Cédric Pasteur df12e081ae Refactored Misc
Created two new files: 
 - utilities/global/compiler_options.ml: contains
 the options that can be set using the cli
 - utilities/global/errors.ml: contains global
 errors definition

Misc now only contains helper functions that have 
nothing to do with the ast or the compiler.
2010-09-15 09:38:52 +02:00

84 lines
2.9 KiB

(* *)
(* Heptagon *)
(* *)
(* Author : Marc Pouzet *)
(* Organization : Demons, LRI, University of Paris-Sud, Orsay *)
(* *)
open Compiler_utils
open Compiler_options
open Obc
open Minils
open Misc
(** Definition of a target. A target starts either from
dataflow code (ie Minils) or sequential code (ie Obc),
with or without static parameters*)
type target =
| Obc of (Obc.program -> unit)
| Obc_no_params of (Obc.program -> unit)
| Minils of (Minils.program -> unit)
| Minils_no_params of (Minils.program -> unit)
(** Writes a .epo file for program [p]. *)
let write_object_file p =
let filename = (filename_of_name p.Minils.p_modname)^".epo" in
let epoc = open_out_bin filename in
output_value epoc p;
close_out epoc;
comment "Generating of object file"
(** Writes a .epo file for program [p]. *)
let write_obc_file p =
let obc_name = (filename_of_name p.Obc.p_modname)^".obc" in
let obc = open_out obc_name in
Obc_printer.print obc p;
close_out obc;
comment "Generation of Obc code"
let targets = [ "c", Obc_no_params Cmain.program;
"obc", Obc write_obc_file;
"obc_np", Obc_no_params write_obc_file;
"epo", Minils write_object_file ]
let generate_target p s =
let print_unfolded p_list =
comment "Unfolding";
if !Compiler_options.verbose then
List.iter (Mls_printer.print stderr) p_list in
let target =
(try List.assoc s targets
with Not_found -> language_error s; raise Errors.Error) in
match target with
| Minils convert_fun ->
convert_fun p
| Obc convert_fun ->
let o = Mls2obc.program p in
convert_fun o
| Minils_no_params convert_fun ->
let p_list = Callgraph.program p in
List.iter convert_fun p_list
| Obc_no_params convert_fun ->
let p_list = Callgraph.program p in
let o_list = List.map Mls2obc.program p_list in
print_unfolded p_list;
comment "Translation to Obc";
if !verbose then
List.iter (Obc_printer.print stdout) o_list;
List.iter convert_fun o_list
let program p =
(* Translation into dataflow and sequential languages *)
let targets =
if !create_object_file then
match !target_languages with
| [] -> ["obc"]; (* by default, generate obc file *)
| l -> l
List.iter (generate_target p) targets