd_objs) cd in
(* remove unnecessary outputs*)
let m_outputs = List.filter (fun vd -> is_not_linear vd.v_linearity) md.m_outputs in
let md = find_step_method cd in
let md = { md with m_outputs = m_outputs } in
let cd = replace_step_method md cd in
cd, acc
let program p =
let funs = { Obc_mapfold.defaults with class_def = class_def; var_decs = var_decs;
act = act; lhs = lhs; extvalue = extvalue } in
let p, _ = Obc_mapfold.program_it funs (Env.empty, IdentSet.empty, []) p in