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374 lines
13 KiB

(* *)
(* Heptagon *)
(* *)
(* Gwenael Delaval, LIG/INRIA, UJF *)
(* Leonard Gerard, Parkas, ENS *)
(* Adrien Guatto, Parkas, ENS *)
(* Cedric Pasteur, Parkas, ENS *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2012 ENS, INRIA, UJF *)
(* *)
(* This file is part of the Heptagon compiler. *)
(* *)
(* Heptagon is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it *)
(* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *)
(* (at your option) any later version. *)
(* *)
(* Heptagon is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* GNU General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
(* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *)
(* along with Heptagon. If not, see <> *)
(* *)
(* The Heptagon printer *)
open Location
open Misc
open Names
open Idents
open Modules
open Static
open Format
open Global_printer
open Pp_tools
open Types
open Linearity
open Signature
open Heptagon
let iterator_to_string i =
match i with
| Imap -> "map"
| Imapi -> "mapi"
| Ifold -> "fold"
| Ifoldi -> "foldi"
| Imapfold -> "mapfold"
let print_iterator ff it =
fprintf ff "%s" (iterator_to_string it)
let print_init ff = function
| Lno_init -> ()
| Linit_var r -> fprintf ff "init<<%s>> " r
| _ -> ()
let rec print_pat_init ff (pat, inits) = match pat, inits with
| Evarpat n, i -> fprintf ff "%a%a" print_init i print_ident n
| Etuplepat pl, Linit_tuple il ->
fprintf ff "@[<2>(%a)@]" (print_list_r print_pat_init """,""") (List.combine pl il)
| Etuplepat pl, Lno_init ->
let l = (fun p -> p, Lno_init) pl in
fprintf ff "@[<2>(%a)@]" (print_list_r print_pat_init """,""") l
| _, _ -> assert false
let rec print_vd ff { v_ident = n; v_type = ty; v_linearity = lin; v_last = last } =
fprintf ff "%a%a : %a%a%a"
print_last last print_ident n
print_type ty print_linearity lin print_last_value last
and print_last ff = function
| Last _ -> fprintf ff "last "
| _ -> ()
and print_last_value ff = function
| Last (Some v) -> fprintf ff " = %a" print_static_exp v
| _ -> ()
let print_local_vars s ff l = match l with
| [] -> ()
| l ->
fprintf ff "@[<4>%a@]%s@\n" (print_list_r print_vd "var "";"";") l s
let print_const_dec ff c =
if !Compiler_options.full_type_info then
fprintf ff "const %a : %a = %a@."
print_qualname c.c_name print_type c.c_type print_static_exp c.c_value
fprintf ff "const %a = %a@."
print_qualname c.c_name print_static_exp c.c_value
let print_ct_annot ff = function
| None -> ()
| Some ct -> fprintf ff " :: %a" print_ct ct
let rec print_params ff l =
fprintf ff "@[<2>%a@]" (print_list_r print_static_exp "<<"","">>") l
and print_node_params ff l =
fprintf ff "@[<2>%a@]" (print_list_r print_param "<<"","">>") l
and print_exp_tuple ff l =
fprintf ff "@[<2>(%a)@]" (print_list_r print_exp """,""") l
and print_vd_tuple ff l =
match l with
| [] -> fprintf ff "()"
| _ ->
fprintf ff "@[<2>%a@]" (print_list_r print_vd "("";"")") l
and print_index ff idx =
fprintf ff "@[<2>%a@]" (print_list print_static_exp "[""][""]") idx
and print_dyn_index ff idx =
fprintf ff "@[<2>%a@]" (print_list print_exp "[""][""]") idx
and print_trunc_index ff idx =
fprintf ff "@[<2>%a@]" (print_list print_exp "[>""<][>""<]") idx
and print_exps ff e_list =
print_list_r print_exp "(" "," ")" ff e_list
and print_stateful ff s =
if !Compiler_options.stateful_info && s then fprintf ff "$"
and print_exp ff e =
if !Compiler_options.full_type_info then
fprintf ff "(%a : %a%a%a)"
print_exp_desc e.e_desc print_type e.e_ty
print_linearity e.e_linearity print_ct_annot e.e_ct_annot
else fprintf ff "%a%a" print_exp_desc e.e_desc print_ct_annot e.e_ct_annot
and print_exp_desc ff = function
| Evar x -> print_ident ff x
| Elast x -> fprintf ff "last %a" print_ident x
| Econst c -> print_static_exp ff c
| Epre(None, e) -> fprintf ff "pre %a" print_exp e
| Epre(Some c, e) ->
fprintf ff "@[<2>%a fby@ %a@]" print_static_exp c print_exp e
| Efby(e1, e2) ->
fprintf ff "@[<2>%a fby@ %a@]" print_exp e1 print_exp e2
| Eapp(app, args, reset) ->
fprintf ff "@[<2>%a@,%a@]"
print_app (app, args) print_every reset
| Estruct(f_e_list) ->
print_record (print_couple print_qualname print_exp """ = """) ff f_e_list
| Eiterator (it, { a_op = (Efun f | Enode f); a_params =f_params },
params, pargs, args, reset) ->
(match f_params with
| [] ->
fprintf ff "@[<2>%s%a %a@,<%a>%a@]%a"
(iterator_to_string it)
(print_list_r print_static_exp "<<"","">>") params
print_qualname f
print_exp_tuple pargs
print_exp_tuple args
print_every reset
| _ ->
fprintf ff "@[<2>%s%a (%a%a)@,<%a>%a@]%a"
(iterator_to_string it)
(print_list_r print_static_exp "<<"","">>") params
print_qualname f print_params f_params
print_exp_tuple pargs
print_exp_tuple args
print_every reset)
| Eiterator _ -> assert false
| Ewhen (e, c, x) ->
fprintf ff "@[<2>(%a@ when %a(%a))@]"
print_exp e print_qualname c print_ident x
| Emerge (x, tag_e_list) ->
fprintf ff "@[<2>merge %a@ %a@]"
print_ident x print_tag_e_list tag_e_list
| Esplit (x, e1) ->
fprintf ff "@[<2>split %a@ %a@]"
print_exp x print_exp e1
and print_handler ff c =
fprintf ff "@[<2>%a@]" (print_couple print_qualname print_exp "("" -> "")") c
and print_tag_e_list ff tag_e_list =
fprintf ff "@[%a@]" (print_list print_handler """""") tag_e_list
and print_every ff reset =
print_opt (fun ff id -> fprintf ff " every %a" print_exp id) ff reset
and print_app ff (app, args) =
match app.a_op with
| Etuple -> print_exp_tuple ff args
(* we need a special case for '*' and '*.' as printing (_*_) is incorrect *)
| Efun { name = n } when (n = "*" or n = "*.") ->
let a1, a2 = assert_2 args in
fprintf ff "@[%a@, %s@, %a@]" print_exp a1 n print_exp a2
| Efun f ->
fprintf ff "@[%a@,%a@,%a@]"
print_qualname f print_params app.a_params print_exp_tuple args
| Enode f ->
print_stateful ff true;
fprintf ff "@[%a@,%a@,%a@]"
print_qualname f print_params app.a_params print_exp_tuple args
| Eifthenelse ->
let e1, e2, e3 = assert_3 args in
fprintf ff "@[<hv>if %a@ then %a@ else %a@]"
print_exp e1 print_exp e2 print_exp e3
| Efield ->
let r = assert_1 args in
let f = assert_1 app.a_params in
fprintf ff "%a.%a" print_exp r print_static_exp f
| Efield_update ->
let r,e = assert_2 args in
let f = assert_1 app.a_params in
fprintf ff "@[<2>{%a with .%a =@ %a}@]"
print_exp r print_static_exp f print_exp e
| Earray -> fprintf ff "@[<2>%a@]" (print_list_r print_exp "["",""]") args
| Earray_fill ->
let e = assert_1 args in
fprintf ff "%a@[<2>%a@]" print_exp e (print_list print_static_exp "^""^""") app.a_params
| Eselect ->
let e = assert_1 args in
fprintf ff "%a%a" print_exp e print_index app.a_params
| Eselect_slice ->
let e = assert_1 args in
let idx1, idx2 = assert_2 app.a_params in
fprintf ff "%a[%a..%a]"
print_exp e print_static_exp idx1 print_static_exp idx2
| Eselect_dyn ->
let r, d, e = assert_2min args in
fprintf ff "%a.%a default %a"
print_exp r print_dyn_index e print_exp d
| Eselect_trunc ->
let e, idx_list = assert_1min args in
fprintf ff "%a%a" print_exp e print_trunc_index idx_list
| Eupdate ->
let e1, e2, idx = assert_2min args in
fprintf ff "@[<2>[%a with %a =@ %a]@]"
print_exp e1 print_dyn_index idx print_exp e2
| Econcat ->
let e1, e2 = assert_2 args in
fprintf ff "@[<2>%a@ @@ %a@]" print_exp e1 print_exp e2
| Earrow ->
let e1, e2 = assert_2 args in
fprintf ff "@[<2>%a ->@ %a@]" print_exp e1 print_exp e2
| Ereinit ->
fprintf ff "@[split@,%a@]" print_exp_tuple args
let rec print_eq ff eq =
print_stateful ff eq.eq_stateful;
match eq.eq_desc with
| Eeq(p, e) ->
fprintf ff "@[<2>%a =@ %a@]" print_pat_init (p, eq.eq_inits) print_exp e
| Eautomaton(state_handler_list) ->
fprintf ff "@[<v>@[<hv 2>automaton @ %a@]@,end@]"
print_state_handler_list state_handler_list
| Eswitch(e, switch_handler_list) ->
fprintf ff "@[<v>@[<hv 2>switch (%a) @ %a@]@,end@]"
print_exp e
print_switch_handler_list switch_handler_list
| Epresent(present_handler_list, b) ->
fprintf ff "@[<v>@[<hv 2>present @ %a%a@]@,end@]"
print_present_handler_list present_handler_list
print_default b
| Ereset(b, e) ->
fprintf ff "@[<v>@[<hv 2>reset @ %a@]@,every %a@]"
(print_sblock " in ") b print_exp e
| Eblock b ->
fprintf ff "@[<v>do@[<v>@ @[%a@]@]@ done@]" (print_sblock " in ") b
and print_state_handler_list ff tag_act_list =
(fun ff sh ->
fprintf ff "@[<v 2>state %a@ %a%a%a@]"
print_name sh.s_state
(print_block " do ") sh.s_block
(print_escape_list "until") sh.s_until
(print_escape_list "unless") sh.s_unless)
"" "" "" ff tag_act_list
and print_escape_list unless ff esc_list = match esc_list with
| [] -> ()
| _ ->
fprintf ff "@,%s %a" unless
(fun ff esc ->
let cont = if esc.e_reset then "then" else "continue" in
fprintf ff "@,| %a %s %a"
print_exp esc.e_cond cont print_name esc.e_next_state)
"" "" "") esc_list
and print_switch_handler_list ff tag_act_list =
(fun ff sh ->
fprintf ff "@[<v 2>| %a @ %a@]"
print_qualname sh.w_name
(print_block " do ") sh.w_block)
"" "" "" ff tag_act_list
and print_present_handler_list ff present_act_list =
(fun ff ph ->
fprintf ff "@[<v 2>| %a @ %a@]"
print_exp ph.p_cond
(print_block " do ") ph.p_block)
"" "" "" ff present_act_list
and print_default ff b =
match b.b_equs with
| [] -> ()
| _ -> fprintf ff "@[<v 2>default@,%a@]" (print_block " do ") b
and print_eq_list ff = function
| [] -> ()
| l -> print_list_r print_eq """;""" ff l
and print_block sep ff { b_local = v_list; b_equs = eqs; b_stateful = s } =
fprintf ff "%a@[<v>%a%a@]" print_stateful s (print_local_vars sep) v_list print_eq_list eqs
and print_sblock sep ff { b_local = v_list; b_equs = eqs } =
match v_list with
| [] ->
fprintf ff "@[<v>%a@]" print_eq_list eqs
| _ ->
fprintf ff "@[<v>%a@,%a@]" (print_local_vars sep) v_list print_eq_list eqs
let rec print_type_def ff { t_name = name; t_desc = tdesc } =
let print_type_desc ff = function
| Type_abs -> ()
| Type_alias ty -> fprintf ff " =@ %a" print_type ty
| Type_enum tag_name_list ->
fprintf ff " =@ %a" (print_list print_qualname """|""") tag_name_list
| Type_struct f_ty_list ->
fprintf ff " =@ %a" (print_record print_field) f_ty_list in
fprintf ff "@[<2>type %a%a@]@." print_qualname name print_type_desc tdesc
let print_contract ff { c_block = b;
c_assume = e_a; c_enforce = e_g;
c_controllables = c} =
fprintf ff "@[<v2>contract@\n%a@ assume %a@ enforce %a@ with (%a)@\n@]"
(print_block " do ") b
print_exp e_a
print_exp e_g
print_vd_tuple c
let print_node ff
{ n_name = n; n_input = ni;
n_block = nb; n_output = no; n_contract = contract;
n_params = params } =
fprintf ff "@[node %a%a%a@ returns %a@]@\n%a%a@[<v2>let@ %a@]@\ntel@]@\n@."
print_qualname n
print_node_params params
print_vd_tuple ni
print_vd_tuple no
(print_opt print_contract) contract
(print_local_vars "") nb.b_local
print_eq_list nb.b_equs
let print_pdesc ff pd = match pd with
| Pnode n -> print_node ff n
| Pconst c -> print_const_dec ff c
| Ptype t -> print_type_def ff t
let print_open_module ff name = fprintf ff "open %s@." (modul_to_string name)
let print oc { p_opened = po; p_desc = pd; } =
let ff = Format.formatter_of_out_channel oc in
fprintf ff "@[<v>";
List.iter (print_open_module ff) po;
List.iter (print_pdesc ff) pd;
fprintf ff "@]";
fprintf ff "@?"