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(* *)
(* Heptagon *)
(* *)
(* Gwenael Delaval, LIG/INRIA, UJF *)
(* Leonard Gerard, Parkas, ENS *)
(* Adrien Guatto, Parkas, ENS *)
(* Cedric Pasteur, Parkas, ENS *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2012 ENS, INRIA, UJF *)
(* *)
(* This file is part of the Heptagon compiler. *)
(* *)
(* Heptagon is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it *)
(* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *)
(* (at your option) any later version. *)
(* *)
(* Heptagon is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* GNU General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
(* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *)
(* along with Heptagon. If not, see <> *)
(* *)
(* causality check of scheduling constraints *)
open Misc
open Names
open Idents
open Heptagon
open Location
open Sgraph
open Format
open Pp_tools
(* x = x + 1 is rejected because read(x) < write(x) is not causal *)
(* build a dependency graph an checks for cycles *)
(* for the moment, the # constructor is distributed which leads to a *)
(* sub-optimal algorithm. *)
(* constraints [c] are normalised into [a1 # ... # an] st: *)
(* a ::= write(x) | read(x) | last(x) | a < a | a || a *)
(* c ::= a # ... # a *)
(* a constraint [a] is causal if its dependence graph is acyclic *)
(* scheduling constraints *)
type sc =
| Cor of sc * sc
| Cand of sc * sc
| Cseq of sc * sc
| Ctuple of sc list
| Cwrite of ident
| Cread of ident
| Clinread of ident
| Clastread of ident
| Cempty
(* normalized constraints *)
type ac =
| Awrite of ident
| Aread of ident
| Alinread of ident
| Alastread of ident
| Aseq of ac * ac
| Aand of ac * ac
| Atuple of ac list
and nc =
| Aor of nc * nc
| Aac of ac
| Aempty
let output_ac ff ac =
let rec print priority ff ac = match ac with
| Aseq(ac1, ac2) -> (* priority 1 *)
(if priority = 1 then fprintf ff "%a@ < %a"
else if priority > 1
then fprintf ff "@[<v 1>(%a@ < %a)@]"
else fprintf ff "@[%a@ < %a@]")
(print 1) ac1 (print 1) ac2
| Aand(ac1, ac2) -> (* priority 0 *)
(if priority = 0 then fprintf ff "%a@ || %a"
else if priority > 0
then fprintf ff "@[<v 1>(%a@ || %a)@]"
else fprintf ff "@[%a@ || %a@]")
(print 0) ac1 (print 0) ac2
| Atuple(acs) ->
fprintf ff "@[%a@]" (print_list_r (print 1) "(" "," ")") acs
| Awrite(m) -> fprintf ff "%s" (name m)
| Aread(m) -> fprintf ff "^%s" (name m)
| Alinread(m) -> fprintf ff "*%s" (name m)
| Alastread(m) -> fprintf ff "last %s" (name m)
fprintf ff "@[<v 1>%a@]@?" (print 0) ac
type error = Ecausality_cycle of ac
exception Error of error
let error kind = raise (Error(kind))
let message loc kind =
begin match kind with
| Ecausality_cycle(ac) ->
"%aCausality error: the following constraint is not causal.@\n%a@."
print_location loc
output_ac ac
raise Errors.Error
let cor nc1 nc2 =
match nc1, nc2 with
| Aempty, Aempty -> Aempty
| _ -> Aor(nc1, nc2)
let rec cseq nc1 nc2 =
match nc1, nc2 with
| Aempty, _ -> nc2
| _, Aempty -> nc1
| Aor(nc1, nc11), nc2 -> Aor(cseq nc1 nc2, cseq nc11 nc2)
| nc1, Aor(nc2, nc22) -> Aor(cseq nc1 nc2, cseq nc1 nc22)
| Aac(ac1), Aac(ac2) -> Aac(Aseq(ac1, ac2))
let rec cand nc1 nc2 =
match nc1, nc2 with
| Aempty, _ -> nc2 | _, Aempty -> nc1
| Aor(nc1, nc11), nc2 -> Aor(cand nc1 nc2, cand nc11 nc2)
| nc1, Aor(nc2, nc22) -> Aor(cand nc1 nc2, cand nc1 nc22)
| Aac(ac1), Aac(ac2) -> Aac(Aand(ac1, ac2))
let mk_tuple l = match l with
| [] -> Aempty
| [ac] -> Aac ac
| _ -> Aac (Atuple l)
let rec ctuple l =
let rec norm_tuple l before newl = match l with
| [] -> cseq before (mk_tuple newl)
| Aempty::l -> norm_tuple l before newl
| (Aac ((Awrite _ | Aread _ | Alinread _ | Alastread _) as ac))::l ->
norm_tuple l before (ac::newl)
| ((Aac _) as ac)::l ->
norm_tuple l (cand before ac) newl
| (Aor _)::l -> assert false
norm_tuple l Aempty []
and norm = function
| Cor(c1, c2) -> cor (norm c1) (norm c2)
| Cand(c1, c2) -> cand (norm c1) (norm c2)
| Cseq(c1, c2) -> cseq (norm c1) (norm c2)
| Ctuple l -> ctuple ( norm l)
| Cwrite(n) -> Aac(Awrite(n))
| Cread(n) -> Aac(Aread(n))
| Clinread(n) -> Aac(Alinread(n))
| Clastread(n) -> Aac(Alastread(n))
| _ -> Aempty
exception Self_dependency
(* building a dependence graph from a scheduling constraint *)
let build ac =
(* associate a graph node for each name declaration *)
let nametograph n g n_to_graph = Env.add n g n_to_graph in
let rec associate_node g (n_to_graph, lin_map) = function
| Awrite(n) ->
nametograph n g n_to_graph, lin_map
| Alinread(n) ->
n_to_graph, nametograph n g lin_map
| Atuple l ->
List.fold_left (associate_node g) (n_to_graph, lin_map) l
| _ ->
n_to_graph, lin_map
(* first build the association [n -> node] *)
(* for every defined variable *)
let rec initialize ac n_to_graph lin_map =
match ac with
| Aand(ac1, ac2) ->
let n_to_graph, lin_map = initialize ac1 n_to_graph lin_map in
initialize ac2 n_to_graph lin_map
| Aseq(ac1, ac2) ->
let n_to_graph, lin_map = initialize ac1 n_to_graph lin_map in
initialize ac2 n_to_graph lin_map
| _ ->
let g = make ac in
associate_node g (n_to_graph, lin_map) ac
let make_graph ac n_to_graph lin_map =
let attach node n =
let g = Env.find n n_to_graph in
if g.g_tag = node.g_tag then
raise Self_dependency
add_depends node g
| Not_found -> () in
let attach_lin node n =
let g = Env.find n lin_map in
if g.g_tag = node.g_tag then
raise Self_dependency
add_depends g node
| Not_found -> () in
let rec add_dependence g = function
| Aread(n) -> attach g n; attach_lin g n
| Alinread(n) -> attach g n
| _ -> ()
let rec node_for_ac ac =
let rec node_for_tuple = function
| [] -> raise Not_found
| v::l ->
node_for_ac v
Not_found -> node_for_tuple l
match ac with
| Awrite n -> Env.find n n_to_graph
| Alinread n -> Env.find n lin_map
| Atuple l ->
node_for_tuple l
with Not_found -> make ac)
| _ -> raise Not_found
let rec make_graph ac =
match ac with
| Aand(ac1, ac2) ->
let top1, bot1 = make_graph ac1 in
let top2, bot2 = make_graph ac2 in
top1 @ top2, bot1 @ bot2
| Aseq(ac1, ac2) ->
let top1, bot1 = make_graph ac1 in
let top2, bot2 = make_graph ac2 in
(* add extra dependences *)
(fun top -> List.iter (fun bot -> add_depends top bot) bot1)
top1 @ top2, bot1 @ bot2
| Awrite(n) -> let g = Env.find n n_to_graph in [g], [g]
| Aread(n) ->let g = make ac in attach g n; attach_lin g n; [g], [g]
| Alinread(n) -> let g = Env.find n lin_map in attach g n; [g], [g]
| Atuple(l) ->
let g = node_for_ac ac in
List.iter (add_dependence g) l; [g], [g]
| _ -> [], []
let top_list, bot_list = make_graph ac in
graph top_list bot_list in
let n_to_graph, lin_map = initialize ac Env.empty Env.empty in
let g = make_graph ac n_to_graph lin_map in
(* the main entry. *)
let check loc c =
let check_ac ac =
(let { g_bot = g_list } = build ac in
match cycle g_list with
| None -> ()
| Some _ -> error (Ecausality_cycle ac))
| Self_dependency -> error (Ecausality_cycle ac)
let rec check = function
| Aempty -> ()
| Aac(ac) -> check_ac ac
| Aor(nc1, nc2) -> check nc1; check nc2 in
let nc = norm c in
check nc
| Error(kind) -> message loc kind