
91 lines
2.4 KiB

(* *)
(* Lucid Synchrone V4 *)
(* Copyright (C) 2008 Marc Pouzet *)
(* Organization : LRI, University of Paris-Sud, Orsay *)
(* *)
(** Useful stuff for printing *)
open Format
let rec print_list print lp sep rp ff = function
| [] -> ()
| x::l ->
fprintf ff "%s%a" lp print x;
List.iter (fprintf ff "%s@,%a" sep print) l;
fprintf ff "%s" rp
let rec print_list_r print lp sep rp ff = function
| [] -> ()
| x :: l ->
fprintf ff "%s%a" lp print x;
List.iter (fprintf ff "%s@ %a" sep print) l;
fprintf ff "%s" rp
let rec print_list_l print lp sep rp ff = function
| [] -> ()
| x :: l ->
fprintf ff "%s%a" lp print x;
List.iter (fprintf ff "@ %s%a" sep print) l;
fprintf ff "%s" rp
let print_couple print1 print2 lp sep rp ff (c1, c2) =
fprintf ff "%s%a%s@,%a%s" lp print1 c1 sep print2 c2 rp
let print_opt print ff = function
| None -> ()
| Some(s) -> print ff s
let print_opt2 print sep ff = function
| None -> ()
| Some(s) -> fprintf ff "%s%a" sep print s
let print_record print_field ff record =
fprintf ff "@[<hv2>%a@]" (print_list_r print_field "{ "";"" }") record
let print_type_params ff pl =
print_list_r (fun ff s -> fprintf ff "'%s" s) "("","") " ff pl
(* Map and Set redefinition to allow pretty printing
module type P = sig
type t
val fprint : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
module type ELT = sig
type t
val compare : t -> t -> int
val fprint : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
module SetMake (Elt : ELT) = struct
module M = Set.Make(Elt)
include M
let fprint ff es =
Format.fprintf ff "@[<hov>{@ ";
iter (fun e -> Format.fprintf ff "%a@ " Elt.fprint e) es;
Format.fprintf ff "}@]";
module MapMake (Key : ELT) (Elt : P) = struct
module M = Map.Make(Key)
include M
let fprint prp eem =
Format.fprintf prp "[@[<hv 2>";
iter (fun k m ->
Format.fprintf prp "@ | %a -> %a" Key.fprint k Elt.fprint m) eem;
Format.fprintf prp "@]@ ]";