Adrien Guatto 4794045208 Reworked Obc AST: from right patterns to extvalues.
I introduced a notion of extended values in Obc expressions,
replacing the Epattern constructor. Patterns may now only
occur at their rightful place, on the left of an assignment.

This change allows to index global constant arrays.
2011-05-30 16:25:00 +02:00

831 lines
30 KiB

(* *)
(* Heptagon *)
(* *)
(* Author : Marc Pouzet *)
(* Organization : Demons, LRI, University of Paris-Sud, Orsay *)
(* *)
open Format
open List
open Misc
open Names
open Idents
open Obc
open Obc_utils
open Types
open Modules
open Signature
open C
open Location
open Format
module Error =
type error =
| Evar of string
| Enode of string
| Eno_unnamed_output
| Ederef_not_pointer
| Estatic_exp_compute_failed
| Eunknown_method of string
let message loc kind = (match kind with
| Evar name ->
eprintf "%aCode generation : The variable name '%s' is unbound.@."
print_location loc name
| Enode name ->
eprintf "%aCode generation : The node name '%s' is unbound.@."
print_location loc name
| Eno_unnamed_output ->
eprintf "%aCode generation : Unnamed outputs are not supported.@."
print_location loc
| Ederef_not_pointer ->
eprintf "%aCode generation : Trying to deference a non pointer type.@."
print_location loc
| Estatic_exp_compute_failed ->
eprintf "%aCode generation : Computation of the value of the static \
expression failed.@."
print_location loc
| Eunknown_method s ->
eprintf "%aCode generation : Methods other than step and \
reset are not supported (found '%s').@."
print_location loc
raise Errors.Error
let rec struct_name ty =
match ty with
| Cty_id n -> n
| _ -> assert false
let int_of_static_exp se =
Static.int_of_static_exp QualEnv.empty se
let output_names_list sig_info =
let remove_option ad = match ad.a_name with
| Some n -> n
| None -> Error.message no_location Error.Eno_unnamed_output
List.map remove_option sig_info.node_outputs
let is_stateful n =
let sig_info = find_value n in
Not_found -> Error.message no_location (Error.Enode (fullname n))
(** {2 Translation from Obc to C using our AST.} *)
(** [fold_stm_list] is an utility function that transforms a list of statements
into one statements using Cseq constructors. *)
(** [ctype_of_type mods oty] translates the Obc type [oty] to a C
type. We assume that identified types have already been defined
before use. [mods] is an accumulator for modules to be opened for
each function (i.e., not opened by an "open" declaration).
We have to make a difference between function args and local vars
because of arrays (when used as args, we use a pointer).
let rec ctype_of_otype oty =
match oty with
| Types.Tid id when id = Initial.pint -> Cty_int
| Types.Tid id when id = Initial.pfloat -> Cty_float
| Types.Tid id when id = Initial.pbool -> Cty_int
| Tid id -> Cty_id id
| Tarray(ty, n) -> Cty_arr(int_of_static_exp n, ctype_of_otype ty)
| Tprod _ -> assert false
| Tinvalid -> assert false
let cvarlist_of_ovarlist vl =
let cvar_of_ovar vd =
let ty = ctype_of_otype vd.v_type in
name vd.v_ident, ty
List.map cvar_of_ovar vl
let copname = function
| "=" -> "==" | "<>" -> "!=" | "&" -> "&&" | "or" -> "||" | "+" -> "+"
| "-" -> "-" | "*" -> "*" | "/" -> "/" | "*." -> "*" | "/." -> "/"
| "+." -> "+" | "-." -> "-" | "<" -> "<" | ">" -> ">" | "<=" -> "<="
| ">=" -> ">="
| "~-" -> "-" | "not" -> "!" | "%" -> "%"
| op -> op
(** Translates an Obc var_dec to a tuple (name, cty). *)
let cvar_of_vd vd =
name vd.v_ident, ctype_of_otype vd.v_type
(** If idx_list = [e1;..;ep], returns the lhs e[e1]...[ep] *)
let rec csubscript_of_e_list e idx_list =
match idx_list with
| [] -> e
| idx::idx_list ->
Carray (csubscript_of_e_list e idx_list, idx)
(** If idx_list = [i1;..;ip], returns the lhs e[i1]...[ip] *)
let csubscript_of_idx_list e idx_list =
csubscript_of_e_list e (List.map (fun i -> Cconst (Ccint i)) idx_list)
(** Generate the expression to copy [src] into [dest], where bounds
represents the bounds of these two arrays. *)
let rec copy_array src dest bounds =
match bounds with
| [] -> [Caffect (dest, src)]
| n::bounds ->
let x = gen_symbol () in
[Cfor(x, Cconst (Ccint 0), n,
copy_array (Carray (src, Cvar x))
(CLarray (dest, Cvar x)) bounds)]
(** @return the unaliased version of a type. *)
let rec unalias_ctype cty = match cty with
| Cty_id ty_name ->
(try match find_type ty_name with
| Talias ty -> unalias_ctype (ctype_of_otype ty)
| _ -> Cty_id ty_name
with Not_found -> Cty_id ty_name)
| Cty_arr (n, cty) -> Cty_arr (n, unalias_ctype cty)
| Cty_ptr cty -> Cty_ptr (unalias_ctype cty)
| cty -> cty
(** Returns the type associated with the name [n]
in the environnement [var_env] (which is an association list
mapping strings to cty). *)
and assoc_type n var_env =
try unalias_ctype (List.assoc n var_env)
with Not_found -> Error.message no_location (Error.Evar n)
(** Returns the type associated with the lhs [lhs]
in the environnement [var_env] (which is an association list
mapping strings to cty).*)
let rec assoc_type_lhs lhs var_env = match lhs with
| CLvar x -> unalias_ctype (assoc_type x var_env)
| CLarray (lhs, _) ->
let ty = assoc_type_lhs lhs var_env in
array_base_ctype ty [1]
| CLderef lhs ->
(match assoc_type_lhs lhs var_env with
| Cty_ptr ty -> ty
| _ -> Error.message no_location Error.Ederef_not_pointer)
| CLfield(CLderef (CLvar "self"), { name = x }) -> assoc_type x var_env
| CLfield(CLderef (CLvar "out"), { name = x }) -> assoc_type x var_env
| CLfield(x, f) ->
let ty = assoc_type_lhs x var_env in
let n = struct_name ty in
let fields = find_struct n in
ctype_of_otype (field_assoc f fields)
(** Creates the statement a = [e_1, e_2, ..], which gives a list
a[i] = e_i.*)
let rec create_affect_lit dest l ty =
let rec _create_affect_lit dest i = function
| [] -> []
| v::l ->
let stm = create_affect_stm (CLarray (dest, Cconst (Ccint i))) v ty in
stm@(_create_affect_lit dest (i+1) l)
_create_affect_lit dest 0 l
(** Creates the expression dest <- src (copying arrays if necessary). *)
and create_affect_stm dest src ty =
match ty with
| Cty_arr (n, bty) ->
(match src with
| Carraylit l -> create_affect_lit dest l bty
| src ->
let x = gen_symbol () in
Cconst (Ccint 0), Cconst (Ccint n),
(CLarray (dest, Cvar x))
(Carray (src, Cvar x)) bty)]
| Cty_id ln ->
(match src with
| Cstructlit (_, ce_list) ->
let create_affect { f_name = f_name;
Signature.f_type = f_type; } e stm_list =
let cty = ctype_of_otype f_type in
create_affect_stm (CLfield (dest, f_name)) e cty @ stm_list in
List.fold_right2 create_affect (find_struct ln) ce_list []
| _ -> [Caffect (dest, src)])
| _ -> [Caffect (dest, src)]
(** Returns the expression to use e as an argument of
a function expecting a pointer as argument. *)
let address_of e = match e with
| Carray _ -> e
| Cderef e -> e
| _ -> Caddrof e
let rec cexpr_of_static_exp se =
match se.se_desc with
| Sint i -> Cconst (Ccint i)
| Sfloat f -> Cconst (Ccfloat f)
| Sbool b -> Cconst (Ctag (if b then "true" else "false"))
| Sstring s -> Cconst (Cstrlit s)
| Sfield _ -> assert false
| Sconstructor c -> Cconst (Ctag (cname_of_qn c))
| Sarray sl -> Carraylit (List.map cexpr_of_static_exp sl)
| Srecord fl ->
let ty_name =
match Modules.unalias_type se.se_ty with
| Types.Tid n -> cname_of_qn n
| _ -> assert false
Cstructlit (ty_name,
List.map (fun (_, se) -> cexpr_of_static_exp se) fl)
| Sarray_power(c,n_list) ->
(List.fold_left (fun cc n -> Carraylit (repeat_list cc (int_of_static_exp n)))
(cexpr_of_static_exp c) n_list)
| Svar ln ->
let cd = find_const ln in
cexpr_of_static_exp (Static.simplify QualEnv.empty cd.c_value)
with Not_found -> assert false)
| Sop _ ->
let se' = Static.simplify QualEnv.empty se in
if se = se' then
Error.message se.se_loc Error.Estatic_exp_compute_failed
cexpr_of_static_exp se'
| Stuple _ -> assert false (** TODO *)
(** [cexpr_of_exp exp] translates the Obj action [exp] to a C expression. *)
let rec cexpr_of_exp out_env var_env exp =
match exp.e_desc with
| Eextvalue w -> cexpr_of_ext_value out_env var_env w
(** Operators *)
| Eop(op, exps) -> cop_of_op out_env var_env op exps
(** Structure literals. *)
| Estruct (tyn, fl) ->
let cexps = List.map (fun (_,e) -> cexpr_of_exp out_env var_env e) fl in
let ctyn = cname_of_qn tyn in
Cstructlit (ctyn, cexps)
| Earray e_list ->
Carraylit (cexprs_of_exps out_env var_env e_list)
and cexprs_of_exps out_env var_env exps =
List.map (cexpr_of_exp out_env var_env) exps
and cop_of_op_aux op_name cexps = match op_name with
| { qual = Pervasives; name = op } ->
begin match op,cexps with
| "~-", [e] -> Cuop ("-", e)
| "not", [e] -> Cuop ("!", e)
| (
"=" | "<>"
| "&" | "or"
| "+" | "-" | "*" | "/"
| "*." | "/." | "+." | "-." | "%"
| "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">="), [el;er] ->
Cbop (copname op, el, er)
| _ -> Cfun_call(op, cexps)
| { name = op; _ } -> Cfun_call(op,cexps)
and cop_of_op out_env var_env op_name exps =
let cexps = cexprs_of_exps out_env var_env exps in
cop_of_op_aux op_name cexps
and clhs_of_pattern out_env var_env l = match l.pat_desc with
(** Each Obc variable corresponds to a real local C variable. *)
| Lvar v ->
let n = name v in
let n_lhs =
if IdentSet.mem v out_env
then CLfield (CLderef (CLvar "out"), local_qn n)
else CLvar n
if List.mem_assoc n var_env then
let ty = assoc_type n var_env in
(match ty with
| Cty_ptr _ -> CLderef n_lhs
| _ -> n_lhs
(** Dereference our [self] struct holding the node's memory. *)
| Lmem v -> CLfield (CLderef (CLvar "self"), local_qn (name v))
(** Field access. /!\ Indexed Obj expression should be a valid lhs! *)
| Lfield (l, fn) -> CLfield(clhs_of_pattern out_env var_env l, fn)
| Larray (l, idx) ->
CLarray(clhs_of_pattern out_env var_env l,
cexpr_of_exp out_env var_env idx)
and clhs_list_of_pattern_list out_env var_env lhss =
List.map (clhs_of_pattern out_env var_env) lhss
and cexpr_of_pattern out_env var_env l = match l.pat_desc with
(** Each Obc variable corresponds to a real local C variable. *)
| Lvar v ->
let n = name v in
let n_lhs =
if IdentSet.mem v out_env
then Cfield (Cderef (Cvar "out"), local_qn n)
else Cvar n
if List.mem_assoc n var_env then
let ty = assoc_type n var_env in
(match ty with
| Cty_ptr _ -> Cderef n_lhs
| _ -> n_lhs
(** Dereference our [self] struct holding the node's memory. *)
| Lmem v -> Cfield (Cderef (Cvar "self"), local_qn (name v))
(** Field access. /!\ Indexed Obj expression should be a valid lhs! *)
| Lfield (l, fn) -> Cfield(cexpr_of_pattern out_env var_env l, fn)
| Larray (l, idx) ->
Carray(cexpr_of_pattern out_env var_env l,
cexpr_of_exp out_env var_env idx)
and cexpr_of_ext_value out_env var_env w = match w.w_desc with
| Wconst c -> cexpr_of_static_exp c
(** Each Obc variable corresponds to a plain local C variable. *)
| Wvar v ->
let n = name v in
let n_lhs =
if IdentSet.mem v out_env
then Cfield (Cderef (Cvar "out"), local_qn n)
else Cvar n
if List.mem_assoc n var_env then
let ty = assoc_type n var_env in
(match ty with
| Cty_ptr _ -> Cderef n_lhs
| _ -> n_lhs)
(** Dereference our [self] struct holding the node's memory. *)
| Wmem v -> Cfield (Cderef (Cvar "self"), local_qn (name v))
(** Field access. /!\ Indexed Obj expression should be a valid lhs! *)
| Wfield (l, fn) -> Cfield(cexpr_of_ext_value out_env var_env l, fn)
| Warray (l, idx) ->
Carray(cexpr_of_ext_value out_env var_env l,
cexpr_of_exp out_env var_env idx)
let rec assoc_obj instance obj_env =
match obj_env with
| [] -> raise Not_found
| od :: t ->
if od.o_ident = instance
then od
else assoc_obj instance t
let assoc_cn instance obj_env =
(assoc_obj (obj_ref_name instance) obj_env).o_class
let is_op = function
| { qual = Pervasives; name = _ } -> true
| _ -> false
let out_var_name_of_objn o =
o ^"_out_st"
(** Creates the list of arguments to call a node. [targeting] is the targeting
of the called node, [mem] represents the node context and [args] the
argument list.*)
let step_fun_call out_env var_env sig_info objn out args =
if sig_info.node_stateful then (
let mem =
(match objn with
| Oobj o -> Cfield (Cderef (Cvar "self"), local_qn (name o))
| Oarray (o, l) ->
let l = cexpr_of_pattern out_env var_env l in
Carray (Cfield (Cderef (Cvar "self"), local_qn (name o)), l)
) in
args@[Caddrof out; Caddrof mem]
) else
args@[Caddrof out]
(** Generate the statement to call [objn].
[outvl] is a list of lhs where to put the results.
[args] is the list of expressions to use as arguments.
[mem] is the lhs where is stored the node's context.*)
let generate_function_call out_env var_env obj_env outvl objn args =
(** Class name for the object to step. *)
let classln = assoc_cn objn obj_env in
let classn = cname_of_qn classln in
let sig_info = find_value classln in
let out = Cvar (out_var_name_of_objn classn) in
let fun_call =
if is_op classln then
cop_of_op_aux classln args
(** The step function takes scalar arguments and its own internal memory
holding structure. *)
let args = step_fun_call out_env var_env sig_info objn out args in
(** Our C expression for the function call. *)
Cfun_call (classn ^ "_step", args)
(** Act according to the length of our list. Step functions with
multiple return values will return a structure, and we care of
assigning each field to the corresponding local variable. *)
match outvl with
| [] -> [Csexpr fun_call]
| [outv] when is_op classln ->
let ty = assoc_type_lhs outv var_env in
create_affect_stm outv fun_call ty
| _ ->
(* Remove options *)
let out_sig = output_names_list sig_info in
let create_affect outv out_name =
let ty = assoc_type_lhs outv var_env in
create_affect_stm outv (Cfield (out, local_qn out_name)) ty
(Csexpr fun_call)::(List.flatten (map2 create_affect outvl out_sig))
(** Create the statement dest = c where c = v^n^m... *)
let rec create_affect_const var_env (dest : clhs) c =
match c.se_desc with
| Svar ln ->
let se = Static.simplify QualEnv.empty (find_const ln).c_value in
create_affect_const var_env dest se
| Sarray_power(c, n_list) ->
let rec make_loop power_list replace = match power_list with
| [] -> dest, replace
| p :: power_list ->
let x = gen_symbol () in
let e, replace =
make_loop power_list
(fun y -> [Cfor(x, Cconst (Ccint 0), cexpr_of_static_exp p, replace y)]) in
let e = (CLarray (e, Cvar x)) in
e, replace
let e, b = make_loop n_list (fun y -> y) in
b (create_affect_const var_env e c)
| Sarray cl ->
let create_affect_idx c (i, affl) =
let dest = CLarray (dest, Cconst (Ccint i)) in
(i - 1, create_affect_const var_env dest c @ affl)
snd (List.fold_right create_affect_idx cl (List.length cl - 1, []))
| Srecord f_se_list ->
let affect_field affl (f, se) =
let dest_f = CLfield (dest, f) in
(create_affect_const var_env dest_f se) @ affl
List.fold_left affect_field [] f_se_list
| _ -> [Caffect (dest, cexpr_of_static_exp c)]
(** [cstm_of_act obj_env mods act] translates the Obj action [act] to a list of
C statements, using the association list [obj_env] to map object names to
class names. *)
let rec cstm_of_act out_env var_env obj_env act =
match act with
(** Cosmetic : cases on boolean values are converted to if statements. *)
| Acase (c, [({name = "true"}, te); ({ name = "false" }, fe)])
| Acase (c, [({name = "false"}, fe); ({ name = "true"}, te)]) ->
let cc = cexpr_of_exp out_env var_env c in
let cte = cstm_of_act_list out_env var_env obj_env te in
let cfe = cstm_of_act_list out_env var_env obj_env fe in
[Cif (cc, cte, cfe)]
| Acase (c, [({name = "true"}, te)]) ->
let cc = cexpr_of_exp out_env var_env c in
let cte = cstm_of_act_list out_env var_env obj_env te in
let cfe = [] in
[Cif (cc, cte, cfe)]
| Acase (c, [({name = "false"}, fe)]) ->
let cc = Cuop ("!", (cexpr_of_exp out_env var_env c)) in
let cte = cstm_of_act_list out_env var_env obj_env fe in
let cfe = [] in
[Cif (cc, cte, cfe)]
(** Translation of case into a C switch statement is simple enough: we
just recursively translate obj expressions and statements to
corresponding C constructs, and cautiously "shortnamize"
constructor names. *)
| Acase (e, cl) ->
(** [ccl_of_obccl] translates an Obc clause to a C clause. *)
let ccl =
(fun (c,act) -> cname_of_qn c,
cstm_of_act_list out_env var_env obj_env act) cl in
[Cswitch (cexpr_of_exp out_env var_env e, ccl)]
| Ablock b ->
cstm_of_act_list out_env var_env obj_env b
(** For composition of statements, just recursively apply our
translation function on sub-statements. *)
| Afor ({ v_ident = x }, i1, i2, act) ->
[Cfor(name x, cexpr_of_exp out_env var_env i1,
cexpr_of_exp out_env var_env i2,
cstm_of_act_list out_env var_env obj_env act)]
(** Translate constant assignment *)
| Aassgn (vn, { e_desc = Eextvalue { w_desc = Wconst c; _}; }) ->
let vn = clhs_of_pattern out_env var_env vn in
create_affect_const var_env vn c
(** Purely syntactic translation from an Obc local variable to a C
local one, with recursive translation of the rhs expression. *)
| Aassgn (vn, e) ->
let vn = clhs_of_pattern out_env var_env vn in
let ty = assoc_type_lhs vn var_env in
let ce = cexpr_of_exp out_env var_env e in
create_affect_stm vn ce ty
(** Our Aop marks an operator invocation that will perform side effects. Just
translate to a simple C statement. *)
| Aop (op_name, args) ->
[Csexpr (cop_of_op out_env var_env op_name args)]
(** Reinitialization of an object variable, extracting the reset
function's name from our environment [obj_env]. *)
| Acall (name_list, o, Mreset, args) ->
assert_empty name_list;
assert_empty args;
let on = obj_ref_name o in
let obj = assoc_obj on obj_env in
let classn = cname_of_qn obj.o_class in
(match obj.o_size with
| None ->
[Csexpr (Cfun_call (classn ^ "_reset",
[Caddrof (Cfield (Cderef (Cvar "self"), local_qn (name on)))]))]
| Some size ->
let x = gen_symbol () in
let field = Cfield (Cderef (Cvar "self"), local_qn (name on)) in
let elt = [Caddrof( Carray(field, Cvar x) )] in
[Cfor(x, Cconst (Ccint 0), cexpr_of_static_exp size,
[Csexpr (Cfun_call (classn ^ "_reset", elt ))] )]
(** Step functions applications can return multiple values, so we use a
local structure to hold the results, before allocating to our
variables. *)
| Acall (outvl, objn, Mstep, el) ->
let args = cexprs_of_exps out_env var_env el in
let outvl = clhs_list_of_pattern_list out_env var_env outvl in
generate_function_call out_env var_env obj_env outvl objn args
and cstm_of_act_list out_env var_env obj_env b =
let l = List.map cvar_of_vd b.b_locals in
let var_env = l @ var_env in
let cstm = List.flatten (List.map (cstm_of_act out_env var_env obj_env) b.b_body) in
match l with
| [] -> cstm
| _ ->
[Csblock { var_decls = l; block_body = cstm }]
(* TODO needed only because of renaming phase *)
let global_name = ref "";;
(** {2 step() and reset() functions generation *)
let qn_append q suffix =
{ qual = q.qual; name = q.name ^ suffix }
(** Builds the argument list of step function*)
let step_fun_args n md =
let args = cvarlist_of_ovarlist md.m_inputs in
let out_arg = [("out", Cty_ptr (Cty_id (qn_append n "_out")))] in
let context_arg =
if is_stateful n then
[("self", Cty_ptr (Cty_id (qn_append n "_mem")))]
args @ out_arg @ context_arg
(** [fun_def_of_step_fun name obj_env mods sf] returns a C function definition
[name ^ "_out"] corresponding to the Obc step function [sf]. The object name
<-> class name mapping [obj_env] is needed to translate internal steps and
reset calls. A step function can have multiple return values, whereas C does
not allow such functions. When it is the case, we declare a structure with a
field by return value. *)
let fun_def_of_step_fun n obj_env mem objs md =
let fun_name = (cname_of_qn n) ^ "_step" in
(** Its arguments, translating Obc types to C types and adding our internal
memory structure. *)
let args = step_fun_args n md in
(** Out vars for function calls *)
let out_vars =
(List.map (fun obj -> out_var_name_of_objn (cname_of_qn obj.o_class),
Cty_id (qn_append obj.o_class "_out"))
(List.filter (fun obj -> not (is_op obj.o_class)) objs)) in
(** The body *)
let mems = List.map cvar_of_vd (mem@md.m_outputs) in
let var_env = args @ mems @ out_vars in
let out_env =
(fun out_env vd -> IdentSet.add vd.v_ident out_env)
let body = cstm_of_act_list out_env var_env obj_env md.m_body in
Cfundef {
f_name = fun_name;
f_retty = Cty_void;
f_args = args;
f_body = {
var_decls = out_vars;
block_body = body
(** [mem_decl_of_class_def cd] returns a declaration for a C structure holding
internal variables and objects of the Obc class definition [cd]. *)
let mem_decl_of_class_def cd =
(** This one just translates the class name to a struct name following the
convention we described above. *)
let struct_field_of_obj_dec l od =
if is_stateful od.o_class then
let ty = Cty_id (qn_append od.o_class "_mem") in
let ty = match od.o_size with
| Some se -> Cty_arr (int_of_static_exp se, ty)
| None -> ty in
(name od.o_ident, ty)::l
if is_stateful cd.cd_name then (
(** Fields corresponding to normal memory variables. *)
let mem_fields = List.map cvar_of_vd cd.cd_mems in
(** Fields corresponding to object variables. *)
let obj_fields = List.fold_left struct_field_of_obj_dec [] cd.cd_objs in
[Cdecl_struct ((cname_of_qn cd.cd_name) ^ "_mem",
mem_fields @ obj_fields)]
) else
let out_decl_of_class_def cd =
(** Fields corresponding to output variables. *)
let step_m = find_step_method cd in
let out_fields = List.map cvar_of_vd step_m.m_outputs in
[Cdecl_struct ((cname_of_qn cd.cd_name) ^ "_out", out_fields)]
(** [reset_fun_def_of_class_def cd] returns the defintion of the C function
tasked to reset the class [cd]. *)
let reset_fun_def_of_class_def cd =
let body =
let var_env = List.map cvar_of_vd cd.cd_mems in
let reset = find_reset_method cd in
cstm_of_act_list IdentSet.empty var_env cd.cd_objs reset.m_body
with Not_found -> [] (* TODO C : nicely deal with stateless objects *)
Cfundef {
f_name = (cname_of_qn cd.cd_name) ^ "_reset";
f_retty = Cty_void;
f_args = [("self", Cty_ptr (Cty_id (qn_append cd.cd_name "_mem")))];
f_body = {
var_decls = [];
block_body = body;
(** [cdecl_and_cfun_of_class_def cd] translates the class definition [cd] to
a C program. *)
let cdefs_and_cdecls_of_class_def cd =
(** We keep the state of our class in a structure, holding both internal
variables and the state of other nodes. For a class named ["cname"], the
structure will be called ["cname_mem"]. *)
let step_m = find_step_method cd in
let memory_struct_decl = mem_decl_of_class_def cd in
let out_struct_decl = out_decl_of_class_def cd in
let step_fun_def = fun_def_of_step_fun cd.cd_name
cd.cd_objs cd.cd_mems cd.cd_objs step_m in
(** C function for resetting our memory structure. *)
let reset_fun_def = reset_fun_def_of_class_def cd in
let res_fun_decl = cdecl_of_cfundef reset_fun_def in
let step_fun_decl = cdecl_of_cfundef step_fun_def in
let (decls, defs) =
if is_stateful cd.cd_name then
([res_fun_decl; step_fun_decl], [reset_fun_def; step_fun_def])
([step_fun_decl], [step_fun_def]) in
memory_struct_decl @ out_struct_decl @ decls,
(** {2 Type translation} *)
let decls_of_type_decl otd =
let name = cname_of_qn otd.t_name in
match otd.t_desc with
| Type_abs -> [] (*assert false*)
| Type_alias ty -> [Cdecl_typedef (ctype_of_otype ty, name)]
| Type_enum nl ->
let name = !global_name ^ "_" ^ name in
[Cdecl_enum (name, List.map cname_of_qn nl);
Cdecl_function (name ^ "_of_string",
Cty_id otd.t_name,
[("s", Cty_ptr Cty_char)]);
Cdecl_function ("string_of_" ^ name,
Cty_ptr Cty_char,
[("x", Cty_id otd.t_name); ("buf", Cty_ptr Cty_char)])]
| Type_struct fl ->
let decls = List.map (fun f -> cname_of_qn f.Signature.f_name,
ctype_of_otype f.Signature.f_type) fl in
[Cdecl_struct (name, decls)];;
(** Translates an Obc type declaration to its C counterpart. *)
let cdefs_and_cdecls_of_type_decl otd =
let name = cname_of_qn otd.t_name in
match otd.t_desc with
| Type_abs -> [], [] (*assert false*)
| Type_alias ty ->
[], [Cdecl_typedef (ctype_of_otype ty, name)]
| Type_enum nl ->
let of_string_fun = Cfundef
{ f_name = name ^ "_of_string";
f_retty = Cty_id otd.t_name;
f_args = [("s", Cty_ptr Cty_char)];
f_body =
{ var_decls = [];
block_body =
let gen_if t =
let t = cname_of_qn t in
let funcall = Cfun_call ("strcmp", [Cvar "s";
Cconst (Cstrlit t)]) in
let cond = Cbop ("==", funcall, Cconst (Ccint 0)) in
Cif (cond, [Creturn (Cconst (Ctag t))], []) in
map gen_if nl; }
and to_string_fun = Cfundef
{ f_name = "string_of_" ^ name;
f_retty = Cty_ptr Cty_char;
f_args = [("x", Cty_id otd.t_name); ("buf", Cty_ptr Cty_char)];
f_body =
{ var_decls = [];
block_body =
let gen_clause t =
let t = cname_of_qn t in
let fun_call =
Cfun_call ("strcpy", [Cvar "buf";
Cconst (Cstrlit t)]) in
(t, [Csexpr fun_call]) in
[Cswitch (Cvar "x", map gen_clause nl);
Creturn (Cvar "buf")]; }
} in
([of_string_fun; to_string_fun],
[Cdecl_enum (name, List.map cname_of_qn nl);
cdecl_of_cfundef of_string_fun;
cdecl_of_cfundef to_string_fun])
| Type_struct fl ->
let decls = List.map (fun f -> cname_of_qn f.Signature.f_name,
ctype_of_otype f.Signature.f_type) fl in
let decl = Cdecl_struct (name, decls) in
([], [decl])
(** [cfile_list_of_oprog oprog] translates the Obc program [oprog] to a list of
C source and header files. *)
let cfile_list_of_oprog_ty_decls name oprog =
let types = Obc_utils.program_types oprog in
let cdefs_and_cdecls = List.map cdefs_and_cdecls_of_type_decl types in
let (cty_defs, cty_decls) = List.split cdefs_and_cdecls in
let filename_types = name ^ "_types" in
let types_h = (filename_types ^ ".h",
Cheader (["stdbool"; "assert"; "pervasives"],
List.concat cty_decls)) in
let types_c = (filename_types ^ ".c", Csource (concat cty_defs)) in
filename_types, [types_h; types_c]
let global_file_header name prog =
let dependencies = ModulSet.elements (Obc_utils.Deps.deps_program prog) in
let dependencies = List.map (fun m -> String.uncapitalize (modul_to_string m)) dependencies in
let classes = program_classes prog in
let (decls, defs) =
List.split (List.map cdefs_and_cdecls_of_class_def classes) in
let decls = List.concat decls
and defs = List.concat defs in
let (ty_fname, ty_files) = cfile_list_of_oprog_ty_decls name prog in
let header =
(name ^ ".h", Cheader (ty_fname :: dependencies, decls))
and source =
(name ^ ".c", Csource defs) in
[header; source] @ ty_files