There is now three options for memory allocation: - -only-linear activates only the linear annotations (with typing and code generation) - -only-memalloc does only memory allocation - -memalloc does both When linear typing is not activated, linearity annotations are ignored (the signature in the .epi does not contain the annotations)
118 lines
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118 lines
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open Format
open Names
open Misc
type linearity_var = name
type init =
| Lno_init
| Linit_var of linearity_var
| Linit_tuple of init list
type linearity =
| Ltop
| Lat of linearity_var
| Lvar of linearity_var (*a linearity var, used in functions sig *)
| Ltuple of linearity list
module LinearitySet = Set.Make(struct
type t = linearity
let compare = compare
module LocationEnv =
type t = linearity_var
let compare = compare
module LocationSet =
type t = linearity_var
let compare = compare
(** Returns a linearity object from a linearity list. *)
let prod = function
| [l] -> l
| l -> Ltuple l
let linearity_list_of_linearity = function
| Ltuple l -> l
| l -> [l]
let flatten_lin_list l =
(fun arg args -> match arg with Ltuple l -> l@args | a -> a::args ) l []
let rec lin_skeleton lin = function
| Types.Tprod l -> Ltuple (List.map (lin_skeleton lin) l)
| _ -> lin
(** Same as Misc.split_last but on a linearity. *)
let split_last_lin = function
| Ltuple l ->
let l, acc = split_last l in
Ltuple l, acc
| l ->
Ltuple [], l
let rec is_not_linear = function
| Ltop -> true
| Ltuple l -> List.for_all is_not_linear l
| _ -> false
let rec is_linear = function
| Lat _ | Lvar _ -> true
| Ltuple l -> List.exists is_linear l
| _ -> false
let location_name = function
| Lat r | Lvar r -> r
| _ -> assert false
exception UnifyFailed
(** Unifies lin with expected_lin and returns the result
of the unification. Applies subtyping and instantiate linearity vars. *)
let rec unify_lin expected_lin lin =
match expected_lin,lin with
| Ltop, Lat _ -> Ltop
| Ltop, Lvar _ -> Ltop
| Lat r1, Lat r2 when r1 = r2 -> Lat r1
| Ltop, Ltop -> Ltop
| Ltuple l1, Ltuple l2 -> Ltuple (List.map2 unify_lin l1 l2)
| Lvar _, Lat r -> Lat r
| Lat r, Lvar _ -> Lat r
| _, _ -> raise UnifyFailed
let check_linearity lin =
if is_linear lin && not !Compiler_options.do_linear_typing then
let rec lin_to_string = function
| Ltop -> "at T"
| Lat r -> "at "^r
| Lvar r -> "at _"^r
| Ltuple l_list -> String.concat ", " (List.map lin_to_string l_list)
let print_linearity ff l =
fprintf ff " %s" (lin_to_string l)
let rec linearity_compare l1 l2 = match l1, l2 with
| Ltop, Ltop -> 0
| Lvar v1, Lvar v2 -> compare v1 v2
| Lat v1, Lat v2 -> compare v1 v2
| Ltuple l1, Ltuple l2 -> list_compare linearity_compare l1 l2
| Ltop, _ -> 1
| Lvar _, Ltop -> -1
| Lvar _, _ -> 1
| Lat _ , (Ltop | Lvar _) -> -1
| Lat _ , _ -> 1
| Ltuple _, _ -> -1