2016-01-18 14:31:04 +01:00

247 lines
8.5 KiB

(* *)
(* Heptagon *)
(* *)
(* Gwenael Delaval, LIG/INRIA, UJF *)
(* Leonard Gerard, Parkas, ENS *)
(* Adrien Guatto, Parkas, ENS *)
(* Cedric Pasteur, Parkas, ENS *)
(* Marc Pouzet, Parkas, ENS *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2012 ENS, INRIA, UJF *)
(* *)
(* This file is part of the Heptagon compiler. *)
(* *)
(* Heptagon is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it *)
(* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
(* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *)
(* (at your option) any later version. *)
(* *)
(* Heptagon is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* GNU General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
(* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *)
(* along with Heptagon. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> *)
(* *)
open Obc
open Format
open Pp_tools
open Names
open Global_printer
let print_vd ff vd =
fprintf ff "@[<v>";
if vd.v_mutable then
fprintf ff "mutable ";
print_ident ff vd.v_ident;
fprintf ff ": ";
print_type ff vd.v_type;
fprintf ff "@]"
let print_obj ff o =
fprintf ff "@[<v>"; print_ident ff o.o_ident;
fprintf ff " : "; print_qualname ff o.o_class;
fprintf ff "@[<2>%a@]" (print_list_r print_static_exp "<<"","">>") o.o_params;
(match o.o_size with
| Some se -> fprintf ff "%a" (print_list_r print_static_exp "[" "][" "]") se
| None -> ());
fprintf ff "@]"
let rec print_lhs ff e =
match e.pat_desc with
| Lvar x -> print_ident ff x
| Lmem x -> fprintf ff "mem("; print_ident ff x; fprintf ff ")"
| Lfield (l, f) -> print_lhs ff l; fprintf ff ".%s" (shortname f)
| Larray(x, idx) ->
print_lhs ff x;
fprintf ff "[";
print_exp ff idx;
fprintf ff "]"
and print_ext_value ff w = match w.w_desc with
| Wvar x -> print_ident ff x
| Wconst c -> print_static_exp ff c
| Wmem x -> fprintf ff "mem("; print_ident ff x; fprintf ff ")"
| Wfield (l, f) -> print_ext_value ff l; fprintf ff ".%s" (shortname f)
| Warray(x, idx) ->
print_ext_value ff x;
fprintf ff "[";
print_exp ff idx;
fprintf ff "]"
and print_exps ff e_list = print_list_r print_exp "" "," "" ff e_list
and print_exp ff e =
match e.e_desc with
| Eextvalue lhs -> print_ext_value ff lhs
| Eop(op, e_list) -> print_op ff op e_list
| Estruct(_,f_e_list) ->
fprintf ff "@[<v 1>";
(fun ff (field, e) -> print_qualname ff field;fprintf ff " = ";
print_exp ff e)
"{" ";" "}" ff f_e_list;
fprintf ff "@]"
| Earray e_list ->
fprintf ff "@[";
print_list_r print_exp "[" ";" "]" ff e_list;
fprintf ff "@]"
and print_op ff op e_list = match e_list with
| [l; r] ->
fprintf ff "(@[%a@ %a %a@])" print_qualname op print_exp l print_exp r
| _ ->
print_qualname ff op;
print_list_l print_exp "(" "," ")" ff e_list
let print_asgn ff pref x e =
fprintf ff "@[%s" pref; print_lhs ff x; fprintf ff " = ";
fprintf ff "@["; print_exp ff e; fprintf ff "@]";
fprintf ff "@]"
let print_obj_call ff = function
| Oobj o -> print_ident ff o
| Oarray (o, i) ->
fprintf ff "%a%a"
print_ident o
(print_list_r print_lhs "[" "][" "]") i
let print_method_name ff = function
| Mstep -> fprintf ff "step"
| Mreset -> fprintf ff "reset"
let rec print_act ff a =
let print_lhs_tuple ff var_list = match var_list with
| [] -> ()
| _ -> fprintf ff "@[(%a)@] =@ " (print_list print_lhs "" "," "") var_list in
match a with
| Aassgn (x, e) -> print_asgn ff "" x e
| Acase(e, tag_act_list) ->
fprintf ff "@[<v>@[<v 2>switch (";
print_exp ff e; fprintf ff ") {@ ";
print_tag_act_list ff tag_act_list;
fprintf ff "@]@,}@]"
| Afor(x, i1, i2, act_list) ->
fprintf ff "@[<v>@[<v 2>for %a = %a to %a {@ %a @]@,}@]"
print_vd x
print_exp i1
print_exp i2
print_block act_list
| Aop (op, es) ->
print_op ff op es
| Acall (var_list, o, meth, es) ->
fprintf ff "@[<2>%a%a.%a(%a)@]"
print_lhs_tuple var_list
print_obj_call o
print_method_name meth
print_exps es
| Ablock b ->
fprintf ff "do@\n %a@\ndone" print_block b
and print_var_dec_list ff var_dec_list = match var_dec_list with
| [] -> ()
| _ ->
fprintf ff "@[<hov 4>%a@]@ "
(print_list_r print_vd "var " ";" ";") var_dec_list
and print_block ff b =
fprintf ff "@[<v>%a%a@]"
print_var_dec_list b.b_locals
(print_list_r print_act "" ";" "") b.b_body
and print_tag_act_list ff tag_act_list =
(fun ff (tag, a) ->
fprintf ff "@[<v 2>case %a:@ %a@]"
print_qualname tag
print_block a)
"" "" "" ff tag_act_list
let print_method_name ff = function
| Mreset -> fprintf ff "reset"
| Mstep -> fprintf ff "step"
let print_arg_list ff var_list =
fprintf ff "(@[%a@])" (print_list_r print_vd "" "," "") var_list
let print_method ff md =
fprintf ff "@[<v 2>@[%a%a@ returns %a {@]@ %a@]@\n}"
print_method_name md.m_name
print_arg_list md.m_inputs
print_arg_list md.m_outputs
print_block md.m_body
let print_class_def ff
{ cd_name = id;
cd_mems = mem;
cd_objs = objs;
cd_params = params;
cd_methods = m_list;
} =
fprintf ff "@[<v 2>machine "; print_qualname ff id;
if params <> [] then
fprintf ff "@[<hov 2>";
print_list_r print_param "<<" "," ">>" ff params;
fprintf ff "@]";
fprintf ff " =@,";
if mem <> [] then begin
fprintf ff "@[<hov 4>var ";
print_list_r print_vd "" ";" "" ff mem;
fprintf ff ";@]@,"
if objs <> [] then begin
fprintf ff "@[<hov 4>obj ";
print_list print_obj "" ";" "" ff objs;
fprintf ff ";@]@,"
if mem <> [] || objs <> [] then fprintf ff "@,";
print_list_r print_method "" "\n" "" ff m_list;
fprintf ff "@]"
let print_type_def ff { t_name = name; t_desc = tdesc } =
match tdesc with
| Type_abs -> fprintf ff "@[type %a@\n@]" print_qualname name
| Type_alias ty ->
fprintf ff "@[type %a@ = %a@\n@]" print_qualname name print_type ty
| Type_enum(tag_name_list) ->
fprintf ff "@[type %a = " print_qualname name;
print_list_r print_qualname "" "|" "" ff tag_name_list;
fprintf ff "@\n@]"
| Type_struct(f_ty_list) ->
fprintf ff "@[type %a = " print_qualname name;
fprintf ff "@[<v 1>";
(fun ff { Signature.f_name = field; Signature.f_type = ty } ->
print_qualname ff field;
fprintf ff ": ";
print_type ff ty) "{" ";" "}" ff f_ty_list;
fprintf ff "@]@.@]"
let print_open_module ff name =
fprintf ff "open %s@." (modul_to_string name)
let print_const_dec ff c =
fprintf ff "const %a = %a@." print_qualname c.c_name
print_static_exp c.c_value
let print_prog_desc ff pd = match pd with
| Pclass cd -> print_class_def ff cd; fprintf ff "@\n@\n"
| Pconst cd -> print_const_dec ff cd
| Ptype td -> print_type_def ff td
let print_prog ff { p_opened = modules; p_desc = descs } =
List.iter (print_open_module ff) modules;
List.iter (print_prog_desc ff) descs
let print oc p =
let ff = formatter_of_out_channel oc in
fprintf ff "@[-- Code generated by the MiniLucid Compiler@.";
fprintf ff "@[<v>"; print_prog ff p; fprintf ff "@]@]@."